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Assessment Details

Course Code ECE 2223


‫ مهاراتي القراءة والكتابة والتفكير من خالل السرد القصصي‬،‫اللغة العربية‬

Course Teacher Dr. Aysha AlShamsi

Assessment Oral presentation


Assessment Students in pairs (or three students in group) to design a presentation to discuss the
Description importance of language development in L1 as a foundation for learning based on the
cognitive approach to language acquisition and bilingualism. The presentation needs
to outline the language acquisition in a bilingual setting, biliteracy to pave the way
.for the cognitive approach to language learning and acquisition
‫ طالبات بتصميم عرضا تقديميا لمناقشة أهمية تطوير اللغة األولى كأساس للتعلم و‬3 ‫ستقوم كل طالبتين أو‬
‫ سيحدد العرض عملية‬. ‫التطور المعرفي والذهني بناء على النهج المعرفي والذهني إلكتساب اللغة وثنائية اللغة‬
‫إكتساب اللغة في بيئة تدعم ثنائية اللغة والقدرة على القراءة والكتابة وذلك عن طريق المنهج المعرفي‬

Instructions Students will work in pairs or three students ‫ طالبات إعداد عرض‬3 ‫على كل طالبتين أو‬
in a group to: ‫تقديمي ل‬:
1. Introduce the concepts of bilingualism, ‫* تقديم مفاهيم ثنائية اللغة و ثنائية إستخدام‬
biliteracy and cognition among young children ‫القراءة والكتابة والتطور المعرفي والذهني لدى‬
by referring to first and second language ‫األطفال الصغار بالرجوع لنظريات إكتساب‬
‫اللغة األولى والثانية وتوضيح كيفية تأثيرها‬
learning theories and explain their impact on
‫على ثنائية اللغة‬
bilingualism and biliteracy
2. Explain the relationship between language, ‫* شرح العالقة بين اللغة و معرفة مهارات‬
literacy and cognitive development using key ‫القراءة والكتابة و التطور المعرفي مستخدمة‬
‫المفاهيم األساسية مثل ( اللغة و معرفة القراءة‬
concepts (language, literacy, bilingualism,
‫والكتابة ثنائية اللغة و ثنائية إستخدام‬
biliteracy .) ‫المهارات‬
3. Explain the importance of Cummins’ approach
‫* شرح أهمية نظرية كومنز على أداء المعلمين‬
and theory on teachers’ performance in
‫في تطوير وتعزيز معرفة القراءة والكتابة لدى‬
developing and enhancing literacy among ‫األطفال ثنائيي اللغة‬
bilingual children
* ‫ مصادر مرجعية‬3 ‫إستخدام ما ال يقل عن‬
4. Use at least 3 sources reference in APA
format ‫يمكنك استخدام صور وفيديوهات أثناء‬
5. You can support your presentation with ‫العرض‬.
pictures or videos

CLO 1: Outline key cognitive theories of language acquisition and bilingualism

CLO 2: Discuss the importance of oral language development in L1 as a foundation for learning

NAEYC 1b, 1c, 1a, 1d, 2c, 4b, 4C, 5a




Weighting 30%

Duration/Word 15-20 minutes / 15-20 ‫دقيقة‬


Submission WEEK 6 /6 ‫األسبوع‬


Grading Your grade will be determined using the relevant criteria from the attached Analytic
Criteria Rubric.

Late Penalty Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher regarding late
submission, work submitted 1 working day late will be deducted 10%, 2 days late
20%, 3 days late 30% and any work submitted more than 3 days late will get a zero

Academic Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness. You are
Honesty reminded the penalties for cheating or plagiarism include dismissal from the HCT.
(for more information please refer to Academic and Student Regulations , HCT
Academic Honesty Policy , Student Handbook )

‫ مهاراتي القراءة والكتابة والتفكير من خالل‬،‫العربية‬
‫السرد القصصي‬

Instructor Name Dr. Aysha AlShamsi CRN

Task Title CW/ Assessment 1: Oral presentation

Due Date WEEK 6 / 6 ‫األسبوع‬ Date Submitted

Student Name

Student ID

Final Grade
General Comments

Late Penalty:
Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher regarding late submission, work
submitted 1 working day late will be deducted 10%, 2 days late 20%, 3 days late 30% and any work
submitted more than 3 days late will get a zero mark.

Academic Honesty:
Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness. You are reminded
the penalties for cheating or plagiarism include dismissal from the HCT.
(for more information please refer to Academic and Student Regulations , HCT Academic Honesty
Policy , Student Handbook )

Student Declaration:
This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged other sources in
the text and listed those sources at the end of the assignment. I have not previously submitted this
work to the HCT. I understand that I may be orally examined on my submission.


Achievement that does not meet
Significantly Achievement
below course that narrowly
GRADING requirements fails to meet the Achievement that is Achievement that is
CRITERIA Assessme Clearly requirements Achievement that minimally meets the Achievement that satisfactorily
nt has not does not significantly above the outstanding relative to
course requirements meets the course requirements
been meet course requirements the course requirements
submitted the
at all, is require
not- ments
or not

GPA Range 0 – 0.99 1.0 – 1.99 2.0 – 2.99 3.0 – 3.69 3.7 – 4.0
F D D+ C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
0 -29 30 - 59 60 – 63 64 – 66 67 – 69 70 – 73 74 – 76 77 – 79 80 – 83 84 – 86 87 – 89 90 - 100

GPA 0 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0

Displays some
Attention to Does not address knowledge but is Addresses the questions
Attempts to address the questions, but there is Makes a sound attempt at addressing questions. Addresses the purpose of the
Purpose and the question and/or not linked to the clearly, systematically and
digression and some misunderstanding. Some minor digression or misunderstanding questions clearly.
Questions assignment task. questions in the comprehensively.
NAEYC (1b, 1c, No attempt or Represents an Represents a Represents a Represents an Represents a Represents a Represents a Represents a Represents a Represents Represents an
1a, 1d, 2c, 4b, submitted work unsuccessful limited limited unsatisfactory satisfactory satisfactory sound strong strong an outstanding
4C, 5a) represents an attempt that attempt that attempt that attempt that attempt that attempt that attempt that presentation presentation outstandin presentation
TELS-ECE unsuccessful provides a very presents provides provides provides provides some provides addressing all with sufficient g addressing the
(, attempt that general general general general some explanation enough questions details and only presentatio task displays very little understanding with explanation explanation explanation meaningful for the explanation with sufficient minor n systematically
knowledge of the no relevant with no with little with insufficient explanations questions; and evidence details and inaccuracies or addressing and
requirements. evidence and evidence and evidence and evidence and with some there are for the only minor omissions the task comprehensivel

v. 2015-02-16 4
Addresses the numerous frequent clear noticeable relevant insignificant questions; digressions systematica y with no
purpose and digressions and/ or digressions digressions digressions evidence digressions there are and/or lly and inaccuracies
questions inaccuracies and/or and/or and/or despite and/or insignificant inaccuracies. comprehen
related to the inaccuracies inaccuracies inaccuracies of some misunderstan digressions sively with
presentation of most of the for many of more than half digressions dings of two and/or almost no
assignment/ questions the questions. of the and/or questions inaccuracies inaccuracie
task questions. misundersta for one s.
nding for question
20% three
Fails to explain or Explains or Explains or describes ideas or concepts with Explains or describes ideas or concepts Explains or describes idea or Explains or describes ideas
Explanation describe ideas or describes ideas partially relevant evidence or justification. relevantly. concepts clearly with a good or concepts relevantly,
and concepts. or concepts but level of detail. systematically, and
Description with irrelevant comprehensively.
evidence or
Explains justification.
presented No attempt or Provides irrelevant Provides Provides Provides to a Provides Provides Provides Provides a Provides clearly Provides Provides clear,
ideas/concepts submitted work explanation of the somewhat partially degree somewhat relevant relevant and good level of a good level of appropriate appropriate
relevantly without providing main concepts of unclear relevant relevant relevant explanation of appropriate detail detail and and insightful
explanation of the literacy, language, explanation of explanation of explanation of explanation the main explanation of explanation of explanation of insightful explanation of
NAEYC (1b, 1c, main concepts of and cognitive the main the main the main of the main concepts of the main the main the main explanation the main
1a, 1d, 2c, 4b, literacy, language, development in concepts of concepts of concepts of concepts of literacy, concepts of concepts of concepts of of the main concepts of
4C, 5a) and cognitive young children. literacy, literacy, literacy, literacy, language, and literacy, literacy, literacy, concepts of literacy,
TELS-ECE development in Provides clear language, and language, and language, and language, cognitive language, and language, and language, and literacy, language, and
(, young children. relationship cognitive cognitive cognitive and development cognitive cognitive cognitive language, cognitive Provides clear between language, development development development cognitive in young development development development in and development
relationship literacy and in young in young in young development children. in young in young young children. cognitive in young
Explains the between language, cognitive children. children. children. in young Provides clear children. children. Provides clear developmen children.
main concepts literacy and development with a Provides clear Provides clear Provides clear children. relationship Provides clear Provides clear relationship t in young Provides clear
of literacy, cognitive focus on relationship relationship relationship Provides between relationship relationship between children. relationship
language, and development with a bilingualism and between between between clear language, between between language, Provides between
cognitive focus on language, language, language, relationship literacy and language, language, literacy and clear language,
biliteracy, explains
development in bilingualism and literacy and literacy and literacy and between cognitive literacy and literacy and cognitive relationship literacy and
the relevant
young children, cognitive cognitive cognitive language, development cognitive cognitive development between cognitive
biliteracy, explains theories. Theories
explains the development development development literacy and with a focus development development with a focus on language, development
the relevant and details are
relationship with a focus with a focus with a focus cognitive on with a focus with a focus bilingualism literacy and with a focus
theories. No irrelevant or not
between on on on development bilingualism on on cognitive on
theories and details provided. and biliteracy,
language, bilingualism bilingualism bilingualism with a focus bilingualism bilingualism developmen bilingualism
are provided. and biliteracy, explains the
literacy and on t with a
and biliteracy, and biliteracy, and biliteracy, explains the and biliteracy, and biliteracy, relevant and biliteracy,
cognitive bilingualism focus on
explains the explains the explains the relevant explains the explains the theories. explains the
development and bilingualism
relevant relevant relevant theories. relevant relevant relevant
with a focus on and
theories. theories. theories. biliteracy, theories. theories. theories.
explains the biliteracy,
and biliteracy,

v. 2015-02-16 5
explains the relevant explains the
relevant theories. relevant
theories. theories.

Displays Demonstrates factual/conceptual Demonstrates the depth of
Depth of significant gaps in understanding and appropriate subject knowledge clearly.
subject knowledge terminology with minor omissions. Demonstrates the depth of
knowledge Fails to include Attempts to show some understanding of
and/or subject knowledge clearly,
any relevant knowledge with limited relevant terminology,
misunderstandin systematically, and
Displays knowledge. theory or subject knowledge
g of facts, comprehensively
knowledge of
terminology and
heory including theory.
range, depth
and accuracy No attempt or Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrat Demonstrates
of subject. submitted work some significant insufficient basic basic s adequate adequate a solid detailed detailed and in- es detailed detailed, and
shows almost no gaps in knowledge understanding understanding understanding understandi understanding understanding knowledge of depth and in- in-depth
NAEYC (X,Y,Z) knowledge of the related to the of concepts of of concepts of of concepts of ng of of concepts of of concepts of concepts of knowledge of depth knowledge of
TELS-ECE concepts of concepts of literacy, literacy, literacy, concepts of literacy, literacy, literacy, concepts of knowledge the concepts
(X,Y,Z) literacy, language literacy, language language and language and language and literacy, language and language and language and literacy, of concepts of literacy,
and cognitive and cognitive cognitive cognitive cognitive language cognitive cognitive cognitive language and of literacy, language and
development and development and development development development and development development development cognitive language cognitive
the relevant their relationships and their and their and their cognitive and their and their and their development and development
theories and no in cognitive relationships relationships relationships in developmen relationships relationships relationships and their cognitive and their
relevant to the
evidence of stating development and in cognitive in cognitive cognitive t and their in cognitive in cognitive in cognitive relationships in developmen relationships in
main concepts
the relationship the relevant development development development relationships development development development cognitive t and their cognitive
of literacy,
between language, theories and no and provides and shows but provides in cognitive supported by supported by and provides development relationship development
language, and
literacy, and evidence of stating little and/or no some relevant developmen enough some details relevant and provides s in in a clear,
cognitive the relationship evidence to misconception evidence to t supported relevant and provides evidence of relevant cognitive systematic &
development in
development in a between language, state the and provides state the with minor evidence to enough stating the evidence of developmen comprehensive
young children.
bilingual and a literacy, and relationship no/little relationship inaccuracies state the relevant relationship stating the t in a clear, way and
Provides clear
biliteracy context. cognitive between relevant between and provides relationship evidence to between relationship systematic provides an
knowledge that
development in a language, evidence to language, sufficient between state the language, between way and array of
bilingual and a literacy, and state the literacy, and relevant language, relationship literacy, and language, provides relevant
biliteracy context. cognitive relationship cognitive evidence to literacy, and between cognitive literacy, and relevant evidence of
development between development state the cognitive language, development cognitive evidence of stating the
in a bilingual language, in a bilingual relationship development literacy, and in a bilingual development in stating the relationship
literacy and
and a literacy, and and a biliteracy between in a bilingual cognitive and a a bilingual and relationship between
biliteracy cognitive context. language, and a development biliteracy a biliteracy between language,
context. development literacy, and biliteracy in a bilingual context. context. language, literacy, and
with a focus on
in a bilingual cognitive context. and a literacy, and cognitive
and a developmen biliteracy cognitive development
and biliteracy, biliteracy t in a context. developmen in a bilingual
explains the

v. 2015-02-16 6
relevant context. bilingual and t in a and a biliteracy
theories. a biliteracy bilingual context.
20% context. and a
Fails to Demonstrates a Demonstrates a minimal use of in-text Demonstrates satisfactory use of
Referencing acknowledge very limited use referencing with errors in the reference list. referencing both in text and reference list Demonstrates accurate use
& Citation Demonstrates error-free use
sources of of referencing following the guidelines. of referencing both in text
of referencing throughout.
information in that fails to and reference list.
text and/or follow the
Adheres to APA
reference list. guidelines
guidelines for
No attempt or Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
referencing and
submitted work very limited use of a minimal use a limited use inadequate satisfactory satisfactory adequate and most accurate accurate use almost error- error-free use
that provides no referencing that of in-text of in-text use of in-text use of use of consistent use of of referencing free use of of referencing
evidence of follows the APA referencing referencing referencing referencing referencing use of referencing both in-text referencing throughout
acknowledging guidelines with frequent with frequent with some both in-text both in-text referencing both in-text and reference throughout the text with
sources of errors in the errors in the errors in the and reference and reference both in-text and reference list with only the text with total
information in text reference list reference list reference list list following list following and reference list with only a minimal total adherence to
and/or reference APA APA list following few minimal inaccuracies in adherence to APA guidelines
10% list guidelines guidelines APA inaccuracies in following APA APA guidelines
despite some despite some guidelines following APA guidelines
persisting minimal with only a inaccuracies
inaccuracies inaccuracies few minimal
Presentation is Minimally meets visual aspects of the task, Presentation clearly has a
Presentation Fails to present disorganized, but some omissions and/or inaccuracies are strong visual effect covering Presentation is accurate,
Tool work according lacks appropriate evident. Presentation of work is generally the task instructions to a attractive, and creates a
to the task support from satisfactory and has some visual impact good standard. strong visual impact which
NAEYC (X,Y,Z) visual tool, and
instructions. enhances the message.
barely meets the
task instructions.
Presents work Does not follow Demonstrates Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrat Demonstrat Demonstrat Demonstrat Demonstrat Demonstrate Demonstrate
according to the correct very limited s a limited s a limited s a limited es adequate es some es some es correct es correct s exemplary s exemplary
the formatting appropriate understandin understandin understandin formatting, correct correct formatting design design and design and
requirement design and g and ability g and ability g and ability but there formatting formatting requirement formatting formatting formatting,
specified in the formatting to meet to meet to meet are some with some with some s with only requirement and meets and
task design and formatting formatting errors or errors or errors or minor s with only the task organization
instructions formatting requirement requirement and falls omissions omissions digressions minor requirement and meets
with the requirement s. There are s. There are slightly but meets but meets in the digressions s. There are the task
appropriate s. There are issues with issues with below the most of the most of the requirement in the minimal requirement
tool selected. issues with organization, the requirement requirement requirement s, which requirement errors or s. There are

v. 2015-02-16 7
the use of use of organization s due to s. Few s. Some minimally of the omissions in no errors or
NB: This headings, visuals, of slides and organization visuals were more impacts the formatting the slides omissions in
competency is visuals, formatting the number , used in the effective overall of the the slides
NOT related to organization, of slides, and of words on formatting, presentatio visuals effectivenes slides, but
language formatting neatness slides use of n. could be s of the this does
10% of slides, and headings, added. presentation not impact
neatness visuals, and the overall
neatness of effectivenes
slides s of the
Delivery is
Fails to speak
Delivery/ disorganized with Pace, audibility, intonation, Pace, audibility, intonation,
Performance slow or fast vocabulary, grammar, and vocabulary, grammar, and
resulting in a Pace, audibility, intonation, vocabulary, Pace, audibility, intonation, vocabulary,
(Oral) and speech resulting pronunciation are good with pronunciation are accurately
presentation that grammar, and pronunciation are minimally grammar, and pronunciation are
Collaboration in some a range of complexity used with a range of
the audience acceptable. satisfactory.
breakdown in attempted. complexity, which enhances
N NAEYC cannot
communication. the message significantly.
(X,Y,Z) understand.
Fails to present; Unsatisfactory Ineffective in Somewhat Demonstrates Somewhat Somewhat Effective Effective Effective Very Highly
using delivery of the delivering effective in a beginning effective effective delivery of delivering of delivering of effective effective
communication presentation the presenting, level of ability delivery of delivery of the the the delivery of a delivery of a
Displays oral
skills, use of time, demonstrates presentation but to present the the presentatio presentation presentation well- well-
and participation of below average or , but demonstrate using presentatio presentatio n. However, demonstrati demonstrati polished polished
all members. poor demonstrate s below communicatio n. However, n members ng good ng good presentation presentation
communication s below average or n skills, use of demonstrat demonstrati demonstrat communicati communicati within the within the
skills. average or poor time, and ed poor ng average ed average on skills and on skills and time limit. time limit.
No attempt or Substantially poor communicati participation communicat communicat communicat generally generally All group All group
style and
records show a over/under the communicati on skills. of all ion skills. ion skills. ion skills. close to the close to the members members
failure to time limit to on skills. Slightly members. Slightly Slightly Slightly time limit. time limit. presented presented
collaborate with present and/or Substantially over/under Planning was over/under over/under over/under All group All group equally and equally.
others; no not all members over/under the time evident but the time the time the time members members effectively. Preparation
reflection presented. the time limit to more limit. Two limit. Two limit. Two presented, presented Preparation was strongly
behavior for
submitted Complete lack of limit to present preparation or more or more or more but one and was strongly evident.
working with
preparation was present and/or not and practice members members members member preparation evident. Strong
others and in
evident. and/or not all members was needed. presented presented presented did not was evident Strong communicati
diverse teams
all members presented. more than more than more than present as for the most communicati on skills.
Demonstrates presented. Lack of others. others. others. much. part. on skills
minimal and Lack of preparation More More More Preparation with minor
20% ineffective preparation was evident. Demonstrate preparation preparation preparation was evident language
collaboration was evident. s insufficient was needed. was needed. was needed for the most mistakes.
only in response and part.
to the teacher’s Demonstrate Demonstrate inconsistent Demonstrat Demonstrat Demonstrat Demonstrate
instruction; s limited, s limited and collaboration es Demonstrat es Demonstrat es Demonstrate s initiative,
inconsistent, inconsistent , usually in satisfactory es productive es consistent s initiative, respect to

v. 2015-02-16 8
and collaboration response to and positive productive and positive productive productive respect to team
ineffective , usually in the teacher’s collaboratio and positive collaboratio and positive and positive team members,
collaboration response to instruction n but collaboratio n but with collaboratio collaboratio members, and
only in the teacher’s usually with n but with little n with n with no and often regularly
response to instruction guidance some guidance minimal clear contributing contributing
the teacher’s from the guidance from the guidance guidance ideas and to teamwork
instruction teacher from the teacher from the solutions to
and/or teacher and/or teacher problems or
peers and/or peers and/or conflicts
peers peers

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