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This chapter presents the data gathered, analysis and its presentation

based on the stated objectives of the said study.

The senior high school student researchers of Grade 11-CSS- of

Dr. Cecilia Putong National High School, conducted a research study





Student’s Potential on Computer/Technology Skill

1. Are you good at operating computer? If no, why?

• Yes 3

• No, doesn’t have much experience and equipment 3

2. Do you think that you have potential in computer


• Yes 4

• Maybe 2
3. How important is computer skill to you?

• Very Important 6

4. How did computer skill help you at your work/School


• In doing performance task, assignment and study 6

5. How will you improve your computer skill?

• Practice at computer operation 2

• Watch and takes a lesson 1

• Having Computer/laptop to practice and operate 3

6. Why having computer skill is essential nowadays?

• It makes your work easy 3

• A lot of works can be done only with the help of 1


• We live in a world full of computers 2

7. Do you agree that teenager/kids in today’s generation

has potential In computer related skills? Why?

• Yes, teenager/kids are already familiar in computers 6


In the first question which states, whether they’re good or not at

operating computer, three of the respondents answered that yes they

consider themselves good at operating computer and three of the

respondents answered that no they consider themselves not good at

operating computer because having a limited experience and no

equipment to use such as computers/laptop.

In second question which state, If they have potential in computer

skill four of the respondents answer that yes they have potential at

computer skills, and another two answered maybe they have potential

they just not aware and sure because they hardly use computer (lack of


In the third question which state, how important computer skill, six

of the respondents answered that yes it is important to help to improve

their skills and academic activities.

In the fourth question which states, how did having a computer skill

helps at work (school works), all of the six respondents answered that

having computer skill helps them at making projects, assignment and

In the fifth question, which states, how to improve computer skills,

two of the respondents answered that practicing computer operations

will help them improve their computer skills, because they’ll gain

experience and practice makes perfect, and another one of the

respondents answered that watching and taking a lesson will help

improve computer skills because you’ll gain more knowledge and

guidance, and another two of the respondents answered that having a

computer will help improve computer skills as the respondents don’t own


In six question which state, why having computer is important

nowadays, three of the respondents answered that having computer skill

will make your work much easier, and one of the respondents answered

that works nowadays rely on computer and a lot of works can only be

done through computers/technology and two of the respondents

answered that we live in a world full of computers that’s why it’s essential

to have computer skills to survive in this world.

In the seventh question which states, if they agree that

teenager/kid in this new generation has the potential in computer skills

and why, six of the respondents answered yes, because teenager/kids

are familiar at computers that human evolution give them built in skill and

potential involving computers.

The research was conducted among 6 of respondents. They were

interviewed and it presented the importance of having computer skills

and identify if they have potential in computer/technology skills.

According to all the respondents that having computer skills is very

important because it help them improve their academic and essential for


It was clear that to all the respondents that that having computer

skills is very important because it help them improve their academic and

essential for work. That computer skill help them on respondents

academic responsibilities, it makes them do their works easy, that

computer skills is effective in enhancing their performance at school, it

was also clearly stated that computer skills is needed in school, life and

in the future.

It was clearly understood that practice, taking lessons, and more

importantly, operating computers will help them improve their computer

skills. They believe that they will learn and improve fast if they gain

computer experience, that they do have the potential to engage in

computer-related tasks, and that they can easily understand and

comprehend computers. The respondents state that the reason people

aren’t good at computers is because they lack experience and

equipment, and that if they are ever given a chance to operate

computers, they will learn a lot faster.


The research was conducted among six respondents. They were

put on an experiment where the respondents were grouped into two (2)

and three (3) respondents per group. The first group was composed of

students who said they were good at computers, while the second group

was composed of respondents who were not good at computers. Both

groups were given the same task, but the second group will be guided

by the researchers while the first group will have to finish the task on

their own. Both groups will have to finish the task in a span of 2 hours.

The conducted experiment was facilitated by Eng. Girley Kay L. Suarez

a legal computer engineer.

The experiment conducted was success, both of the group was

able to finish the task given, first group finish the task 1 hour and 30

minutes span, while the second group finish the task beyond 1 hour and

30 minutes but less than 2 hours note that the second group are

respondents who don’t have any major experience at computers and

hardly uses them, at first they hard time in doing the task but they learn

faster than expected with the guidance of the researchers the second

group finish their task correctly that you won’t believe that this is the
people who got hard time operating Microsoft word, the first group also

finish the task easily and perfectly you can see that they’re experience at

operating computer.

In this experiment it was clearly discovered that teenager/kids in

this generation has potential in computer skill that even if they don’t have

any major experience at handling computer they still able to learn and

adapt quickly, and improving in a fast rate. The only factor limiting their

computer skills are the lack of equipment.



This chapter presents the summary and findings of the study.

Consequently, these findings become the basis for drawing conclusions

of the results from which insights could be formulated and corresponding

recommendations could be offered.


This qualitative study explored the potential in

computer/technology skills of the SHS students of DCPNHS school year

2022-2023. This research seeks to discover whether SHS students has

potential involving computer skills. The respondents of the study were

the students of the Dr. Cecilio Putong National High school (DCPNHS)

who were belong to the grade 11 and 12 students during S.Y 2022-2023

a list of three (3) students who identify themselves good at computer,

and another list of three (3) students who’s not good at computer, a total

of six (6) students will be pick as our respondents. They will be

evaluated based on their perception on computer skills (10) students are

the target respondents to the study. Who are randomly selected.

Observation and interviews was the main, tool, in collecting the data.

The result of the survey was the following

 All of the respondents agree that having a computer skills is very

important because it helps them to improve both of their skills and

academic performance.

 The students take computer skill as an essential skill to have to

help them in their life, and future.

 The students will improve if they practice, take lessons, and more

importantly, operating computers will help them improve their

computer skills. They believe that they will learn and improve fast if

they gain computer experience.

 Students has potential in computer skills even if they have

experience or not in computer operating, they learn fast and do

their task correctly.


The researchers concluded that SHS students of DCPNHS SY

2022-2023 have potential in computer and technology skills, and the

major factor preventing them from unlocking their potential is a lack of

equipment and experience. Thus, to improve their computer skills, they

have to practice and operate computers, also learned that computer

skills are not just needed in the work industry but are also needed in

academic performance and life that computer skill is essential in today’s

generation and needing to prioritize the improvement of computer skills

of the students.


To meet challenge revealed by the students, the following are suggested

 The researchers suggest that in order to improve computer skills of

the students the school must priority and implement computer


 The researchers suggest highly recommend making a specialized

subject for computer literacy in every level to enhanced computer

skill, a hand to hand teaching must be conducted by the teacher

 The researchers highly recommend to advertise computer literacy

to students to make them motivated and interested in computer


 The researchers suggest to the school administration to upgrade

computer laboratory and e tech library, more, new and upgraded


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