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Thời gian: 180 phút
ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI ĐỀ XUẤT Đáp án gồm: 10 trang


Section 1. 5 x 2.0 = 10 pts
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C
Section 2. 5 x 2.0 = 10 pts
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F
Section 3. 5 x 2.0 = 10 pts
1. Not fast enough
2. C-suite
3. 37%
4. Track key metrics
5. Create a level playing field
Section 4. 10 x 2.0 = 12 pts
1. extraordinary privilege 2. American spirit
3. a presidental candidate 4. wasted out
5. proudest possession 6. struggles and trials
7. reveals 8. health reforms
9. mortgage 10. limitless responsibility
Section 1. 20 x 1.0 = 20 pts

1 C string someone along: để lừa dối ai đó trong một thời gian dài về
những gì bạn đang thực sự có ý định làm
2 A perpetual: vĩnh viễn
3 B take on: tuyển dụng ai đó
4 D make a scene: cư xử một cách ồn ào, tức giận ở nơi công cộng
5 A glowing: phát sáng
6 D suited: phù hợp
7 C trudge through something: để làm công việc hoặc một nhiệm vụ
cụ thể chậm và với nỗ lực hoặc khó khăn
8 C respectful: tôn trọng
9 A By and large: khi mọi thứ về một tình huống được xem xét cùng
10 B to do something without fail: không thất bại trong việc làm gì đó
11 B get your own back (on someone): làm điều gì đó khó chịu với ai
đó vì họ đã làm điều gì đó khó chịu với bạn
12 C butt in: để làm gián đoạn một cuộc trò chuyện hoặc thảo luận
hoặc ai đó đang nói chuyện
13 A the height of something: thời gian khi một tình huống hoặc sự
kiện là mạnh nhất hoặc đầy đủ nhất của hoạt động
14 D outbreak: một thời điểm khi một cái gì đó đột ngột bắt đầu, đặc
biệt là một căn bệnh hoặc một cái gì đó nguy hiểm hoặc khó chịu
15 A suit someone (right) down to the ground: Nếu một cái gì đó phù
hợp với bạn đến tận cùng, thì nó hoàn toàn phù hợp với bạn,
thường là vì nó thuận tiện cho bạn
16 C making a mountain out of a molehill: để làm cho một khó khăn
nhỏ có vẻ như một vấn đề nghiêm trọng
17 B leave someone in the lurch: rời bỏ ai đó vào thời điểm họ cần bạn
ở lại và giúp đỡ
18 B inveigle: để thuyết phục ai đó làm điều gì đó một cách thông
minh và không trung thực, khi họ không muốn làm điều đó
19 D pedantic: chú ý quá nhiều đến các quy tắc chính thức hoặc các
chi tiết nhỏ
20 D

Section 2. 10 x 1.0 = 10 pts

1. desensitized để khiến ai đó trải nghiệm điều gì đó, thường là cảm xúc hoặc
nỗi đau, ít mạnh mẽ hơn trước
2. submissive cho phép bản thân bị kiểm soát bởi người hoặc động vật khác
3. newsworthy đủ thú vị để được mô tả trong một báo cáo tin tức
4. armistice một thỏa thuận chính thức giữa hai quốc gia hoặc các nhóm có
chiến tranh để ngừng chiến đấu trong một thời gian cụ thể, đặc
biệt là để nói về hòa bình có thể
5. flora tất cả các thực vật của một địa điểm cụ thể hoặc từ một thời
điểm cụ thể trong lịch sử
6. persuasive khiến bạn muốn làm hoặc tin vào một điều cụ thể
7. intricate có rất nhiều bộ phận nhỏ được sắp xếp một cách phức tạp hoặc
tinh tế
8. esoteric rất bất thường và chỉ được hiểu hoặc thích bởi một số ít người,
đặc biệt là những người có kiến thức đặc biệt
9. excavate để loại bỏ lớp đất đang bao phủ các đồ vật rất cũ bị chôn vùi
trong lòng đất để khám phá những điều về quá khứ
10. proficiently theo cách thể hiện kỹ năng và kinh nghiệm


Section 1. 10 x 1.0 = 10 pts
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. D
Section 2. 10 x 1.5 = 15 pts
1. titled
2. halved
3. enthusiatsts
4. expertises
5. threatens
6. feed
7. pollinate
8. perception
9. diversity
10. unavoidable/inevitable
Section 3. 10 x 1.5 = 15 pts

1. viii 2. iv 3. ix 4. vi 5. x
6. NG 7. No 8. Yes 9. NG 10. Y

Section 4. 13 x 1.0 = 13 pts

1. E 2. B 3. G 4. D 5. H
6. mail-order company
7. chain store
8. buying offices
9. celebration
10. big family
11. B
12. C
13. A
Section 5. 7 x 1.0 = 7.0 pts
1. A
2. D
3. H
4. B
5. E
6. G
7. C
Section 1. Summarize the following article in not more than 120 words.
The mark given to part 1 is based on the following criteria:
1. Write good summary with enough content and clear, logical 5 pts
2. Present the key points and main ideas in the right form of a paragraph. 5 pts
Make sure that no important points have been omitted or distorted.
3. Use your own words or paraphrases with a variety use of synonyms, 5 pts
different sentence structures and word class. You can change the order
of ideas where necessary.

Sample text
This passage focuses on the history of trades and transaction. The earliest
method of trading is the barter trade, which entails people using goods they own
to exchange for the items they want. This practice is seen as inefficient. A
monetary way of exchange is presented many years later as money is invented.
Money such as beads, shells and hooks are then reworked to gold coins. This
system became more troublesome as time goes on because of thievery and the
weight of coin pouches. The Greek and Roman traders came up with paper
checks, which can be used as cash to deposit the number of gold in them.
Ultimately, present-day governments took on the idea and began the printing of
paper money. Besides this, technology's evolution has presented other means of
exchange such as credit cards and cash cards.
Section 2: (15 pts)

1. Completion: 3 pts
2. Content: 4 pts
- Cover the main information in the chart yet not go into too many details.
- Make general remarks and effective comparisons.
3. Organisation: 3 pts
- The ideas are well organized
- The description is sensibly divided into paragraphs
4. Language: 3pts
- Use a wide range of vocabulary and structure
- Good grammar
5. Punctuation and spelling: 2 pt

Sample text

The above chart presents the proportion of renewable energy in the total
energy supply in 4 countries from the year 1997 to 2010. Australia and Sweden
both have the lowest proportions of renewable energy in total energy supply out
of the 4 given countries, as they both average between 10 or lower throughout
1997 and 2010. Australia having a slight decrease from 1997 to 2012 while
Sweden has a modest increase. Turkey has a moderate proportion of renewable
energy in total energy supply, starting out with an average below 40 in 1997,
peaking at about 40 in 2000 and reaching its lowest in 2010 at about 30. Iceland
has the highest proportion of renewable energy in total energy supply out of the
4 countries presented, having a great increase from about 50 in 1997, rising to
60 in 2000, before hitting a whopping 70 in 2010.
Section 3. (30 points)

1. Content: (10%) - Providing all main ideas and details as required

- Communicating intentions sufficiently and
2. Language: (10%) - Demonstration of a variety of vocabulary and
structures appropriate to the level of English
language gifted upper-secondary school students
- Good use and control of grammatical structures
- Good punctuation and no spelling mistakes
- Legible handwriting
3. Organization and - Ideas are well organized and presented with
Presentation: (10%) coherence, cohesion, and clarity
- The essay is well-structured

Sample text
Higher education may be the goal that student and parents are currently aiming
for, as evidenced by the annual university entrance exams and the expectations
placed on the results. However, some people argued that higher education is no
longer worth it. There have been examples of successful businessmen and
entreprenuer that forgo higher education such as Bill Gates. Personally, I
bellieve this is not a simple issue that can be viewed from only one perspective.
Firstly, we have to understand about success in life. The only thing that can
provide stable employment and sustain oneself is a job that require a high level
of intellectual capacity, as intellectual work is often rewarded much more than
ordinary labor. However, investing in developing the intellectual capacity
neccessary for high-paying jobs is not a simple task due to the knowledge
applied in higher level and broader job is much more extensive than general
knowledge, and not everyone has the mentality to acquire it. Most importantly,
what demonstate that an applicant can meet the needs of a bussiness the most is
higher education, it also provides the shortest path for learners to outline a clear
trajectory for developing their own capabilities, and a university degree serves
as evidence of learning and to some extend, the competance of the degree
holder . Let's pose a simple question: would any hospital hire an unqualified
doctor to treat patients? However, this may not be true when we look at other
fields such as art, which can be pursued through talent than relying on specific
professional like singing or drawing. Even if we consider booming industries
like information technology, which offer high salaries but can be learned
independently without going through traditional schooling or paying any tuition
fees. The field of information technology, which is known for its high salaries,
relies heavily on vast open-source resources and a large community that
frequently exchanges knowledge and shares extensive documentation. These are
the kinds of knowledge that even universities may not necessarily be able to
However, currently the tuition fee for higher education are very expensive , and
not everyone can afford it. Therefore, higher education is not the optimal choice
for everyone considering the financial burden it poses and the limitations it
imposes on access and opportunity.
Section 1
Int: Today I’m with the much-loved comedian and writer Jane Clarkson.
Obviously Jane, this year has been quite a turning point for you ...
Jane: Well, I’ll never stop doing comedy, but there were practical reasons for
wanting to take some time off and write a book. I felt my daughter had been
neglected. She was just about to make the tricky transition from primary to
secondary school and I thought she needed her mum around. I seem to have
spent most of her life in a van touring from venue to venue for my comedy act.
And I did enjoy being at home for a bit, although I missed the applause and the
laughter. When I finished writing in the evening, I’d turn the computer off and
there’d be nothing, which was hard to get used to.
Int: How was your novel received?
Jane: Well, a lot of male comedians had written books, so there was a bit of a
bandwagon waiting to be jumped on, but with my impeccable timing I jumped
slightly late, when everyone was starting to get heartily sick of comedians’
books. Also there’s a kind of fury coming from some journalists about comics
writing books. They’re absolutely livid, as if they see your book in a bookshop
and they jump up and down, shouting, ‘It’s not fair! Why should she make
money out of writing as well as performing?’
Int: Was it a difficult transition?
Jane: Well, if you think logically, writing is the obvious step. I’ve spent years
trying to make people listen to my anecdotes, so that must count for something!
Also, if you’ve been an observational comedian, which I am, it’s not a great
leap to use those skills you’ve developed, like observing odd mannerisms to use
for jokes, and turn them into a book. At least that’s what I felt, but you don’t
become a writer instantly. I’ll have to wait and see whether it was just
beginners’ luck.
Int: I think why people give you a hard time about the novel is surely because
we’re so trapped into thinking Jane Clarkson is a comedian. It’s as though, you
know, you can’t do anything else, which is quite ridiculous because you’ve been
writing radio comedy for years.
Jane: Yes, people do become obsessed about what you are. The character I
adopted for my comedy act became rather a burden after a while. When I started
going on stage alone, I was very young and I wasn’t entirely convincing as a
comedian because nervous young women on stage actually frighten audiences.
They’re convinced you’re going to fail and burst into tears, which will be very
embarrassing. So there’s a palpable tension in the room and some audiences
actually boo the female comedians off the stage.
Int: How did you deal with that?
Jane: Well, I had to counteract that stereotype so I started coming on shouting
and being madder and crosser than any audience could ever be and that defused
the tension. In fact, I rather overdid it and my character got cruder than I ever
really intended. I got so good at it that people got confused between the
everyday Jane and the stage Jane.
Int: What attracted you in the first place to performing, and particularly to
making people laugh?
Jane: Oh, from an early age, I knew I wanted to be an actress. I innocently
thought I was going to be a glamorous film star. The reason I started to do
comedy acts was that in the 1980s a lot of small provincial theatres closed
down. In the past, girls would’ve come out of drama school and if they had a
leaning towards comedy they’d join one of these small theatres and play a
variety of comedy roles in all sorts of plays from Shakespeare to contemporary
stuff. All of a sudden, with the demise of these theatres, rooms above pubs
opened up and comedians started telling jokes and developing their acts there. It
was cheap, one performer one microphone, and anyone could do it. In some
ways, it’s a healthier performance art than acting, because with acting you’re at
the mercy of everybody else deciding whether you can work or not. With stand-
up comedy, you might only get paid peanutsbut nobody can stop you from just
driving to a venue, often hundreds of miles in terrible weather, and going on
Int: But what is it when you’re actually on stage … [fade]
Section 2
A talk from a member of the conservation Society about 'green cleaning' Good
morning everyone. It's a pleasure to be here as a representative of the
Conservation Society, to talk to you about "Green Cleaning", in other words
about ways you can help to save the environment at the same time as saving
I'll start with saving money - as we're all interested in that, especially students
who are living on a tight budget. Probably none of you has sat down and
calculated how much you spend on cleaning products each year everything from
dishwashing detergent, window cleaners and so on through to shampoos and
conditioners for your hair, and then those disasters products to get stains out of
carpets, or to rescue burnt saucepans. I can see some nods of agreement, even if
you don't spend a lot of time on housework you'd end up spending quite a lot of
money over a period of time, wouldn't you? We can save money on products
and also use products which are cheap, biodegradable and harmless to the
environment - these I will call 'green' products. Unfortunately most cleaning
products on sale commercially are none of these, and many of our waterways
and oceans are polluted with bleach, dioxins, phosphates and artificial
colourings and perfumes. Also think how many plastic bottles each household
throws away over a year -they'll still be around in land-fill when you are
grandparents! So we often feel there's nothing we can do to make a difference,
but we can. The actual 'recipes' are on handouts you can take at the end of the
talk: The sorts of ingredients I'm referring to are things like bicarbonate of soda,
eucalyptus oil, ammonia, vinegar, lemons, pure soap. Lastly many people find
they're allergic to modem products, so for all you asthma sufferers keep
listening. Nothing in these recipes should cause you any problems, an end to
itching and wheezing!
So let’s start with spills and stains. Soda water is wonderful as an immediate
stain remover: mop up the excess spill don't rub but apply soda water
immediately - it's great for tea coffee wine beer and milk - as is salt or
bicarbonate of soda, which will absorb the stain - then vacuum when dry and
shampoo if necessary.
While we are talking about disasters lets quickly look at some others that can be
avoided. Bicarbonate of soda is wonderful for removing smells, especially in
the fridge - an open box in the fridge will eliminate smells for up to three
months. And those terrible burnt saucepans? Either sprinkle with our good
friend bicarb again and leave it to stand, or cover with vinegar and a layer of
cooking salt.
Bring it to the boil and simmer for ten minutes, then wash when cool. Much
cheaper than a new saucepan! Then there are heat rings on wooden furniture.
Simply rub with a mixture of salt and olive oil, or for scratched furniture use
olive oil and vinegar. Now let's look at general cleaning - first the floors. If your
floor covering is made of slate, cork or ceramic tiles or lino it probably only
needs a mop or a scrub with vinegar in a bucket of water. Carpets can be
shampooed using a combination of pure soap washing soda, cloudy ammonia
and some boiling water. You put a small amount of this mixture onto the mark
on the carpet, rub with a cloth until it lathers and then wipe off the excess. A
smelly carpet can be deodorized by sprinkling bicarbonate of soda on the
surface, leaving overnight and vacuuming off the next day. Cleaning in the
kitchen, bathroom and toilet is the next section....
Section 3
Women are graduating from college at higher rates than ever before. Earning
more than half of bachelor’s degrees last year. Companies are increasingly
focused on the benefits of gender equality in the workplace. However, the
situation for women in the workplace is not changing fast enough.
Women make up 45% at entry level position across the workforce; which
decreases to 32% at management roles. At the top, women only make up
seventeen percent of the Csuite. At the current rate of progress, it would be one
hundred years before we see real equality in the C-suite. Contrary to popular
belief, women are leaving organisations at the same rate as men. However,
women are less eager to become a top executive citing stress and pressure as the
key deterrents.
Most women see barriers to advancement and feel they have fewer
opportunities to advance due to their gender. While 74% of companies claim
gender equality is a priority for their CEO, less than half of the employees
believe it. And only one-third feel it is a top priority for their direct manager.
More than 90% of women and men believe taking extended family leave will
hurt their career. So while programs widely exist, participation is low.
This inequality even extends to the home. 41 % of working women report doing
more childcare than men, 30% report doing more chores but this does not need
to be our reality while these facts are a wake-up call we can affect real change.
Here are five key actions companies can take.
1)Track key metrics to understand the problem: you cannot change why you
cannot see. 2)Demonstrate that gender equality is a top priority: employees must
believe that their leaders want change.
3)Identify and interrupt gender bias : we all have unconscious biases to
4)Rethink work: redefine what successful careers look like.
5)Create a level playing field: make sure opportunities and advancement are
equitable. It is up to all of us to take action, to speed the process of gender
equality so everyone benefits, individuals, organisation and society. To learn
more go to the
Section 4
Over the past few years as first lady, I have had the extraordinary privilege of
traveling all across this country and everywhere I’ve gone and the people I've
met and the stories I’ve heard, I have seen the very best of the American spirit.
See, our life before moving to Washington was, was filled with simple joys.
Saturdays at soccer games, Sundays at grandma’s house, and a date night for
Barack and me was either dinner or movie because as an exhausted mum I
couldn’t stay awake for both. Even back then when Barack was a senator and a
presidential candidate to me he was still the guy who picked me up for our dates
in a car that was so wasted out that I could actually see the pavement going by
in a hole in the passenger side door. He was the guy whose proudest possession
was a coffee table he'd found in a dumpster.
Well today, after so many struggles and trials and moments that‘ve tested my
husband in ways I never could have imagined, I have seen first-hand that being
president doesn’t change who you are. No it reveals who you are.
When it comes to the health of our families, Barack refused to listen to all those
folks to told him to leave health reforms for another day, another president. He
didn’t care whether it was the easy thing to do politically, no that's not how he
was raised. He cared that it was the right thing to do.
When we were first married our combined monthly student loan bill was
actually higher than our mortgage.
Yeah!! We were so young, so in love, and so in debt.
If we wanna give all of our children a foundation for their dreams and
opportunities worthy of their promise. If we wanna give them that sense of
limitless possibility, that belief that here in America there was always
something better out there if you're willing to work for it. Then we must work
like never before, and we must once again come together and stand together for
the man we can trust to keep moving this great country forward.
My husband, our president, Barack Obama.
Thank you, God bless you, God bless America.

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