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‫ر)‬ ‫(رلتنج ارارا ار ان‬ ‫ن‬ ‫تشكل بقرار من ملسنإ ارارا ارشنرلج رلتنج ت‬

‫ملسنإ اارارا غينر اريت ينذيي ‪،‬‬ ‫ه وغ ربيج أعض ئه م أعضن‬ ‫يكون رئي‬

‫رضننننج بنننن رارا‬ ‫ننننيود مةئنننن منننن ار‬ ‫أن ييننننواضر ضننننت أعضنننن ئه م‬ ‫ويُشننننير‬

‫ر وارشؤون ار ريج‪.‬‬ ‫ار ا‬


‫ر‪.‬‬ ‫ض ن تواضر ار وارر وارتظ ارك ضيج ارارا ار ا‬


‫ر‪.‬‬ ‫ئل ار ي سقج ب رارا ار ا‬ ‫تقدي اريوحي ت رس لسإ ول ار‬


‫ر ضت ارشرلج‪.‬‬ ‫ئل قد تؤثر ضت ارارا ار ا‬ ‫مراس ج م تثيرا رلتج ار راس ج م م‬


‫ر ووضنننن توحنننني ت بشنننن حه قبننننل اعي نننن را منننن قبننننل‬ ‫مراس ننننج ارهيكننننل اريتظي ننننت ارارا ار انننن‬
‫ملسإ اارارا‪.‬‬ ‫‪04‬‬

‫ر عننننن ا حشننننن ج ارينننننت قننننند يتشننننن عتهننننن ت نننننرض‬ ‫ت ارارا ار اننننن‬ ‫اريحقنننننق مننننن اشنننننيقةل منننننو‬
‫ر‪.‬‬ ‫ارشرلج رس ا‬ ‫‪05‬‬

‫ر‪ ،‬ورض هن ارن‬ ‫ر وارا وات ار قير نج ارارا هنذا ار ان‬ ‫اعدار تق رير م صسج ول اري رض رس ا‬
‫ملسإ اارارا‪.‬‬ ‫‪06‬‬

‫ر اريت قد تي رض ره ارشرلج وارح ظ عسيه واريحقق م عندم تلن و‬ ‫يود مقبول رس ا‬ ‫تحديد م‬
‫ارشرلج ره‪.‬‬ ‫‪07‬‬

‫ي را ارنوعت‬ ‫ل عس‬ ‫ر ار حي ج ب رشرلج‪ ،‬وار‬ ‫ر رس ا‬ ‫ت ارارا ار ا‬ ‫اريحقق م اشيي ب مو‬

‫ر‪.‬‬ ‫بثق ضج ار ا‬ ‫‪08‬‬

‫ر وت رضه ره بشكل روري (من خنةل اسنرا اخيبن رات‬ ‫اع را تقيي قدرا ارشرلج عس تح ل ار ا‬
‫اريح ل عس شبيل ار ث ل)‪.‬‬

‫ومي ب ننج‬ ‫ر ب رشننرلج وتقينني ض ريننج حظ ن وسري ن ت تحدينند وقي ن‬ ‫ااشننراع عس ن حظ ن م ارارا ار ا ن‬
‫ر اريت قد تي رض ره ارشرلج‪ ،‬وذرك ريحديد أوسه ارقصور به ‪.‬‬ ‫ار ا‬

‫ر ارينننت تهننندر‬ ‫ه بتلننن ‪ ،‬مننن تحديننند ار اننن‬ ‫اريحقنننق مننن سننندود اشننني رار ارشنننرلج ومواحنننسج حشننن‬
‫اشي راره خةل االثتت عشر شهراً ارق رمج‪.‬‬

‫بي نننج و لننن أحشننن ج‬ ‫مننن‬ ‫ر ب ننن ييت شننن‬ ‫وضننن اشنننيراتيليج وشي شننن ت شننن مسج ارارا ار اننن‬
‫ارشرلج‪ ،‬واريحقق م تت يذه ومراس يه وتحديثه بت ً عس ار يغيرات ارداخسيج وارا رسيج رسشرلج‪.‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬

Responsibilities of the
Risk Management
Committee in Joint
Stock Companies

A committee called the "Risk Management Committee" shall

be established by the company's board of directors, with its
chairman and the majority of its members being non-
executive board members. Its members must possess a
suitable level of knowledge of risk management and
financial affairs.

▪ The Risk Management Committee shall be responsible for the following:

Ensuring the availability of adequate resources and systems for risk

01 management.

Providing recommendations to the board regarding matters related to risk

02 management.

Reviewing any issues raised by the Audit Committee that may affect risk
03 management within the company.

Reviewing the organizational structure of the risk management function and

04 making recommendations to the board of directors before its approval.

Verifying the independence of risk management employees from activities that

05 may expose the company to risks.

Preparing detailed reports on risk exposure and proposed steps for managing
06 these risks, and presenting them to the board of directors.

Determining an acceptable level of risks that the company may be exposed to

07 and maintaining it, ensuring the company does not exceed it.

Ensuring that risk management employees understand the risks surrounding the
08 company and working to increase risk awareness.

Periodically reassessing the company's capacity to bear and be exposed to

risks, such as through conducting stress tests.

Assessing the feasibility of the company's continued success, while identifying

the risks that threaten its continuity over the next twelve months.

Overseeing the company's risk management system and evaluating the

effectiveness of the systems and mechanisms used to identify, measure, and
11 monitor the risks the company may be exposed to, in order to identify any

Developing a comprehensive strategy and policies for risk management that are
in line with the nature and scope of the company's activities. It should ensure
their implementation, review, and updates based on internal and external
variables affecting the company.


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