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‫مجلة التربوي‬

‫العدد ‪10‬‬

‫جملة الرتبوي‬
‫جملة علمية حمكمة تصدر عن‬

‫كلية الرتبية اخلمس‬

‫جامعة املرقب‬
‫العدد العاشر‬
‫يناير ‪1027‬م‬
‫مجلة التربوي‬
‫العدد ‪10‬‬

‫هيئة التحرير‬
‫رئيس هيئة التحرير‬
‫د‪ /‬صالح حسين األخضر‬

‫أعضاء هيئة التحرير‬

‫د ‪ .‬ميمود عمار النفر‬
‫د ‪ .‬عبد اهلل محمد الجعكي‬
‫د ‪ .‬مفتاح محمد الشكري‬
‫د ‪ .‬خالد محمد التركي‬

‫استشارات فنية وتصميم الغالف‪ :‬أ‪ .‬حسين ميالد أبو شعالة‬

‫المجلة ترحب بما يرد عليها من أبحاث وعلى استعداد لنشرها بعد التحكيم ‪.‬‬
‫المجلة تحترم كل االحترام آراء المحكمين وتعمل بمقتضاها ‪.‬‬
‫كافة اآلراء واألفكار المنشورة تعبر عن آراء أصحابها وال تتحمل المجلة تبعاتها ‪.‬‬
‫يتحمل الباحث مسؤولية األمانة العلمية وهو المسؤول عما ينشر له ‪.‬‬
‫البحوث المقدمة للنشر ال ترد ألصحابها نشرت أو لم تنشر ‪.‬‬
‫حقوق الطبع محفوظة للكلية ‪.‬‬

‫مجلة التربوي‬
‫العدد ‪10‬‬

‫بحوث العدد‬
‫الحركات أبعاض حروف المد والمين ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫التفكير اإليجابي في ضوء بعض المتغيرات الديمغرافية (لدى عينة من الشباب‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫أثر التموث البصري في التأثير عمى جمالية المدينة "مدينة زليتن كنموذج"‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫االحتجاج بالحديث الضعيف‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مفهوم الخيال عند سارتر‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫الح ْرِفَّي ِة‪.‬‬ ‫ِ‬
‫وصوَالت َ‬
‫الم ُ‬‫ِّ ِ‬
‫المتَ َعمقةُ ب َ‬
‫ويةُ ُ‬ ‫ام َّ‬
‫الن ْح َّ‬ ‫األح َك ُ‬
‫ْ‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫القيم الداللية لمفصل واالعتراض‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫األبعاد االجتماعية والثقافية لتنمية ثقافة الحوار في التعميم الجامعي الميبي دراسة‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ميدانية "جامعة مصراتة أنموذجا"‪.‬‬
‫العوامل الخمس الكبرى لمشخصية وعالقتها بجنوح األحداث‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫تقدير الجريان السطحي بحوض وادي جبرون باستخدام نظم المعمومات الجغرافية‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫وتقنيات االستشعار عن بعد‪.‬‬
‫جهود المجامع المغوية العربية في وضع المصطمحات العممية‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫استخدام تقنية نظم المعمومات الجغرافية في تحديث الخرائط الورقية (الخرائط‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫الجيولوجية كنموذج)‪.‬‬
‫ظاهرة القمب الصوتية بين القدامى والمحدثين‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫القول المهم في اعتراض الحصكفي عمى تعريف ابن هشام لمجممة والكالم وأيهما‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫أعم ‪.‬‬
‫حوادث المرور في ليبيا واألضرار الناجمة عنها‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مجلة التربوي‬
10 ‫العدد‬
 Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces
 Academic Difficulties In Learning Among Undergraduates In
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.
 Some Applications Of A Linear Operator To A Certain
Subclasses Of Analytic Functions With Negative

  

‫مجلة التربوي‬
‫العدد ‪10‬‬ ‫االفتتاحية‬
‫إن الفرد الناجح في حياته‪ ،‬وكذلك المجتمعات والدول هم الذين يحددون أهدافهم‪،‬‬
‫ويضعون في حسبانهم تحقيقها‪ ،‬والوصول إليها‪ ،‬فإذا حدد الفرد والمجتمع لنفسه هدفا فمن‬
‫يضيع في متاهات الحياة‪ ،‬وسوف يصل إلى المطموب‪ ،‬فتحديد الهدف أمر مهم ومقوم‬
‫من مقومات النجاح‪ ،‬لذا عمى اآلباء والمربين‪ ،‬أن يعمموا األبناء‪ -‬ومنذ السنوات األولى‬
‫في دراستهم‪ -‬أن يحددوا ألنفسهم أهدافا ينبغي عميهم االجتهاد من أجل الوصول إليها‬
‫وتحقيقها‪ ،‬كما يجب أن يعمموهم معايير األهداف حتى تتوافق مع رغباتهم وقدراتهم‪.‬‬
‫وعمى المجتمع كمه والدول في عالمنا العربي أن يضعوا أهدافا واضحة المعالم‬
‫لمنهوض بالمجتمع يعرفها الصغير قبل الكبير‪ ،‬والجاهل قبل المتعمم‪ ،‬فيسعى الجميع‬
‫وتتضافر الجهود من أجل تحقيقها وتنفيذها‪ ،‬ال أن تكون طوباوية ال يشعر بها األ ا‬
‫وال يحسون بقيمتها‪ ،‬فال يسعون وال يتعاونون لتحقيقها‪ ،‬بل نجدهم في بعض األحيان‬
‫يعممون عكسها لعدم درايتهم بها‪.‬‬
‫ونتيجة لعدم وجود األهداف الواضحة المعالم في مجتمعاتنا أفرادا وجماعات لم‬
‫يصل الفرد منا‪ -‬عقميا وفكريا واجتماعيا واقتصاديا‪ -‬إلى مستوى المسؤولية؛ ولم تصل‬
‫مجتمعاتنا إلى أولى درجات الرقي‪ ،‬فالمالحظ عمى شبابنا اإلهمال والتسيب والالمباة نحو‬
‫نفسه ونحو مجتمعه‪ ،‬فيقبل بأدنى المراتب ولم يعد في أنظارهم إال أمرين‪ :‬المال وبأي‬
‫وجه كان‪ ،‬والمنصب المرموق دون السعي إلى مؤهالته‪ ،‬فضعفت لديهم العزيمة‪ ،‬وخارت‬
‫القوى‪ ،‬ووقع الكثير في سفاسف األمور‪.‬‬
‫وفي المقابل نجد أن شبابا كانت أهدافهم واضحة‪ ،‬ومقاصدهم معروفة ارتقوا‬
‫بفضل ذلك إلى مقامات مرموقة‪ ،‬ووصموا إلى ما يطمحون إليه‪ ،‬مع شيء التشجيع‬
‫والمتابعة‪ ،‬فمن سار الطريق وصل‪.‬‬
‫هيئة التحرير‬

‫مجلة التربوي‬
01 ‫العدد‬ Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces

Fatma Mustafa Moftah Omiman and Soad Muftah

Elmahdi Abdurahman
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Al-Margib
University, Al-Khums, Libya

In this paper, we introduce the concept of fuzzy complex
valued metric space by using the notion of complex fuzzy set,
moreover, we define the topology induced by this space and some
related results of them. In order to illustrate our results we equip
the paper with some examples. Also, we state and prove the fuzzy
complex valued Banach contraction theorem.
Keywords: Complex valued metric space, fuzzy metric space,
complex fuzzy set, fuzzy complex valued metric space, fuzzy
complex valued contractive mapping.

1. Introduction
The concept of fuzzy set was first introduced by Zadeh
(1965) with his pioneering paper and since then there has been
tremendous interest in the subject due to its diverse applications in
wide range of scientific areas. In particular, Kramosil and Michalek
(1975) introduced the notion of fuzzy metric space and compared
this notion with the notion of statistical metric space, that was
initially proposed by Schweizer and Sklar (1960). Later on, George
and Veeramani (1994) gave a stronger form of metric fuzziness. On
the other hand, Ramot et al. (2003) extended the fuzzy set to
complex fuzzy set. A complex fuzzy set is characterized by a
membership function , where ,
and are both real valued and , which ranges the
interval to the unit disc in the plane. Subsequently, Azam et
al. (2011) introduced the concept of complex valued metric space,

‫مجلة التربوي‬
01 ‫العدد‬ Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces
which generalized the classical metric space, and established some
fixed point results for mappings satisfying a rational inequality.
In this paper, we introduce the concept of fuzzy complex
valued metric space by using the notion of complex fuzzy set,
which is a generalization of the corresponding concept of fuzzy
metric space that proposed by George and Veeramani (1994) such
that we range the interval to the unit disc in the plane.
Further, we give the topology induced by this space as well as we
give some properties about this topology such as Hausdorffness
and first countability. Finally, we state and prove the fuzzy
complex valued Banach contraction theorem.
2. Preliminaries
In what follows in this section, we recall some notations and
definitions that will be utilized in our subsequent discussion.
Definition 2.1. Let be the set of complex numbers and
. Define a partial order on as follows: if and
only if . Consequently, one
can infer that if one of the following conditions is satisfied:
(i) ,
(ii) ,
(iii) ,
(iv) .
In particular, we write , if and one of (i), (ii), and
(iii) is satisfied and we write if only (iii) is satisfied. Notice
that , moreover
Definition 2.2. Let be any nonempty set, whereas is the set of
complex numbers, suppose that the mapping ,
satisfies the following conditions:
1- , for all and iff ,
2- for all ,
3- for all

‫مجلة التربوي‬
01 ‫العدد‬ Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces
Then is called a complex valued metric on , and is called
a complex valued metric space.
Definition 2.3. Let be a complex valued metric space and
be a sequence in and . Then,
i) is said to be convergent to if for every with
there is such that for all . We denote
this by , or as
ii) is said to be a Cauchy sequence if for every with
there is such that for all
where .
iii) is said to be a complete complex valued metric space if
every Cauchy sequence is convergent.
Lemma 2.4. Let be a complex valued metric space and let
be a sequence in . Then
i) converges to if and only if as .
ii) is a Cauchy sequence if and only if as
iii) For with and , define
and the family
, then

is a topology on
Definition 2.5. A binary operation is a
continuous t-norm if satisfies the following conditions:
1) is associative and commutative,
2) is continuous,
3) for all ,
4) whenever and , .
Definition 2.6. A 3-tuple is said to be a fuzzy metric
space if is an arbitrary set, is a continuous t-norm and is a
fuzzy set on satisfying the following conditions:
1) ,

‫مجلة التربوي‬
01 ‫العدد‬ Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces
2) iff ,
3) ,
4) ,
5) is continuous,
for all and .
Definition 2.7. Let be a fuzzy metric space, and
be a sequence in . Then,
i) is said to be convergent to if for any and any
there exists a natural number such that
for all . We denote this by
or as .
ii) is said to be a Cauchy sequence if for any and
any there exists a natural number such that
for all .
iii) is said to be a complete fuzzy metric space if every
Cauchy sequence is convergent.
Remark 2.8. Let be a fuzzy metric space. then

is a topology on .
Definition 2.9. A binary operation defined as

is a continuous phase intersection if satisfies the following

1) is associative and commutative,
2) is continuous,
3) if , then for all ,
4) whenever and ,
Remark 2.10. Since Azam et al. (2011) defined a partial order
on the complex numbers , so that, in the above definition we can
replace conditions 3, 4 respectively by the following

‫مجلة التربوي‬
01 ‫العدد‬ Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces
3. if , then for all in the unit disc of the plane,
4. whenever and for all and
in the unit disc of the plane.
Example 2.11.
Example 2.12.
Remark 2.13. For any we can find such that
and for any we can find such that
whereas and are positive complex numbers that
belong to the open unit disc in the plane. In addition, for each
and , there exists an element such that
and .
3. Fuzzy complex valued metric spaces
In this section, we define the concept of fuzzy complex valued
metric space and the topology induced by this space with some
Definition 3.1. A 3-tuple is said to be fuzzy complex
valued metric space if is an arbitrary set, ,
is a continuous phase intersection and is a complex fuzzy set on
satisfying the following conditions:
for all and we have
FCVM1) ,
FCVM2) iff ,
FCVM3) ,
FCVM4) ,
FCVM5) is continuous.
Since , so that, if we take and
then every fuzzy metric space is a fuzzy complex valued metric
Example 3.2. Let , and
defined by
for all , . Then is
a fuzzy complex valued metric space.

‫مجلة التربوي‬
01 ‫العدد‬ Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces
Conditions FCVM1, 2, 3 are obvious. To prove FCVM4 we know



Thus . Now FCVM5, if

we define two mappings as follows , and
, , then
can be considered as
composition of and . Since and are continuous, also is
continuous. Hence is a fuzzy complex valued metric
Remark 3.3. In the above example we can replace by any
nonempty set and by a metric defined on .
Furthermore, if we replace the phase intersection in the same
example by , the example holds.
Example 3.4. Let , and
defined by

for every and . It is easily seen that is a

fuzzy complex valued metric space.
Throughout this paper we consider , where has
mentioned in definition 3.1.
Lemma 3.5. The mapping is
nondecreasing for all .
Proof. Suppose that for
whereas . Since implies that . By

‫مجلة التربوي‬
01 ‫العدد‬ Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces
this supposing and FCVM4 we have

Since , so by FCVM2 we obtain that
, which is contradiction.
Definition 3.6. Let be a fuzzy complex valued metric
space and . The open ball with center and radius
such that is defined as follows
Remark 3.7. Let whereas . In a fuzzy complex
valued metric space we can find a complex number ,
where , such that whenever
for any .
Lemma 3.8. Every open ball is an open set.
Proof. Consider an open ball and let , then
. So from remark 3.7 we can find
whereas such that . Suppose that
, since , we can find a complex
number with such that . By
remark 2.13 we have for a given and such that
there exists in whereas such that .
Now consider the ball and let
implies that

It is easily seen that , hence

Theorem 3.9. Let be a fuzzy complex valued metric
space. Define

‫مجلة التربوي‬
01 ‫العدد‬ Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces

then is a topology on .
Proof. 1. Since there is no such that , thus
. Since for any , and any ,
, then .
2. Let and , that means and , so
there exist and such that
, . By remark 2.13 we have that,
for any there exists such that , . So
that, If we take , then
. Thus .
3. Let for each and . Then there exists
such that , so there exist such that
. Since implies that
, thus . Therefore is a
topology on .
Theorem 3.10. If is a fuzzy complex valued metric
space, then is Hausdorff.
Proof. Let whereas . From our definition 3.1 we
have is a positive complex value lies in the open unit
disc, that is , suppose that . From
remark 2.13 we have that, for every with
there exists such that .
Now consider the sets and , we
have to prove that, these two sets are separated, so we assume that

That means, there exists

‫مجلة التربوي‬
01 ‫العدد‬ Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces

However, from FCVM4 we have

which implies ,
so we obtain that , which is contradiction. Hence
Theorem 3.11. Let be a fuzzy complex valued metric
space. Then is first countable.
Proof. We will prove that is a local basis
for and . Let and , since is open, then
there exists which lies in the open unit disc together with
such that . Pick such that and
, so we have to show that . Suppose
that , then
We can see that , so by lemma 3.5 we have that

which implies , thus .

Therefore, is countable local basis for . Hence is
first countable topological space.
Definition 3.12. Let be a fuzzy complex valued metric
space, and be a sequence in . Then is said to
converge to if for any there exists such
that for every . This is denoted by
or as .

‫مجلة التربوي‬
01 ‫العدد‬ Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces
Theorem 3.13. Let be a fuzzy complex valued metric
space, and be a sequence in . converges to if
and only if as , for any .
Proof. Suppose that , then there exists a natural
number such that for all
which implies . Thus
as .
suppose that as , then there
exists a natural number such that for all
, so . Hence
as .
Definition 3.14. Let be a fuzzy complex valued metric
space, and be a sequence in . Then is said to be a
Cauchy sequence if for any there exists
such that for every .
Definition 3.15. A fuzzy complex valued metric space is called
complete if every Cauchy sequence is convergent.
Definition 3. 16. Let be a fuzzy complex valued metric
space and . Then is said to be FCV-bounded if there exists
a complex number with such that
for all and .
Theorem 3.17. Every compact subset of a fuzzy complex valued
metric space is closed and FCV-bounded.
Proof. Let be a fuzzy complex valued metric space, be
a compact subset of and whereas . Since
is open cover of , then there exist
such that . For any
there exist such that and ,
therefore we can write
and .
Take , so we have

‫مجلة التربوي‬
01 ‫العدد‬ Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces

Let and choose a complex number with such


therefore we have for all , hence is

FCV-bounded. On the other hand, we know that is Hausdorff,
since every compact subset of a Hausdorff space is closed, then
is closed.
4. Fuzzy complex valued contraction theorem
In this section we will extent the fuzzy Banach contraction
theorem, which was given by Gregori and Sapena (2002), for the
complete fuzzy complex valued metric space.
Definition 4.1. Let be a fuzzy complex valued metric
space and is a self-mapping. Then is said to be fuzzy
complex valued contractive if there exists such that

for each and . is called the contractive constant of

Definition 4.2. Let be a fuzzy complex valued metric

space and be a sequence in . Then is said to be fuzzy
complex valued contractive if there exists such that

for all .
Theorem 4.3. (Fuzzy complex valued Banach contraction
theorem). Let be a complete fuzzy complex valued
metric space in which fuzzy complex valued contractive sequence
are Cauchy. Let be a fuzzy complex valued contractive
mapping with contractive constant . Then has a unique fixed
Proof. Fix and let , . For , we have

‫مجلة التربوي‬
01 ‫العدد‬ Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces

and by induction

Then is a fuzzy contractive sequence, by assumptions it is a

Cauchy sequence and converges to , for some By
theorem 3.13. as we have

Then for each and we

have , that is, and
Now to show the uniqueness assume that for some
For , we have

as . Hence and
in this paper, we defined the notion of fuzzy complex
valued metric space which is a generalization of fuzzy metric
spaces and then the topology induced by this space. Also, we gave
some topological properties, such as Hausdorfness and first
countability. After that, the complex valued version of fuzzy
Banach contraction theorem was stated and proved. So With the

‫مجلة التربوي‬
01 ‫العدد‬ Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric Spaces
help of these results one can study other fixed point theorems,
similar topological properties of this space and problems related to
convergence of a sequence.

A. Azam, B. Fisher & M. Khan. (2011). Common fixed point
theorems in complex valued
metric spaces. Num. Funct. Anal. and Optimization. 32(3), 243
− 253.
A. George & P. Veeramani. (1994). On some results in fuzzy
metric space. Fuzzy sets and
systems. 64, 395-399.
B. Schweizer & A. Sklar. (1960). Statistical metric spaces. Pacific
J. Math. 10, 314-334.
D. Romat, M. Friedman, G. Langholz & A. Kandel. (2003).
Complex Fuzzy Logic. IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 11(4), 450-461.
L.A. Zadeh. Fuzzy sets. (1965). Information and Control. 8,
O. Kramosil & J. Michalek. (1975). Fuzzy metric and statistical
metric spaces. Kybernetika.
11(5), 336-344.
V. Gregori & A. Sapena. (2002). On fixed-point theorems in fuzzy
metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets
and Systems. 125, 245-252.

  

‫مجلة التربوي‬
‫العدد ‪10‬‬ ‫الفهرس‬
‫الصفحة‬ ‫اسم الباحث‬ ‫عنوان البحث‬ ‫ر‪.‬ت‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫االفتتاحيـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــة‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫‪6‬‬ ‫أ‪ .‬جبريل محمد عثمان‬ ‫الحركات أبعاض حروف المد والمين‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫التفكير اإليجابي في ضوء بعض المتغيرات‬
‫‪21‬‬ ‫د‪/‬ميالد عبد القادر محمد فنته‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫الديمغرافية (لدى عينة من الشباب الميبيين)‬
‫أثر التموث البصري في التأثير عمى‬
‫‪60‬‬ ‫أ‪ /‬فرج مصطفي الهدار‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫جمالية المدينة "مدينة زليتن كنموذج"‬
‫د‪/‬أحمد عبد السالم‬
‫‪84‬‬ ‫االحتجاج بالحديث الضعيف‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫د‪ .‬نور الدين سالم‬
‫‪103‬‬ ‫مفهوم الخيال عند سارتر‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫ارحومة قريبع‬
‫األحكام النحوية المتعمِّقة بالموصوالت‬
‫‪130‬‬ ‫د‪ .‬عمي محمد بن ناجي‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫‪174‬‬ ‫د‪ .‬عبداهلل محمد الجعكي‬ ‫القيم الداللية لمفصل واالعتراض‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫األبعاد االجتماعية والثقافية لتنمية ثقافة‬
‫د‪ .‬سميمة عمر عمي‬
‫‪190‬‬ ‫الحوار في التعميم الجامعي الميبي دراسة‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫ميدانية "جامعة مصراتة أنموذجا"‬
‫العوامل الخمس الكبرى لمشخصية‬
‫‪211‬‬ ‫د‪/‬أحمد عمي الحويج‬ ‫‪10‬‬
‫وعالقتها بجنوح األحداث‬
‫تقدير الجريان السطحي بحوض وادي‬
‫‪245‬‬ ‫د‪ .‬رجب فرج سالم اقنيبر‬ ‫جبرون باستخدام نظم المعمومات‬ ‫‪11‬‬
‫الجغرافية وتقنيات االستشعار عن بعد‬

‫مجلة التربوي‬
‫العدد ‪10‬‬ ‫الفهرس‬
‫الصفحة‬ ‫اسم الباحث‬ ‫عنوان البحث‬ ‫ر‪.‬ت‬
‫جهود المجامع المغوية العربية في وضع‬
‫‪286‬‬ ‫الطاهر عمران جبريل‬ ‫‪12‬‬
‫المصطمحات العممية‬
‫استخدام تقنية نظم المعمومات الجغرافية‬
‫‪318‬‬ ‫د ‪ /‬عمى عياد الكبير‬ ‫في تحديث الخرائط الورقية (الخرائط‬ ‫‪13‬‬
‫الجيولوجية كنموذج)‬
‫‪343‬‬ ‫د‪ /‬عز الدين أحمد عبد العالي‬ ‫ظاهرة القمب الصوتية بين القدامى والمحدثين‬ ‫‪14‬‬
‫القول المهم في اعتراض الحصكفي عمى‬
‫‪358‬‬ ‫د‪ .‬محمد سالم العابر‬ ‫‪15‬‬
‫تعريف ابن هشام لمجممة والكالم وأيهما أعم‬
‫حوادث المرور في ليبيا واألضرار‬
‫‪383‬‬ ‫د‪ /‬مفتاح ميالد الهديف‬ ‫‪16‬‬
‫الناجمة عنها‬
‫أ ‪ /‬فاطمة مصطفى اميمن‬ ‫‪Fuzzy Complex Valued Metric‬‬
‫‪305‬‬ ‫‪17‬‬
‫أ‪/‬سعاد مفتاح عبد الرحمن‬ ‫‪Spaces‬‬
‫‪Academic Difficulties In Learning‬‬
‫‪418‬‬ ‫د‪ .‬مفتاح محمد أبو جناح‬ ‫‪Among Undergraduates In‬‬ ‫‪18‬‬
‫‪Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia‬‬
‫‪Aisha Ahmed Amer‬‬ ‫‪Some Applications Of A Linear‬‬
‫‪Rabeaa Abd Allah‬‬ ‫‪Operator To A Certain‬‬
‫‪441‬‬ ‫‪Alshbear‬‬ ‫‪Subclasses Of Analytic‬‬ ‫‪19‬‬
‫‪Nagat Muftah‬‬ ‫‪Functions With Negative‬‬
‫‪Alabbar‬‬ ‫‪Coefficients.‬‬
‫‪455‬‬ ‫الفهرس‬ ‫‪20‬‬

‫مجلة التربوي‬
‫العدد ‪6‬‬ ‫ضوابط النشر‬

‫يشترط في البحوث العممية المقدمة لمنشر أن يراعى فييا ما يأتي ‪:‬‬

‫‪ -‬أصول البحث العممي وقواعده ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬أال تكون المادة العممية قد سبق نشرىا أو كانت جزءا من رسالة عممية ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬يرفق بالبحث المكتوب بالمغة العربية بممخص بالمغة اإلنجميزية ‪ ،‬والبحث‬
‫المكتوب بمغة أجنبية مرخصا بالمغة العربية ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬يرفق بالبحث تزكية لغوية وفق أنموذج معد ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬تعدل البحوث المقبولة وتصحح وفق ما يراه المحكمون ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬التزام البا حث بالضوابط التي وضعتيا المجمة من عدد الصفحات ‪ ،‬ونوع الخط‬
‫ورقمو ‪ ،‬والفترات الزمنية الممنوحة لمعديل ‪ ،‬وما يستجد من ضوابط تضعيا‬
‫المجمة مستقبال ‪.‬‬

‫تنبييات ‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬لممجمة الحق في تعديل البحث أو طمب تعديمو أو رفضو ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬يخضع البحث في النشر ألوليات المجمة وسياستيا ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬البحوث المنشورة تعبر عن وجية نظر أصحابيا ‪ ،‬وال تعبر عن وجية نظر‬
‫المجمة ‪.‬‬
‫مجلة التربوي‬
6 ‫العدد‬ ‫ضوابط النشر‬

Information for authors

1- Authors of the articles being accepted are required to
respect the regulations and the rules of the scientific research.
2- The research articles or manuscripts should be original, and
have not been published previously. Materials that are
currently being considered by another journal, or is a part of
scientific dissertation are requested not to be submitted.
3- The research article written in Arabic should be
accompanied by a summary written in English.
And the research article written in English should also be
accompanied by a summary written in Arabic.
4- The research articles should be approved by a linguistic
5- All research articles in the journal undergo rigorous peer
review based on initial editor screening.
6- All authors are requested to follow the regulations of
publication in the template paper prepared by the editorial
board of the journal.

1- The editor reserves the right to make any necessary
changes in the papers, or request the author to do so, or reject
the paper submitted.
2- The accepted research articles undergo to the policy of the
editorial board regarding the priority of publication.
3- The published articles represent only the authors

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