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VOONEX 6 (18)

When active, voonex appear to be living metal creatures. When inactive, they can easily be
mistaken for fused lumps of metal. If a voonex spends enough time in contact with fresh
items or concentrations of metal, that substance eventually flows to become another body
part, or becomes a seed from which an entirely new voonex grows.
Voonex may have come into the Ninth World only recently, perhaps brought back by
explorers who ventured into the night or into a dimension where normal rules don’t apply.
How items forged of iron and steel can become infected, transformed, and integrated into
a voonex body is something even the datasphere has difficulty explaining.
Though worrisome as they proliferate, voonex seem content merely to observe, at least
for the present.
Motive: Unpredictable
Environment: Almost anywhere
Health: 18
Damage Inflicted: 8 points
Armor: 5
Movement: Immediate
Modifications: Speed defense as level 3 due to stiffness.
Combat: Voonex can project rapidly moving metallic pellets at up to three targets within GM Intrusion: The
long range as one action. Alternatively, voonex can shift their forms and bash foes with character who wears
great maul-like limbs. A creature hit with a limb must also succeed on a Might defense metal or has metallic
task or be stunned by the blow and lose their next turn. components fused into
Attackers using metallic weapons directly against a voonex must succeed on a Speed their body must succeed
on an Intellect defense
defense task each time they hit, or the item is lost as it melts and flows into the voonex,
task or find themselves
which regains 2 points of health as a result. disembodied, viewing
Voonex do not like heat, and any attack that inflicts damage by raising temperature ignores the scene as if from
a voonex’s Armor. the perspective of the
Interaction: Voonex act intelligently but are so alien that true communication is nearly voonex. The PC can still
impossible. A voonex might modify itself to create audible speech and communicate in act “remotely,” but the
difficulty of all tasks is
a variety of languages, but it mostly seems to repeat phrases it has recently heard.
increased by two steps
Use: After a massive detonation in an Aeon Priest compound, fused metallic lumps were until the character
found in the debris. After a few days, those fused lumps rose up and walked off, each in regains their own
a different direction. perspective.


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