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(Từ ngày 25/1/2021 ->31/1/2021)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 25/1/2021

I. Vocabulary(phần trắc nghiệm)

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm + SYNONYM Nghĩa


1 Detrimental a /ˌdetrɪˈmentl/ Gây hại

damaging, destructive, This move could be seriously detrimental
harmful, adverse to the economy.
Detriment n /ˈdetrɪmənt/ Sự thiệt hại, sự gây tổn hại
Too many tests are a detriment to good
2 Drawback (of/to) n /ˈdrɔːˌbæk/ Hạn chế, điều trở ngại
disadvantage, trouble, The main drawback of the scheme is its
difficulty expense.
3 Inflict v /ɪnˈflɪkt/ Làm ai, bắt ai chịu đựng
They inflicted a humiliating defeat on
the home team.
Infliction n /ɪnˈflɪkʃn/ (the act of making someone suffer
imposition, exaction something unpleasant) Sự bắt ai phải
chịu đựng
the infliction of pain
4 Revolutionary a /ˌrevəˈluːʃ(ə)n(ə)ri/ (Thuộc) cách mạng, khởi nghĩa; thay
đổi hoàn toàn
He was arrested for taking part in
revolutionary activities.
The effects of technological development
are revolutionary.
Revolutionize v /ˌrevəˈluːʃənaɪz/ Cách mạng hoá, thay đổi hoàn toàn
Aerial photography has revolutionized
the study of archaeology.
Revolution n /ˌrevəˈluːʃn/ Cuộc cách mạng, sự thay đổi
A revolution in information technology
is taking place.
5 Advent n /ˈæd.vent/ Sự ra đời (của một sự việc gì quan
coming, approach, trọng)
appearance, arrival Life was transformed by the advent of
the steam engine.

6 Unique a /juːˈniːk/ Độc nhất vô nhị, độc đáo, đặc biệt
7 Practice n /ˈpræktɪs/ Thói quen, thông lệ
It is his practice to read several books a
8 Implementation n /ˈhɪndə(r)/ Sự thi hành, thực thi
The full implementation of the system
will take some time.
Implement v /ˈɪmplɪˌment/ Thi hành, thực thi
carry out, effect, carry Attempts to implement change have met
through, complete with strong opposition.
9 Complex n /ˈkɒmpleks/ Tổ hợp, khu liên hợp, khu phức hợp
an industrial complex (= a site with
many factories)
10 Landscape n /ˈlændskeɪp/ Phong cảnh, thắng cảnh
the woods and fields that are typical
features of the English landscape
11 Adaptable a /əˈdæptəb(ə)l/ Có thể thích nghi, thích ứng
We need adaptable workers who are
willing to learn new skills.
Adapt v /əˈdæpt/ Thích nghi, thích ứng
adjust, change, match, Some animals have a remarkable ability
alter to adapt to changing environments.
Adaptability n /əˌdæp.təˈbɪl.ə.ti/ Sự thích nghi, thích ứng
He was praised for his adaptability to
different situations.
12 Representative n /ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/ Người đại diện
He was the Queen's representative at the
Representation n /ˌrep.rɪ.zenˈteɪ.ʃən/ Sự đại diện, sự thay mặt, bài trình bày,
phát biểu
13 Shortage n /ˈʃɔː(r)tɪdʒ/ Sự thiếu
deficiency, lack There's a shortage of food and shelter in
the refugee camps.
14 Deficiency n /dɪˈfɪʃ.ə Sự thiếu, thiếu hụt, không đủ
There were clear deficiencies in the
standard of service provided.
Deficient a /dɪˈfɪʃnt/ Thiếu hụt
Their food is deficient in iron.
Deficit n /ˈdefɪsɪt/ Số tiền thiếu hụt (do chi lớn hơn thu)
The trade balance has been in deficit for
the past five years.
15 Repetitive a /rɪˈpetətɪv/ Lặp đi lặp lại
a repetitive task
Repetition n /ˌrepəˈtɪʃn/ Sự lặp đi lặp lại
In her work we find the constant
repetition of the same themes.
Repeat v /rɪˈpiːt/ Lặp lại
She kept repeating his name softly over
and over again.
16 Diminish v /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/ Làm bớt, giảm bớt, trở nên nhỏ, ít lại

reduce, cut, decrease, The world's resources are rapidly
lessen diminishing.
17 Eliminate v /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ Loại ra, loại bỏ
remove, get rid of He has had to eliminate dairy products
from his diet.
Elimination n /ɪˌlɪmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ Sự loại bỏ; sự thất bại trong một cuộc
The team are still stunned by their
elimination from the World Cup.
18 Likelihood n /ˈlaɪklihʊd/ Khả năng xảy ra
possibility, probability This reduces the likelihood that the
treatment will be successful.
19 Resemble v /rɪˈzembl/ Giống
look like So many hotels resemble each other.
Resemblance n /rɪˈzembləns/ Sự giống nhau
likeness The movie bears little resemblance to
the original novel.

II. Cấu trúc trong các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 Insist that S+V(Verb-bare Quả quyết, nhấn mạnh ai làm gì
infinitive: động từ nguyên thể) She insisted that we stay at her house instead of a hotel.
(thể giả định)+O…
2 Sit around/about Ngồi không, nhàn nhã, không làm gì cả
He just sits around watching TV.
3 Global warming Sự nóng lên toàn cầu
4 Inflict something on/upon to make somebody/something suffer something unpleasant:
somebody/something làm ai đó phải chịu đựng, trải qua điều gì đó không tốt
5 Keep up with Giữ liên lạc với ai
How many of your old school friends do you keep up with?
6 Get on with Có quan hệ tốt đẹp với; tiếp tục làm gì đó
- Fortunately, I get on with my boss.
- The sooner we finish the speeches, the sooner we can get on
with the celebration.
7 Face up to something Chấp nhận đối phó, giải quyết khó khăn
She had to face up to the fact that she would never walk again.
8 Keep on doing sth Tiếp tục
She kept on asking me questions the whole time.
9 On a regular basis Đều đặn, thường xuyên
We are in contact on a regular basis.
10 Rely on -Dựa vào, tin tưởng vào
My brother can help. At least we can rely on him.
- Dựa dẫm, phụ thuộc vào ai, cái gì = need or depend on
The charity relies solely on donations from the public.
They had to rely entirely on volunteer workers.

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc điền

STT Từ vựng và cấu Từ Phiên âm + SYNONYM Nghĩa

trúc loại
1 Segment n /ˈseɡmənt/ (a separate part of anything) Phần
section, part, piece, The decision was very popular among
division certain segments of the population.
2 Pursuit n /pəˈsjuːt/ Sự theo đuổi, đuổi theo
She travelled the world in pursuit of her
Pursue v /pəˈsjuː/ Theo đuổi ( để đạt được điều gì đó = try
to achieve something)
She wishes to pursue a medical career.
3 Chase v /tʃeɪs/ Đuổi theo ( để bắt ai đó )
He chased after the burglar but couldn't
catch him.
4 Grab v /ɡræb/ Nắm lấy, bắt giữ
He'll grab at any excuse to avoid hard
5 Downgrade v /ˌdaʊnˈɡreɪd/ Giáng chức
She's been downgraded from principal
to vice-principal.
6 Update v /ˌʌpˈdeɪt/ Cập nhật( thông tin, những sự kiện mới
bring up to date nhất)
Security measures are continually
updated and improved.
7 Civilization n /ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ Nền văn minh, sự khai hoá
The Victorians regarded the railways as
bringing progress and civilization.
Civilize v /ˈsɪvəlaɪz/ Khai sáng, khai hoá
The girls in a class tend to have a
civilizing influence on the boys.
Civilized a /ˈsɪvəlaɪzd/ Văn minh, lịch sự
The historical Philistines were one of the
most civilized peoples of their times.
8 Tobe interested in phr fascinated(by something), Thích thú, hứng thú điều gì
something engrossed(in/with
something), absorbed (in
9 Threat n /θret/ Nguy cơ, mối đe doạ
Officials were confident there had been
no threat to public health.
Threaten v /ˈθret(ə)n/ Đe doạ
intimidate, bully, menace One man has been threatened with legal
Many workers feel that their jobs are
Threatening a /ˈθret(ə)nɪŋ/ Mang tính đe doạ, hăm doạ
She’s been receiving threatening phone
10 Here and there idi in several different places but without
any pattern: đây đó
Tall trees were growing here and there.
11 Professional a/n /prəˈfeʃənəl/ Chuyên nghiệp, chuyên gia
expert You should get some professional advice
about your finances.

IV. Từ vựng và cấu trúc 2 bài đọc hiểu

STT Từ vựng và cấu trúc Từ Phiên âm + SYNONYM Nghĩa

1 Originate v /əˈrɪdʒəneɪt/ Có nguồn gốc, xuất phát
Many herbs originate from the
Origin n /ˈɒrɪdʒɪn/ Nguồn gốc
The origin of the word remains
Original a /əˈrɪdʒ(ə)nəl/ Nguyên bản, mới
Our original plan was to go to Spain,
but it was too expensive.
2 Promise n /ˈprɒmɪs/ Sự hứa hẹn
promise of something
The government failed to keep its
promise of lower taxes.
3 Ultimately adv /ˈʌltɪmətli/ Cuối cùng, rốt cuộc
finally, eventually, in the A poor diet will ultimately lead to
end, after all illness.
4 Universal a /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜː(r)s(ə)l/ Toàn thế giới, phổ cập, phổ biến
Agreement on this issue is almost
5 Appealing a /əˈpiː.lɪŋ/ Hấp dẫn, thú vị
attractive The idea of not having to get up early
engaging every morning is rather appealing to
Appeal n /əˈpiːl/ Sự hấp dẫn, mời gọi
The Beatles have never really lost their
6 Colonist n /ˈkɒlənɪst/ Thực dân
British colonists settled the area in the
18th century.
Colony n /ˈkɒləni/ Nước thuộc địa
the Declaration of Independence of the
13 colonies and the creation of the
United States
7 Recruit v /rɪˈkruːt/ Chiêu mộ, tuyển dụng
They recruited several new members to
the club.
Recruitment n /rɪˈkruːtmənt/ Sự tuyển dụng, chiêu mộ, tuyển thêm
người mới vào công ty, tổ chức…

He began to think their recruitment
standards were slipping because of
many reasons.
8 Luxurious a /lʌɡˈʒʊə.ri.əs/ Sang trọng, xa xỉ
expensive The bedrooms have luxurious marble
9 Undertake v /ˌʌndə(r)ˈteɪk/ Đảm nhận, đảm trách
The most recent survey of rare birds
was undertaken in 1991.
10 Consideration n /kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ Sự cân nhắc, xem xét
After serious consideration of all the
issues, the school decided to expel the
three students.
Consider v /kənˈsɪdə(r)/ - Xem xét, suy xét
He’s considering buying a used car.
- Đánh giá
The award is considered a great
I consider her a friend.
11 Honor (also honour) n /ˈɒnə(r)/ Niềm vinh dự
“It’s my honor to work with you!”- He
12 Make use of Tận dụng, lợi dụng
something/somebody We could make better use of our
13 Empire n /ˈem.paɪər/ Đế quốc, đế chế, tập đoàn ( doanh
These invasions almost led to the
collapse of the Roman Empire.
Her business empire has grown
dramatically since her products were
advertised on TV last month.
14 Take someone by take sb aback Làm ai ngạc nhiên, sốc
surprise The storm took us completely by
15 Asbestos n /æsˈbestɒs/ Miăng (khoáng chất)

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 26/1/2020

I. Vocabulary(phần trắc nghiệm)

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa


1 Acquainted a /əˈkweɪntɪd/ Quen thuộc với

familiar with Employees should be fully acquainted
with emergency procedures.
Acquaint v /əˈkweɪnt/ Tạo sự gần gũi, thân thuộc
You will first need to acquaint yourself
with the filing system.

Acquaintance n /əˈkweɪntəns/ - Người quen
I bumped into an old acquaintance on
the train.
- Hiểu biết
I had little acquaintance with modern
2 Harrow n /ˈhærəʊ/ Cái bừa
3 Suspicion n /səˈspɪʃn/ Sự nghi ngờ, ngờ vực
He was arrested on suspicion of murder.
Suspicious a /səˈspɪʃəs/ Nghi ngờ
They became suspicious of his behaviour
and contacted the police.
4 Grief n /ɡriːf/ Nỗi đau, niềm thương tiếc
sorrow, sadness, pain He could not hide his grief at her death.
Sorrow + at/for/over: sự đau khổ, sự
buồn phiền; nỗi đau buồn (do mất mát..)
Grieve v /ɡriːv/ Thuơng tiếc, buồn
They are still grieving for their dead
child. grieving relatives
Grievous a /ˈɡriːvəs/ Trầm trọng, gây tổn thương nặng nề
He had been the victim of a grievous
Grievance n /ˈɡriːvəns/ Sự bất bình
He had been nursing a grievance against
his boss for months.
5 Shadow(s) n /ˈʃædəʊ/ Quầng thâm
She looked pale, with deep shadows
under her eyes.
6 Rumour n /ˈruːmə(r)/ Tin đồn
Some malicious rumours are circulating
about his past.
7 Gossip n /ˈɡɒsɪp/ Chuyện tầm phào, nhảm nhí
The gossip was that he had lost a fortune
on the stock exchange.
8 Coverage n /ˈkʌvərɪdʒ/ Việc đưa tin tức; tin tức được phát ra
There was blanket coverage (= reports
everywhere) of the royal divorce.
9 Sorrow n /ˈsɒrəʊ/ Sự đau khổ, buồn phiền, mất mát
Joe’s colleagues expressed sorrow at his
tragic death.
10 Frankly adv /ˈfræŋkli/ Thẳng thắn, rõ ràng, thành thật mà nói
honestly, sincerely, in The chocolate mousse was, quite
truth, candidly frankly, inedible.
11 Loyally adv /ˈlɔɪəli/ Thể hiện sự trung thành, ủng hộ ai
A diplomat should loyally serve his or
her country.
12 Unselfishly adv /ʌnˈselfɪʃli/ Không ích kỷ, không màng đến lợi ích
bản thân
She unselfishly devoted herself to looking
after her brother.

13 Essence n /ˈesns/ Cốt lõi, điều quan trọng nhất
His paintings capture the essence of
Essential a /ɪˈsenʃl/ Quan trọng, cần thiết
necessary, all-important, Vitamins play an essential role in many
vital, indispensable body processes.
14 Serve v /sɜːv/ (spend time in prison) Ngồi tù
She is serving two years for theft.
15 Disgrace n /dɪsˈɡreɪs/ Tình trạng bị ghét bỏ, không được đón
The swimmer was sent home from the
Olympics in disgrace.
v /dɪsˈɡreɪs/ Bị ghét bỏ
He was publicly disgraced and sent into
16 Reliance n /rɪˈlaɪəns/ Sự nhờ cậy, nương tựa
The region's reliance on tourism is
Reliant a /rɪˈlaɪənt/ Dựa dẫm vào ai
dependent The service has become heavily reliant
on government support.
Reliable a /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ Đáng tin cậy
dependable, trustworthy We are looking for someone who is
reliable and hard-working.
17 Defendant n /dɪˈfendənt/ Bị cáo, người bị kiện
18 Perseverance n /ˌpɜːsəˈvɪərəns/ Sự kiên trì, kiên nhẫn
persistence, resolution, They showed great perseverance in the
determination, dedication face of difficulty.
Persevere v /ˌpɜːsəˈvɪə(r)/ Kiên trì
Despite a number of setbacks, they
persevered in their attempts to fly
around the world in a balloon.
Persevering a /ˌpɜːsəˈvɪərɪŋ/ Kiên trì, kiên nhẫn
(usually before A few persevering climbers finally
noun) reached the top.
19 Tolerant a /ˈtɒlərənt/ Chịu đựng
accepting, broad-minded He has a very tolerant attitude towards
other religions.
Tolerate v /ˈtɒləreɪt/ Chịu đựng
put up with Their relationship was tolerated but
not encouraged.
Tolerance n /ˈtɒlərəns/ Sự chịu đựng
She was showing greater tolerance
towards her younger sister than before.
20 Alleviation n /əˌliːviˈeɪʃən/ Sự làm giảm bớt, làm nhẹ đi
the alleviation of poverty
Alleviate v /əˈliːvieɪt/ Làm giảm bớt, dịu đi
ease, reduce, relieve, a new medicine to alleviate the
moderate symptoms of flu
21 Comprehensible a /ˌkɒmprɪˈhensəbl/ Có thể hiểu, có thể lĩnh hội được
easily/readily comprehensible to the
average reader
Comprehensive a /ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv/ Bao hàm toàn diện
inclusive, complete, comprehensive insurance (= covering
exhaustive, thorough all risks)
Comprehension n /ˌkɒmprɪˈhenʃn/ Khả năng hiểu
His behaviour was completely beyond
comprehension (= impossible to
Comprehend v /ˌkɒmprɪˈhend/ Hiểu
He stood staring at the dead body,
unable to comprehend.
22 Overcrowding n /ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪŋ/ Tình trạng hỗn loạn, tấp nập
Severe overcrowding at a football match
yesterday made it hard to find the thief.

II. Cấu trúc trong các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 Take up - Chiếm thời gian, không gian
The table takes up too much room.
- Bắt đầu một sở thích, thói quen
They've taken up golf.
- Làm quần áo ngắn hơn…
This skirt needs taking up.
2 Take in - Cho ai ở tạm, ở nhờ
He was homeless, so we took him in.
- Lừa dối ai
Don’t be taken in by his charm—he’s ruthless.
- Hấp thụ
Fish take in oxygen through their gills.
3 Take on Đảm nhiệm, gánh vác
Don’t take on too much work – the extra cash isn’t worth it.
4 Take out Vứt bỏ, loại bỏ cái gì
How many teeth did the dentist take out?
5 Take a heavy toll (on Gây ra thiệt hại
somebody/something); take its The recession is taking its toll on the housing markets.
toll (on somebody/something)
6 Guest of honor (the most important person invited to an event) Khách mời
quan trọng nhất, khách vip
7 Join hands Chung tay để làm một việc gì đó
The teacher asked us to form a circle and join hands.
8 In somebody’s capable, safe, etc. Trong quyền giải quyết của người mình tin tưởng
hands He retired feeling confident that his company was in safe hands.
9 Come up Xảy ra
I'm afraid something urgent has come up.
10 Black sheep Một nhân tố đơn lẻ, tai tiếng trong một nhóm, gia đình = a
person who has done something bad that brings
embarrassment or shame to his or her family
Amy’s always been the black sheep of the family.

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc điền

STT Từ vựng và cấu Từ Phiên âm + SYNONYM Nghĩa

trúc loại
1 Workforce n /ˈwɜːkfɔːs/ Lực lượng lao động
labour force The government is determined to create
a skilled workforce capable of preparing
the country for a fast-paced global
2 Personnel n /ˌpɜːsəˈnel/ Nhân viên, công chức, toàn thể cán bộ
công nhân viên (cơ quan, nhà máy...)
There is a severe shortage of skilled
3 Insight n /ˈɪnsaɪt/ Sự hiểu, nhìn sâu vào bên trong
The book gives us fascinating insights
into life in Mexico.
4 Expertise n /ˌekspə(r)ˈtiːz/ Chuyên môn, sự thành thạo
The company is keen to develop its own
expertise in the area of computer
5 Mortgage n /ˈmɔː.ɡɪdʒ/ Thế chấp
They took out a £40o,000 mortgage (=
they borrowed £40o,000) to buy the
6 Paralegal a /ˌpærəˈliːɡl/ Liên quan đến công việc của luật sư
7 Transact v /trænˈzækt/ Giao dịch, kinh doanh
do business There are new rules about how they
transact business with customers.
An estimated one billion sales were
transacted last month.
Transaction n /trænˈzækʃn/ Sự giao dịch, sự buôn bán trao đổi
deal In an ordinary commercial transaction,
a delivery date is essential.
8 Automation n /ˌɔːtəˈmeɪʃn/ Sự tự động hoá
Automation meant the loss of many
factory jobs.
9 Call off phr Huỷ bỏ, ngưng, hoãn lại
If we have much more rain, the game
might be called off.
10 Wipe out phr Quét, phá huỷ hoàn toàn, xóa sổ
Whole villages were wiped out by the
11 Put out phr - Gây rắc rối, phiền, nhiều việc cho ai
I hope our arriving late didn't put them
- Đem ra và để cái gì ở ngoài (để người
khác tới nhặt, thu)
to put the rubbish out
- Dập tắt (lửa)
Firefighters soon put the fire out.
12 Put off phr postpone, delay Trì hoãn
He was glad to have an excuse to put off
telling her the news.

IV. Từ vựng và cấu trúc 2 bài đọc hiểu

STT Từ vựng và cấu trúc Từ Phiên âm + SYNONYM Nghĩa

1 Ecolodge n /ˈiː.kəʊˌlɒdʒ/ Khu nghỉ dưỡng sinh thái là đại diện
cho một thế hệ LƯU TRÚ mới nhằm
phục vụ cho khách du lịch một kỳ nghỉ
tập trung vào thiên nhiên, thân thiện
với môi trường.
2 Pristine a /ˈprɪs.tiːn/ Còn mới, còn nguyên trạng : not
unspoiled developed or changed in any way; left
in its original condition
pristine, pollution-free beaches
Washing machine for sale - only two
months old and in pristine condition.
3 Toiletries n /ˈtɔɪlətriz/ Các vật dụng dùng khi tắm rửa, vệ
sinh như xà phòng, kem đánh răng…
4 Initiative n /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/ Sáng kiến, ý tưởng
The money was intended to support
initiatives in bilingual education.
Initiate v /ɪˈnɪʃieɪt/ Khởi xướng, bắt đầu
The government has initiated a
programme of economic reform.
Initiation n /ɪˌnɪʃiˈeɪʃn/ Sự khởi xướng, bắt đầu
Initiator n /ɪˈnɪʃieɪtə(r)/ Người khởi xướng, người bắt đầu
5 Flora and fauna n /ˌflɔː.rə ən ˈfɔː.nə/ Động, thực vật
6 Indigenous a /ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs/ Bản địa, bản xứ
native The kangaroo is indigenous to
7 Incorporate phr Kết hợp, hợp thành = include
something something so that it forms a part of
in/into/within something
something We have incorporated all the latest
safety features into the design.
8 Reinforce v /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːs/ Củng cố, tăng cường
support, strengthen, fortify Success in the talks will reinforce his
reputation as an international
Reinforcement n /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːsmənt/ Sự củng cố, tăng cường
the reinforcement of existing prejudices
by the media
9 Notion n /ˈnəʊʃn/ Ý kiến, quan điểm, khái niệm, quan
a political system based on the notions
of equality and liberty

10 Sustainable a /səˈsteɪ.nə.bəl/ Bền vững, thân thiện với môi trường
A large international meeting was held
with the aim of promoting sustainable
development in all countries.
11 Gain n /ɡeɪn/ Lợi nhuận, lợi ích
Financial gain was never her
12 Infection n /ɪnˈfekʃ(ə)n/ Sự lây, nhiễm bệnh
Breast milk can help protect babies
against infection.
Infect v /ɪnˈfekt/ Làm nhiễm bệnh
It is not possible to infect another
person through kissing.
Infectious a /ɪnˈfekʃəs/ Lây lan, dễ lây bệnh
Flu is highly infectious.
13 Novel a /ˈnɒvl/ Khác lạ, lạ thường, mới, chưa từng có
new It was an American who came up with
the novel idea of drive-in restaurants.
14 Bewilder v /bɪˈwɪldə(r)/ Làm ai bối rối, hoang mang
Too much choice just bewilders you.
15 Regain v /rɪˈɡeɪn/ Lấy lại, chiếm lại
The party has regained control of the
16 Commit to phr Hứa cam kết về việc gì
something/doing Borrowers should think carefully
something before committing themselves to taking
out a loan.
17 Inspection n /ɪnˈspekʃn/ Sự kiểm tra, thanh tra
examination, Regular inspections are carried out at
investigation, scrutiny the prison.
18 Supervision n /ˌsuːpə(r)ˈvɪʒ(ə)n/ Sự giám sát
Dangerous prisoners need constant
Supervise v /ˈsuːpə(r)vaɪz/ Giám sát
She supervised the children playing
near the pool.
19 Epicentre n /ˈepɪsentə(r)/ Tâm chấn; trung tâm của cái gì
20 Quarantine n /ˈkwɒrəntiːn/ Thời gian cách ly
The dog was kept in quarantine for six
under quarantine: thực hiện cách ly
21 Alleged (only before a /əˈledʒd/ (stated as fact but without any proof)
noun) Được cho là
The girl gave evidence in court against
her alleged attacker.
22 Clueless a /ˈkluːləs/ Không hiểu gì, ngu ngốc
He's completely clueless about
23 Word of mouth idi Giao tiếp qua truyền miệng
The book became a worldwide best-
seller, largely by word of mouth.
24 Come as no surprise idi Không bất ngờ
It comes as no surprise to learn that
they broke their promises.
25 Scenario n /səˈnɑːriəʊ/ Viễn cảnh
The most likely scenario is that
Brooks will resign.
26 Along/on (the)… idi Dựa trên, giống cái gì đó
lines The new system will operate along the
same lines as the old one.
The hotel was built along the lines of
a French chateau.
27 Viral a /ˈvaɪrəl/ Lan truyền rộng rãi
Within 24 hours, the video went viral
on YouTube and Facebook.
28 Crisis n /ˈkraɪsɪs/ Cơn khủng hoảng
The government is attempting to solve
the debt crisis through spending cuts.
29 Discrepancy n /dɪˈskrepənsi/ Sự khác nhau, không nhất quán
What are the reasons for the
discrepancy between girls' and boys'
performance in school?
30 Discrete a /dɪˈskriːt/ Riêng biệt
independent, separate The organisms can be divided into
discrete categories.
31 Dilemma n /dɪˈlemə/ Tình thế khó xử
quandary She faced a dilemma about whether to
accept the offer or not.

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 27/1/2020

I. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc điền “ Internships”

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm/Synonym Nghĩa


1 Go through phr experience, suffer Trải qua, chịu phải

You'd think his children would be more
sympathetic towards him after all he's
gone through
2 Few and far idi from time to time Ít khi, không thường xuyên = not
between happening or existing very often
Opportunities for promotion are few and
far between.
3 Relevant a /ˈrel.ə.vənt/ Thích đáng, thích hợp, xác đáng
Education should be relevant to the
child's needs.
4 Stand out phr Trở nên nổi bật, tốt hơn ai/cái gì
(from/against sth) Four points stand out as being more
important than the rest.
The lettering stood out well against the
dark background.
5 Placement n /ˈpleɪsmənt/ Công việc, thường là tạm thời trong
thời gian học tập
The course includes a placement in Year
6 Internship n /ˈɪntɜːnʃɪp/ Thời gian thực tập
an internship at a television station
Intern n /ˈɪntɜːn/ Thực tập sinh
a summer intern at a law firm
7 Negotiate v /nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt/ Đàm phán, thương lượng
The government will not negotiate with
Negotiation n /nɪˌɡəʊʃiˈeɪʃn/ Cuộc đàm phán, thương lượng
They were conducting secret
negotiations with Spain.
Negotiable a /nɪˈɡəʊʃiəbl/ Có thể thương lượng, đàm phán được
The price was not negotiable.
8 Expense(s) n /ɪkˈspens/ Chi tiêu, chi phí
living/medical/travel expenses
The company has cut operating expenses
to their lowest levels in three years.
9 Companion n /kəmˈpænjən/ Bạn đồng hành
Geoff was my companion on the journey.
10 Persuasion n /pəˈsweɪʒn/ Sự thuyết phục
It didn't take much persuasion to get her
to tell us where he was.
Persuasive a /pəˈsweɪsɪv/ Có sức thuyết phục
There are several persuasive arguments
in favour of the move.
Persuade v /pəˈsweɪd/ Thuyết phục, làm ai đó tin tưởng
I didn't want to go, but my friends
persuaded me into it.
11 Incentive n /ɪnˈsen.tɪv/ Sự khích lệ, khuyến khích
Bonus payments provide an incentive to
work harder.
(have) an incentive to do sth: sự khích
lệ làm gì (có động lực
làm gì).
12 Promotion n /prəˈməʊ.ʃən/ - Sự đẩy mạnh, xúc tiển, quảng bá cái gì
There was a promotion in the
supermarket and they were giving away
free glasses of wine.
- Sự thăng chức
Her promotion to Sales Manager took
everyone by surprise.
13 Profitable a /ˈprɒf.ɪ.tə.bəl/ Có lợi nhuận, có lãi
The company had to eliminate 200 jobs
to stay profitable.
Profit n /ˈprɒfɪt/ Lợi nhuận
Profits before tax grew from £615m to
£1 168m.

14 Recruit v /rɪˈkruːt/ Chiêu mộ, tuyển
They recruited several new members to
the club.
Recruitment n /rɪˈkruːtmənt/ Sự tuyển dụng, chiêu mộ, tuyển thêm
người mới vào công ty, tổ chức…

II. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc hiểu 1

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm/Synonym Nghĩa

1 Intimate a /ˈɪntɪmət/ Thân mật, thân thiết
We're not on intimate terms with our
Intimacy n /ˈɪntɪməsi/ Sự thân mật, thân thiết
2 Inhabit v /ɪnˈhæbɪt/ Trú ngụ, cư trú
3 Outweigh v /ˌaʊtˈweɪ/ Nhiều hơn
The advantages far outweigh the
4 Perspective n /pəˈspektɪv/ Thái độ, quan điểm
You can call it brave or foolish,
depending on your perspective.
5 Swap v /swɒp/ Đổi
I swapped my red scarf for her blue one.
6 Adventurous a /ədˈven.tʃər.əs/ Thích phiêu lưu, thích mạo hiểm, phiêu
daring,bravery lưu, mạo hiểm
I'm trying to be more adventurous with
my cooking.
7 Hut n /hʌt/ Túp lều
Traditional mud huts gave way to
concrete houses.
8 Thrill n /θrɪl/ Cảm giác thích thú, cảm giác mạnh
frisson It gave me a big thrill to meet my
favourite author in person.
Thrilled a /θrɪld/ Thích thú, vui sướng
He was thrilled at the prospect of seeing
them again.
9 Charm n /tʃɑːm/ Nét cuốn hút, quyến rũ
attraction, appeal, The building has been modernized but
fascination, allure retains its traditional charm.
10 Cross something off phr Gạch bỏ cái gì
We can cross his name off; he's not

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc điền “ Social networking sites”

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm/Synonym Nghĩa

1 Profile n /ˈprəʊ.faɪl/ - Hồ sơ, thông tin cá nhân
You can post your relationship status on
your Facebook profile.
- Sự chú ý (attention), sự tập trung vào
We need to increase our company's
profile in Asia.
2 Put something up/ phr - put something up=to build something
put up something or place something somewhere: xây
nên, dựng lên
put up a building/fence/memorial/tent
= display - put up something = to fix something in
a place where it will be seen
to put up a notice
Put somebody up -Cho ai đó ở nhờ
We can put you up for the night.
-Đề xuất ai đó vào một vị trí công việc
The Green Party hopes to put up more
candidates in the next election.
3 Exceptional a /ɪkˈsepʃənl/ Khác thường, đặc biệt
unusual, special, odd, At the age of five he showed exceptional
strange talent as a musician.
4 Reasonable a /ˈriːz(ə)nəb(ə)l/ Hợp lý, hợp tình
practical,sensible it is( would be) reasonable for somebody
to do something
Is it not reasonable for the government
to look for savings and efficiencies?
5 Controversial a /ˌkɒntrəˈvɜː(r)ʃ(ə)l/ Gây tranh cãi
causing disagreement We tried to stay away from controversial
topics at the dinner party.
Controversy n /ˈkɒntrəvɜː(r)si/ Cuộc tranh cãi
The election ended in controversy, with
allegations of widespread vote-rigging.
6 Flattering a /ˈflætərɪŋ/ Hấp dẫn (making someone look or
seem better or more attractive than
A computer will help you select the most
flattering shade of make-up.
Flattery n /ˈflætəri/ Lời tâng bốc, nịnh bợ
You're too intelligent to fall for his
Flatter v /ˈflætə(r)/ Tâng bốc, nịnh bợ
You’re trying to flatter me, and it won’t
7 Discerning a /dɪˈsɜːnɪŋ/ Sáng suốt, nhận thức rõ
The discerning customer will recognize
this as a high-quality product.
Discern v /dɪˈsɜːn/ Nhận thức, thấy rõ
It is possible to discern a number of
different techniques in her work.
Discernible a /dɪˈsɜːnəbl/ Có thể nhận thức, thấy rõ

There is often no discernible difference
between rival brands.
8 Comply v /kəmˈplaɪ/ Tuân theo, làm theo
All furniture must comply with the fire
safety regulations.
9 Conform v /kənˈfɔːm/ Làm cho phù hợp với, thích ứng với
He refused to conform to the local
Conformable a /kənˈfɔːməbl/ Theo đúng với, thích hợp với
What happens in cases where common
law is not conformable to the
Conformation n /ˌkɒnfɔːˈmeɪʃn/ Cấu tạo, hình dáng
the ideal physical conformation of the
10 Abide v /əˈbaɪd/ Tuân theo
Competitors must abide by the judges’
11 Flaw n /flɔː/ Thiếu sót, sai lầm
a fault, mistake, or The report reveals fatal flaws in security
weakness, at the airport.
12 Depict v /dɪˈpɪkt/ Mô tả
describe He was depicted as a hero who died for
his beliefs.
Depiction n /dɪˈpɪkʃn/ Sự mô tả
They object to the movie's depiction of
gay people.

IV. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc hiểu “field trip”

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm/Synonym Nghĩa

1 Field trip n /ˈfiːld trɪp/ Chuyến đi thực tế
Delegates at the conference were taken
on field trips to see the devastation.
2 Disruption n /dɪsˈrʌp.ʃən/ Sự cản trở, sự gián đoạn
It would cause a tremendous disruption
to our work schedule to install a
different computer system.
3 Conduct/carry collo Tiến hành một cuộc khảo sát
out/do/complete a
4 increasing/growing collo Nhu cầu tăng lên
/rising demand
5 Luxury n /ˈlʌkʃəri/ Sự xa xỉ, sang trọng
Now we'll be able to live in luxury for the
rest of our lives.
Luxurious a /lʌɡˈʒʊəriəs/ Xa xỉ, sang chảnh
The car felt luxurious.
Luxuriate in phrv Tận hưởng, sống sung sướng

She luxuriated in all the attention she
6 Worthwhile a /ˌwɜːθˈwaɪl/ Thoả mãn, xứng đáng, đáng giá
useful, good, valuable, We all felt we had done something
helpful worthwhile for the local community.
7 Contribute to phr Đóng góp, góp phần
something Many local businesses offered to
contribute to the school rebuilding fund.
8 Enrich v /ɪnˈrɪtʃ/ Làm giàu, phong phú thêm
improve, enhance The study of science has enriched all our
Enrichment n /ɪnˈrɪtʃmənt/ Sự làm giàu, làm phong phú
Environmental enrichment helps to
prevent boredom and bad habits from
developing in caged animals.

V. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc hiểu số 3(bài cuối của ngày)

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm/Synonym Nghĩa

1 Figure sth/sb out phr Hiểu, tìm ra giải pháp cho vấn đề sau
khi suy nghĩ kĩ
I can't figure out why he did it.
2 Watch out phr Coi chừng, cẩn thận
Watch out! There's a car coming!
3 Work out phr Suy nghĩ, tìm ra cách, đưa ra kế hoạch
làm gì
I've worked out a new way of doing it.
4 Turn out phr Hóa ra, trở nên
The truth turned out to be stranger than
we had expected.
5 Carry out phr Tiến hành, thực hiện
An investigation is being carried out by
the prison governor.
6 Baby-boomer n /ˈbeɪ.biˌbuːm.ər/ a person who was born during a baby
boom, especially the one that happened
in the UK and the US following the
Second World War
Wikipedia: Baby Boomer (Thế hệ bùng
nổ trẻ sơ sinh) là nhóm nhân khẩu học
theo sau nhóm Thế hệ Im lặng (Silent
Generation) và Thế hệ X. Thế hệ này
thường được định nghĩa là những cá
nhân sinh từ năm 1946 đến 1964, trong
thời kỳ bùng nổ trẻ sơ sinh của thế giới
sau Thế chiến II
7 Millennial (usually n /mɪˈleniəl/ Thế hệ 9X (born in the 1980s, 1990s, or
plural) early 2000s)
Millennials are willing to take risks and
see career change as normal.
8 Radically ad /ˈræd.ɪ.kəl.i/ Hoàn toàn, cực kì
completely or extremely Our approach is radically different
to that of our competitors.
9 Starting point n /ˈstɑː.tɪŋ ˌpɔɪnt/ a place or position where something
begins: điểm xuất phát, điểm bắt đầu
The starting point for the guided tour of
the town is in the market square.
10 Polytechnic n /ˌpɒl.ɪˈtek.nɪk/ (especially in Britain before 1992) a
college where students study for
degrees, especially in technical
subjects, or train for particular types of
work: trường bách khoa
11 Continual a /kənˈtɪn.ju.əl/ happening repeatedly, usually in an
annoying or not convenient way: xảy
ra, diễn ra lặp đi lặp lại gây khó chịu
I've had continual problems with this car
ever since I bought it.
Continuous a /kənˈtɪn.ju.əs/ = without a pause or interruption: liên
tục, không dứt
The organization aims to create a
culture of continuous improvement .
12 Acquisition n /ˌækwɪˈzɪʃn/ Sự giành được, đạt được
acquiring, gaining, theories of child language acquisition
Acquisitive a /əˈkwɪzətɪv/ Thích trữ của, hám lợi
the post-war acquisitive society
Acquire v /əˈkwaɪə(r)/ Giành được, đạt được
She has acquired a good knowledge of
13 Span n /spæn/ Khoảng thời gian kéo dài
time, period I worked with him over a span of six
Small children have a short attention
14 Dynamic a /daɪˈnæm.ɪk/ - Năng động, đầy nhiệt huyết
energetic, spirited, We’re looking for someone positive and
powerful, active dynamic.
- Luôn thay đổi, đổi mới
These countries are characterized by
highly dynamic economies.
15 Embrace v /ɪmˈbreɪs/ Chấp nhận, đồng ý
accept It is unlikely that such countries will
embrace capitalist ideas.
16 Employability n /ɪmˌplɔɪəˈbɪləti/ Khả năng thích ứng với thị trường làm
việc, lao động
Acquiring enhanced IT skills will
improve your employability.
Employable a /ɪmˈplɔɪəbl/ Có kỹ năng, bằng cấp để người khác
thuê mình
training schemes that aim to make
young people more employable
17 Inspire v /ɪnˈspaɪər/ Truyền cảm hứng, truyền động lực
His confident leadership inspired his
18 Motivation n /ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n/ Động lực
Most people said that pay was their
main motivation for working.
Motivational a /ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃənl/ Làm ai có động lực, truyền cảm hứng
a motivational speaker/speech
Motivate v /ˈməʊtɪveɪt/ Thúc đẩy
She's very good at motivating her
19 Adapt to sth phr Thích nghi, thích ứng với gì
Some animals have a remarkable ability
to adapt to changing environments.

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 28/1/2020

I. Vocabulary

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa


1 (the) Press n /pres/ Báo chí

Unlike the American, the British press
operates on a national scale.
2 Disturb v /dɪˈstɜːb/ Làm mất yên tĩnh, làm náo động; quấy
interrupt, bother rầy, làm bối rối, làm lo âu; làm xáo lộn
If you get up early, try not to disturb
everyone else.
Disturbance n /dɪˈstɜːbəns/ Sự làm mất yên tĩnh, sự làm náo động;
sự quấy rầy, sự làm bối rối
The building work is creating constant
noise, dust and disturbance.
3 Excuse n /ɪkˈskjuːs/ Lý do, lời bào chữa
reason, explanation, Late again! What's your excuse this
defence time?
Excusable a /ɪkˈskjuːzəbl/ Có thể tha thứ được
forgivable, understandable Doing it once was just about excusable—
doing it twice was certainly not.
4 Genuinely adv /ˈdʒenjuɪnli/ Thật sự, thành thật mà nói
honestly There are some genuinely funny
moments in the film.
5 Instil(l) v /ɪnˈstɪl/ Truyền dẫn (ý nghĩ, tình cảm...) cho,
introduce, implant làm cho thấm nhuần dần
It is part of a teacher's job to instill
confidence in/into his or her students.
6 Inspect v /ɪnˈspekt/ Kiểm tra, thanh tra
examine, check, view Make sure you inspect the goods before
signing for them.
Inspection n /ɪnˈspekʃn/ Sự kiểm tra, thanh tra

examination, investigation, Regular inspections are carried out at
scrutiny the prison.
7 Inscribe v /ɪnˈskraɪb/ Viết, khắc
carve, engrave His name was inscribed on the trophy.
Inscription n /ɪnˈskrɪpʃn/ Câu, chữ được khắc
There was an inscription carved over the
8 Institute v /ˈɪn·stɪˌtut/ Thiết lập, đặt ra (luật, hệ thống, nội
These are some of the safety guidelines
we’ve instituted in our hotels.
9 Appreciative a /əˈpriːʃətɪv/ Biết ơn, đánh giá cao; thoả mãn
enthusiastic, The company was very appreciative of
understanding, grateful my efforts.
She watched them with an appreciative
10 Appreciable a /əˈpriːʃəbl/ Lớn, đáng kể
significant The increase in salary will be
11 Move v /muːv/ Có tác động mạnh mẽ tới ai
We were deeply moved by her plight.
12 Avert v /əˈvɜːt/ - Ngăn ngừa, ngăn chặn
He managed to avert the closure of the
- Quay mặt đi
She averted her eyes from the terrible
scene in front of her.
Aversion n /əˈvɜːʃn/ Sự ghét, không thích
He had an aversion to getting up early.
13 Indifferent a /ɪnˈdɪfrənt/ Thờ ơ, hờ hững
unconcerned, careless The government cannot afford to be
indifferent to public opinion.
Indifference n /ɪnˈdɪfrəns/ Sự thờ ơ, hờ hững, không hứng thú
disregard, apathy, lack of What she said is a matter of complete
interest indifference to me.
14 Permit n /ˈpɜːmɪt/ Giấy phép
licence a parking/building permit
The company failed to obtain the
necessary permits for the landfill project.
15 Idle (usually before a /ˈaɪdl/ Không mục đích cụ thể nào, không quan
noun) useless, pointless trọng
It was just an idle threat (= not serious).
Idle chatter/curiosity
16 Principle n /ˈprɪnsəpl/ Nguyên tắc, quy tắc
moral, standard I refuse to lie about it; it’s against my
17 Principal n /ˈprɪnsəpl/ Hiệu trưởng, người đứng đầu một
Peter Brown, principal of St John’s
Principal (only a /ˈprɪnsəpl/ Chính, quan trọng nhất
before noun) main, leading, prime, The principal reason for this omission is
essential lack of time.
Tourist revenue is now our principal
source of wealth.
18 Outbreak n /ˈaʊtbreɪk/ Sự bùng phát (dịch bệnh, chiến tranh…)
eruption, burst, explosion the outbreak of war
Outbreaks of rain are expected in the
19 Economic a /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/ (thuộc) Kinh tế, liên quan đến kinh tế
/ˌekəˈnɒmɪk/ - Economic growth is slowing down.
- It's often more economic to buy office
supplies in bulk.
- We had to close our London office -
with the rent so high it just wasn't
Economical a /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk(ə)l/ Tiết kiệm
/ˌekəˈnɒmɪk(ə)l/ It would be more economical to switch
fair, cheap, reasonable the machine off at night.
Economically adv /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkli/ Về mặt kinh tế
/ˌekəˈnɒmɪkli/ Politically and economically, the country
is going through enormous changes.
Economics n /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪks/ Kinh tế học
/ˌekəˈnɒmɪks/ Dillon studied economics at Manchester
20 Latter (only before a /ˈlætə(r)/ - (thời gian) Gần cuối
noun) the latter half of the year
- Cái thứ 2 được nhắc đến
The latter point is the most important.
21 Comprehensible a /ˌkɒmprɪˈhensəbl/ Có thể hiểu, có thể lĩnh hội được
understandable, clear easily/readily comprehensible to the
average reader
Comprehensive a /ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv/ Bao hàm toàn diện
full, complete, wide, broad comprehensive insurance (= covering all
Comprehension n /ˌkɒmprɪˈhenʃn/ Khả năng hiểu
understanding His behaviour was completely beyond
comprehension (= impossible to
Comprehend v /ˌkɒmprɪˈhend/ Hiểu
understand He stood staring at the dead body,
unable to comprehend.
22 Historical a /hɪˈstɒrɪkl/ (connected with history or with the
past) Liên quan đến lịch sử
You must place these events in their
historical context.
historical documents/records/research
Historic a /hɪˈstɒrɪk/ important or likely to be important in
history: quan trọng
It was a great fight, a historic moment in
Irish sport.

a historic monument/landmark

History n /ˈhɪstri/ Lịch sử

Many people throughout history have
dreamt of a world without war.
23 Compliment v /ˈkɒmplɪment/ Khen ngợi
praise She complimented him on his excellent
Compliment n /ˈkɒmplɪment/ Lời khen
praise, flatter ‘You understand the problem because
you're so much older.’ ‘I'll take that as a
Complimentary a /ˌkɒmplɪˈmentri/ - Miễn phí
The hotel offers a complimentary
breakfast and evening cocktails.
- Thể hiện sự hưởng ứng, khen ngợi
She was extremely complimentary about
his work.
24 Sentence n /ˈsentəns/ Bản án, lời tuyên án
The judge passed sentence (= said what
the punishment would be).
25 Ease v /iːz/ Làm giảm
relieve, alleviate Sometimes a mild painkiller is enough to
ease the pain.
Colleagues are trying to ease the
pressure she is under at work.
26 Lease n /liːs/ Hợp đồng cho thuê (bất động sản)
He has the house on a long lease.
The lease expires/runs out next year.
27 Badly adv /ˈbædli/ Dùng để nhấn mạnh sự cần, muốn…
The building is badly in need of repair.
They wanted to win so badly.
I miss her badly.

II. Structures

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 (every) Now and again/then Thỉnh thoảng
Every now and again she checked to see if he was still asleep.
2 Here and there Ở nhiều nơi, nhiều chỗ
Papers were scattered here and there on the floor.
3 Be up to your ears in sth Bận ngập đầu, có quá nhiều việc phải làm = to be very busy, or
to have more of something than you can manage:
I'm up to my ears in work.
We’re up to our ears in work.
4 Be up to your eyes in sth = to be very busy doing something: rất bận làm việc gì đó
I'm up to my eyes in homework this week.
5 Be up to here with sth = have had used to show that one has too much of something to deal with
something up to here with or that one is very annoyed by something and will not accept
any more of it: có quá nhiều thứ phải giải quyết, bận rộn, chán
nản cái gì đó
I've had it up to here with your nonsense!
6 Not (all) that Không quá, không như những gì được đề cập trước đó
There aren’t that many people here.
It isn’t all that cold.
7 Blow something off Lơ đi, không làm = to deliberately not do something you are
(North American English) expected to do
I can’t believe you blew off the exam.
8 Put off something Trì hoãn = to delay or move an activity to a later time: trì
hoãn ở một khoảng thời gian
The meeting has been put off for a week.
9 Call off Huỷ bỏ, ngừng lại = decide that a planned event, especially a
sports event, will not happen, or to end an activity because it
is no longer useful or possible
The concert had to be called off because the singer went
down with a bad case of flu.
10 Failing that Nếu điều đó không xảy ra = if that is not possible
We will probably have the conference at the Hyatt Hotel or,
failing that, at the Fairmont.
11 Set back someone/something - Hoãn hoặc ngưng tiến trình của ai, cái gì = to delay or stop
the progress of someone or something
The bad weather set back the building programme by several
12 Make for - Đến, đi đến
He picked up his umbrella and made for the door.
- Giúp, làm cái gì trở nên dễ dàng
The new computers make for much greater productivity.
13 A most + (adj) +Noun Một thứ gì đó rất … ( most = very)
It was a most beautiful morning.
13 Consist in Cốt ở, nằm ở chỗ
True education does not consist in simply being taught facts.
14 Over the hill Quá tuổi
Youngsters seem to think you’re over the hill at 40!
15 Avail yourself of something Tận dụng cơ hội
Guests are encouraged to avail themselves of the full range of
hotel facilities.
16 Cut to the chase = come/get to Đi thẳng vào vấn đề
the point >< (opposite) beat Right, let's cut to the chase. How much is it going to cost?
around/about the bush
17 Call (in) on sb = to visit someone for a short time:
I thought we might call in on your mother on our way - I've got
some magazines for her.
18 Call for someone - Đến đón ai = collect somebody in order to go somewhere
I'll call for you at 7 o'clock.
19 Call up someone/ call someone - Gọi điện cho ai
up I will call up everyone we’d invited and tell them that we have
called off the party.
- Triệu tập = to make somebody do their training in the
army, etc. or fight in a war
SYNONYM conscript, draft
20 Call at Dừng lại
This train calls at Didcot and Reading
21 Be angry at/about/over Giận dữ vì điều gì
something The passengers grew angry about the delay.
22 Call out Yêu cầu được giúp đỡ
to call out an engineer/a plumber/the troops
23 Call on/upon -Yêu cầu ai đó làm gì
The human rights group has called on the US to end the death
- Đến thăm ai
We could call on my parents if we have time.
- Vận dụng hết khả năng để đạt được, thể hiện điều gì
She called on all her reserves of courage to face the ordeal
ahead of her.
24 Come by Đạt được điều gì
Jobs are hard to come by these days.
25 Come apart Vỡ ra thành mảnh
I picked up the book and it just came apart in my hands.
26 Come about Xảy đến, xảy ra = to happen, or start to happen
Can you tell me how the accident came about?
27 Come at - Tiến gần tới ai đó, như đang tấn công
A stranger came at him with a knife.
- Tiếp cận vấn đề
We're getting nowhere—let's come at it from another angle.
28 Come around/round - Tỉnh dậy, nhận thức lại
Your mother hasn't yet come around from the anaesthetic.
- (happen again) Lại xảy ra, xảy đến
My birthday seems to come around more quickly every year.
29 Come over - (feeling affects you)
A wave of anger came over him.
- (react)
I came over all emotional when I saw him.
- Đến thăm ai, đến một nơi nào đó
Why don’t you come over for dinner?
30 Take offence (at) something Cảm thấy bị xúc phạm
No one will take offence (= feel upset or insulted) if you leave
Many readers took offence at the article.
31 Take account of something/take Cân nhắc, xem xét
something into account The company takes account of environmental issues wherever
32 Take (a) delight in (doing) Cảm thấy vui sướng, hả hê
something He seemed to take great delight in embarrassing me.
33 Take measures to do something Đưa ra biện pháp, cách giải quyết vấn đề
Stronger measures will have to be taken to bring down
34 On ( a long ) lease Đang trong hợp đồng cho thuê (dài hạn)
He has the house on a long lease.
35 Take exception to something Bực mình, phản đối
Eileen took exception to Pat’s manner and said as much.
36 Pay someone/something a Đến thăm, gặp ai
visit/call I think it’s time we paid the school a visit.

37 Pay through the nose (for Trả một khoản tiền cắt cổ
something) In the city centre restaurants, you pay through the nose for your

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 29/1/2020

I. Vocabulary(phần trắc nghiệm)

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm + SYNONYM Nghĩa


1 Extinct a /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ Tuyệt chủng

dead, lost, gone, vanished The Tasmanian tiger was declared
extinct in 1936.
Extinction n /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃ(ə)n/ Sự tuyệt chủng
death, destruction The mountain gorilla is on the verge of
2 House-warming n /ˈhaʊs wɔːmɪŋ/ Tiệc mừng tân gia

3 Likeness n /ˈlaɪknəs/ Sự giống nhau, tương tự

resemblance, similarity, Joanna bears a strong likeness to her
correspondence, affinity father.
4 Preference n /ˈpref(ə)rəns/ Sự ưa thích, thích hơn
liking Either tomorrow or Wednesday is fine
for me. Do you have a preference?
Many people expressed a strong
preference for the original plan.
Preferential (only a /ˌprefəˈrenʃl/ Được ưu đãi, dành sự ưu tiên
before noun) privileged, favoured Don't expect to get preferential
Preferable a /ˈprefrəbl/ Hợp hơn, đẹp hơn; được ưa thích hơn
better He finds country life infinitely preferable
to living in the city.
5 Closure n /ˈkləʊʒə(r)/ Tình trạng đóng cửa (trường học, công
Spending cuts could mean the closure of
the village school.
6 Resource n /rɪˈsɔːs/ -Tài nguyên (natural resource: tài
nguyên thiên nhiên)
water/mineral/energy resources
-Something that can be used to help
achieve an aim, especially a book,
equipment, etc. that provides
information for teachers and students: :
tài nguyên giảng dạy cho việc học tập
The website is an invaluable educational

Resourceful a /rɪˈsɔːsfl/ Có tài xoay sở, tháo vát
These women were strong, resourceful
and courageous.
7 Originate v /əˈrɪdʒəneɪt/ Có nguồn gốc, xuất phát
Many herbs originate from the
Origin n /ˈɒrɪdʒɪn/ Nguồn gốc
The origin of the word remains obscure.
Original a /əˈrɪdʒ(ə)nəl/ Nguyên bản, mới
Our original plan was to go to Spain, but
it was too expensive.
8 Source n /sɔːs/ Nguồn( nguồn cơ của cái gì), điểm bắt
đầu, xuất phát
Your local library will be a useful source
of information.
Oranges are a good source of vitamin C.
Funding came from a wide variety of
9 Root n /ruːt/ Gốc rễ, cội nguồn
Good soil promotes strong root growth.
We have to get to the root of the
Flamenco may have its roots in Arabic
10 Commercial n /kəˈmɜːʃl/ Quảng cáo
advertisement a TV/television commercial
He did a number of commercials for
major brands.
11 Reconcile v /ˈrekənsaɪl/ - Điều hoà, làm cho hoà hợp
It was hard to reconcile his career
ambitions with the needs of his children.
- Làm hoà với ai
He has recently been reconciled with his
Reconciliation n /ˌrekənsɪliˈeɪʃn/ Sự hoà giải
Their change of policy brought about a
reconciliation with Britain.
Reconcilable >< a /ˌrekənˈsaɪləbl/ Nhất trí, không mâu thuẫn
irreconcilable The theory was not reconcilable with his
religious beliefs.
12 Estranged a /ɪˈstreɪndʒd/ Không còn sống chung với vợ, chồng…
He is being questioned in connection
with the death of his estranged wife.
Estrangement n /ɪˈstreɪndʒmənt/ Tình trạng không còn sống chung,
không còn thân thiết với ai
The misunderstanding had caused a
seven-year estrangement between them.
13 Harmonize v /ˈhɑːmənaɪz/ Làm hài hoà, cân đối, hoà hợp
the need to harmonize tax levels across
the European Union
Harmonious a /hɑːˈməʊniəs/ Hài hoà, hoà hợp
Harmony n /ˈhɑː.mə.ni/ Âm thanh, bản nhạc êm tai; sự hài hoà,
hoà thuận, bình yên
14 Truthful a /ˈtruːθfl/ Thật thà, chân thật
honest She was completely truthful about her
involvement in the affair.
15 Contactable a /ˈkɒntæktəbl/ Có thể liên lạc được
Contact n /ˈkɒntækt/ Sự liên lạc, tiếp xúc
"Have you been in contact with
Andrew recently?" "Only by phone."
16 Opposed a /əˈpəʊzd/ Chống lại, trái ngược lại, phản đối
He was strongly opposed to modernism
in art.
Opposing a /əˈpəʊzɪŋ/ Đối nhau, trái lại, đối lập (đội bóng, đội
quân, ….)
a player from the opposing side
17 Willingly adv /ˈwɪlɪŋli/ Một cách vui vẻ, sẵn lòng làm gì
People would willingly pay more for
better services.
18 Intensively adv /ɪnˈtensɪvli/ Một cách sâu sắc, chuyên sâu, tập trung
This case has been intensively studied.
She was studying intensively six days a
19 Husband v /ˈhʌzbənd/ Sử dụng cẩn thận, khéo, tiết kiệm
conserve, economize Times are hard and we have to husband
our resources.
20 Educational a /ˌedʒ.ʊˈkeɪ.ʃən.əl/ providing education or relating to
education: liên quan đến giáo dục, cung
cấp sự giáo dục (thường dùng cho các
tổ chức, cơ quan, chương trình…)
A new educational programme has been
set up for economically disadvantaged
Educated a /ˈedʒ.u.keɪ.tɪd/ Có giáo dục, có học thuật = having
learned a lot at school or university and
having a good level of knowledge:
She was probably the most highly
educated prime minister of this century.

II. Cấu trúc trong các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 Do (regular) excercise Tập thể dục, thể thao đều đặn, thường xuyên
Doing regular exercise can help you keep fit and stay healthy
2 In danger of (doing) something Gặp chuyện gì nguy hiểm, bị đe doạ
The peace talks are now in danger of collapse.
3 Come up smelling of roses Thoát khỏi những chuyện rắc rối mà không bị ảnh hưởng, càng
mạnh mẽ và tốt hơn trước
She managed to come out of the deal smelling of roses.
4 Give up Ngưng, từ bỏ
We'd given up hope of ever having children.
5 Keep off - Né tránh nói về, đề cập đến chủ đề gì
It's best to keep off politics when my father's around.
- Tránh ăn, uống, hút thuốc…
I'm trying to keep off fatty foods.
6 Go over Kiểm tra, xem lại
Go over your work before you hand it in.
7 Put off Trì hoãn; làm ai mất hứng thú
He was glad to have an excuse to put off telling her the news.
He was put off science by bad teaching.
8 Have (no) difficulty (in) (Không) gặp khó khăn khi làm gì
something Six months after the accident, he still has difficulty walking.
9 On the double/at the double Hối thúc, nhanh, không chậm trễ
10 Use up Dùng, sử dụng hết mà không còn lại gì
The oil had all been used up.

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc điền

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm + SYNONYM Nghĩa


1 Isolation n /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃn/ Sự cô lập, sự cách ly

The country could face international
isolation if it does not withdraw its
Isolated a /ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd/ (nơi chốn) cách xa, biệt lập
Remote isolated rural areas
Cô lập, không có nhiều liên lạc, quan hệ
I felt very isolated in my new job.
2 Quarantine n /ˈkwɒrəntiːn/ Sự cách ly
The dog was kept in quarantine for six
Quarantine v /ˈkwɒrəntiːn/ Cách ly, đem đi cách ly
All travellers arriving in the country are
currently required to quarantine for two
3 Foster v /ˈfɒstə(r)/ Tạo thuận lợi, điều kiện để phát triển
Encourage The club’s aim is to foster better
Promote relations within the community.
4 Widespread a /ˈwaɪdspred/ Lan rộng, trải rộng, phổ biến
popular The storm caused widespread damage.
5 Interface n /ˈɪntəfeɪs/ Giao diện, thiết bị ghép nối
6 Guerrilla n /ɡəˈrɪl.ə/ Du kích
Guerrilla marketing: tiếp thị kiểu du kích

IV. Từ vựng và cấu trúc 2 bài đọc hiểu (vì từ vựng khá ít nên anh không tách nó ra mà gộp lại

STT Từ vựng và cấu Từ Phiên âm + SYNONYM Nghĩa
trúc loại
1 Document v /ˈdɒkjument/ Dẫn chứng, ghi chú tư liệu, tài liệu
Record Urban life in the nineteenth century is
well documented.
2 Alter v /ˈɔːltə(r)/ Thay đổi, làm biến đổi
change He had altered so much I scarcely
recognized him.
Alterable a /ˈɔːltərəbl/ Có thể thay đổi
Alteration n /ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃn/ Sự thay đổi, sửa đổi
They are making some alterations to
the house.
3 Auditory a /ˈɔːdətri/ (thuộc) sự nghe, thính giác
4 Vivid a /ˈvɪvɪd/ (hình ảnh, kí ức…) sâu sắc, sinh động,
rõ ràng…
vivid memories
5 Boisterous a /ˈbɔɪstərəs/ Náo nhiệt, huyên náo, đầy sống động,
noisy, energetic năng lượng
It was a challenge, keeping ten
boisterous seven-year-olds amused.
6 Subcontinent n /ˌsʌbˈkɒntɪnənt/ Lục địa nhỏ
7 Triumph n /ˈtraɪʌmf/ Chiến thắng, thành công, thành tựu vẻ
success, victory, vang
accomplishment, mastery The game ended in triumph for the
home team.
8 Corresponding a /ˌkɒrəˈspɒndɪŋ/ Tương ứng, đúng với
Equivalent/ɪˈkwɪvələnt/ Give each picture a number
corresponding to its position on the
9 Pyre n /ˈpaɪə(r)/ Giàn thiêu
10 Signify v /ˈsɪɡnɪfaɪ/ Biểu thị, biểu hiện, cho thấy là
mean The white belt signifies that he's an
absolute beginner.
11 Twig n /twɪɡ/ Cành con, nhỏ
12 Fertility n /fəˈtɪləti/ Sự tốt, màu mỡ, phì nhiêu
Improve the soil fertility by adding

13 Squirt v /skwɜːt/ Làm vọt ra, bắn, phụt ra (tia, nước…)

14 Fling v /flɪŋ/ Ném, quăng
(past simple and past participle of fling
is flung)
15 Stand for sth represent Dạng rút gọn của cái gì đó
‘The book's by T.C. Smith.’ ‘What does
the ‘T.C.’ stand for?’
support Tượng trưng, ủng hộ, biểu tượng cho gì
I hated the organization and all it stood
for (= the ideas that it supported).
16 Hurl v /hɜːl/ Ném mạnh, phóng
fling He hurled a brick through the window.


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