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Мала Академія Наук (вариант ІІІ)

Контрольна робота з англійської мови (для учнів 10 класу)

І Виберіть правильний варіант перекладу:

1. I came across the term I didn’t know.

A. Мені зустрівся термін, який я не знаю.
B. Я проходив через невідомі мені умови.
C. Я не знав, що зустріну такий термін.
2. We all agree that it is better late than never.
A. Ми погодились з тим, що краще пізніше, ніж ніколи.
B. Ми всі згодні, що краще пізно, ніж ніколи.
C. Ми вважали, що краще пізніше, ніж ніколи.
3. На Вашому місці я б написав їй листа.
A. If I were you, I would write her a letter.
B. If I were you, I will write her a letter.
C. If I were in your place, I would have written her a letter.
4. Він запитав, чи поїде вона влітку на узбережжя.
A. He asked her if she will go to the seaside in summer.
B. He asked her if she would go to the seaside in summer.
C. He asked her would she go to the seaside in summer.
5. Я вважаю, що він найрозумніший хлопець в нашому класі.
A. I think he is the most clever boy in our class.
B. I am thinking he is the most clever boy in our class.
C. I think he is the cleverest boy in our class.

ІІ Запропонуйте українські аналоги англійських прислів’їв та приказок :

1. Bad news has wings.
2. What’s done cannot be undone.
3. He who has begun has half done.
4. No pains no gains.
5. When in Rome do as Romans do.

ІІІ Оберіть слово:

1. Shall we … swimming or skateboarding? (go / play)
2. Can I … your car to go to the shops? (lend / borrow)
3. Did Alexander Fleming … penicillin? (invent / discover)
4. You’re completely wrong! I’m afraid I … with you. (disagree / misunderstand)
5. She … her guitar exercises every morning. (does / makes)
6. She wants to get to the top before she’s thirty. She’s very … (advanced /
7. I hate doing the … , especially cleaning the windows. (homework / housework)
8. He … …playing football last year after breaking his leg. (gave up / gave away)
9. Why do we … so much money on food? (buy / spend)
10. The shopping centre is always … of people on Sunday. (crowded / full)
IV Напишіть друге речення так, щоб воно мало ідентичне значення,
використавши надане слово. Не змінюйте надане слово. Ви можете
використати від двох до п’яти слів(враховуючи надане). Уважно
подивіться на зразок. Запишіть тільки ті слова, що ви використали.
Зразок: You must write all your personal details on this form. (fill)
You must …………………..with all your personal details.
Речення можна доповнити словами fill in this form, тому саме їх ви й

1. 'Harry, I think you should cancel the concert if this rain continues,' John said.
John ………………. the concert if the rain continued.
2. 'Don't touch the cake, Toby, it's still hot,' said Mrs. Smith. (not)
Mrs. Smith ………………………. the cake because it was still hot.
3. I find waiting for buses very boring. (get)
I ………………….. waiting for buses.
4. Carrie doesn't run as fast as Sarah. (runner)
Sarah is ……………………………than Carrie.
5. You must not waste any time in applying for a visa. (soon)
You must apply for a visa……………………..possibly can.

V Використайте надане слово, щоб утворити нове слово, яке підійде у

1. Safety is not my ……. Speak to the supervisor. (response)
2. The American War of …….. is known in the USA as the Revolution. (depend)
3. I spent my …… in a small town where even cats and dogs were bored. (child)
4. The sooner you get medical …….. for this, the better. (treat)
5. My hopes for the job were high, but the ……. was rather different. (real)

VІ Уважно прочитайте та прокоментуйте прислів’я. Поясніть як ви

його розумієте. Обсяг висловлювання 100-140 слів.

Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.

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