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 Categorize: phân loại

 Confirm: to make an arrangement or meeting certain -> xác nhận, chứng thực,
thừa nhận or làm vững chắc, củng cố
 Consequence:a result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad or
not convenient -> kết quả
 Debate
 Define: to say what the meaning of something, especially a word, is
 Desirable: worth having and wanted by most people -> Đáng thèm muốn; đáng
ao ước, đáng khát khao
 Mature: trưởng thành, chính chắn, cẩn thận, kĩ càng
 Tensions: a feeling of nervousness before an important or difficult event -> tình
trạng căng thẳng, lo lắng
 Correlation: a relationship or connection between two things
 Current: happening now, at the present time
 Frustrated: upset, distressed, annoyed at a person or situation
 Modest: not arrogant (kiêu ngạo) or vain (viển vông), being quiet about one’s
abilities or achievement -> vừa phải, phải chăng, có mức độ, bình thường, giản dị.
 Participant
 Rate: to judge something or someone according to a scale, to grade -> đánh giá
cái gì đó hoặc ai đó theo thang điểm, cho điểm.
 Suggest
 Tend to: to be likely happen, to be likely to do sth -> có khả năng xảy ra, có khả
năng làm điều gì đó (có xu hướng to do sth)
 Comprehensive: having all of nearly all parts or aspects of something. -> toàn
 Journal: tạp chí
 Outcome: result; consequence
 Scope: the extend or range of something
 Variables: elements, features factors
 Volunteer
 Extroverted >< introverted
 Feeling (cảm giác, cảm xúc, giá trị) >< thinking (suy nghĩ, logic, phân tích, lý
 Judging (phán đoán, tổ chức, trật tự) >< perceiving (linh hoạt, tự do, nhận thức)
 Sensing (kinh nghiệm, dẫn chứng, cảm nhận) >< intuitive (trừu tượng, trực giác)

 Artisan: a skilled person who makes things by hand -> thợ thủ công
 Decline
 Factor: a part of a situation
 Pottery: pots and dishes and other things that are made from clay -> đồ gốm
 Flaw: mistake or imperfection -> khiếm khuyết
 Imitate: to copy sth, to do sth in the same way -> bắt chước
 Incident
 Piece: a complete artwork, such as a painting or sculpture -> một tác phẩm nghệ
thuật hoàn chỉnh, chẳng hạn như một bức tranh hoặc tác phẩm điêu khắc.
 Smash: to break sth with force, and into many pieces -> đâpk vỡ thành nhiều
 Value: to consider sth as important
 Delicate: lightweight or fragile, easily broken -> mong manh, mảnh khảnh,mảnh
dẻ, dễ vỡ
 Entirely: completely, totally
 Functional: useful, practical, not decorative
 Harm
 Objection: an expression of disagreement or disapproval
 On good terms with
 Romantic
 Thick
 Appealing: attractive or interesting
 Contemporary: existing or happening now, and therefore seeming modern ->
người cùng thời, cùng tuổi
 Durable: able to last and be used for a long time without becoming damaged: ->
dai dẳng, bền bỉ
 Fake
 Generic: shared by, typical of, or relating to
a whole group of similar things, rather than to any particular thing -> thuộc về
chửng loại, cùng 1 chủng
 Innovative: using new methods or ideas
 Mass-produced: to produce a lot of goods cheaply using machines in a factory
-> để sản xuất nhiều hàng hóa với giá rẻ sử dụng máy móc trong một nhà máy -> sản
xuất hàng hàng loạt giá rẻ.
 Multifunctional: having several different uses
 Enhance
 Notion: idea, concept
 Overseas
 Philosophy: a way of thinking, a belief or attitude in life -> triết lý
 Survive
 Tradition

 Compassion: a feeling of concern and sympathy for others -> tình thương, sự yêu
thương, lòng trắc ẩn.
 Psychologist: someone who studies the human mind -> nhà tâm lý học
 Treatment: medical care given to a patient
 Virtual reality: a computer-generated environment that is similar to a real
environment. -> thực tế ảo
 Concrete: clear and certain, or real and existing in a form that can be seen or felt
-> bê tông -> -> rõ ràng, chắc chắn
 Constantly: all the time or often -> liên tục
 Fascination: sự quyến rũ, sự thú vị
 Hypothesize: to give a possible but not yet proved explanation for something ->
đưa ra giả thuyết
 Lead to
 Logical: using reason -> hợp lý
 Point of view: a way of considering something, an opinion
 Sort: a group of things that are of the same type or that share similar qualities:
cùng loại hay giống nhau.
 Anxiety: lo lắng
 Deadline
 Emotions: strong feeling
 Encounter: to meet s.o or sth is unexpectedly -> chuyện gì đó thật bất ngờ
 Guilt: tội lỗi
 Inappropriate: not suitable, not proper
 Rational: based on reasons or facts
 Strengthen
 By the same token: used to mean that something you are about to say is
also true, for the same reasons as what has just been said -> vì lẽ ấy, vì vậy, tương
tự, ....
 Abstract: existing as an idea, but not having a physical form -> tóm tắt ngắn gọn
 Categories
 Complex
 Depressed: sad and unhappy
 Interpret: to explain or figure out the meaning of something -> giải thích or tìm
ra ý nghĩa của sth
 Maximize: to get the most benefit form (v)
 Reluctant to: unwilling, not happy about dong sth -> miễn cưỡng
 Solely: alone

 Acute (a): very serious or severe
 Enforce: to make sure that a rule or law is obeyed
 Respiratory (a): related to breathing air in and out
 Smog: polluted air, a mixture of smoke and fog
 Visibility: the distance that you can see
 Beneficial: helpful, useful, good
 Costly
 Maintenance: bảo trì, bảo dưỡng
 Melt: tan chảy
 Supervise: giám sát
 Wilderness: vùng hoang dã
 Conduct: to do something in an organized way -> chỉ đạo, hướng dẫn, điều khiển
 Employ: to use sth for a particular purpose -> sử dụng cái gì đó cho một mục
đích cụ thể -> thuê, mướn
 Extinguish: to put out a fire
 Historically
 Latter
 Renew
 Threaten
 Vegetation: plants and tress
 A minor problem: a problem that makes people sad
 A grave problem: a rare or unusual problem -> một vấn đề hiếm gặp hoặc bất
 A perennial problem: a problem that happens again and again
 The root of the problem: the problem’s fundamental cause
 To cope with a problem: to solve a problem
 To remedy a problem: to solve a problem
 To be faced with problems: to encounter problems
 A pressing problem: a problem that must be solved soon
 Acknowledge: to admit or accept that something is true
 Capable: able to do something
 Decade: a period of ten years
 Error: a mistake
 Federal: relating to a national government -> liên bang
 Regulation: luật

 Desertification: the process of turning fertile land to desert -> Sa mạc hóa -> quá
trình biến vùng đất màu mỡ thành sa mạc
 Sparse: thin and hard to find -> thưa thớt, mong manh, khó tìm
 To graze: to eat grass in field -> ăn cỏ ngoài đồng
 To reclaim: to take back
 Tribe: chủng tộc, tộc người
 Cargo: hàng hóa
 Circumnavigate: đi vòng quanh cái gì/ to avoid something by taking
a particular course of action (để tránh 1 cái gì đó bằng cách thcujw hiện 1 hành
động cụ thể)
 Feat: kì công
 Fumigate: khử trùng, trừ độc
 Swamp: đầm lầy,
 Toll: phí qua cầu/ qua đường
 Treaty: a written agreement between two or
more countries, formally approved and signed by their leaders -> điều ước/ hiệp
 Zone: vùng
 Arise
 Coastal: duyên hải, thuộc về bờ biển
 Dispute: tranh chấp -> an argument or disagreement, especially an official one
between, for example, workers and employers or two countries with
a common border
 Halt: to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happening -> dừng lại
 Indigenous: bản địa
 Marine: related to the sea or sea transport
 Reef: rạn săn hô
 Demolish: Phá huỷ, đánh đổ (công trình, học thuyết), kéo đổ, làm hư hỏng
 Develop
 Extend
 Make into: to change something into something else
 Remodel: to give a new shape or form to something -> sửa sang lại
 Replace
 Tear down: phá hủy
 Transform: thay đổi, biến đổi
 Abandon = give up
 Alternative: different choice or possibility from among several
 Nevertheless
 Primary
 Purchase = buy
 Straightforward = direct, uncomplicated -> easy to understand or simple -> dễ
hiểu, trực tiếp, không phức tạp

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