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Name:Kia Adrienne G.

Bulacan Date: April 25, 2024

Year/ Section: BTVTEd-1B Score: _______________

Activity 2: Using the given puzzle look for the word/s related to types of customers. Highlight the word/s and
describe the word using 3-sentences.

As customer preferences continue to change, restaurants like Bargain Hunters must adapt to meet the
diverse needs of their client. From socializers seeking lively atmospheres to health-conscious individuals
prioritizing fresh ingredients, each segment requires tailored offerings and attentive service. Moreover,
accommodating tech-savvy diners through online ordering platforms and digital menus enhances
convenience and accessibility. Despite occasional encounters with rudeness or indecisiveness,
maintaining a balanced approach to food service is essential in ensuring customer satisfaction in a
bustling dining environment.

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