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Name of Teacher Jessa May Tacan Subject Physical

Grade and Section 1- Purple Quarter 3rd

A. Content Standard The learner . . . demonstrates
understanding awareness of body
parts in preparation for
participation in physical activities.
B. Performance Standard The learner . . . performs with
coordination enjoyable
movements on body awareness .
C. Most Essential creates shapes by using
different body parts
Learning Competency (PE1BM-Ic-d-2)
(MELCs) Cognitive: identify and create
different parts of their body
Affective: appreciate the
importance of creativity and
physical activity in learning.
Psycho-motor: create various
shapes manipulating their body.
II. CONTENT (Different body parts and their
A. References Physical Education CG, MELC

B. (Additional Learning Activities) Laptop, Visual aids, Pictures,

Cards, Video clips, Music

C. Integration
Teacher Activity Students Activity
A. Reviewing past lesson or presenting new
 Prayer
Leah please lead the prayer.
 Checking Of Attendance
Class who is absent?
 Greetings
(No Teacher)
Goodmorning class!
How are you today?
(Good morning Teacher Jessa)
Are you excited to learn? (We are good teacher)
(Yes Teacher)
Before we start, I want us to have an agreement for
us to have a good classroom environment. Here are
my rules that you need to follow:

1. Sit down properly.

2. Listen to the teacher.

3. Raise your hand if you want to answer. (The Students listen to the
4. Respect each other and be helpful to each other.

5. Cooperate with your teacher.

Are we all good in Grade 1?

 Review (Yes Teacher)

Before we proceed to our next discussion we will

have a review first. I have here a words and all you
have to do is to read the following words.
(The pupils read the following
Yesterday we discussed about the Loco motor and
the Non Loco motor movement.

So you have an idea what is a loco motor and non

loco motor movement right?

(Yes Teacher)

B. Establishing purpose of the lesson

 Motivation
I have here an action song. I will let you watch the
video and focus. Listen carefully because after
watching the video, we will sing the song together. If
you know the song, you can sing it (Watching the video)
with me; if not, just do the actions.
(Present the video.)
( They do the action song)

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the

new lesson
I have here another activity. This is called "The
shape and my body". I have here different shapes
and I will show you this one by one.
Okay, what shapes is this?
(Show the Triangle)
(Triangle Teacher)
How about this one? (Heart Teacher)
(Show the heart) (Circle Teacher)
How about this one? (Square Teacher)
And the last one?
Okay very Good!
D. Discussing the new concepts and
practicing new skills

Our body can do many things. Aside from the hand,

our body can create shapes using our body
language. And today we will be talking on how to
create shapes using different body parts. But before
that lets all read the objectives first that will serve as
our guide throughout our lesson.

(present the objectives)

There are different parts of your body that help you

move and do everyday activities. These body parts
enable you to do specific movements even if you are
just standing in place or moving around. You have to
move these body parts properly so you could do
things that make you active and useful. The first one
is stretch.

STRETCH-You do this useful. The first one is stretch

extend your body or limbs (arms and legs).
(Yes Teacher)
Next is Curl

CURL-You do this body shape when you form your

body into a curved or spiral shape.

(Yes Teacher)
The third one is tuck
( Yes teacher)
TUCK- Which you raise your knees to your
chest as you rise into the air. Stand their arms in front

Stand their arms sideward

Do the side lunge

Stand their arms upwards

No teacher
And the last one is twist
(The pupils do the darna clap)
TWIST-You do this body shape when you turn a
part of your body to form a curl or spiral shape while
the rest of the body is fixed.

Did you understand Class?

Before we start our activity, I want you to listen to

my instructions.


Stand with your arms upward if you see a heart;

stand with your arms sideward when you see a
circle; stand your arms in front when you see a
square; and side lunge when you see a triangle.

Do you understand class?

Okay, stand up. Are you ready?

Show the square

Show the circle

Show the triangle

Show the heart

Okay very good, You've done it correctly.

Give yourself a Darna clap do you know what is a

darna clap?

I will show you what is a darna clap 123(clap) 123

stomp Ding ang bato, Darna!
D. Developing mastery (leading to the
formative assessment)

Class, I have here an open door activity. What you

will do is to open one door, inside of a door there's a (Yes Maam)
picture of different body shape , what will you do is (Leah will do the activity)
to perform a body shape here at the front.

Leah can you pick?

E. Finding practical application of

concepts and skills in daily living

This time we will have an activity, I will pair you and

you will perform the different body shapes. You need
to give the right example of a stretch shape, twist
shape, and a curled shape. When I say "give me a
curled shape" you and your partner must do the curl
shape. Okay are you ready? (Yes teacher)
1. Give me a curl shape
(The paired pupils will
2. How about a stretch shape
demonstrate the curl shape)
3. Give me a twist shape.
(The paired pupils will
demonstrate the stretch
(The paired pupils will
demonstrate the twist shape)
Did you enjoy doing the activity? (Yes teacher)
If you enjoy doing the activity give yourself a (Yes Teacher)
superman clap
Do you know what is a superman clap?
(No Maam)
(shows the superman clap) (Follow the teacher)

G. Making generalizations and abstractions

about the lesson
Stretch, curl, tuck and twist
Again what are the four body shapes? (The pupils will show the
Okay very good! (The pupils will show the
Can you show us, what is the stretch shape?
(The pupils will show the
Okay very good shape)

How about the tuck shape?

Very good

How about the curl shape?

And lastly can you show us the twist shape?

Okay very good Let us all remember that in doing

the different body shapes we must be very careful to
avoid accident and we will enjoy doing the activity.

I. Additional Activities

Practice the different body movements showing


V. REFLECTION A. No. of Learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation (score is below
Prepared by:



Submitted to:


Subject Professor

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