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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación

Instituto Universitario Técnico Superior de Oriente
Interpersonal Communication


Professor: Students:
Carlimar Arevalo Osduarlis López C.I: 28.681.052
Liusca Guerra C.I: 28.343.42
Sol Marina Peña C.I: 16.292.926
Mute person
Physiological. Body defects and defects of
Elements of communication the transmitter or receiver, which make
them less suitable for the communication
The communication The message is the
channel is the physical content to be Semantics. These are related to the very
medium through which transmitted from the The receiver is the code of the communication, which can vary
the message is sender to the receiver. one who receives between transmitters and receivers, making
transmitted. the message from it difficult to understand
the sender

Psychological. Those conditions specific to

Did you make
the sender and/or receiver that have to do
your homework?
with their emotionality or personality, and
which predispose them in some way to a
specific form of communication
Yes, I did!
Physicians. Circumstances in the
environment that distort
communication, hinder it or prevent it
feedback serves to totally or partially
determine the
effectiveness of the
messages sent by the The code is the set of Administrative barriers: These can be due to
The sender is the
sender signs with which a lack of planning, unclear budgets, semantic
one who sends the
message. message is transmitted. distortions, poor expression, loss of
transmission and poor retention

Context is the situation in which the communicative process is

generated. Barriers of communication

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