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3 cups rice
1kg chicken pieces
cup Peri Peri sauce
500grms mushrooms,sliced
1 small onion chopped
1 large tomato chopped
1tbsp chilli powder
4 tbsp margarine or butter
1 green pepper sliced
Salt to taste

1. Marinate the chicken in the peri peri sauce for 1 hour.
2. Pot roast chicken pieces in a little oil until golden
3. In another pan heat a little oil fry the onion and cook
the mushrooms, in the tomato and chilli powder.
4. Add the chicken and mushroom mixture to the rice ,and
add salt to taste.
5. Heat the margarine ,fry the green pepper and add to
rice .
6. Toss the mixture evenly.
7. Serve with fresh green salad

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