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1 cup Peas Dhall

2 litres water
2 tsp Turmeric powder
1 Onion sliced
Few garlic cloves sliced thinly
1tsp cumin seeds
tsp mustard seeds
1 dry chilli
Salt to taste


1. Soak dhall overnight

2. Boil dhall in 2 litres of water. Add turmeric powder, salt until soft
and creamy
3. In a frying pan, pour 2 tbsp. of oil and add cumin and mustard
seeds. Fry until it crackles
4. Add sliced onion, garlic till soft and lightly brown
5. Add dry chilli, tomato, curry leaves. Cook till tomato soft
6. Add it to the dhall and boil it for 10 mins until dhall thickens
7. Garnish with coriander leaves. Serve

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