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English Language 11 4Ekonomi 28 14
60 Minutes

THEME: People and Culture TOPIC: Unit 2 – Ready for anything

FOCUS SKILL: Reading LANGUAGE/ words / phrases related to charity /

L/S/R/W/LA/LiA GRAMMAR FOCUS: doing unusual or dangerous activities to
raise money
Main Skill:
3. Reading

CONTENT 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to construct meaning
STANDARD: Complementary Skill:
2. Speaking

2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
Main Skill:
3. Reading
STANDARD: 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
Complementary Skill:
2. Speaking

2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics by discussing
LEARNING with their partner what do all the people mentioned in the text have in common and complete 6
OBJECTIVES: columns in a table based on the text.
2. Explain and justify own point of view by discussing 2 questions in Section E and justifying their
Pupils can:
SUCCESS CRITERIA 1. fill in 6 columns in a table
2. discuss 2 questions in Section E with justification
CROSS CURRICULAR 3.Values DIFFERENTIATION Strategy 3: Differentiate by the type and amount of support
PRE-LESSON: (10 minutes)
1. Pupils look at the word “charity” on the board and work in pairs to discuss what the word means to them.
2. Pupils turn to Full Blast page 22 and discuss 2 questions in Section A (ex: What charities are there in your country?)
3. A few pairs share their discussions with the class.


1. Pupils look at the main picture on the page and state what they can see (a man in a glass box hanging from a crane)
2. Pupils discuss with a partner and guess why he might be doing this (to raise money for charity). A few pairs share their predictions.
3. Pupils read through the text and clarify any unknown words with the teacher.
4. After getting the gist of the article, pupils discuss with their partner what do all the people mentioned have in common. (Main Skill)
5. Pupils discuss the answer as a class.
6. Pupils move on to Section C and read the text again to complete a table. (Main Skill)
7. Pupils compare their answers with a partner and then discuss answers as a class.
8. Pupils remain with their partners and proceed to Section E to discuss 2 questions (would you do any of these activities for charity?
Why/Why not? How important do you think it is to encourage young people to raise money for charities? (Complementary Skill)
9. All the pairs share their discussion with the class with justifications for their answers.

POST-LESSON: (10 minutes)

1. Pupils discuss with their partners which charity they would like to raise money for and what unusual activity would they do to raise
2. A few pairs share their ideas with the class.
Application ☐ Evaluation ☐ TEACHING & LEARNING Cooperative Learning
Analysis √ Creation ☐ STRATEGIES:
TEACHING Form 4 Full Blast Textbook LEARNING ASSESSMENT: Written Work
English Dictionary/Thesaurus

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