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Fear to Confidence

Confidence can win the goals

Name: R Ajay Kumar
Age: 20
Study: Physiotherapy 2nd year
Ajay hails from a family of 4 members. His father is a farmer, and his mother is a house wife.
He has a sister and is currently pursuing her education. He is currently pursuing his second
year in Physiotherapy in Pes Institute of medical college, Kuppam. His hobbies include
reading books, playing cricket. Ajay is also very enthusiastic in doing social work. Ajay is
currently not working or associated with any organization.
Ajay was first introduced to Agastya sessions during his 7th standard, in his school, AP Model
school. He says he still remembers the first time he entered the Agastya sessions. He claims it
as one of the best days of his life as he played Veena for the first time and that was a very
memorable incident. He used to visit the Agastya sessions once a month and he used to enjoy
the different ideas and combining the regular theoretical subject with a lot of activities and
practical implementations.
He says he feels very lucky to be a part of Youth Instructor Leader and feels it as a great
opportunity. Ajay says he learnt a lot about leadership qualities, improved his communication
skills and even learnt good manners. The program gave him confidence to take up new
activities like planting trees, educating the neighbourhood about the need of sanitation, and
even teaching them the precaution techniques. Ajay confidently says that this could happen
only because of the soft skills learnt in the Agastya sessions.
When asked if he liked community teaching or public speaking, Ajay chose community
speaking and backed up his decision by saying that after he became a YIL, the position
motivated him to educate people around him about what is good and what is bad.
He says that he could not imagine his life this smoothly without Agastya, and one of the
reasons is the confidence those sessions gave him. He became internally confident about
himself along with learning the subject from basics, so he says he can easily pursue his dream
to become a doctor. Ajay says that his communication skills have also developed a lot. He
says Agastya is a fantastic organization and is helping the country in building better citizens.

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