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1. Course Identity

Study Program D III of Nursing Semarang

Course code Kep. 6.01
Smt/class V/III/2021/2022
Credit 2 Credits (1 Lecture, 1 Practice)
Time Regular 1 & Regular 2
WEDNESDAY (08.00 – 08.50) (L/K)
WEDNESDAY (08.50 – 09.40) (P)
WEDNESDAY (10.00 – 12.00) (P)
WEDNESDAY (17.00 – 17.50) (TS)

Lecturers Coordinator: BUDI WIDIYANTO, MN.

Theory Practice
MN. – BW MN. – BW
BN (Hons), MN. - AR MKes. - WD
SKM, MKES. – FS SKep.Ns., MKes. - SW
MKes. - WD SPd, MKes. - RS

2. Learning Outcome
a. Graduate learning outcome
Students master the concept of family, family nursing, nursing models,
and family nursing care.

b. Course learning outcome

After following the course students are able to:
1) Explain the concept of family: definition, family as a system, theories
about family, family characteristics, family types, family structure,
family functions
2) Explain the concept of family nursing: definition, purpose, principles,
role and function.
3) Explain the concept of family nursing care: planning, nursing
diagnosis, intervention, implementation, evaluation.

3. Brief description of the course



This course aims to know more about the concept of the family, family
nursing and family nursing care.


4. Meeting plan, Kendal Class

1) Study duration: 26 Juli - 22 Oct '21 (12 weeks)

2) Midterm test: 6 - 10 Sept. 2021

3) Final test: 1 - 5 Nov. 2021

4) Remedial exam: 8 - 12 Nov 2021

5) Explanation: K=Kuliah (1 SKS=50 minutes), TS=Tugas terstruktur (1 SKS=50 minutes), P=Praktika (1 SKS=170


Week Expected final Study material (teaching Learning Student Assessmen Mark
number capability (Sub materials) methods learning t& weight
Learning Outcome & time experience Indicator
course) allocation criteria
I & II Explain the concept a) definition lecture, Reflection Short 0%
BW of family b) family as a system question question.
c) theories of family and Students
Practice: d) characteristics of family answer, are able to
BW discussion. answer the
28 July & questions

Halaman 3 dari 9

4 August ‘ given

P : TM 1 & 2: Semua mhs menjawab 1) Definisi keluarga dari berbagai sumber (dalam/luar)
2). Karakteristik keluarga di Indonesia & di luar negeri, spesifikkan luarnya dimana
Jawaban di kumpul max 2 hari setelah PBM di helti kelas. Utk semua tugas, tlg selalu sertakan Daftar Pustakanya, tulis
dlm format APA
III Explain the concept a) definition lecture, Reflection Short 0%
BW of family b) family as a system question question.
c) theories of family and StudenP
a) characteristics of family answer, are able to
discussion. answer the
11 August questions
‘ 21 given

IV – V Explain the concept a) types of family lecture, Interactivit Short 0%

AR of family b) Family structures question y with question.
c) Family functions and others StudenP
Practice: Family task and family answer, are able to
SW development phases discussion answer the
18 & 25 questions
August ‘ given

P: TM 4 & 5: 1) Sebutkan tipe2 keluarga

Halaman 4 dari 9

2) Buatkan genogram keluargamu & 1 tetanggamu, dg 3/ 4 generasi (Buyut, nenek, ortumu, kamu, anak kakakmu jk
3) Tugas perkembangan keluarga apa yg belum terpenuhi di keluargamu
Jawaban simpan di Helti kelas
VI-VII Explain the models a) Marilyn M. Friedman lecture, Learn by Short 0%
AR of FHN b) Orem question connecting question.
c) King and concept StudenP
Practice: d) Roy answer, are able to
SW e) Roger discussion answer the
f) Neumann 1 Sept ‘21 questions
P: TM 6-7 1) Identifikasi perbedaan keperawatan keluarga dg keperawatan yg lain
2) Bagi kelas mjd 6 kelompok, msg2 kelompok menjelaskan msg2 model FHN dr 6 tokoh yang ada
Upload your assignment to your helti class

MIDTERM TEST: 6 - 10 Sept. 2021 35 %

VIII-IX Explain the process Assessment lecture, Discussion Short 0%

FS of FHN a. Assessment of general question question.
data and Student are
Practice: b. Assessment of focused answer, able to
RS data: discussion answer the
- Beginning family – newly 15 & 22 questions
established couple with Sept ‘21 given
no children
- Child bearing family
- Family with pre-school

Halaman 5 dari 9

P: TM 8, 9: Cobalah lengkapi form pengkajian askep keluarga. Kaji keluargamu/tetanggamu/ibu kosmu/siapa saja.
Upload on your HELTI class. Yg diupload adl hasil pengkajian dlm bentuk narasi/gambar. Bukan form pengkajian yg
kamu isi terus kamu scan.
X Explain the process - Family with school lecture, Interactivit Short 0%
FS of FHN children question y question.
- Family with teenagers and StudenP
Practice: - Family as launching answer, are able to
RS center discussion answer the
- Middle aged family – 29 Sept questions
emptiness to retirement ‘21 given
- Family with elderly
people (aging family)
P TM 10 Identifikasi tugas perkembangan keluarga dari setiap tahapan. Upload di HELTI class.
XI Explain the process Nursing diagnosis lecture, Interactivit Short 0%
FS of FHN a. Data identification question y question.
b. Family nursing and StudenP
Practice: diagnosis formulation answer, are able to
RS c. Typology of family discussion answer the
nursing diagnosis 6 Oct ‘21 questions
P TM 11. Dari hasil pengkajian yg kamu lakukakan. Angkatlah 3 diagnosa kep keluarga prioritas. Buat dulu prioritas
diagnosanya, hitung dg benar.
XII Explain the process Intervention lecture, Discussion Short 0%
WD of FHN a. Scoring of family question question.
nursing diagnosis and StudenP
Practice: b. Goal and objective answer, are able to

Halaman 6 dari 9

WD formulation discussion answer the

c. Intervention 13 Oct ‘21 questions
P TM 12: Buatlah 1 SAP lengkap utk salah satu Tindakan kep kelg yang kamu lakukan dari diagnosa yg diangkat
XIII Explain the process Implementation lecture, Discussion Short 0%
WD of FHN a) Health promotion – health question question.
education and StudenP
Practice: b) Family health answer, are able to
WD empowerment discussion answer the
20 Oct ‘21 questions
XIV Explain the process Evaluation lecture, Interactivit Short 0%
WD of FHN a) Effectiveness and question y question.
efficiency of FHN and StudenP
Practice: b) Goal – objective and answer, are able to
WD indicators discussion answer the
c) Outcome evaluation of 27 Oct ‘21 questions
FHN given

FINAL TEST: 1 - 5 Nov. 2021 45 %

5. References

Achjar, K. A. H. (2015). Aplikasi Praktis Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga. Jakarta: Sagung Seto.

Andarmoyo, S. (2012). Keperawatan Keluarga: Konsep Teori Proses. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Halaman 7 dari 9

Bakri, M. H. Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga. (2017). Jakarta : Pustaka Baru Press.

Friedman, M.M. (1986). Family nursing: Theory and assessment. Connecticut: Appleton-Century-CrofP/Norwalk.
Friedman, M.M. (1998). Family nursing: Research, theory & practice. (4th Ed.). Stanford, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange.
Harmon H, Shirley, M., & Sherly, T. B. (1996). Family health care nursing: Theory, practice and research. F.A Davis
Company: Philadelphia
Kholifah, S. N. & Widagdo, W. (2016). Keperawatan Keluarga dan Komunitas. Jakarta: Pusdik SDM Kesehatan.
Kementerian Keseahtan RI.

Maglaya, A. S., & Bailon, S.G. (1978). Family health nursing: the process . Philippines: UP College of Nursing Diliman
Quezon City.
Padila. (2012). Buku Ajar Keperawatan Keluarga. Yogyakarta: Nuha Medika.

Setiadi. (2008). Konsep & Proses Keperawatan Keluarga. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Suprajitno (2002). Asuhan keperawatan keluarga. Jakarta: EGC.

6. Evaluation

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Indicator of evaluation used is based on the studenP’ ability in achieving learning outcome of Family health nursing course.
Evaluation criterion is based on three componenP include middle test (UP), final test (UAS), and structured assignment in term of
individual assignment and group’s assignment.
Weighting assessment of the studenP' ability using the proportion of percentages as follows:
a. Individual/group assignment : 20 %
b. Middle examination : 35 %
c. Final examination : 45 %

7. Assignment Description
The assignment is given in the form of individual or group task. Student should hand in their assignment before due date given.
Hand in after due date would get penalty. The due date of the assignment is 2 days after the last meeting. For example, if Assignment for
TM 8, 9 so two days after TM 9 is the deadline.

Semarang, ..... Juli 2021

Prepared by Checked by Endorsed by
Course Coordinator Head of D III of Nursing Head of Nursing Department

Budi Widiyanto, MN. DR. Sudirman, MN Suharto, SPd, MN.

NIP. 197505291998031002 NIP. 197312151998031003 NIP. 196605101986031001

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