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30 DAYS of

Take the guesswork + overwhelm out of posting consistently to
social media with winning content ideas and formats.


These winning caption outlines have been
strategically designed to help you build your
creator platform on Instagram - without the
stress and overwhelm of wondering what to post!

The outlines found here can be used over and

over again to create ongoing content ideas to
fuel your growth.


Use #bossbabe30days to connect with

other BossBabes, including US! We feature
#bossbabe30days hashtag users every week,
so start using this tag in your posts so we can
find and shout you out!

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T

Content Type: Selfie Feed Post

Content Purpose: Content to Build Your Brand
Content Prompt: Reintroduce Yourself
Details: Reintroduce yourself to your audience, maybe
even share a few fun facts that they might not
know about you. This is a great way to start
rebuilding the relationship you have with your
community if you’ve taken some time off posting



C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T
Content Type: Reel

Content Prompt: A Day in The Life

Details: Share a day in your life, by capturing small snippets
throughout your day and stitch together in a reel.
You can overlay the video with your voice or select
one of your favorite songs. Think about everything
from what you eat, to your workspace, and things
you do for fun.

click here!

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T
Content Type: Face to Camera Story Slides
Content Prompt: Your Journey
Details: Your journey is something you’ll share with your
audience over and over again. This is where your
audience will be able to see themselves in your
past self and understand what problem you’re
solving and why. Take some time to show how you
got to where you are.

Still building your camera confidence? Use multi-photo slides with text.


Content Type: Photo of you in your genius zone doing what do

you do best

Content Prompt: Your Genius Zone

Details: What’s the #1 thing people come to you for

advice? You might not even realize it, but this is
your genius zone. Grow your authority by sharing
how you got into your genius zone and what keeps
you motivated to keep digging in and learning
more. What transformations does your genius
zone help you facilitate for others? Share that here.

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Content Type: Infographic Feed Post

Content Prompt: Your Top 5 Hacks

Details: This is a high value post to support your audience.

Share hacks that you know will support your ideal
clients on the path they’re on or within the topics
you teach on.



C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T
Content Type: Story Slides

Content Prompt: Vulnerability Post

Details: Tell a story about a vulnerable moment or

experience. What emotions did it bring up for you?
Can you elaborate? How did you get through it
and what did you learn? These types of posts help
to humanize your brand and deeply connect with
your audience.



C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T
Content Type: Reel where you share your thoughts + expertise
in 30 seconds.

Content Prompt: Refute Prevailing Wisdom

Details: Refuting prevailing wisdom is a great way to plant

your flag on social media and let people know what
you stand for, as well as what you stand against.
Use the caption as a way to further explain and
magnetize your ideal clients to you further.

Bonus points for using the green screen effect!


Content Type: Carousel Post

Content Prompt: Your Why

Details: It’s important for your community to know and

understand your why. Storytelling and opening up
about your background or reason for being in the
industry is a great way to explain your why. Why is
what you do important to you?

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T

Content Type: Story Slides with a Quiz

Content Prompt: 6 Facts

Details: Share six facts about you - these can be life events,
personality quirks, experiences, or preferences
you have. This is an engaging, entertaining way to
connect with your community on a deeper level.
Using a quiz will have people guessing the facts
about you and boost your story views.

Content Type: Reel


Content Prompt: You Need To Hear This

Details: What’s something that needs to be said to your

ideal clients? Is it a positive pep talk? Tough love
to stop getting in their own way? A controversial
point of view to help them get unstuck? Share it
in a visual post with a short, viral-style caption like
“tag a friend who needs to hear this.”

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T

Content Type: Carousel Post

Content Prompt: Giveaway

Details: Giveaways are incredible ways to give back to

your community and grow your audience with
new ideal clients. Put your giveaway items into
a carousel post and share the details of the
giveaway and instructions in the post graphics as
well as the caption to maximize visibility.


C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T

Content Type: Story Slides

Content Prompt: Content Promotion

Details: Whether you’ve released a new blog post or

were recently featured as a podcast guest, let
your audience know what it is, where they can
find it, and why they should listen to it. What part
are you most excited for them to hear or read


C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T

Content Type: Teaser Reel Clip

Content Prompt: Record a quick reel of you promoting your
YouTube channel
Details: Got a YouTube channel? Let your Instagram
audience know where, how, and why they can
catch your informative or longer-form video
content. As a call-to-action, ask them what
they’re biggest takeaway was after watching.
If you’re feeling more creative, do a fun
boomerang of your YouTube channel on the
computer screen and add text for your channel’s
name! Make it loop to last longer.

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T

Content Type: Tweet Slide

Content Prompt: Value Add

Details: Let’s make your most recent blog post more

bite-sized and Instagram-friendly. Use the title
as the hook to your caption to intrigue scrollers,
let them know why this is important to them,
then break down the top 3 teaching points from
your post. Let them know they can
the link in your bio.


C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T
Content Type: “I Need Your Help” Text Graphic

Content Prompt: Content Feedback

Details: Ask your audience what they’d like to hear or see

more of from you. Feel free to either ask open
ended questions and carry conversations in the
comments section, or if you have a curated idea
of what you want to talk about, then offer them
as options in a poll within the caption. The idea
behind this is that your audience is always down
to help you so the post is a call-to-action itself.


Content Type: Face-to-Camera Stories

Content Prompt: Lead Magnet Promotion

Details: The audience building portion of a pre-launch

strategy might just be the most important part.
If you’re using a lead magnet to build a targeted
audience, let your community know what that
is, why they need it, and how it’s going to help
them. Don’t forget to make sure it’s linked in your
bio so they can grab it easily.

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T

Content Type: Go Live!

Content Prompt: Launch Anticipation

Details: How many days until your product, program, or

service goes live? Let your audience know in this
post! Let them know that early bird signups will
be rewarded either with limited extras or special
bonuses. Use this post to clarify what your offer
is, who it’s for, and what problem it’s going
to solve for them to make it relevant to your

This serves as a double whammy because you’re using the Live

feature which can be posted afterwards to your grid as a post.

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Content Type: Reel

Content Prompt: Launch Day

Details: It’s officially launch day! It’s time to announce

your launch to the world and make sure your
ideal clients know exactly what you’re launching
and what their next steps should be.
Stitch together various clips of you working to prepare for this
launch as a montage with a voice over explanation.

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T

Content Type: Carousel

Content Prompt: Launch Mid-Cart Bonus

Details: You’re midway through your launch and ready

to spice things up to give your sales a boost?
Amazing, because that’s exactly what the midcart
bonus is for! Time to surprise and delight your
community with this unexpected surprise! Use
all 10 slides in your carousel post to highlight the
mockups of your bonuses and product/service/
program over all.

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T
Content Type: Testimonial Showcase

Content Prompt: Launch Closing

Details: As your launch comes to a close, it’s time to use

this post to pull in any last minute buyers who’ve
been sitting on the fence. Make it clear to them,
what are they saying “yes!” to when they buy
from you….and what will they sacrifice by saying

Stitch together screenshots for a quick reel or

carousel slide of screenshots.

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T

Content Type: Meme

Content Prompt: Conversion Caption

Details: Whether you’re in launch mode or just looking

to fill openings in your books, the conversion
caption is a great tool. Highlight a time when you
highly related to the pain point your ideal clients
are currently sitting in right now. What did you try
that didn’t work? When you finally succeeded...
what was the shift? The shift is what you’re
inviting your audience to experience with you
inside of your program or product. Invite them to
find out more by DMing you directly or heading
to the link in your bio. Using a meme here ups
the edutainment value of the content and boosts
both relatability and impact.


C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T
Content Type: How it Started vs. How It’s Going in a carousel
slide or reel

Content Prompt: Benefit Promotion

Details: Whenever you’re selling something, you always

want to highlight the benefit to your audience.
What’s in it for them? What transformation or
result are you going to help them achieve inside
this product or program? How is this going to
change their lives or make it easier for them?

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T

Content Type: Testimonial Showcase

Content Prompt: Social Proof Promotion

Details: Trust is either built or it’s transferred and the

transfer of trust is exactly what social proof is.
By sharing results that others have achieved,
sharing what they have to say about your work,
this is a powerful motivator to action. Use this
post to structure your client wins in a case study
format. What was your client(s) like before
working with you, what do they have to say about
the process, and what’s the result after working
with you?

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T
Content Type: How it Started vs. How It’s Going

Content Prompt: Transformation Promotion

Details: People don’t care how many hours of material

you include or how meticulously you crafted a
workbook. They care about your ability to deliver
them to a result. Take some time to clearly
demonstrate the transformation you bring your
client to, step-by-step.

Content Type: Checklist graphic of desires/pain points

Content Prompt: Is This A Fit For You?

Details: When your audience already knows what it is

that you’re selling, but they still haven’t bought...
they might be unsure if it’s actually a fit for them.
This post will make it clear whether it is or isn’t
the right step. The idea here is if they literally tick
the boxes to qualify themselves.

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T
Content Type: Story Slides with Polls

Content Prompt: Let Me Guess

Details: Demonstrate that you know exactly what your

audience is experiencing by diving in deep and
really connecting with what’s going on. This is
going to build powerful trust and relatability with
your community.
In a series of story slides, ask questions like “are you,” “do you”
and frame the polls as simple yes/no questions.


Content Type: Meme

Content Prompt: Painting The Vision

Details: Where does your ideal client want to go? Where

do they envision themselves? Show them how
what you’re currently doing and helping your
clients achieve directly helps them get that
vision they’re picturing in their heads. Let them
in on your personal experience for achieving this
same vision and how you’ve helped others.

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T

Content Type: Carousel post

Content Prompt: Challenge Their Fears

Details: What are they most afraid of? What’s holding

them back from taking action? Can you relate to
this? Take some time to break down these fears,
acknowledge them, then coach them through it.
Use all 10 slides.


Content Type: Carousel Graphic

Content Prompt: Demonstrate Your Value & Make It Savable!

Details: What’s your favorite topic to teach on? Break it

down for your audience by letting them know
why this is important, how it’s going to help them,
then show them the 3 steps they can use to see
success. These types of posts anchor people to
you as an expert.

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T
Content Type: IGTV

Content Prompt: Your Story To Sell

Details: Speak to what you know your ideal clients are

working towards or deeply desire then tell a story
about how you were in a similar position or about
a time before you achieved what you have now.
Connect this to what you know your client wants
more of. Be transparent about the journey there.
Use your transparency and your story to paint an
inspiring picture of how this is possible for them
too, and that you’re available to help them. End
the post with a call-to-action.

IGTVs allow you more time to go into your story

and can later be turned into a feed post.

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 • T H E B O S S B A B E S O C I É T É • 3 0 D AY S O F C O N T E N T
Hey BossBabe, quick Q:
How are you supposed to show up on Instagram if you don’t have visual
content to match your typed content?

Answer: you can’t.

If I had to guess, that’s what stops you from showing up on social media. You
can choose to have confidence and you can figure out how to write a caption,
you just don’t have the literal posts

I want to change that.

That’s why I created Insta Influence Kit. When you get access, you’ll unlock
over 100 Instagram templates and an eight-part video series to walk you
through all the behind-the-scenes tips and tricks you need to know to grow
your Instagram account.


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