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Chuyên đề 6: Động từ khuyết thiếu

I.Khái niệm
1. Định nghĩa
Động từ khuyết thiếu là những động từ đặc biệt, đứng trước động từ chính và bổ
sung nghĩa cho động từ chính.
Những động từ khuyết thiếu thường gặp:
 Can
 Could
 May
 Might
 Shall
 Should
 Must
 Have to
 Will
 Would
 Need to
 Ought to
2. Cấu trúc
Thể khẳng định :
S + Modal Verb + Vo
 I can help you
 He should go home 
Thể phủ định:
S + Modal Verb + not + Vo
 I cannot  help you
 He should not go home 
Thể nghi vấn
Modal Verl + S + Vo ?
 Can you help me ?
 Should I go home ?
3. Những lưu ý khi sử dụng Modal Verbs
 Động từ sau Modal verbs luôn nguyên mẫu ( không thêm -s, -es, -ed, -ing sau hay
thêm "to" trước động từ)
 Không cần trợ động từ trong câu nghi vấn, câu phủ định, câu hỏi đuôi…
 Một  Modal verbs có thể có nhiều nghĩa, tùy vào từng ngữ cảnh.
 Sau "ought" phải có "to" 
 "Need" vừa là động từ thường, vừa là Modal verbs 
II. Cách sử dụng các Modal verbs thông dụng
1. Can
 Thể hiện khả năng của người, vật ở thời điểm hiên tại
I can speak English very well.
 Xin phép hoặc lời đề nghị, yêu cầu, gợi ý
Can I enjoy your team?
 "Can't have+ PP" để diễn tả một sự việc gần như không thể xảy ra
Due to the power cut, the meeting can't have happened as usual.
2. Could
 Thể hiện khả năng của người, vật trong quá khứ
I could speak English very well when I was ten
 Xin phép hoặc yêu cầu cao hơn "Can"
Could you turn on the TV ?
 Thể hiên điều gì có thể xãy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai, nhưng không chắc chắn.
Someone is coming. It could be Tom.
 Diễn tả sự việ c đủ khả năng làm nhưng đã không thực hiện trong quá khứ
They could have won the race, but they didn't try hard enough
3. Would
 Đưa ra giả định trong quá khứ
He would stay home yesterday
 Đưa ra một dự đoán trong tương lai 
He would get up early tomorrow
 Đưa ra lời mời, yêu cầu một cách lịch sự
Would you like to drink coffee ?
 Diễn tả một hành động bạn mong muốn làm nhưng đã không thực hiện được
If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exam.
4. May
 Xin phép làm việc gì
May I close the window
 Khả năng cao sự việc sẽ xảy ra. 
I may go to Ha Noi next weak
5. Might
 Xin phép làm việc gì lịch sự hơn
Might I have a little more food ?
 Khả năng thấp sự việc có thể xảy ra
I might win this gam but I doubl it
7. Shall
 Dùng trong tương lai với "I" và "we"
I shall complete capstone project next week
 Diễn ra lời hứa, quả quyết hay mối đe dọa
Don't worry ! I shall go to hospital tomorrow
8. Should
 Đưa ra lời khuyên
You should do your homework before go to sleep
 Đưa ra suy luận logic
You have prepared carefully so you should be ready for the
 "Should have+PP" diễn tả một sự hối tiếc một sự việc đã không làm
You should have finished this work by now
9. Must
 Diễn tả sự cần thiết ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai
You must stay at home when it rains
 Diễn tả sự bặt buộc
You must give up smoking
 "Must not" diễn tả sự cấm đoán
You must not stay here
 "Must have+PP" diễn tả một suy luận cho một sự việc trong quá khứ
You must have been tired after finishing the project
10. Need
+)S+need to+ Vo: diễn tả sự cần thiết khi làm việc gì đó
+) S+aux not need to/ needn’t+ Vo: không cần thiết khi làm việc gì đó
+) Needn’t have+Ved/c3: để nói rằng ai đó đã làm một điều gì nhưng điều đó
không cần thiết, sự không cần thiết của hành động không được nhận biết vào lúc
thực hiện hành động
+) Didn’t need to: để nói rằng một hành động nào đó là không cần thiết, điều này
được nhận biết ngay vào lúc làm hành động

12. Ought to
 Diễn tả một sự việc đáng lẽ nên làm mà đã không làm
We ought to focus on the lecture.
 Diễn tả một sự việc gần đúng hay rất có thể đúng
If we left home at 10:00, we ought to be here any minute now.
 Diễn tả một sự dự đoán một hành động trong tương lai
Our team ought to win the match tomorrow
 "Ought to +PP" diễn tả việc không đồng ý với hành động đã làm trong quá khứ
She ought not to have spent all that money on such a thing
III. Phân biệt
1. Must và have to
-Hai động từ chỉ sự bắt buộc & một hành động nhất thiết phải thực hiện.
-Must mang ý nghĩa cao hơn have to & nhấn mạnh điều quan trọng của hành
động hơn.
-Must để nói về hiện tại và tương lai còn have to thì dùng cho tất cả các thể
-Must là người nói đang bày tỏ cảm tưởng của chính mình còn have to thì
-Musn’t: Nhất định là bạn không được làm điều gì đó
-Don’t have to: không cần thiết phải làm điều gì đó
2. Should, ought to và had better
 Cách dùng của OUGHT TO & SHOULD là gần giống như nhau, không có sự khác
biệt nhiều 
 Sử dụng “should” hoặc “ought to” khi đó là những lời khuyên chung chung. 
 Sử dụng “had better” mang nghĩa mạnh hơn, cấp bách hơn khi người nói xem hành
động này là cần thiết nếu không thì việc xấu sẽ xảy ra
 Should have= lẽ ra, đáng ra, nên là: để nói đến một điều gì đó không đúng hoặc
không như chúng ta mông đợi
3.May và might
+ Để nói rằng một điều nào đó có thể xảy ra
+ Might "khả năng thấp", may "khả năng cao" hơn
+ Để chỉ một việc có thể xảy ra trong quá khứ, ta dùng may have/might have: có lẽ
S+ may have/might have+Ved/c3
=> Perhaps + S+ Ved/c2
+ Dùng might/may be+Ving khi bạn đang nói về những dự định có thể được thực
+May/might as well=cũng được thôi: để nói rằng chúng ta nên làm một việc gì đó
bởi vì không có lý do gì để không làm việc đó, bởi vì không có việc gì tốt hơn để
làm cả.
VD: You’ll have to wait an hour for the next bus so you might as well walk
(Bạn sẽ phải đợi một giờ cho chuyến xe buýt tiếp theo nên bạn đi bộ cho rồi)
+Might có thể dùng để nói về một sự việc có thể xảy ra nhưng không xảy ra trong
quá khứ
+Không nên dùng may để hỏi về một sự kiện có khả năng xảy ra, mà nên dùng
+Cả may và might đều có thể dùng để xin phép, nhưng might thì nhún nhường và
lịch sự hơn. Dùng may để … cấm, nhưng cấm lịch sự Đó là cách nói nhẹ nhàng.
Nếu cần mạnh hơn, có thể dùng must not
+Dùng may và might trong cách nói báo cáo hay gián tiếp đã được cho phép sử
dụng cái gì đó, nhưngchỉ dùng might như là thì quá khứ của may
+May (chứ không phải might) có thể dùng để chúc tụng hay nói về hi vọng
+May cũng có thể dùng thay thế cho although, despite, even if
4. Can, could và be able to
+ Can: để nói rằng một việc nào đó có thể xảy ra hoặc một người nào đó có khả
năng làm một việc gì đó. Be able to cũng có thể dùng được nhưng can thường được
dùng hơn. Can không thể dùng cho tương lai
+ Đôi khi “could” là dạng quá khứ của “can”. Chúng ta dùng “could” đặc biệt với:
see, hear, smell, taste, feel, remember, understand.
+Dùng could để nói rằng một người nào đó có khả năng tổng quát để làm một việc
gì đó. Was/were able to để nói rằng một người đó đã xoay xở làm được một việc gì
trong một tình huống cụ thể
+Could have: để nói rằng chúng ta đã có khả năng hoặc cơ hội để làm gì nhưng đã
không làm, để nói rằng một việc nào đó có thể xảy ra nhưng đã không xảy ra
+Couldn’t have: cho dù muốn làm hay đã cố gắng làm nhưng cũng không thể
5. Will, shall và would
+) Will

- Nói về một sự việc trong tương lai mà bạn tin là sắp xảy ra hoặc chắn chắn xảy ra.
Ví dụ: Clare will be five years old next month (Clare sẽ tròn 5 tuổi vào tháng tới).

- Nói với người khác về việc bạn muốn làm hoặc quyết tâm làm. Ví dụ: I'll give
you a lift (Tôi sẽ chở bạn).
- Hỏi đề nghị ai làm điều gì. Ví dụ: Will you give me her address? (Cậu cho tớ địa
chỉ cô ấy chứ?).

+) Would

- Nói về tương lai từ điểm nhìn của quá khứ. Ví dụ: He said he would see his
brother tomorrow (Cậu ấy nói là sẽ gặp anh trai của mình vào ngày mai).

- Mời ai một cách lịch sự. Ví dụ: Would you like me to come with you? (Cậu có
muốn tớ đi cùng không?)

- Nói về giả định - điều người nói tưởng tượng. Ví dụ: I would hate to miss the
show. (Tôi ghét việc sẽ phải lỡ chương trình ấy lắm).

+) Shall

Trước đây, "shall" được dùng thay thế cho"will" khi chủ ngữ là "I", "we" nhưng
cách dùng này không còn phổ biến. "Shall" được dùng cho các trường hợp bạn

- Đề xuất làm gì với ngôi "I", "we". Ví dụ: "I'm cold." "Shall I close this window?"
(Lạnh quá. Tôi đóng cửa sổ nhé?)

- Giao nhiệm vụ cho người khác một cách trang trọng. Ví dụ: You shall obey the
rules. (Anh sẽ phải tuân theo các quy tắc).


Bài tập 1

Điền trợ động từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

Can – may – must – should  – ought to – might   –  will   –   couldn’t 

1. You ……………………… tell me the truth for your own good.

2. I ……………………… find my shoes anywhere.
3. We ……………………… arrive on time or else we will be in trouble.
4. He ……………………… shoot the basketball at the rim.
5. ……………………… you let me know the time?
6. They ……………………… not be trustworthy enough.
7. …………………….. you please pass the salt?
8. We ……………………… prepare for the big exam.
Bài tập 2
Chọn từ thích hợp
1. You must / should / shouldn’t be 18 before you can drive in Spain
2. You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t go to bed so late. It’s not good for
3. You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t wear a school uniform in most
Spanish state schools.
4. You must / mustn’t / needn’t come. I can do it without you.
5. You don’t have to / must / mustn’t copy during exams.
6. You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t be very tall to play football.
7. You must / mustn’t / needn’t be a good writer to win the Pulitzer Prize.
Bài tập 3

Sử dụng dạng khẳng định hoặc phủ định của trợ động từ “must” hoặc “have
to” để điền vào chỗ trống
1. Brilliant! I ……………………… study tonight because I’ve finished my
2. You ……………………… use a mobile phone on a plane.
3. You can go out, but you ……………………… be home by midnight.
4. Jo ……………………… go to school by bus. She lives nearby.
5. We ……………………… cook tonight. We can get a pizza.
6. She ……………………… get up early. She’s on holiday.
7. You ……………………… study harder or you are going to fail.
8. You ……………………… drive faster than 120 km/h on the motorway.
Bài tập 4

Chia dạng đúng của trợ động từ “must”, “mustn’t” hoặc “don’t have to” để
hoàn thành đoạn văn sau
I (1)……………………… go to school from Monday to Friday. We (2)
……………………… wear an uniform, so I normally wear sport clothes. We (3)
……………………… arrive late, and we (4)……………………… go to every
class. In class, we (5)………………………shout, play or sing. We (6)
……………………… have lunch at school, so I sometimes go home.

When school finishes, I (7)……………………… look after my little sister. When

my parents come home, I (8)……………………… stay in, so I usually go out with
my friends. When I get home, I (9)……………………… do my homework. I (10)
……………………… go to bed late, except on Fridays, when I (11)
……………………… go to bed before midnight.

Bài tập 5

Chọn trợ động từ đúng

1. I can / can’t / might go out tonight. I’m too busy.
2. I haven’t studied enough. I may / may not / might pass my exams.
3. I could / couldn’t / might be here next weekend.
4. They say it can / could not / might snow tomorrow.
5. She can / might not / won’t be able to help us. She’s not available.
6. Can / May / Might you come to my party?
7. We should run or we won’t / might not/ may miss the bus.
8. I don’t, but I can / couldn’t / may be late.
Bài tập 6

Chọn trợ động từ thích hợp và điền vào chỗ trống

Can –  could – might – ought to  – should  –  may – would – must – had better  – 
will  – shall  –  have to

1. ……………………… you please show me the way to train station?

2. You ……………………… study for your math test or you won’t do well.
3. If Sue wants to buy a car this summer, she ……………………… get a part-
time job.
4. Ryan ……………………… remember his wife’s birthday this year.
5. Tim ……………………… share his pizza with you if you ask him nicely.
6. I ……………………… speak Korean fluently when I was a child and we
lived in Korea.
7. I ……………………… like to buy the same bicycle that you have.
8. Even though you’re growing up, you ……………………… never stop
having fun.
9. ……………………… you play the piano?
10.I am determined that my son ……………………… go to Harvard.
11.The children ……………………… wake up earlier than 7:30 am. They have
to at camp at 8:00 am.
12.Nicole ……………………… visit her grandmother this weekend.
Bài tập 7

Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để điền vào chỗ trống trong mỗi câu sau.
1. Young people ______ obey their parents.

A. must

B. may

C. will

D. ought to

2. Laura, you and the kids just have dinner without waiting for me. I ______ work
late today.

A. can

B. have to
C. could

D. would

3. I ______ be delighted to show you round the factory.

A. ought to

B. would

C. might

D. can

4. Leave early so that you ______ miss the bus.

A. didn’t

B. won’t

C. shouldn’t

D. mustn’t

5. Jenny’s engagement ring is enormous! It ______ have cost a fortune.

A. must

B. might

C. will

D. should

6. You ______ to write them today.

A. should

B. must

C. had

D. ought
7. Unless he runs, he______ catch the train.

A. will

B. mustn’t

C. wouldn’t

D. won’t

8. When _____you come back home?

A. will

B. may

C. might

D. maybe

9. _____you

A. may

B. must

C. will

D. could.

Bài tập 8

Viết lại các câu sau đây sao cho nghĩa không đổi.
1. Perhaps Susan knows the address. (may)
=> Susan______________________________________________

2. It’s possible that Joanna didn’t receive my message. (might)

=> Joanna ______________________________________________

3. The report must be on my desk tomorrow. (has)

=> The report ______________________________________________

4. I managed to finish all my work. (able)

=> I______________________________________________
5. It was not necessary for Nancy to clean the flat. (didn’t)
=> Nancy______________________________________________

Bài tập 9

Trong những câu sau đây, có một số câu chính xác và một số câu chứa một lỗi
sai. Nếu câu đó đúng, hãy ghi “Đúng” , nếu câu đó sai, hãy tìm và sửa lỗi sai
1. You must have be surprised when you heard the news.
2. You needn’t have do all this work.
3. The window must have been broken on purpose.
4. You must tired after working so hard.
5. One of the men may have died on the mountain.
6. You must been driving too fast.
7. The thief must have come in through the window.
8. If he is not in the office, he must at home. 
Bài tập 10

Hoàn thành các câu sử dụng Can hoặc (be) able to. Sử dụng Can nếu có thể, nếu
không thì sử dụng (be) able to
1. Gary has travelled a lot. He …… speak five languages.
2. I haven’t ……. sleep very well recently.
3. Nicole …. drive, but she hasn’t got a car.
4. I used to …. stand on my head, but I can’t do it now.
5. I can’t understand Martinn, I’ve never …. understand him.
6. I can’t see you on Friday, but I …. meet you on Saturday morning.
7. Ask Cathernine about your problem. She might …. help you.
Đáp án

Đáp án bài tập 1

1. should
2. couldn’t
3. ought to
4. can
5. May
6. might
7. Will
8. must
Đáp án bài tập 2

1. must
2. shouldn’t
3. don’t have to
4. needn’t
5. mustn’t
6. don’t have to
7. must
Đáp án bài tập 3

1. must
2. mustn’t
3. must 
4. must
5. don’t have to
6. doesn’t have to
7. must
8. must
Đáp án bài tập 4

1. have to
2. don’t have to
3. mustn’t
4. have to
5. mustn’t
6. don’t have to
7. must
8. don’t have to
9. must
Đáp án bài tập 5

1. can’t
2. may not
3. might
4. can
5. won’t
6. May
7. may
8. may
Đáp án bài tập 6

1. Could
2. should
3. ought to
4. had better
5. will
6. could
7. would
8. will
9. Can
Đáp án bài tập 7

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. C
Đáp án bài tập 8

1. Susan may know the address.

2. Joanna mightn’t have received my message.
3. The report has to be on my desk tomorrow.
4. I was able to finish all my work.
5. Nancy didn’t need to clean the flat.
Đáp án bài tập 9

1. be => been
2. do => done
3. Đúng
4. must => must be
5. Đúng
6. must been => must have been
7. Đúng
8. must => must be

Đáp án bài tập 10

1. can
2. been able to
3. can
4. be able to
5. been able to
6. can
7. be able to
Ex 11:
1. When my father was young, he _____ work in the garden for long hours.
a. can
b. could
c. will
d. should
2. He_____ have committed the crime because he was with me that day.
a. mustn't
b. shouldn't
c. won't
d. couldn't
3. Since we have to be there by 8.30, we_____ take a taxi.
a. had better
b. may
c. ought
d. are able to
4. It_____ rain this evening. Why don't you take an umbrella?

a. could be
b. must
c. might
d. had better
5. _____ you help me with the homework?
a. May
b. Shall
c. Should
d. Will
6. She hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. She_____ be really hungry.
a. might
b. will
c. must
d. can
7. I put my keys on the table, but now it's gone. Someone_____ have taken it.
a. may
b. had to
c. should
d. would rather
8. Daisy is reading her English test because she has a test tomorrow. She_____ be
a. will
b. should
c. must
d. can
9. We _____ put the fish in the fridge before it spoils.
a. had to
b. may
c. can
d. had better
10. Mr. Brown is very rich. He_____ work hard for a living.
a. mustn't
b. shouldn't
c. can't
d. doesn't have to
11. Tom has just got a new job. He_____ be very pleased.
a. might
b. must
c. should
d. will
12. Tom panted his room black. It looks dark and dreary. He _____ have chosen
a. should
b. must
c. could
d. may
13. _____ you carry this bag for me?
a. May
b. Should
c. Will
d. Shall
14. You _____ throw litter on the streets.
a. mustn't
b. couldn't
c. needn't
d. won't
15. My mother permitted me to go out at night. She said, "You_____ go out
a. may
b. have to
c. must
d. ought to
16. It is possible that she will come to our party tonight. She ....come her tonight.
a. need
b. may
c. should
d. will
17. They can type. They_____ type.
a. lean how to
b. are able to
c. know how to
d. both B &C
18. He advised me to take an English course. I_____ take it early.
a. should
b. shall
c. will
d. may
19. I'd rather_____ in the field than_____ home.
a. to work/ to stay
b. work/ stay
c. working/ staying
d. worked/stayed
20. As an orphan, he _____ earn his living alone.
a. have to
c. has had to
c. ought to
d. had to
1. They prayed that their daughter_____ be lucky again.
a. may
b. will
c. could
d. might
2. He _____ all that money, so she could save some.
a. didn't need to spend
b. needn't have spent
c. shouldn't spend
d. oughtn't to spend
3. He spent all that money last week. He_____ so much.
a. didn't need to spend
b. shouldn't spend
c. needn't have spent
d. didn't have to spend
4. He had to work hard so that he _____ his family.
a. may support
b. supported
c. can support
d. might support
5. They have plenty of time, so they need not_____
a. be hurry
b. to hurry
c. hurry
d. to be hurry
6. You're having a sore throat. You'd better_____ to the doctor.
a. to go
b. went
c. go
d. going
7. I would rather_____ poor but happy than become rich without happiness.
a. being
b. he
c. to be
d. was
8. Sit down please _____ a cup of tea?
a. Do you like
b. Do you like to drink
c. Would you like
d. Will you like
9. Must you come when your neighbour calls?
No, I_____
a. must not
b. mustn't
c. don't have to
d. must not come
10. May I have 2 tickets, please? _____________ two tickets, please?
a. You must given me
b. You have got to give me
c. Could I have
d. You may give me
11. He will have to stay in hospital. That's what he_____
a. has done
b. must do
c. must be doing
d. must have done
12. Do you have to buy this hat? No, I _____. It isn't necessary.
a. mustn't
b. won't
c. needn't
d. don't need
13. A man never have too many ties. It's ______
a. unable
b. impossible
c. improbable
d. incapable
14. It could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz.
a. might not
b. may not
c. mustn't
d. wasn't able to
15. This plane could get over the mountain if it rose to 10,000 feet. This means
it______ over the mountains.
a. would succeed in getting
b. got
c. was bale to get
d. had got
16. The plane was then able to rise. This means it______
a. could rise
b. might rise
c. might succeed in rising
d. rose
17. Byrd knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole. It would be______.
a. impossible
b. necessary
c. able
d. possible
18. He ought not______ him but she did.
a. to tell
b. to telling
c. tell
d. to have told
19. I’d rather you______ that.
a. do
b. don't do
c. won't do
d. didn't do
20. ______ run so fast?
a. Does he need
b. Need he to
c. Need he
d. Needs he
Ex 13
1. He didn't need______ out of his room in Moscow.
a. go
b. to going
c. going
d. to go
2. I could not ______ it even though I had wanted to do so.
a. had bought
b. buy
c. buying
d. have bought
3. I left my pen in this box, but it isn’t there now. Someone______ it.
a. must have taken
b. must take
c. had to take
d. had taken
4. Mary received 100 dollars from her sister. She______ the ring she wanted. It
only costs
10 dollars.
a. buys
b. had bought
c. bought
d. might have bought
5. It lost my Honda last week; I hadn't locked it. You______ it.
a. should lock
b. should have locked
c. ought to lock
d. could lock
6. In 1900 the world had no deaths from rabies. Scientists______ wonderful
a. has discovered
b. discovered
c. must have discovered
d. should have discovered
7. Mary received 100 dollars from her sister. She______ the computer she wanted.
It costs
200 dollars.
a. wouldn't buy
b. hadn't bought
c. couldn't have bought
d. didn't buy
8. Once Helen failed in her exam. She played too much. She______ too much.
a. shouldn't have played
b. should play
c. shouldn't play
d. wouldn't have played
9. If I had liked that watch, may be I ______ bought it.
a. will have
b. must have
c. would have d. shall have
10. Did my sister tell you that I had been to Dalat?
a. might have
b. could have
c. would have
d. must have
11. The women of this tribe______ precious ornaments for slat because they didn’t
any salt.
a. have traded
b. traded
c. would have traded
d. could trade
12. I took my only son to the park but he didn't like it. You ______ him to the zoo.
a. should take
b. had to take
c. took
d. should have taken
13. We are now wet. You______ the raincoats with you.
a. should bring
b. should have brought
c. must bring
d. have to bring
14. The yard is wet. It______ last night.
a. must rain
b. must have rain
c. must have rained
d. had to rain
15. Many birds will______ more than 3,000 miles to reach their winter homes.
a. flying
b. fly
c. be fly
d. flew
16. The pen won't write; it______ out of ink.
a. must run
b. must be running
c. must have run
d. must have ran
17. The line is busy; someone______ the telephone now.
a. must be using
b. must have used
c. must used
d. must have been using
18. Bob is absent; he______ sick gain now.
a. must have been
b. must be
c. must be being
d. must being
19. He______ his job because he seems very happy.
a. would like
b. can like
c. will like
d. must like
20. She told me that she'd rather______ on the committee.
a. not to serve
b. not serving
c. not serve
d. serving not
Ex 14. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để điền vào chỗ trống trong mỗi câu sau.
1. Young people ______ obey their parents.
A. must
B. may
C. will
D. ought to
2. Laura, you and the kids just have dinner without waiting for me. I ______ work
late today.
A. can
B. have to
C. could
D. would
3. I ______ be delighted to show you round the factory.
A. ought to
B. would
C. might
D. can
4. Leave early so that you ______ miss the bus.
A. didn’t
B. won’t
C. shouldn’t
D. mustn’t
5. Jenny’s engagement ring is enormous! It ______ have cost a fortune.
A. must
B. might
C. will
D. should
6. You ______ to write them today.
A. should
B. must
C. had
D. ought
7. Unless he runs, he______ catch the train.
A. will
B. mustn’t
C. wouldn’t
D. won’t
8. When _____you come back home?
A. will
B. may
C. might
D. maybe
9. _____you
A. may
B. must
C. will
D. could.
Ex 15. Put in 'must + infinitive' or 'must + have + past participle':
1) Akiko always does well on examinations. She _________ (study) a lot.
2) That woman drives a very luxurious car. She __________ (have) a lot of money.
3) You ____________ (practise) a lot before you gave your presentation. It was
really good.
4) When Lisa came back home yesterday there were a lot of flowers on the table.
Her husband _________ (buy) them.
5) Where is my purse? I saw it earlier, so it __________ (be) in your bedroom.
6) Sarah couldn't find her sunglasses. She thought she ______ (leave) them at her
7) It ___________ (be) rainy outside. That man in the street is wearing a raincoat.
8) All my fish __________ (be) dead! I forgot to feed them before I went on
9) Susie is so late! She _______ (miss) the bus!.
10) There's rubbish all over my yard! A dog___________ (be) in the bin.
11) Annie has a large library in her flat. She ________ (love) books.
12) Oh no, I don't find my keys! I __________ (leave) them in the train.
13) When Lucy got home, she found the ice cream had melted. It ________ (be)
too hot in the car.
14) If you haven't drunk all day, you _______ (be) thirsty.
15) Jimmy and Louisa ______(be) very tired. They have a new son.
16) It __________ (rain) a lot in the night. There are puddles everywhere.
17) David __________ (be) happy. His girlfriend just agreed to marry him.
18) What an amazing kitchen you've got! You ________ (like) cooking.
19) John _________ (eat) all the candies! There are none left.
20) When I got up this morning, the kitchen was spotless. Minnie __________
(tidy) it before she went to bed last night.
Đáp án
Ex 1.
1b 2d 3a 4c 5d 6c 7a 8c 9d 10d
11b 12a 13c 14a 15a 16b 17d 18a 19b 20d
EX 2.
1d 2a 3c 4d 5c 6c 7b 8c 9c 10c
11c 12c 13b 14d 15c 16a 17d 18d 19d 20c
Exercise 3
1d 2d 3a 4d 5b 6c 7c 8a 9c 10b
11c 12d 13b 14c 15b 16c 17a 18b 19d 20c
Exercise 4. 
1 - A; 2 - C; 3 - B; 4 - B; 5 - A; 6 - D; 7 - D; 8 - A; 9 - C;
Exercise 5. Put in 'must + infinitive' or 'must + have + past participle':
1) Akiko always does well on examinations. She ____must study_____ (study) a
2) That woman drives a very luxurious car. She _____must have_____ (have) a lot
of money.
3) You ______must have practised______ (practise) a lot before you gave your
presentation. It was really good.
4) When Lisa came back home yesterday there were a lot of flowers on the table.
Her husband ____must have bought_____ (buy) them.
5) Where is my purse? I saw it earlier, so it _____must be_____ (be) in your
6) Sarah couldn't find her sunglasses. She thought she ___must have left___ (leave)
them at her sofa.
7) It ______must be_____ (be) rainy outside. That man in the street is wearing a
8) All my fish ____must be______ (be) dead! I forgot to feed them before I went
on holiday.
9) Susie is so late! She ____must have missed___ (miss) the bus!.
10) There's rubbish all over my yard! A dog______ must have been_____ (be) in
the bin.
11) Annie has a large library in her flat. She ____must love____ (love) books.
12) Oh no, I don't find my keys! I ____must have left______ (leave) them in the
13) When Lucy got home, she found the ice cream had melted. It ____must have
been____ (be) too hot in the car.
14) If you haven't drunk all day, you _______ (be) thirsty.
15) Jimmy and Louisa __must be____(be) very tired. They have a new son.
16) It _______must have rained___ (rain) a lot in the night. There are puddles
17) David _____must be_____ (be) happy. His girlfriend just agreed to marry him.
18) What an amazing kitchen you've got! You ____must like ____ (like) cooking.
19) John _____must have eaten____ (eat) all the candies! There are none left.
20) When I got up this morning, the kitchen was spotless. Minnie ______must have
tidied ____ (tidy) it before she went to bed last night.
Ex 16: Now that we’ve refreshed the basics, see if you can complete the
following sentences correctly.

1.___ you hear the fireworks from your house last night?

a. Can

b. Can’t

c. Could

2. Do you think you ___ write that report by Tuesday? I know you’re very busy.

a. will be able to

b. couldn’t

c. have been able to

3. I ___ touch my toes. See!

a. could

b. can

c. will be able to

4. I ___ spend another moment in that restaurant. It was too noisy.

a. can’t

b. couldn’t

c. have been able to

5. I ___ never seem to get the temperature right.

a. can

b. can’t

c. to be able to

6. ___ play professional tennis, you must be extremely fit.

a. Couldn’t

b. Will you be able to

c. To be able to

7. ___ you play an instrument?

a. Able to

b. Couldn’t

c. Can
8. I’m afraid I ___ attend the meeting, I’m on business in Japan.

a. won’t be able to

b. will be able to

c. can

9. ___ you have brought it to me at work?

a. Couldn’t

b. Cannot

c. Will be able to

10. They ___ save the men from the sinking ship.

a. were able to

b. was able to

c. could to

11. I ................... go to the hospital. I want to meet my old friend for the last time.
A. Have to
B. Has to
C. Must
D. Must to
12: I ................... go to the hospital. I have a meeting with my doctor.
A. Have to
B. Has to
C. Must
D. Must to
13: She ................... get up ealy on Monday. She want to do a lot of thing on this
A. Have to
B. Has to
C. Must
D. Must to
14: She ................. get up early on Monday. She will have an important meeting on
this day.
A. Have to
B. Has to
C. Must
D. Must to
15: I haven’t phoned my mom for a month. I ................... phone her right after I’ve
finished my job.
A. Have to
B. Has to
C. Must
D. Must to

Đáp án: 1. C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.A

11.C 12.A 13.C 14.B 15. C

Ex 17:

1. My husband is waiting for me. I….. not be late.

2. You …… start eating better.

3. I ……. study tonight, but I think I’ll watch TV instead.

4. You …… take care of that cut on your hand soon, or it will get infected.

5. You have got a toothache. Perhaps you ….. see a dentist.

6. There’ll be a lot of traffic tomorrow. We…… leave early.

Đáp án: 1. had better

2. should

3. ought to

4. had better

5. should

6. had better

Ex 18:

 Câu 1. How ____ I know that? I have never heard it before.

o A. would
o B. will
o C. should
o D. shall
 Câu 2. You ____ really try to get a haircut!

o A. would
o B. will
o C. should
o D. shall
 Câu 3. I ____ never get a better opportunity than this.

o A. will
o B. shall
 Câu 4. You really ____ do that, since it may be dangerous. Try another

o A. shouldn't
o B. wouldn't
 Câu 5. You really ____ do that. I know you better than that.

o A. shouldn't
o B. wouldn't
Đáp án: 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B

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