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1- Project : is an activity carried out to meet a specific need and is

temporary in nature

.‫ نشاط ٌتم تنفٌذه لتلبٌة حاجة معٌنة وهو مؤلت بطبٌعته‬:‫المشروع‬1-

+2- Project sponsor : is the project owner who funded the project

.‫ هو صاحب المشروع الذي لام بتموٌل المشروع‬:‫راعً المشروع‬2-

+3- Project management : provides a set of tools and techniques
that enable the project team to successfully meet the project
objectives within the constraints

‫ توفر مجموعة من األدوات والتمنٌات التً تمكن‬:‫إدارة المشروع‬3-

‫فرٌك المشروع من تحمٌك أهداف المشروع بنجاح ضمن المٌود‬
. 4- project plan : is a plan for the entire project that defines all
tasks and schedules for execution in a disciplined manner .

‫ هً خطة للمشروع بأكمله تحدد جمٌع المهام‬:‫خطة المشروع‬. 4-

.‫والجداول الزمنٌة للتنفٌذ بطرٌمة منضبطة‬
5- project phase : is an approach by structuring the project into
more controllable phases to minimize risk .

‫ هً نهج من خالل هٌكلة المشروع فً مراحل أكثر‬:‫مرحلة المشروع‬5-

.‫لابلٌة للتحكم لتملٌل المخاطر‬
6- project summary task : is the first step after creating the file of
project using ms .
‫ هً الخطوة األولى بعد إنشاء ملف‬:‫مهمة ملخص المشروع‬6-
ms.‫المشروع باستخدام‬
+7- Summary task : is an activity having several subtasks in it. It
can be collapsed or expanded as needed .

‫ ٌمكن‬.‫ نشاط ٌحتوي على عدة مهام فرعٌة فٌه‬:‫المهمة الموجزة‬7-

.‫طٌها أو توسٌعها حسب الحاجة‬
8- Incurring task :

9- Inactive task:

‫هً مهام غٌر نشطة تموم بأرشفة المهمة التً ال تحتاجها وارجاعها حسب الحاجة‬

+10- Milestone : is marks the completion of a major activity, such

as the end of a stage, also A milestone is represented as a task of
zero duration .

‫ مثل نهاٌة مرحلة‬، ً‫ ٌشٌر إلى اكتمال نشاط رئٌس‬:ً‫المعلم الرئٌس‬10-

.‫ كما ٌتم تمثٌلها كمهمة لمدة صفر‬،

+11- project manager : is a person responsible for managing one

or more projects .

.‫ هو الشخص المسؤول عن إدارة مشروع أو أكثر‬:‫مدٌر المشروع‬11-

+12- Task Inspector : Is a unique feature that identifies the project
manager to verify the timing of tasks in a project and also
problems with suggestive solutions .
‫ هً مٌزة فرٌدة تحدد مدٌر المشروع للتحمك من‬:‫مفتش المهام‬12-
.‫تولٌت المهام فً المشروع وكذلن مشاكل الحلول اإلٌحائٌة‬

13- Team Planner : tool in MS Project 2010 helps manage

resources and move tasks between them with a simple drag-drop
mechanism .

MS Project 2010 ‫ أداج في‬:‫ يخطط انفزيق‬-31

‫ذساعذ في إدارج انًٌارد ًنقم انًياو‬
.‫تينيا تآنيح سحة ًإفالخ تسيطح‬

+14- WBS : is a hierarchical chart of project deliverables also a

numbered list of tasks within a project.

‫ ىٌ يخطط ىزيي نًخزجاخ انًشزًع‬:WBS -31

‫ًا قائًح يزقًح ين انًياو داخم‬

15- project outline : is a collection of subtasks grouped within

summary tasks.

‫ هو مجموعة من المهام الفرعٌة مجمعة ضمن‬:‫مخطط المشروع‬15-

.‫مهام موجزة‬

16- Recurring task : is tasks that occur repeatedly in projects .

‫ ىي انًياو انري‬:‫ انًيًح انًركزرج‬-33
.‫ذركزر في انًشاريع‬

17- Dependency tasks: are tasks that are dependent on other

tasks, as either a predecessor or a successor.

‫ إما سلف أو‬، ‫ هً المهام التً تعتمد على مهام أخرى‬:‫مهام التبعٌة‬17-

18- Dependency link

+19- Work resources: is calculated by multiplying its standard

hourly rate with the hours of effort

‫ ذحسة تضزب أجزىا‬:‫ يصادر انعًم‬-31

‫انقياسي نهساعح يع ساعاخ انجيذ‬

. 20- Material resources : is calculated by multiplying its standard

unit rate with the number of units.

‫ وتحسب بضرب معدل وحدتها المعٌارٌة بعدد‬:‫الموارد المادٌة‬. 20-

21- Cost resources : do not have any cost associated to them
initially. These resources offer flexibility to specify the applicable
cost each time as per the resource usage.
‫‪ -13‬يٌارد انركهفح‪ :‬ال يٌجذ أي ذكهفح‬
‫يزذثطح تيا في انثذايح‪ .‬ذٌفز ىذه‬
‫انًٌارد انًزًنح نرحذيذ انركهفح انًطثقح‬
‫في كم يزج حسة اسرخذاو انًٌارد‪.‬‬

‫‪22- Budget resources : are assigned to project’s summary tasks.‬‬

‫‪ -11‬يٌارد انًيشانيح‪ :‬يرى ذخصيصيا‬

‫نهًياو انًٌجشج نهًشزًع‪.‬‬

‫‪23- Resource workload‬‬

‫‪24- Resource over allocation: occurs when more work is assigned‬‬

‫‪than what the resource can complete in the allotted time for the‬‬

‫‪ -11‬سيادج ذخصيص انًٌارد‪ :‬يحذز عنذيا‬

‫يرى ذعيين عًم أكثز يًا يًكن نهًٌرد‬
‫إكًانو في انٌقد انًخصص نهعًم‪.‬‬

‫‪25- lookup table : allows creating a drop-down list of values to‬‬

‫‪select for a custom field.‬‬

‫‪ -12‬جذًل انثحس‪ :‬يسًح تإنشاء قائًح‬

‫ينسذنح تانقيى نرحذيذ حقم يخصص‪.‬‬
Project & Routine operation:

Project : must be completed within the given time ,scope and


Routine operation : can be ongoing and my not be a one-time


‫ ٌجب أن ٌكتمل فً غضون الولت والنطاق والمٌزانٌة‬:‫المشروع‬

ً‫ ٌمكن أن تكون مستمرة ولن ٌكون نشاط‬:‫العملٌة الروتٌنٌة‬. ‫المحددة‬
.‫لمرة واحدة‬
Summary task & subtasks:

Summary task : is an activity having several subtasks in it .

Subtask : it is defined as a list in summary task.

. ‫ نشاط ٌحتوي على عدة مهام فرعٌة فٌه‬:‫المهمة الموجزة‬

.‫ ٌتم تعرٌفها على أنها لائمة فً مهمة موجزة‬:‫المهمة الفرعٌة‬
Fixed unit & fixed work task :
Fixed units : is the default task ,this task is used when resources
assignment will not change , even if the duration of the work
amount is changed

Fixed work : the number of resources hours assigned to task

determines its length , it's always an effort driven , for fixed work ,
adding resources to the task decreases the task duration .

Fixed duration : this task has a fixed amount of time to complete

with any number of additional resources not change

‫ ٌتم استخدام هذه المهمة‬، ‫ هً المهمة االفتراضٌة‬:‫الوحدات الثابتة‬

.‫ حتى إذا تم تغٌٌر مدة ممدار العمل‬، ‫عندما ال ٌتغٌر تعٌٌن الموارد‬
، ‫ ٌحدد عدد ساعات الموارد المخصصة للمهمة طولها‬:‫العمل الثابت‬
‫ تؤدي إضافة‬، ‫ بالنسبة للعمل الثابت‬، ‫ودائ ًما ما ٌكون جهدًا مدفوعًا‬
.‫الموارد إلى المهمة إلى تملٌل مدة المهمة‬
‫ هذه المهمة لها ممدار ثابت من الولت إلكمالها مع عدم‬:‫المدة الثابتة‬
‫تغٌٌر أي عدد من الموارد اإلضافٌة‬
Finish to start &start to finish:

Finish to start : is the most common dependency type, in this the

predecessor task must complete before successor task start.

Start to finish : the successor task must finish only after the
predecessor task start.

‫ وفً هذه المهمة ٌجب إكمال‬، ‫ هو نوع التبعٌة األكثر شٌوعًا‬:‫إنهاء للبدء‬
.‫المهمة السابمة لبل بدء المهمة الالحمة‬
‫ ٌجب أن تنتهً المهمة الالحمة فمط بعد بدء‬:‫من البداٌة إلى النهاٌة‬
.‫المهمة السابمة‬
Lag time & lead time :

Lag time : is the delay between tasks

,is created by entering a positive value in duration in the lag field

, values can be duration or percentage %.

Lead time : refers to the time overlap between tasks.

Is created by entering a negative value for duration in the lag field.

, values can be duration or percentage %.

ً‫ عن طرٌك إدخال لٌمة موجبة ف‬، ‫ هو التأخٌر بٌن المهام‬:‫ولت التأخٌر‬

‫ ٌمكن أن تكون المٌم هً المدة أو النسبة‬، ‫المدة فً حمل التأخر‬
‫ٌتم‬. ‫ تشٌر إلى الولت المتداخل بٌن المهام‬:‫المهلة الزمنٌة‬. ٪‫المئوٌة‬
‫ ٌمكن أن‬،. ‫إنشاؤه عن طرٌك إدخال لٌمة سالبة للمدة فً حمل التأخر‬
.٪‫تكون المٌم هً المدة أو النسبة المئوٌة‬
Fixed cost & cost resources :

Fixed cost : is a set of costs applied directly to an individual task

they are not calculated collectively by the hours of work or units

Cost resources : don’t have any cost associated to them initially

these resources offer flexibility specify the applicable .

Cost as calendar , units of work , unit costs of these resources

when have no effect on the project .

‫ هً مجموعة من التكالٌف التً ٌتم تطبٌمها مباشرة على‬:‫التكلفة الثابتة‬

‫مهمة فردٌة وال ٌتم حسابها بشكل جماعً بواسطة ساعات العمل أو‬
.‫الوحدات المستخدمة‬
‫موارد التكلفة‪ :‬لٌس لها أي تكلفة مرتبطة بها فً البداٌة ‪ ،‬فهذه الموارد‬
‫توفر المرونة التً تحددها ‪.‬التكلفة مثل التموٌم ووحدات العمل وتكالٌف‬
‫الوحدة لهذه الموارد عندما ال ٌكون لها تأثٌر على المشروع‪.‬‬
‫‪Task usage & Resource usage :‬‬

‫‪Task usage : based on time phased data for tasks this category of‬‬
‫‪reports gives peek information such as cash flow and earned value‬‬
‫‪over time .‬‬

‫‪Resources usage : based on time phased resources data ,these‬‬

‫‪reports include cash flow ,resources availability ,resources costs‬‬
‫‪and resources work data.‬‬

‫استخدام المهام‪ :‬استنادًا إلى البٌانات الموزعة على الولت للمهام ‪ ،‬توفر‬
‫هذه الفئة من التمارٌر معلومات خاطفة مثل التدفك النمدي والمٌمة‬
‫المكتسبة بمرور الولت‪.‬‬
‫استخدام الموارد‪ :‬استنادًا إلى بٌانات الموارد الموزعة على الولت ‪،‬‬
‫تتضمن هذه التمارٌر التدفك النمدي وتوافر الموارد وتكالٌف الموارد‬
‫وبٌانات عمل الموارد‪.‬‬
List general phases of a project :
1 – initiation

2 – planning

3 – execution

4 – monitoring and controlling

5 – closing

List different types of calendars:

1 – Base calendar

2 – task calendar

3 – resources calendar

List different types of tasks:

1 - Fixed duration

2 – fixed units

3 – fixed work

List different types of dependency links:

* Finish to start

* Start to finish
* Start to start

* Finish to finish

List two ways to view dependencies in a project :

* Gantt chart view

* Network diagram view

List Types of Resource :

* Work resources

* Material resources

* Cost resources

List ways of creating resource list in MS Project :

* Resource information dialog box

* Resource sheet view

* Importing resource from MS outlook

List The key tasks of a project manager while calculating costing of a

project :
* Exploring the relationship between resources and costs.

* Setting standard and overtime rates for resources

* Creating fixed costs

* Setting availability of resources and individual tasks.

List various types of costs :

* cost per hour

* costs per USE ($).

* Costs per unit.

* Fixed costs.

* Cos for special assignments of cost resources.

List the corrective actions in the project plan to reduce project costs
For each of the following sentences, state whether
it is true or false
All this statement are true

1- Microsoft Project 2010 is a powerful and widely used project

management and scheduling software.

2- MS Project 2010 is available in several editions with features for

meeting the project management needs of a variety of users

3- Project management involves managing the time, cost, financial

resources, human resources, and other related aspects of a project to
achieve its objectives

4- routine operations can be ongoing and may not be a one-time


5- Projects often have the constraints or limitations of time, scope, and

6- Every project includes a project owner or client, for whom the
project is being executed

7- Every project has a definite start and end point

8- A need is a gap between what is available and what is required

9- A project plan includes a project schedule, which is a list or a chart of

activities, each with specific start and end dates

10- A milestone marks the completion of a major activity ,such as the

end of a stage

11- A milestone is represented as a task of zero duration showing an

important achievement

12- A Gantt Chart is a pictorial representation of project schedule

represented as a type of Bar chart

13- Project closure is a process and is more than just a project phase
with deliverables to successfully conclude a project

14- The key responsibility of a project manager is to create the master

plan for a project, complete all the activities within project life cycle,
and ensure that it executes successfully
15- Auto Scheduling wherein the start date and end date of tasks is
calculated based on the Tasks predecessors, Start Date, and End Date

16- Manual scheduling allows users to enter values for Duration, Start
Date, and End Date

17- The Team Planner tool in MS Project 2010 helps manage resources
and move tasks between them with a simple drag-drop mechanism

18- MS Project 2010 offers many views to simplify complex information

and generate user-friendly views

19- Network Diagram view displays a representation of the workflow

in a project, as a series of work schedule boxes

20- Project information for any project contains configuration about

the project, such as start date, end date ,the type of calendar used, and
how tasks will be scheduled

21- Calendars help schedule tasks and resources efficiently and track
their progress

22- MS Project 2010 provides three types of calendars, namely base

calendar, resource calendar, and task calendar

23- Any summary task or a task with subtasks under it, gets its
duration and cost information as a sum of its subtasks in the hierarchy
24- Agile project planning, also referred as ‘release planning’, is about
planning multiple sprints (levels) that culminate in a release of the final

25- The duration assigned to individual tasks sum up to define the

timing of the entire project

26- Effort-driven tasks are those tasks for which the work hours per
resource reduces with the increase in the resources assigned to the

27- constraints are the timing conditions that organize an auto

scheduled task

28- setting a deadline displays a symbol in the Indicator column of the

Gantt Chart view if the task has run past the deadline that alerts the
project manager to take corrective actions

29- Project managers must build agile project plans to help deal with
uncertainties in the project

30- MS Project identifies three types of tasks; fixed duration, fixed

units, and fixed work

31- Tasks that occur repeatedly in a project life cycle can be set up as
recurring tasks
32- Managers can delete dependencies from either the Gantt Chart
view or using the Task Information dialog box

33- Managers can view task dependencies in a project in three ways:

Gantt Chart view, Network Diagram view, or the Task Inspector

34- Resources in a project equal costs

35- Resources can be anything that is used to complete the project

36- Analyzing resources is the next step after creating and organizing
the project tasks

37- Resources in an organization should be optimally used by sharing

them across the projects

38- Typically, the number of resources assigned to a task has an effect

on the duration of that task

39- Work resources are assigned with tasks based on the project and
resource calendars, where their working and nonworking hours are

40- Material resources have a unit cost and do not need working hours
41- Cost resources do not have any cost associated to them initially.
These resources offer flexibility to specify the applicable cost each time
as per the resource usage

42- List the four parameters for finding the right resource for a task
Right skills of the resource required for the task to complete

Time available for the resource to complete the task according to the project

Commitment of the resource to the project

Cost of the resource that fits in the project budget

43- List three main actions to manage resource workload in a project

*Track the project plan

*Track the workload of individual resources

*Communicate with resources

44- the Resource Graph view shows graphical representation of a

resource’s allocation

45- Project managers need to consider the projected budget and

estimate the project costs in advance

46- Project resources account for majority of the costs to a project

47- Cost for work resources is calculated by multiplying its standard
hourly rate with the hours of effort

48- Cost for material resources is calculated by multiplying its standard

unit rate with the number of units

49- The availability units setting in MS Project helps project managers

spot any overallocated resources working on multiple tasks in a project

50- Using budget resources, project managers can compare budgeted

work with planned work

51- Budget resources are assigned to project’s summary tasks

Summry task , subtask

Type resources

Type task and different

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