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Test preparation

Section 1
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. B
Section 2
9. Short
10. Body
11. Less powerful
12. Internal
13. Weak
14. tested
New vocab
Detergent: thuốc tẩy, thuốc làm sạch
Kiln: lò nung
Score: cắt, rạch
Vase /vaz/
Warehouse: nhà kho
Craftpeople: nghệ nhân
Stained glass: kính màu
Pane: ô (cửa sổ)
Glazed: có kính
Derived from: lấy từ, xuất phát từ
Empty (n): chai rỗng, vỏ rỗng
In class watching
Before you watch
Task 1
1. Yes, but only on the internet. It tapped into my eyes as a really
impressive and colorful masterpiece. The artwork, titled “The Parting of
The Plastic Sea," features two huge, 8m long and 3.3m tall waves. It was
made by more than 168,000 discarded plastic drinking straws and also
some supported materials like wooden structures, lights, and plastic bag.
2. From my point of view, found art is very interesting.
Listening assignment: cohesion
- report về thông tin chứ ko về he hay she
- bài nghe gồm mấy phần, là những phần nào
--> đi vào chi tiết
In the first part
For the second part
Gross nation income: thu nhập quốc dân
Per capita: trên đầu người
Gross domestic product: tổng sản phẩm nội địa
Gross domestic income: tổng thu nhập quốc nội
Gross domestic happiness: tổng hạnh phúc quốc gia
At the other extreme: on the other hand
Radical: triệt để
--> assignment 2: 11.4

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