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Наказ від 13.12.2017 № 414

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

Energy performance of buildings —

Method for calculation of the design heat load —
Part 2: Explanation and justification of EN 12831-1, Module M3-3

п р ийнято як н а ц іо н а л ьн и й с тан д а р т
м етодом п ід тве р д ж е н н я за по зна чен н ям

ДСТУ CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

(CEN/TR 12831-2:2017, IDT)

Енергоефективність будівель.
Метод розрахунку проектного теплового навантаження.
Частина 2. Пояснення та обґрунтування EN 12831-1, Модуль M3-3

З н а д ан н ям ч и н н о с ті від 2 0 1 7 - 1 2 -1 5


English Version

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation

of the design heat load - Part 2: Explanation and
justification of EN 12831-1, Module M3-3
Performance énergétique des bâtiments • Méthode de Gesamtenergieeffizienz von Gebäuden • Methode zur
calcul de la charge thermique nominale - Partie 2 : Berechnung der Norm-Heizlast - Teil 2: Begleitender
Explication et justification de l'EN 12831-1, Module TR zur EN 12831-1, Modul M3

This Technical Report was approved by CFN on 27 February 2017. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CF.N/TC

CEN members are the national standards bodies o f Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands. Norway. Poland, Portugal, Romania. Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue M arnix 17, B-1000 Brussels

© 2017 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 12831-2:2017 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

C o n ten ts Page

European foreword.............................................................................................................................................................3
Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Normative references......................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................................5
4 Symbols and abbreviations..............................................................................................................................5
4.1 Symbols.....................................................................................................................................................................5
4.2 Subscripts.................................................................................................................................................................5
5 Information on the methods........................................................................................................................... 5
6 Method description............................................................................................................................................. 6
6.1 Standard method.................................................................................................................................................. 6
6.1.1 Rationale, case of application......................................................................................................................... 6
6.1.2 Assumptions........................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.1.3 Data input................................................................................................................................................................7
6.2 Simplified method for the calculation of thedesign heat load of a heated space....................19
6.2.1 Rationale, case of application.......................................................................................................................19
6.2.2 Assumptions.........................................................................................................................................................19
6.2.3 Data input............................................................................................................................................................. 19
6.3 Simplified method for the calculation of thebuilding design heat load..................................... 19
6.3.1 Rationale, case of application.......................................................................................................................19
6.3.2 Assumptions.........................................................................................................................................................20
6.3.3 Data input............................................................................................................................................................. 20
7 Method selection................................................................................................................................................20
8 Exemplary heat load calculation (standard method)........................................................................ 20
8.1 Description........................................................................................................................................................... 20
8.2 Calculation details............................................................................................................................................ 22
Annex A (informative) Calculation flowchart..................................................................................................... 28
A .l General.................................................................................................................................................................... 28
A.2 Standard method.................................................................................................................................................28
A.3 Simplified method for the calculation of thedesign heat load of a heated space....................29
A.4 Simplified method for the calculation of thebuilding design heat load..................................... 29
Bibliography....................................................................................................................................................................... 30

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

European foreword

This document (CEN/TR 12831-2:2017) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC228
"Heating systems and water based cooling systems in buildings", the secretariat of which is held by DIN.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association.

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017


In order to facilitate the necessary overall consistency and coherence, in terminology, approach,
input/output relations and formats, for the whole set of EPB-standards, the following documents and
tools are available:
a) a document with basic principles to be followed in drafting EPB-standards: CEN/TS 16628:2014,
Energy Performance of Buildings - Basic Principles for the set of FPB standards [1];

b) a document with detailed technical rules to be followed in drafting EPB-standards;

CEN/TS 16629:2014, Energy Performance of Buildings - Detailed Technical Rules for the set of
EPB-standards [2];

c) the detailed technical rules are the basis for the following tools:

1) a common template for each EPB-standard, including specific drafting instructions for the
relevant clauses;

2) a common template for each technical report that accompanies an EPB standard or a cluster of
EPB standards, including specific drafting instructions for the relevant clauses;

3) a common template for the spreadsheet that accompanies each EPB standard, to demonstrate
the correctness of the EPB calculation procedures.

Each EPB-standards follows the basic principles and the detailed technical rules and relates to the
overarching EPB-standard, EN ISO 52000-1 [3].
One of the main purposes of the revision of the EPB-standards is to enable that laws and regulations
directly refer to the EPB-standards and make compliance with them compulsory. This requires that the
set of EPB-standards consists of a systematic, clear, comprehensive and unambiguous set of energy
performance procedures. The number of options provided is kept as low as possible, taking into
account national and regional differences in climate, culture and building tradition, policy and legal
frameworks (subsidiarity principle). For each option, an informative default option is provided
(EN 12831-1:2017, Annex B).
Rationale behind the EPB technical reports
There is a risk that the purpose and limitations of the EPB standards will be misunderstood, unless the
background and context to their contents - and the thinking behind them - is explained in some detail
to readers of the standards. Consequently, various types of informative contents are recorded and made
available for users to properly understand, apply and nationally or regionally implement the EPB
If this explanation would have been attempted in the standards themselves, the result is likely to be
confusing and cumbersome, especially if the standards are implemented or referenced in national or
regional building codes.
Therefore, each EPB standard is accompanied by an informative technical report, like this one, where all
informative content is collected, to ensure a clear separation between normative and informative
contents (see CEN/TS 16629 [1]):
— to avoid flooding and confusing the actual normative part with informative content;

— to reduce the page count of the actual standard; and

— to facilitate understanding of the set of EPB standards.

This was also one of the main recommendations from the European CENSE project [2) that laid the
foundation for the preparation of the set of EPB standards.

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

1 Scope
This Technical Report refers to standard EN 12831, module M3-3 (EN 12831-1).
It contains information to support the correct understanding, use and national adaptation of standard
EN 12831-1.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normativcly referenced in this document and arc
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 12831-1:2017, Energy performance o f buildings - Method fo r calculation o f the design heat load - Part
1: Space heating load, Module M3-3

EN ISO 6946, Building components and building elements - Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance
—Calculation method (ISO 6946)

EN ISO 7345:1995, Thermal insulation - Physical quantities and definitions (ISO 7345:1987)

EN ISO 10077-1, Thermal performance o f windows, doors and shutters - Calculation o f thermal
transmittance - Part 1: General (ISO 10077-1)

EN ISO 52000-1:2017, Energy performance o f buildings - Overarching EPB assessment - Part 1: General
framework and procedures (ISO 52000-1:2017)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN ISO 7345:1995,
EN ISO 52000-1:2017, EN 12831-1:2017 apply.

4 Symbols and abbreviations

4.1 Symbols

For the purposes of this Technical Report, the symbols given in EN ISO 52000-1:2017 and
EN 12831-1:2017 apply.
4.2 Subscripts

For the purposes of this Technical Report, subscripts given in FN ISO 52000-1:2017 and
EN 12831-1:2017 apply

5 Information on the methods

EN 12831-1 describes a method to calculate the design heat load of
— heated spaces (usually rooms);

— building entities (apartments etc.) or whole buildings containing heated spaces.

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

The design heat load is required in the sizing of several components of a heating systems, such as
— heat emission components (c.g. radiators);

— heat distribution components (tubing etc.); and

— heat generators (boilers etc.).

EN 12831-1 contains several methods for this purpose,

— a standard method that describes a versatile approach to calculate the design heat load of

— heated spaces / single rooms;

— building entities; and

— a whole building;

— a simplified method for the calculation of the design heat load of a building; and

— a simplified method for the calculation of the design heat load of heated spaces.

6 Method description
6.1 Standard method

6.1.1 Rationale, case of application

The standard method is a detailed approach for the calculation of the design heat load. The method is
based on design criteria, such as internal and external design temperatures, and detailed information
about the building or the heated spaces that the heat load shall be determined for. While the approach
itself is versatile in that it can be used for new (to-be-built) and existing or old buildings either way, it is
usually easier to apply to new ones than to old ones for several reasons, c.g.:
— detailed knowledge about the building, such as U-values, level of air tightness, etc., is required. In
new buildings, the knowledge of this information can be considered a given; in old buildings, often,
it cannot.

— in the process of constructing (new) buildings, usually, not only a single component of the heating
system but the heating system as a whole has to be designed/sized. Therefore, a detailed heat load
calculation is virtually mandatory. In the reconstruction of old/existing buildings, there are many
cases where only parts of the heating system are to be replaced; e.g. replacing only the heat
generator. Here, a detailed heat load calculation requires much more effort than is adequate for the
task given.

6.1.2 Assumptions

Considerations within EN 12831 are based on steady-state conditions, e.g.:

— assuming constant internal, external and ground temperatures;

— considering to-be-heated rooms as already heated to the required temperature - meaning that the
method basically determines how much power is required to maintain the required temperature
(although, a simplified approach for the determination of heating-up power is given in the standard
as well);

— assuming constant physical building properties (independent of time, temperature, etc.)

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

6.1.3 Data input General

An extensive list of all input parameters and sources that shall be used to obtain them is given in the
standard. In what follows, some items arc named that may require some more explanation than is given
in the standard. Space allocation / partitioning of buildings

EN 12831-1 uses the following terms to describe scope(s) of the heat balance:
— Building (Build)

A whole building.

— Building entity (BE)

A portion of the building that can contain one or more rooms. A building entity is defined by use as
a portion of the building that belongs to one user (owncr(s), tcnant(s), etc.) in a way that if one
room of the entity is heated, it may be assumed that the other rooms of that entity arc - give or take
- heated as well. Typical examples arc:

a) an apartment / a flat;

b) an office unit, etc.

In the scope of EN 12831-1, each building entity has an internal temperature that is a property of
the building entity as a whole. That temperature is required to calculate heat loss from other rooms
to that building entity.

— Zone / Ventilation zone (z)

A zone is a portion of the building that can contain one or more rooms. It is defined as an entity
where all contained rooms are air-connected by design (through internal ATDs / shortened door
leafs, etc.). By design, there is no air transfer between several ventilation zones. Usually, a zone is
also a building entity.

— Heated space (i)

Each space heated to uniform conditions is considered a heated space. A heated space is separated
from other spaces by building elements, such as walls etc. Usually each room is a heated space. The
terms heated space and (heated) room arc used synonymously in the standard. Climatic data

The following climate data shall be provided through national standardization bodies:
— Reference external design temperature in [°C|: nationally defined default value(s) of the external
temperature; can be transformed into the external temperature at the building site by means of the
temperature gradient.

— Reference height in [m]: the mean height level that corresponds with the given reference external
design temperature (e.g. height of the weather station whose measurements the reference external
temperature is based on).

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

— Reference Temperature gradient in [K/m]: the rate of height-dependent temperature in- or

decrease; together with the reference external temperature and the height of the building site, it
shall be used to determine the external temperature at the building site and allows adjustment in
case of significant height differences between the building site and the place the reference external
temperature refers to.

— Annual mean external temperature in [°C]: annual mean value of the external temperature;
distinction between different reference sites, height levels, etc. is not necessarily required, but may
be implemented nationally.

— Parameters for the determination of the influence of the thermal storage capacity: a linear function
to determine a temperature correction term (A0) that allows for the influence of the building's
thermal storage capacity on the heat loss. The following parameters are required:

a) basic value in [K];

b) slope in [K/h];

c) optionally, lower and upper limit of the correction function in [K].

In using this temperature adjustment, the external design temperature takes building properties into
account and, therefore, becomes a calculation value that may differ from the actual external
temperature on the building site.
That data can be given either as a single set of default values, to be applied nation-wide, or - with a
higher degree of geographical distinction - for several reference sites. A reference site is a defined area
of equal or similar climate conditions. The number and sizes of reference sites shall be set according to
the given geographical variance of climate conditions. The geographical scope to each reference site
shall be defined, e.g. by reference to cities, regions, etc.
Either adjustment may be nullified on a national basis. Internal design temperature

The internal design temperature is the temperature that is required for a certain kind of use of a heated
space. Within EN 12831-1, the term is understood as an operative temperature. It is usually agreed
upon by the customer that orders the installation of a heating system and the contractor planning or
installing the heating system. For calculation purposes, normative default values shall be provided
nationally (e.g. 20 °C in residential rooms, etc.). In the absence of national values, EN 12831 provides
default values in an informative annex.
The internal design temperature is required in the calculation of design heat losses. It is fully
independent from room height and heat transport mechanisms. The internal design temperature does
not factor in effects as air temperature gradients, significantly differing air and radiant temperature, etc.
If however necessary, adjustments to consider such effects are done by means of a temperature
adjustment factor and the effective internal temperature 0*int, e.g. in calculating temperature adjusted
heat loss coefficients after EN 12831-1:2017, 6.3.2/6.3.8. Therefore, in order to correctly consider the
abovementioned effects, the internal design temperature 0mu shall not be manipulated.
Additional information on internal temperatures can be found in the international standards
EN ISO 7730 and EN 15251.

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017 Thermal transmittance General

Thermal transmittances of the building elements of the thermal envelope shall be determined in
accordance with:
— EN ISO 6946 (opaque elements);

— EN ISO 10077-1 (doors and windows); or

— information given in European Technical Approvals.

Note that U-values determined after methods differing significantly from EN ISO 6946 / EN ISO 10077-1
may require an additional adjustment in order to be applied within EN 12831. This is done through a
correction factor for the influence o f building part properties and meteorological conditions [...] ek (sec
chapter input data). Simplified determination of U-values based on the referred standards

On the basis of the methods described in the abovementioned standards, U-values may also be
determined in a simplified way (e.g. for teaching materials), exemplarily shown in the following

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

External and internal walls (vertical)

d2 [cm]

1,75 (ft)
1.45 (b)

* 0 75 (C)
E 0,56 (d)
È. 0 52 (ft)
< 0.45 (f)
0.35 (g)


d1 [cm] U [W/m2K]

Wall material Axes
a Solid concrete d1 wall thickness without insulation
b Sand-lime brick d2 thickness of the insulation
c Solid brick A thermal conductivity
d Hollow brick IJ thermal transmittance
e Concrete with crushed brick
f Light concrete
g Drywall/plastcboard
h Wood
i Light/cellular concrete or insulation brick
Reading example:
1 36 cm masonry (solid brick) with
2 4 cm thermal insulation
U tola|approximately 0,6 W/m2K

Figure 1 — Estimation of U-values based on structure, walls

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

The nomograph is based on the following equation and boundary conditions.

U= (1)
+ R .,e
Al /.2


II is the thermal transmittance of the building element [W/(m2*K)l

RS1 is the internal heat transmission resistance [m2K/W]

Rso is the external heat transmission resistance [m2K/W]

is the with E(Rs) approximately 0,17

di is the thickness of the wall structure (without thermal insulation) [m]

Xi is the thermal conductivity of the wall structure (without thermal insulation) [W/mK]

Ô2 is the thickness of the thermal insulation [m]

À.2 is the thermal conductivity of the thermal insulation with À2 = 0,04 [W/mK]

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

Ceilings and floors

d2 [cm]
8 Z 2«*> CM

d1 [cm] U [W/m2K]

Ceiling/floor material Axes
a Natural stone floor dl wall thickness without insulation
b Sand, gravel (floor) d2 thickness of the
c Mud floor A thermal conductivity
d Reinforced concrete (I thermal transmittance
e Arched ceiling, filled
f Wooden beam ceiling, no filling
Reading example:
1 20 cm concrete ceiling with
2 4 cm thermal insulation
Utotal approximately 0,6 W/m2K

Figure 2 — Estimation of U-values based on structure, ceilings/floor

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

The nomograph is based on the following equation and boundary conditions.

U ( 2)
+ Rsc +


U is the thermal transmittance of the building element [W/(m2*K)]

Rsi is the internal heat transmission resistance [m2K/W]

Rsc is the external heat transmission resistance [m2K/W]

is the with E(Rs) approximately 0,17

di is the thickness of the wall structure (without thermal insulation) [m]

Ai is the thermal conductivity of the wall structure (without thermal insulation) [W/mK]

d2 is the thickness of the thermal insulation [m]

A2 is the thermal conductivity of the thermal insulation with A2 = 0,04 [W/mK]

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017


d2 [cm]

d1 [cm] U [W/m2K]

Roof material Axes
a Flat roof (concrete) dI wall thickness without insulation
b Rafter roof with roofing d2 thickness of the insulation
c Flat roof (concrete) wit static air layer X thermal conductivity
IJ thermal transmittance
Reading example:
1 18 cm rafter roof with
2 6 cm thermal insulation
U l(Jla|approximately 0,55 VV/m^K

Figure 3 — Estimation of U-values based on structure, roofs

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

The nomograph is based on the following equation and boundary conditions.

U= (3)
SI + R se
,e + —
, +—


U is the thermal transmittance of the building element [W/(m2*K)l

Rsi is the internal heat transmission resistance [m2K/W]

Rsc is the external heat transmission resistance [m2K/W]

is the with £(RS) approximately 0,14

di is the thickness of the wall structure (without thermal insulation) [m]

Ai is the thermal conductivity of the wall structure (without thermal insulation) [W/mK]

d2 is the thickness of the thermal insulation [m]

A.2 is the thermal conductivity of the thermal insulation [W/111K]

with A2 = 0,04

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

The following nomograph or formula may be used for the estimation o f U-values based on the window's
structure - i.e. surface area o f the window frame and the glazing, thermal transmittances o f frame and
glazing (including typical examples). It is assumed that either the thermal transmittance o f the window
frame or o f the glazing factors in the heat loss through the edge seal o f the glazing (linear thermal



Glazing Frame
a Single glazing f metal frame without thermal barrier
b Double glazing (air) g old metal frame with thermal barrier
c Triple glazing (air) h old wood/plastic frame
d 2 Pane insulation glazing (inert gas) i new wood/plastic frame
e 3 Pane insulation glazing (inert gas) j low-energy house frame
k passive house frame
u* thermal transmittance of the glazing
Ur thermal transmittance of the frame
Either URor Ui have to take the heat loss through the edge seal into account
Uw thermal transmittance of the window
Af/Aw Frame portion
Reading example:
Double glazing (b) with wooden frame (h) and a frame portion of 35 %
U w approximately 2,55 W/m2K

Figure 4 — Estimation of U-values based on structure, windows

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

The nomograph is based on the following equation and boundaiy conditions.

. v w (4)
k =
At + At


Uw is the thermal transmittance of the window [W/(m2-K)]

UR is the thermal transmittance of the glazing [W/(m2-K)]

U» is the thermal transmittance of the frame [W/(m2-K)]

either URor U» factors in the heat loss through the glazing's edge seal (linear thermal bridge)

AR is the surface Area of the glazing [m2]

At is the surface area of the frame fm2] Equivalent thermal transmittances of floor slabs and basement walls

Heat loss through building elements in contact with the ground is influenced by properties of the
ground and usually significantly dampened compared to heat loss directly to external air. Within
EN 12831-1, this is factored in by means of an equivalent U-value, which can either be calculated in a
detailed manner after EN ISO 13370 or with the simplified approach (derived from EN ISO 13370)
given in the EN 12831-1.
The simplified approach requires as input parameters
— the thermal transmittance of the considered building part (analogous to EN ISO 6946);

— the depth of the floor slab below ground level; and

— the shape of the size/shape of the floor slap represented through the geometric parameter B\ Thermal bridges

In EN 12831-1, blanket additional thermal transmittances AIJ in [W/m2K] are used to allow for thermal
bridges in the calculation of heat losses in a simplified manner. Normative default values shall be
determined nationally according to national regulation and/or nationally common practice concerning
thermal bridges. In the absence of national values, EN 12831-1 provides default values in an
informative annex.
Alternative approaches (e.g. detailed consideration) may replace the blanket additional thermal
transmittance on a national basis.
The standard provides a method for the detailed consideration of thermal bridges in the form of an
informative Annex. Temperature adjustment factor for heat loss to the exterior through unheated spaces

Heat losses to unheated spaces can often be determined in a simplified way on the basis of generalized
temperature adjustment factors fu. These adjustment factors shall be given nationally. In the absence of
national values, EN 12831 provides default values in an informative annex.

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

Alternatively, EN 12831-1 provides a method to calculate temperatures within spaces that are for this
purpose assumed to be unheated on the basis of a simplified heat balance. While this approach is mostly
aimed at building entities (temperatures of neighbouring apartments}, it can be used for all kinds of
unheated spaces as well. However, application of this approach to building entities and unheated spaces
next to these building entities may lead to undcrconstraincd calculation models. Such cases may require
defining temperature values for one or the other kind of space. Internal temperatures of adjacent spaces

Heat losses to adjacent spaces may be determined based on the temperature difference between the
considered space i and the adjacent space j. The definition of temperatures in adjacent spaces j shall be
determined nationally. In the absence of national information, EN 12831 provides a formula-based
approach in an informative annex. Temperature correction factors for heat loss through the ground

In EN 12831, the following correction factors are required for the calculation of heat loss through the
— fa»nn: taking into account the annual variation of the external temperature

— fc,wy\ taking into account the influence of ground water

These factors shall be determined on a national level. In the absence of national values, EN 12831
provides default values in an informative annex. Influence of heat emission systems in high spaces

Although EN 12831 aims at the determination of heat load independent from the heating system to-be-
used, in some cases, the heating system may have significant influence on the heat load and should,
therefore, be considered within the heat load calculation.
In rooms with high ceilings, heat loss/load may be influenced significantly by the utilized heat transport
mechanisms. The standard method provides a formula based approach to calculate (mean} surface and
air temperatures in high spaces. Therefore, in heat load calculations for high spaces, the following
characteristics - for simplification categorized as quality of the heat emission system alone - are
— Air temperature gradient in [K/m]: quantifies how much the air temperature for the given heat
emission system rises per height

— Difference between air and operative temperature in [K]: depending on the heat emission system,
there may be a significant difference between air and radiant temperature; thus, air and operative
temperature would differ as well.

— Correction term for the influence of the heat emission system on surface temperatures in [K]: some
heat emission systems cause higher temperatures in certain surfaces (e.g. floor in floor heating}.
These heated surfaces can cause additional heat loss to the ground/exterior.

These values shall be given on a national basis. In the absence of national values, EN 12831 provides
default values in an informative annex.

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017 Air-tightness

In EN 12831, air-tightness shall be described either by the air change rate or the air permeability - both
parameters can be transformed into each other easily.
Air tightness is usually measured. Where no measured value is available (building unfinished, no
measurement done yet or planned, etc.), default values describing air-tightness (c.g. air permeability
qenv^o [m3/tn2h]) shall be given on a national basis. In the absence of national values, EN 12831 provides
default values in an informative annex. Minimum air flow

Depending on use, a minimum air flow shall be ensured for matters of building physics, comfort and
hygiene. Appropriate values shall be provided nationally. In the absence of national values, EN 12831
provides default values in an informative annex.
6.2 Simplified m ethod for the calculation o f the design heat load of a heated space

6.2.1 Rationale, case of application

This method (Clause 7) is a simplified approach for the determination of the heat load of a heated space.
Therefore, it is suited for cases, where only the heat load of a single room or several single rooms is
required, which is usually the case when the heat emission system is to be exchanged.
The simplified approach may only be used if all of the following applies:
— residential buildings or buildings of similar use;

— existing buildings / building stock;

— buildings with only natural ventilation.

6.2.2 Assumptions

Considerations within EN 12831 are based on steady-state conditions, e.g.:

— assuming constant internal, external and ground temperatures;

— considering to-be-heated rooms as already heated to the required temperature - that is, the
method, basically, determines how much power is required to maintain the required temperature
(although, a simplified approach for the determination of heating-up capacities is given in the
standard as well);

— assuming constant physical building properties (independent of time, temperature, etc).

6.2.3 Data input

All required input data are listed in EN 12831-1:2017, Clause 7.

6.3 Simplified m ethod for the calculation o f the building design heat load

6.3.1 Rationale, case of application

This simplified method (Clause 8) describes an approach to determine the building design heat load,
which is usually required in prior to measures concerning the heat generation of a building; e.g.
exchange of the boiler. It is a simplified form of heat load calculation, where not all heated spaces
(rooms) have to be taken into consideration, but only the thermal envelope of the whole building.

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

The simplified approach may only be used if all of the following applies:
— residential buildings or buildings of similar use;

— existing buildings / building stock;

— buildings with only natural ventilation.

6.3.2 Assumptions

Considerations within EN 12831 are based on steady-state conditions, e.g.:

— assuming constant internal, external and ground temperatures;

— considering to-be-heated rooms as already heated to the required temperature - that is, the
method, basically, determines how much power is required to maintain the required temperature
(although, a simplified approach for the determination of heating-up capacities is given in the
standard as well);

— assuming constant physical building properties (independent of time, temperature, etc).

6.3.3 Data input

All required input data are listed in EN 12831-1:2017, Clause 8.

7 Method selection
The standard method is the preferred method for the following cases:
— sizing of the heating system for newly constructed / to-be-built buildings;

— extensive reconstruction/renovation, replacement of the heating system in existing buildings

(provided that sufficient building data are available);

— any general considerations on heat loss/load.

The simplified method to determine the heat load of a heated space is suited for measures on the
heat emission system, where the detailed method would take too much time/work or require input data
that is not available (anymore). Typical applications would be heat load calculations prior to
— exchange of the heat emission;

— hydraulic balancing.

The simplified method to determine the building heat load is suited for measures concerning the
heat generation in existing buildings, where the detailed method would take too much time/work or
require input data that is not available (anymore). A typical application would be a heat load calculation
prior to the replacement of an existing heat generator.

8 Exemplary heat load calculation (standard method)

8.1 Description

Exemplary heat load calculation for a one-storey house with two building entities.

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

Figure 5 — Floor plan

Table 1 — List of building entities and contained rooms

Building Ventilation Heated space Internal Minimum air Additional

entity / design flow rate of heating-up
Ventilation temperature the heated power
zone space i

BE/z - i 0_int,i n_min,i <p_hu,i

- - - °C 1/h -

BE1 Natural ventilation, air- BE1 |R oom l 18 0,5 none

(regularly tight building (simplified
occupied) approach) BE1 |Room2 24 0,5 none

BE2 Natural ventilation, air- BE2 |R oom l 26 0,5 none

(regularly tight building (simplified
occupied) approach) BE2 |Room2 20 0,5 none

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

Table 2 — Boundary conditions

8.2 Calculation details

Details o f the calculation arc shown in Tables 4 to 6 in accordance with the following colour key o f
Table 3.

Table 3 — Colour key

Input / project
acb 123

Repeated occurrence of
acb 124
input data

acb 125
Calculated data:
acb 126
interim/end results
acb 127

acb 125
Repeated occurrence of
acb 126
calculated data
acb 127

GO 00 CO 00 00 © © © © ro
m m tr. m m n m m cn • tr
** >-* b* »■* b+ Building entity
a m
a »-> • Heated space

3 —




tv> h-* t—
* b-+ o ©
4* GO GO 00 CD CD © © © n a* Interna) design temperature

< i i? * =
N5 ~ " 5


< g. ^ ? 5' • Building element

Wall N

Wall W

Int Wall
73 CO 73 ©
o cr s m
o f'J 3 —

3 — 3 — • 1
>—»■ ro

Adjacent space


3 ss S* • 1
$3* f5‘ ro* 00 <T ST ro' TO TO Index

separating the BE from other

h-» M b -* >-* © ►
-» M* h-* a « spaces?
-» flu
b -* *->
fsJ N 00 b^
in M p CO CO 3 >
LTl 4- GO Vj © 4» © © N w Area

p •-* »-a p £ Thermal transmittance o f the

p p p p © C
Vi UJ UJ V j Vj Vj UJ V V j 7
* 3N building part (k)

p P p p o p p p p < o
© o © o o © © © © Thermal bridges
in in in m VI in m in É
N 5r

Temperature o f adjacent space

in M M CO in CO in in o JL
ru CO © 4» CO n depending on its expected

in M M CO in o X Temperature of adjacent space

- 4- • n a
N} CO ro when unoccupied

»—• b-L
o • • - • • • • b-L 3 ro Exposed periphery (floors)

Depth below ground level
o • • • • • • • 3 N
in in Geometric parameter of the
o • • • • • • • © 3 ro
o © floor slab

H-k S ' ?
t—* >—* b-L b— a
Influence o f ground water and
4* - 4- 5» ?
in cn a « annual temperature variation

p H- p © © »-* © © © ‘ Effective thermal

w UJ UJ V) Vj ro UJ 4- UJ i
© in in cn in in in m © * 3N transmittance"
Table 4 — Transmission heat loss

UJ UJ p © p 3C Heat transfer coefficients o f

Vj Vj © GO H
W /K

4- GO © © © ©

the entire BE (-♦ 8 u)

1 1 © 1 © x X
UJ _ UJ © UJ

GO oo ^ © © ro £ © <
© * ?
15,72 78.62


14.13 70,66

GO © UJ ©

Temperature of the BE when

4* n unheatcd/unoccupied without
frost protection

GO o
© n cX ... with frost protection
p I—* O O i p O
© a X Temperature adjustment
in © © UJ 4* Vj © Vi 4*
UJ o o UJ © © © UJ V
© factor
in U1 >—* i X
UJ to UJ © p 4 Heat transfer coefficient of the
V* Vj o CD Vi 00 GO vj 55’
W /K

4* 4- GO © S © © ro © building element (k) in the


© © cn H «2 Design transmission heat loss m
CO © 4*
p © Z
4. © 4- in < for the building clement (k) in

o © © © Ç


© the room (1) H

GO w* e Design transmission heal loss CO
o In w

o f the room (1 )
$ Design transmission heal loss K;
< 00 o

Is) on of the BE
w A
w-* Design transmission heal loss

o f the building
20 00 09 00 00 20 20 22 22 09
ri m tr m m tn m m m K •
N) NJ NJ >-A >-k »4k »dk H k^ Building entity

55' W 55 20 m "JC BO Si cs
2» m o m o m a m a rr
D ^ O -a o •-* C u a

• - Heated space

BE2 |
BE2 |
3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 —


Room 2
N3 N3 M to
NJ N3 N3 NJ NJ N3 N3 N3 N3 NJ O =
ON © 4^ 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k n Intemal design temperature


< ? S?


-n 5 »

<8. Q. 5' • Building element

Wall S

Wall N
O 3 90

Wall VV
Int Wall

Int Wall
\A d 22 02
? o m
" x
n §• i Q k-A

2. 3 — • ■

3* Adjacent space


rS î

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

r5‘ Ê3* Æ* ST 3* rS‘ Lj ST • • Index

TO re re

separating the BE from other

M k-* K-» >-* k-A »-A »-A k-A o k-» • • spaces?
—* 0_u
N3 NJ to >-k M •vj OS k-k NJ
p 4* ►—A 4k © © 4k LA 3 > Area
09 4» 4k bv 20 N3 CO **

»-A £
o O O N* O p p k-* O Thermal transmittance o f the
u V V* W L0 Va Id U3 to 4k 7
* 3N building part (k)

o © p P P p p p p O < >
o O o O o O O © o © C
Thermal bridges
C>J r
Temperature o f adjacent space
1 Ja ►1a ►1A
Ja k-k o
LH LA LA 20 LA D depending on its expected
N3 NJ NJ N3 N3

1 •—
1k Ja k-k o Temperature o f adjacent space
• LA ►1a - 20 • n
N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 when unoccupied

i •—
* -o
• O • • • • • ■ • 3 Exposed periphery (fluors)

O N Depth below ground level

• • • • • • • ■ • 3

w Geometric parameter of the

• . s . • • • • • • 3
O floor slab

M S» g* Influence of ground water and

*— 4^ t—
k >—
k ha - ►
“A k-A k-* •
LA è «
= ♦ annual temperature variation

p © O ►-k o P »-k O k— O ‘ Effective thermal

V» 4k w go Vj go go NJ ~4a •
la in O LA LA la LA LA LA LA * 3 transmittance”
Ln ►-» LO to p
w a Heat transfer coefficients of
CO Vi to O k-* O
k-k ÿ_

CO os o

the entire BE (-♦ O.u)


1 Î LA 1 1 p « a
N3 N3 N3

N3 5 „09 yi
•v0s jx
20 ©

LA N3 < e

© o
11,25 56,25

20 Vj O NJ

ÜÜ Temperature of the BE when

w n unhcatcd/unoccupicd without
frost protection

09 o
o n c ... with frost protection
k—k O O >—
k >—k P p O Temperature adjustment
o Vj LA © © 4k © © ♦—• Vj • X
o o LA © o O 3 o o V factor
la vj yi LO 4k 4k t—k NJ to vl a
p Heat transfer coefficient of the
00 LH to NJ O N3 Vj M © 20 SÇ
20 M NJ

5S LA OS © VI 20 je building element (k) in the

NJ ►-» >—k »-k go A Design transmission heat loss

NJ vO 4k LA X
LO p p vj for the building element (k) in
LO >—k to 20 <





Z LA OS © the room (1)

N3 A Design transmission heat loss

N3 ?
Vl la
o f the room (1)

f Design transmission heat loss

< bo

C*1 o f the BE
? Design transmission heat loss
E o f the building
00 2C 70 00 00 00 00 02 C3
m m m m P0 m m n • m
N> PO PO PO PO PO PO Ni Building entity
JC BO r 23" oo 1
a ro o m
= n; 2 Ni •

BF.2 I
H eated space

BE2 |
BE2 |
BE2 |
BE2 |
BE2 |
3 — 3 —

R oom l
R oom l

Ronm l
Ronm l

Room 2
ro PO

Ni Ni Ni Ni PO Ni Ni tvi O
O O O O ON ON n = Internal design tem peratu re



< 5 i?

o " 3 s ?r
•n Q. • B uilding elem en t

W all E


Int W a ll
Int W a ll
Int W a ll

_-0 f= TO CO TO02
© CT 4 §= c tr.
2 Ni n % Q psi

Int W a ll BEI |
3 — QJ 3 —

R oom l
»—k •

g round
J1 Ni • A d ja cen t space

rt ft

S3’ S3
ST 00 ro* ro’ S’ • ■ Index
ro ft m

sepa ratin g the BE from oth er

o »-k k-A h-» h-k => • 1 spaces?

- » 9_u
>-k k-k k-k
p Psi Ni k-k N1 p c\ 3 >
1—k *-a 4- bo ** A rea
CD to bo es»

O M O p p »-» p M c T h erm al transm ittance o f the
Vi Ni V Vi Vi Ul Ul Psi 7T
* 3 bu ildin g part (k )

p P P O p p < >
p p C
© o o o O © o © Th erm al bridges
in VI vi VI VI VI VI VI * > 3
C>J r

Tem p era tu re o f adjacent space

in Ni k-k M Ja Psi o
in V» 00 o o d e p e n d in g on its ex p ected
occu pancy

Ni tit M Psi o Tem p era tu re o f adjacent space

• OS • VI o n
PO PO w h en unoccupied

- • • VI • • • • 3 *o Exposed p erip h ery (flo o r s )

Depth b e lo w grou n d lev el

• • • ■ ■ ■ • 3 N
(flo o rs / b w -w a lls )
+■ G eom etric param eter o f the
• • • 4* • • • • 3 CO
M flo o r slab

S» q * Influence o f grou n d w a te r and
>~k >—k V *-A t—k •
VI S «
= ♦ annual tem peratu re variation

o ►-k p p O ►
— p »—» ‘ E ffective therm al
Vj Ni 4- Vj w M Ni •
in vi vi VI VI VI VI * 3
transm ittance”

po O p 00 VJ UJ ? a H eat tran sfer coefficien ts o f
4- © V PO o © -4
4- o VI 1*1 3 4- 00 k.
o the en tire BE (- ♦ B .u)
1 1
p vj W. W _ Ul o « a

© 00 oo ©
Ni © < -5^ e
o ©


vi VI bo ©

T e m p era tu re o f the BE w h en
o unheatcd/unoccupicd w ith o u t
frost protection

n c ... w ith frost protectio n

O 1 O p O ha *—• p
p 2?* T e m p era tu re adjustm ent
9k V 4- 4- © © »—* 1 X
k-k V
O o 'O 'O o o 9v factor

in p 4a VI ui Ul 14
Heat transfer co eff icient o f the
b O © PO o Ui jr
ON © PO k-A 00 Psi
4* oc bu ildin g elem en t (k ) in the

1 PO h-»
1—k A Design transm ission heat loss
1—k PO VI Ni
Ni >—k
p p p fo r th e bu ildin g ele m en t (k ) in
o O' o 5

2D -o 3 O
o the room (i)

Vj A Design transm ission heat loss

Ni ? H
4* la. o f the ro o m ( i)

£ Design transm ission heat loss

< bo
C*1 o f the BE
CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

ui A
Design transm ission heat loss
? a*
o f the bu ildin g
03 03 03 03
m t*î tr t*! •
N1 N> Ni Ni Building entity

73 73 5d 0 !
o m Q CT
O NÎ 2 Ni
• - Heated space

BH2 |

Bi£2 |
3 — 3 —

Ni Ni

NJ Ni Ni Ni o =
o O O O n Internal design temperature
^ rr

< ? 3

l s -° 5 ’ " 7?

iv S 2
H Q_ • Building element



S’ • a Adjacent space


Int Wall Unheated

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

5‘ Î5* CD tu • •
re O Q Index

separating the BE from other

M K-» M • • spaces?
-» 9_u
vO P p Üki
t—* 3 > Area
30 30 4k en es) **

o p M M C Thermal transmittance o f the
Vj lAi Ui Ui TT
building part (k)

p O P P
© O o o c
1/1 in in in 3 Thermal bridges
r-- r
Temperature o f adjacent space
in J* CA en o
Ni ri depending on its expected

J* o Temperature o f adjacent space

• Ni
• • n
when unoccupied

• • • • 3 -o Exposed periphery (floors)

N Depth below ground level

■ • • • 3

w Geometric parameter of the

• • • • 3
floor slab

• 5* cp Influence of ground water and

* s «
= ♦ annual temperature variation

o O l-k ‘ Effective thermal

Vi M u> u> •
in in en in * 3 es) transmittance'’

N1 p P ? a Heat transfer coefficients of

U) 4* Ni Ni
in W 4» in ÿ. the entire BE (-* 9_u)
1 »—» Ni
$ _ 4k P t—
* « a
< m H
Vj Ni Ni ^ e
in *—
* O Sv

Temperature of the BE when

o unhcated/unoccupicd without
frost protection

ri c ... with frost protection

o >—• 0 O 3?v Temperature adjustment

4k O 01 Sv • X
O O o O V
p P »—* Ni Heat transfer coeff icient o f the
o 4* sD en jr
Ui 4k in t: building element (k) in the

>-k A Design transmission heat loss

© O Sv 30
4k P P •—»
© Vj Ni Sv < for the building element (k) in
30 »—» en ï
c» the ronm (1)

A Design transmission heat loss

? H
la. o f the room (1)

£ Design transmission heat loss

< bo
C*I o f the BE
Design transmission heat loss
o f the building
CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

Table 5 — Ventilation heat loss (simplified approach)

M in im u m
In te rn a l a ir flo w In te rn a l M in im u m
V e n tila tio n H ea ted D esign v e n tila tio n
V e n tila tio n d e s ig n ra te o f th e v o lu m e a ir flo w
zon e space h ea t lo ss
te m p e r a tu r e h e a te d of i of i
space i

z - i 9_int,i n_m in,i V_i q _v,m in ,i <t>_v,i <h_v,z <h_v, b u ild

- - - °C 1 /h m3 m 3/h W

Natural BE1 |
18 0,5 6 0 ,5 3 0,2 308
ventilation, Room 1
BEI 319
air-tight BF1 |
building 24 0,5 53 ,8 26,9 329
Room 2
Natural BE2 |
26 0.5 51,2 25 ,6 331
ventilation, Room l
BE2 285
air-tight BE2 |
building 20 0,5 4 4 ,0 22 ,0 239
Room 2

Table 6 — Summary of calculation results

Heated space Design heat load

z i <t>_HL,i <t>_HL,BE ch_HL,build

- - W

BEI |Room l 1139

BEI 2601
BEI |Room2 178 1
BE2 |Room l 1558
BE2 2236
BE2 |Room2 963

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

Annex A
(inform ative)

Calculation flow chart

A .l General
The following flowr-charts briefly show the calculation flowr o f each method o f EN 12831-1. Substeps o f
one main step do not depend on each other and any particular order within the containing main step.

Note that national options may cause slight variations o f the calculation steps.

A.2 Standard method

Table A .l — Flowchart heat load calculation, standard method

Main step Substep / Calculated item

1 Partition the building into units and define respective use / required conditions
• Building entities / Zones (flats/apartmcnts, office units, etc.)
• Heated spaces (rooms o f the building entities)
• Unheated spaces (unheated attics/cellars, unheated winter gardens, etc.)

2 Determine the external design temperature and external mean temperature based on the
building site and height above sea level

Define the building elements enveloping each heated space:

• Surface area
• U-value
• Adjacent space (exterior, ground, another room, etc.)

Define the ventilation specifics for each zone

• Air-tightness
• Natural or fan-assisted?
• If fan-assisted, design parameters o f ventilation system
• If any, design parameters o f external ATDs
• •••

In rooms with h 2: 4 m, define the heat emission system and calculate the mean internal
surface temperature for each building element and the mean internal air temperature for
each heated space

4 Determine the internal temperature for each building entity next to heated spaces of
other building entities on the basis o f national default values or by calculation
(EN 12831-1:2017, Annex D (inform ative))

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017

Main step Suhstep / Calculated item

5 Calculate the transmission heat loss for each heated space, keep separate interim results
as suggested by the standard

Calculate the ventilation heat loss for

• each heated space
• each zone
• the whole building

If any, calculate the additional heating-up capacities for intermittently heated spaces

6 Calculate the total design heat load for

• each heated space -* sizing o f heat emission, hydraulic balancing, etc.
• if required, each building entity -> sizing o f self-contained heat generation
• if required, the whole building -» sizing o f centralized heat generation, etc.

A.3 Simplified method for the calculation of the design heat load of a heated
Table A.2 — Flowchart room heat load calculation, simplified method

Main step Substep / Calculated item

1 Define the building elements enveloping the heated space:

• Surface area (external or internal dimensions)
• U-value
• Adjacent space (exterior, ground, another room, etc.)

2 Calculate the transmission heat loss for the heated space

Calculate the ventilation heat loss for the heated space

3 Calculate the total design heat load for the heated space

A.4 Simplified method for the calculation of the building design heat load
Table A.3 — Flowchart building heat load calculation, simplified method

Main step Substep / Calculated item

1 Define the building elements enveloping the building:

• Surface area (external dimensions)
• U-value
• Adjacent space (exterior, ground, etc.)

2 Calculate the transmission heat loss for the building

Calculate the ventilation heat loss for the building

3 Calculate the total building design heat load

CEN/TR 12831-2:2017


fl] CF.N/TS 16629, Energy Performance o f Buildings - Detailed Technical Rules for the set o f EPB-

[2] CENSE report WR6.1_N05rev02: Set of recommendations: Towards a second generation of CEN
standards related to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), May 27, 2010. and
reports on specific clusters of standards, See


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