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A: Up
1. Back up – hỗ trợ, giúp đỡ: give someone support and help
2. Beat up – đánh mạnh: hit or kick someone and hurt them badly
3. Blow up – nổ, làm cho nổ tung: destroy sth with an explosion
4. Brush up (on) – cải thiện: improve your knowledge and skill
5. Call up – gọi điện: phone sb
6. Come up – tiếp cận, bắt chuyện, hỏi: approach someone, the moon come up over the hill:
nhô lên; the subject come up in the course of conversation: chủ đề, xuất hiện, đề cập
7. Clear up – dọn dẹp: tidy, to put away
8. Catch up – bắt kịp, theo kịp: to get the same standard as the others
9. Dress up >< dress down – ăn mặc sang trọng, lịch lãm: put on smart, elegant or formal
10. Get up – thức dậy: start the day! ( to get up that hill: lên đồi; get up a petition against the
motorway: kí 1 đơn kiến nghị để….)
11. Go up >< go down: increase ( the building go up in flames: đang bốc cháy; why don’t you
go up and introduce yourself?: đi lên và giới thiệu bản thân)
12. Mix up – nhầm lẫn, không phân biệt được:not know the difference
13. Speak up – nói to: talk in a loud, clear voice
14. Stay up – thức khuya: not go to bed
15. Sum up – tóm tắt: list the main points
16. Turn up – xuất hiện, đến: arrive ( turn up your collar: dựng cổ áo)
17. Light up: sáng khi nhìn thấy thứ gì đó : your eyes
18. Draw up: dừng lại (trên đường) ( a car) ( draw up an agreement: đạt được một thỏa thuận;
draw up your chải nearer: kéo gần ghế)
19. Grow up: trưởng thành, lớn (the children)
20. Hang up: dập máy ( the caller)
21. Brighten up: sáng bừng lên ( the weather)
22. Own up: nhận tội ( the culprit)
23. Piled up: chất đống, nhiều ( work)
24. Shoot up: tăng nhanh ( the prices)
25. Add up: cộng lại ( the fugures)
26. Bring up: được nuôi dưỡng/ nuôi lớn (children)( to bring up such a sensitive subject: nói
đến, đề cập đến ( why don’t you bring up the matter of expenses: đưa ra, đề cập đến chi phí)
27. Build up: dựng một công ty, doanh nghiệp ( the bussiness)
28. Bundle up: cuộn lại xong buộc bằng dây ( the newspapers)
29. Eat up: ăn hết ( your dinner)
30. Cheer up: cổ vũ, động viên ( who’s unhappy)
31. Look up: tìm kiếm, tra cứu ( imformation) ( things are beginning to look up at last: khởi
sắc, trở nên tốt đẹp; he didn’t even look up when he came in: anh ấy thậm chí không nhìn lên…)
32. Turn up: tăng, xuất hiện, đến: (the volume)
33. Set up – a business: thành lập doanh nghiệp = establish
an inquiry: tiến hành một cuộc điều tra
road blocks: dựng lên/ thiết lập các khối đường
34. Take up – a hobby: bắt đầu / tạo một sở thích mới
- a skirt: cắt ngắn một chiếc váy
- a collection: có một bộ sưu tập
35. Pick up – a passenger: đón một vị khách
- some Italian: học tự nhiên/ lỏm một ngôn ngữ
- support: có được sự ủng hộ
- some ideas:chọn ra một số ý tưởng, thu lại một số ý tưởng
36. Give up – smoking: cai/ từ bỏ thuốc lá
job: từ bỏ công việc
your seat: nhường chỗ
37. Do up - a button: cài khuya áo
- a present: chuẩn bị một món quà
- an old house: sửa sang/ tuốt tát một ngôi nhà cũ
38. Hold up – the traffic: tắc nghẽn giao thông
- a bank: cướp ngân hàng
- someone as an example: lấy một ai đó làm gương/ ví dụ
- your hand: giơ tay
39. Make up – a story: dựng/ bịa một câu chuyện
- an excuse: bịa một lý do
- your mind: ra một quyết định
- their quarrel: làm hòa
40. Put up - a friend for the night: cho ở nhờ
- a fight: bắt đầu trận đấu
- put up a prices: tăng giá
- the money you need: chuẩn bị tiền
- an alternative candidate: đề cử 1 ứng cử viên
41. Bottle up: kìm nén cảm xúc (people who bottle up their emotions try to control them and
not show how they are feeling)
42. Freshen up: tắm rửa, tắm gội (when you freshen up, you wash and make yourself look
more presentable: đoan trang)
43. Screw up: nhăn mặt (if you screw up your face, you twist a part of it to show disapproval)
44. Tighten up: làm chặt hơn ( when you tighten up security, you make it stricter)
45. Crop up: các sự cố xuất hiện bất ngờ (Problems which crop up appear unexpectedly)
46. Dig up: Problems which crop up appear unexpectedly

47. back down: withdraw your objections
48. close down: stop all work, cease trading (ngừng giao dịch, đóng cửa hàng)
49. cut down: do sth less often
50. die down: become quieter, lắng xuống (after the noise had died down, he made his
51. get down: annoy, make unhappy ( did your secretary get down everything that was said:
ghi chép; please get down out of that tree immediately)
52. jot down: make a note of ( when you jot down information, you make a quick note of it)
53. lay down: establish rules ( their guns and stop the fighting: hạ súng; minimum safety
standards: đề ra một số)
54. let down: disappoint, not keep a promise ( you can’t lay down all the people who are
relying on you: làm thất vọng; someone has let down my tyres: xì lốp xe; i had to let down the
dress because it was too short: hạ gấu quần, làm dài ra)
55. live down: make people forget a mistake ( if it’s difficult for you to live down sth you did
wrong, it means people won’t forget it)
56. mark down: give a lower grade
57. play down: make sth appear less important ( nói giảm nói tránh) ( when you try to play an
incident down, you try to make it appear less important than it is: giảm tầm quan trọng/nghiêm
58. pour down: come down heavily (of rain)
59. run down: lose power ( shw was run down by a car while crossing the road: bị đâm;
services are being run down to save Money: giảm dịch vụ; if the batteries run down the radio
wasn’t work so well: yếu pin/ chai pin)
60. settle down: live a quiet, rountine life (if you have had a life where things kept changing
and then settle down, you live a life of stability and rountine)( thường lệ, ổn định cuộc sống)
61. shout down: not allow to be heard ( i tried to speak but i was shut down by some of the
audience: chế giễu nói “xuống đi”)
62. slow down: go less fast
63. knock down: ( we’ll have to knock down that wall: phá tường; Two witnesses saw him
knock down the pedestrian: đâm; if you knock down the price. You’ll seel them all: giảm giá
64. turn down: (how could turn down such an offer: từ chối; Shall i turn down the volume; We
will, of course turn down any insuitable applicants: từ chối, không chấp nhận)
65. put down: (how much must I put down as deposit: đặt cọc; Vets have having to put down
pets-even if they are injured; giết một cách tốt; he tends to put down who doesn’t agree with him:
xử lý luôn)
66. bring down: ( they’re fighting to bring down the goverment: hạ bệ; the new policy will
bring down prices: giúp cho giá giảm xuống; we saw the defender their centre forward: phạm lỗi)
67. take down: it’s time to take down the Christmas decorations: rỡ xuống để cất đi; my
secretary will take down the details: ghi chú; Can you help me to take down the tent: hạ lều)
68. hold down: he can’t hold down a job for very long: giữ, duy trì một công việc; we’ve
managed to hold down prices: giữ giá; it took four men to hold down such a strong person: giữ)
69. come down: you must come down to the country and visit us: tới, ghé; the fog has come
down and made driving dangerous: tràn xuống; we expect them to come down in favour of the
proposal: quyết định)
70. go down: the swelling will go down in a few days: vết phồng, sưng xẹp xuống; i want him
to on his knees and apologise: quỳ xuống; the news didn’t go down very well: ko được chấp
nhận lắm)
71. break down: we had to break down the door to get in: phá cửa; many people break down
because of the pressure of their work: suy sụp; did the car break down on the motorway: hỏng,
chết máy)
72. fall down: (he might fall down if he climbs that tree; the argument seems to fall down in
several places: hạ nhiệt, be weak; the houses will fall down eventually if they aren’t repaired:
73. keep down: you must keep down! Someone might see you!: trốn, cúi thấp đầu; the boss
wants to keep down costs as much as possible: giảm; he used a wave of terror to keep dow the
entire population: kiểm soát)
74. wind down: could you wind down the window and let some air into the car?: mở cửa; i find
it hard to wind down after work: thư giãn; we had to wind down the business and sack some of
the staff: thu gọn, xa thải)
75. climb down: if people have an opinion about sth and then climb down, they admit that they
were wrong: nhượng bộ, xuống nước
76. wave down: when you wave down someone driving past, you signal them to stop: vẫy tay
xin đi nhờ
77. water down: you water down a speech to make it weaker and less controversial: làm dịu đi
78. tumble down: when tins etc tumble down, they fall down in disorder: rơi lủng xủng, liểng
79. hand down: when you hand down a story, you pass it to the next generation: truyền lại
80. pelt down; Normally you wouldn’t want rain to pelt down as it would come down very
heavily: mưa như chút nước
81. crack down: when the police crack down, they enforce rules very strictly: thực thi luật
82. narrow down: when you narrow down the choices, you reduce their number by eliminating
the others: khoanh vùng, giới hạn
83. track down: if you finally track down sth you’re been looking for, you find it after a lot of
difficulty: lần theo dấu vết
84. tie down: if circumstances tie you down, they limit your freedom
85. wear down: Actions and circumstances that wear you down make you weaker because of
the constant pressure; to make someone feel tired and less able to deal successfully
with a situation: suy sụp

86. come out: - film come out: phát hành phim
- the sun come out: nhô lên;
- Billy come out and play: ra ngoài
87. give out: - my strength was starting to give out when help finally arrived: giảm dần
- can you give out these books for me? :phát
- these electric fires give out a lot of heat: tỏa nhiệt
88. let out: - he lets out an enormous sigh of relief: thở dài một tiếng nhẹ nhõm
- I’ll have to let out this skirt: nới váy
- We let out the dogs to run round the garden: thả
89. put out: - they put out an appeal on the radio: xuất hiện
- we need some water to put out the fire: dập tắt
- I put out my arm to stop myself falling: dạng tay ra
90. turn out: - everything will turn out all right in the end: trở nên tốt đẹp, đúng đắn
- could you turn out the light for me? : tắt đèn
- did many people turn out to watch the procession: arrive=appear
91. go out: - does the tide go out as far as those rocks?: thủy triều xuống
- we watched the lights go out all over town: đèn tắt
- I’ve go to go out now but i’ll be back for lunch: ra ngoài
92. make out: - please make out the cheque to my husband:
- I can’t make out what he’s saying: hiểu
- She tried to make out that she didn’t understand:
- to kiss or hold a person in a sexual way
93. take out: - you can take out up to four books from the library:
- I had to take out a loan to pay for the car:
- I would love to take out for a really expensive meal!:
94. set out: - if you set out early, you’ll miss the rush hour: khởi hành, chuẩn bị
- we set out to create a new kind of magazine: chuẩn bị
- the food was set out on tables in the garden: bày sẵn
95. work out: - I can’t work out the answer to this sum: tìm ra
- Let’s hope things will work out all right in the end: giải quyết, ổn thỏa
- They work out once a day to keep fit: tập luyện
96. carry out: - Will he carry out his threat and dismiss us all?: tiếp tục
- We intend to carry out a survey into eating habits: tiến hành
- Please carry out my instructions precisely: thực hành
97. call out: - I want you to call out the answer if you know it: nêu/đọc đáp án
- We’ve had to call out the police twice this week: gọi cảnh sát
- The union may call out all the members on strike: kêu gọi
98. fall out: - most children’baby teeth fall out before they are 12: rụng răng
- how can two friends fall out over sth so unimportant?: cãi nhau
99. point out: - the guide will point out the famous buildings: chỉ ra
- you must point out that there isn’t much time left: nhận ra
- I’d be grateful if you’d point out all my mistakes: chỉ ra
100. drop out (of): - a few competitors may drop out if the race gets too tough: bỏ cuộc
- many students drop out before the end of their course: bỏ học
- a lot of slang words drop out of the language after a few years: loại bỏ
111. invite out: if you invite someoe out, you ask them to go out with you: lời mời đi chơi
112. share out: when you share out sweets, you divide them so that everyone gets some: chia
113. stand out: cyclists should wear sth bright so that they stand out in the dark: làm nổi bật
114. hand out: when you hand out tickets etc, you distribute them: phát
115. throw out: when you throw someone out, you order them out in anger: thả
116. spread out: when you spread out a blanket etc, you open it and put it on a surface: rũ/trải
117. back out: if you promise to do some-thing and then back out, you don’t keep your promise:
rút/thất lời hứa
118. find out: if you find out informtion, you learn or discover sth you didn’t know before: tìm
119. pick out: if you pick someone out, you choose them (to choose, find or recongnise
someone): nhặt, chọn, nhận ra
120. cross out: if you cross out a mistake, you put a line through it: gạch đi
121. pass out: ngất đi ( if a room is stuffy and you pass out, you lose consciousness)
122. burst out: phá lên cười, bật khóc/ phi ra cửa, tác động mạnh

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