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The line graph illustrates three ways of sending enquiries to the Tourist

Information Office in one city from January to June in 2011.

Overall, it can be noticed that only enquiries sent by letter or email had a
downward trend over the period. Moreover, the highest number of
enquiries received were done in person.
In the beginning, the highest number of enquiries was that of
telephoning at around 900, in person enquiries were the lowest at over
400, whereas those of letter or email were nearly doubled that at under
800. By March, enquiries by telephone and in person both rose to 1000
and 800, respectively, while enquiries by letter and email fell to roughly
For the second half of the period, enquiries in person grew steadily, and
peaked at about 1900 in June which is the largest figure by far. The
runner up to this is enquiries by telephone standing at 1600. Meanwhile,
enquiries by letter or email plummeted to a new low of the graph at just
below 400.
(172 words)

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