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Objetivo de aprendizaje: Los estudiantes comprenderán que el retorno seguro a las escuelas promueve

acciones para cuidar la salud y permite compartir sentimientos, emociones,

inquietudes y necesidades.
Objetivos Específicos: Students will understand that we need to use different strategies to solve different social,
economic, environmental, and cultural problems.

Indicadores de evaluación: Lengua y Literatura:

Ciencias Naturales:
Educación Física:
I.EFL.5.1.1. Learners can demonstrate and understanding of the integrity of different cultures
by sharing experiences and by participating in class activities and discussions in a way that
shows empathy and respect for others. (I.3, S.1, S.2, J.1, J3)
Estudios Sociales:
Educación Cultural y Artística:

Actividad para estudiantes regulares

Asignatura: Inglés

Actividad 1: Listen to the person talk about two famous North American actors.
Take notes of what is said. (3RO BGU M1.1PG3.mp3)

1.- Now listen again and organize your notes in the Venn Diagram below. Write in the middle the things that the
two actors have in common.

Note that even though both actors are still alive, the story of what
has already happened in their lives is told in the past tense. Also,
remember that English always needs a subject, so you hear the
pronouns “she” and “he” repeated
2.- Answer these questions

a.- Have you ever seen any of the movies or TV shows these actors have been in?

b.- Based on the description of these celebrities, who would you prefer to meet? Why?

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