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नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी

मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल

स्वामी वििेकानंद कैरियि मार्गदर्गन योजना, उच्च वर्क्षा विभार्, मध्यप्रदे र्

अल्पािवि िोजर्ािोन्मुखी प्रवर्क्षण – Language Proficiency Module
Content Writer Dr. Vinita Singh Chawdhry
Content Reviewer Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh

Topic Effective Communication (प्रभावी संवाद कौशल)
Sub-topics • Introduction
• Importance of Communication
• Four Skills of Communication
• Verbal &Non - Verbal communication
• Barriers to Communication
(प्रभावी संवाद कौशल - पररचय, संवाद कौशल, महत्व, संवाद के चार
कौशल, मौखिक और गैर-मौखिक संवाद, बाधाएं )

Pre-Requisite/ • Basic Understanding of English Language.

Previous (अंग्रेजी भाषा की बुननयादी समझ)
अपनी बात को उनचत तरह से सामनेवाले व्यखि को समझाना एक सफल
(successful) उद्यमी के नलए आवश्यक है। भाषा में प्रवीणता
(Language proficiency) के इस module में नवद्यार्थी प्रभावी संवाद की कला
को सीिेंगे | इस module के अंतगगत नवद्यार्थी ननम्न चीज़ें सीिेंगे : संवाद कौशल
की आवश्यकता एवं लाभ, संवाद के 4 कौशल ( सुनना, बोलना, पढ़ना और लेिन
), verbal एवं non-verbal संवाद कौशल तर्था संवाद में आने वाली कनिनाइयााँ ।
इस सेशन के 4 भाग रहेंगे, नजसमे video व्याख्यान, e-Text, एक्स्टें डेड लननिंग
ररसोसेज और मूल्ांकन शानमल होगा। इस प्रनशक्षण के बाद नवद्यार्थी अपने द्वारा
चुने गए स्वरोजगार के क्षेत्र में अपने आप को बेहतर और सही ढं ग से व्यि करना
सीि पाएं गे।

Objectives The session aims to enable the participants to –

• Communicate effectively and appropriately by

understanding communication skills development
tools.( संवाद कौशल के नलए उसके सहायक तत्वों को समझकर
प्रभावी और उनचत रूप से संवाद करें ।)
• Transfer information, instructions, policies,
procedures, decisions, etc. (सूचना, ननदे श, नीनतयों,
प्रनियाओं, ननणगयों को प्रस्तुत एवं प्रेनषत कर सकें )
आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल
• Maintain business relationships. (व्यावसानयक संबंध बनाए
• Strengthen team building and maintain better
understanding.( मजबूत टीम ननमागण करें और आपसी समझ
बेहतर बनाए रिें)
• Motivate and direct customers/ clients. (ग्राहकों को प्रेररत
और ननदे नशत करें ।)
• Promote the brand, product, or service.(ब्ांड, उत्पाद या
सेवा का प्रचार करें )
• Identify non-verbal cues. (गैर-मौखिक संकेतों की पहचान
करें )
• Be familiar with barriers to communication.(संवाद
कौशल में आने वाली बाधाओं से पररनचत हों)

Definition Communication skills is the ability to convey or share ideas and

feelings effectively.
(संवाद कौशल नवचारों और भावनाओं को प्रभावी ढं ग से व्यि करने की क्षमता
और योग्यता है )

Expected Outcome • Students will be able to understand and apply knowledge

of language processes.( नवद्यार्थी अंग्रेजी भाषा को समझने और
उसको व्यवहार में लाने में सक्षम होंगे )
• The participants will assimilate understanding of non-
verbal skills and respond appropriately. (गैर-मौखिक कौशल
की समझ नवकनसत होगी और उसे सही तरीके से व्यवहार में उपयोग कर
सकेंगे. )
• They will be able to deliver with clarity their specific tasks
and responsibilities.
• (वे अपने नवनशष्ट कायों और नजम्मेदाररयों को स्पष्टता के सार्थ ननवगहन में
सक्षम होंगे)
• Ability will resolve problems and conflicts.(भाषा में कुशलता
प्राप्त कर नवद्यार्थी अपनी समस्याओं और संघषों का समाधान स्वय कर
सकेंगे )
• Modifies attitude and stimulates thinking.(दृनष्टकोण को
पररष्कृत करे गा और सोच-नवचार की क्षमता में वृखि होगी )

(इस प्रनशक्षण के बाद नवद्यार्थी अपने द्वारा चुने गए स्वरोजगार के क्षेत्र में अपने आप
को बेहतर और सही ढं ग से व्यि करना सीि पाएं गे)
आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल
Language Proficiency Module: Effective Communication
1. Introduction
2. Importance of Communication Skills for Self-Employment
3. Benefits of Strong Communication Skills
4. Four Skills of Communication
4.1 Listening
4.2 Speaking
4.3 Reading
4.4 Writing
5. Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
5.1 Types of Verbal Communication
5.2 Advantages of Verbal Communication
5.3 Disadvantages of Verbal Communication
5.4 Non-Verbal Skills – Body Language
5.5 Types of Non-Verbal Communication
5.6 Communication Openers
6. Barriers to Communication
6.1 Psychological Barriers
6.2 Emotional Barriers
6.3 Physical Barriers
6.4 Cultural Barriers
6.5 Organisational Structure Barriers
6.6 Attitude Barriers
6.7 Perception Barriers
6.8 Technological Barriers and Socio-Religious Barriers
6.9 How to Overcome Barriers
7 Remarkable Facts-
LSRW, Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, Body Language, Communication Openers
and Barriers to Effective Communication
8 Summary
9 References
10 Extended Learning
11 Assessment Test

1. Introduction

Communication is an important aspect of human behaviour.(मानव व्यवहार) It is

central to everything one does. It is an important skill for every modern
student to master. Employers have always emphasized the importance of
communication skills and the current trends in the business
आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल
environment(व्यवसाय में समसामनयक रुझान) make these skills more critical.
Advances in digital media, changing career landscapes, and greater
competition in colleges and workplaces make improving communication skills a
must. The path to improving student communication skills is to think critically,
speak fluently, read, and listen actively. (सूक्ष्म/गंभीर रूप से सोचें, धारा प्रवाह बोलें, पढ़ें
और सनिय रूप से सुनें।)

2. Importance of Communications Skills for Self-Employment (स्व-िोजर्ाि के

विए प्रभािी संिाद कौर्ि का महत्व)

Communication skills are a set of activities that

ultimately make a quality public performance.
(सावगजननकप्र दशगन)Communication today is very
important both in the business world and in private
life. Successful communication helps us better
understand people and situations. Developing
strong communication skills becomes one of the entrepreneurs’ top priorities.
(उद्यनमयों की सवोच्च प्रार्थनमकताएं ) Effective communication skills can significantly
increase employees’ productivity. (उत्पादकता)

3. Benefits of Strong Communication Skills (संिाद कौर्ि के िाभ)

A business that promotes the benefits of good communication will result in

employees understanding their roles and responsibilities and help to build
trustworthy and positive client relationships. These skills can help in reducing
errors or failures. Communication can also build trust between an employee
and their manager as they accomplish tasks, deliver opinions and ideas, and set
goals for themselves and their business. (सम्प्रेषण कौर्ि एक कमगचारी और उनके
प्रबंधक के बीच नवश्वास भी पैदा कर सकता है क्ोंनक वे कायों को पूरा करते हैं , राय और नवचार दे ते
हैं, और अपने और अपने व्यवसाय के नलए लक्ष्य ननधागररत करते हैं )

4. Four skills of Communication(संिाद के चाि कौर्ि)

आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल
The needs of a learner in 21stcentury
are: enrichment of vocabulary, correct
pronunciation and acquisition of
language skills (शब्दावली का संवधगन, सही
उच्चारण और भाषा कौशल का अनधग्रहण)
namely- listening, speaking, reading
and writing(LSRW).The aim of this
module is to provide knowledge and
the application of that knowledge to
achieve proficiency (दक्षता हानसल करना) in
all four language skills(LSRW).Hence the
main purpose is to develop proficiency
in using language for specific purposes
of speaking, listening with concentration, reading with different speeds, and
writing correctly.
4.1 Listening involves understanding different speeds of speech and different
accents.(सुनने में वाणी की नवनभन्न गनत, नवनभन्न लहजे और नवनभन्न उच्चारणों को समझना
शानमल है ) Some people speak more slowly and with more pauses. Others
speak fast and /or few pauses. Features such as speed of delivery and
accent are part of connected speech. But we do not listen to everything in
the same way. There are several different listening sub-skills. We might
listen for gist/global understanding, specific information, detail or to infer
attitude. Which subskill we use depends on our reason for understanding.
(हम नकस उप-कौशल का उपयोग करते हैं, यह हमारे समझने के कारण पर ननभगर करता है।)
4.2 Speaking involves speech to communicate meanings to other people.
Speaking involves several sub-skills:
- Making use of grammar, vocabulary, and functions (व्याकरण,
शब्दावली और कायों का उपयोग करना)
- Using features of connected speech (आपसी स्वाद की सुनवधाओं का
उपयोग करना)
- Using body language (हाव-भाव)
Oral fluency (मौखिक-प्रवाह) (speaking at normal speed, with little hesitation,
repetition, or self-correction (सामान्य गनत से बोलना, नबना नहचनकचाहट, दोहराव या
स्वयं सुधार के सार्थ) and with smooth use of connected speech)
- Using interactive strategies(संवादात्मक रणनीनतयााँ)
4.3 Reading is a receptive skill like listening. This means it involves responding
to text rather than producing it. To do this we need to understand the
language of the text at word level, sentence level or whole-text level.
Reading also involves using different reading skills:
आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल
- Reading for specific information (नवशेष जानकारी के नलए पढ़ना)
- Reading for detail (नवस्तार के नलए पढ़ना)
- Reading for gist (skimming, inferring, predicting) (सार, अनुमान
के नलए पढ़ना)
- Deducing meaning from text (पाि से अर्थग ननकालना)
4.4 Writing involves producing language rather than receiving it. It involves
communicating a message by making signs on a page. Writing also involves
sub- skills:
- accuracy i.e., using correct form of language- (शुिता)
- spelling correctly (सही वतगनी)
- forming letters correctly (अक्षरो को सही ढग से बनाना)
- writing legibly (सुपाठ्य लेिन)
- punctuating correctly (सही ढं ग से नवराम नचह्न)
- using grammar correctly (व्याकरण का सही उपयोगकरना)
- choosing the right vocabulary (सही शब्दावली चुनना)
- correctly using paragraphs (पैराग्राफ का सही उपयोग)

5. Verbal & Non-verbal Communication (मौखखक - र्ैि-मौखखक संिाद कौर्ि)

Communication through words is called verbal communication. Nonverbal
communication does not use words for communicating anything, but some
other methods are used, i.e., where communication takes place by way of
unsaid or unwritten messages such as body language, facial expressions, sign
language and so forth. Strong verbal communication skills are valuable in both
individual and professional life. When speaking clearly, confidently, and with
dignity, you are much more likely to command the respect of others and build
rapport. This is primarily vital in business interactions.
The following tips will help you improve your verbal communication skills –

1. Think before you speak (बोलने से पहले सोचो)

2. Be clear and concise (स्पष्ट और संनक्षप्त रहें )
3. Speak with confidence (आत्मनवश्वास से बोलें)
4. Vary your vocal tone (अपने स्वर में बदलाव करें )
5. Be an active listener.(एक सनिय श्रोता बनें) It includes the following -
आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल

Receiving Understanding Remembering Evaluating Responding

6. Be aware of non-verbal communication cues (गैर-मौखिक संवाद कौशल संकेतों से

अवगत रहें)

7. Think about the viewpoint of your audience (अपने दशगकों के दृनष्टकोण के बारे में

5.1 Types of Verbal Communication

Public communication

Small group Communication

Interpersonal Communication

(सावगजननक, सामूनहक, छोटे समूह, पारस्पररक संवाद)

5.2 Advantages of Verbal Communication

(मौखिक संवाद के लाभ)

• It saves time in communication.

• It is quick in getting feedback once message is delivered.
• It provides chance to make it more clear in case of doubts in
interpretation of words or ideas.
• It is more reliable method of communication.
• It is flexible and effective for all.
• It is powerful means of persuasion.

5.3 Disadvantages of Verbal Communication ((मौखिक संवाद की हानन)

आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल

• Emotions are visible and hence leads to trouble in certain cases.

• It does not provide permanent record unless it is recorded with modern
means of storage.
• It has issues when communicating with distant people.
• It is difficult for certain people to understand speech due to various
speech tones used in verbal communication.
• This form of communication is not suitable for lengthy message.

5.4 Non-Verbal Skills - Body Language (र्ैि-मौखखक कौर्ि – र्ािीरिक भाषा)

The look on a person's face is the first thing we and Space
see, even before we hear what they have to
Non Postures/
say. Body language is the use of physical Confidence
Verbal Gestures
behaviour, expressions, and mannerisms to
communicate nonverbally, often done instinctively Small
rather than consciously. Non-verbal signals are silent
communication, body position, facial expression, hand
movements, gestures, eye contact, attitude and tone of your voice, muscle
tension and the way you/we breathe, all of which can convey something about
the speaker. The way you look, listen, create, react, gesture, speaks far more
about feelings than words will ever be able to.
Developing the skill to understand others and use nonverbal signals will benefit
you connect with others, express what you contemplate, meet challenging
conditions, and build better relationships at home and at work.

Non-verbal communication helps people to:

• Reinforce what is said in words (शब्दों में कही गई बातों को पुष्ट करें )
• Convey information about their emotional state (भावनात्मक खथर्थनत के बारे में
जानकारी दें )
• Define the relationship between people (लोगों के बीच संबंधों को पररभानषत करें )
• Provide feedback to the other person (दू सरे व्यखि को प्रनतनिया दें )
• Regulate the flow of communication (संवाद के प्रवाह को नवननयनमत)

5.5Types of Non-Verbal Communication (र्ैि-मौखखक संिाद के प्रकाि)

आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल
Eye contact–(आाँ ि से संपकग) Often determines the
level of trust and trustworthiness. The way you look
at someone can communicate many things, including
interest, affection, hostility, or attraction. Eye
contact is also important in maintaining the flow of
conversation and for judging the other person’s
interest and response.

Facial expressions– (चेहिे की अवभव्यखि) The

human face is extremely expressive, able to
convey countless emotions without saying a
word. The facial expressions for happiness,
sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust
are the same across cultures. Smiling,
frowning, and blinking, which are very hard to control consciously.

Body movements– (शाररररक गनतनवनधयां) Hand gestures or nodding or shaking the

head, which are often the easiest elements of non-verbal communication to
control. Perceptions of people are affected by the way they sit, walk, stand, or
hold their hand/head. The way you move and carry yourself communicates.
This type of non-verbal communication includes subtle movements.

Posture–(मुद्रा) How you stand or sit, whether arms are crossed or not

Gestures– (हावभाव और मुद्रा) Wave, point, signal, or use your hands

when arguing or speaking animatedly, often expressing yourself
with gestures without thinking. However, the meaning of some
gestures can be very different across cultures. So, it’s important
to be careful of how you use gestures to avoid misinterpretation.

Touch– (स्पशग) We communicate a great deal through touch. Think about the
very different messages given by a weak handshake, a warm hug, a patronizing
pat on the head, or a controlling grip on the arm.

Voice– (आवाज़) It’s not just what you say,

it’s how you say it. When you speak, other
आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल
people “read” your voice in addition to listening to your words. Things they pay
attention to include your timing and pace, how loud you speak, your tone and
inflection, and sounds that convey understanding. Para-language - Aspects of
the voice apart from speech, such as pitch, tone, and speed of speaking

Personal space (ननजी जगह)- Determines the level of intimacy, and which varies
very much by culture. Standing too close and invading space makes people
uncomfortable. You can use physical space to communicate many different
nonverbal messages, including signals of intimacy and affection, aggression, or

Appearance (भेष)-Our choice of colour, clothing, hairstyles, and other factors

affecting appearance are also considered a means of nonverbal
communication. first impressions are important, which is why experts suggest
that job seekers dress appropriately for interviews with potential employers.
Appearance can play a role in how people are perceived and even how much
they earn.

5.6 Communication Openers (संिाद की र्ुरुआत)

The sharing and understanding that are essential in good communication will
more likely occur if a comfortable climate exists in the workplace. Following
are some ways in which this conducive environment can be created.

1. Friendly Attitude (दोस्ताना दृनष्टकोण)– A friendly attitude aids

communication. If your work brings you into contact with many people,
a friendly, cheerful, open attitude is essential. Be warm and kind to all
your co-workers, supervisors, and customers. Take every opportunity to
say ‘Thank you’ with a smile and offer help to others whenever
2. Using Positive Persuasion (सकारात्मक अनुनय) - Persuasion is attempting to
get others to adopt or agree with an idea of yours. If you have new
ideas, share them at the appropriate time and make sure your
suggestions are valid.
आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल
3. Questioning Technique (प्रश्न करने की तकनीक) – When you use questions to
persuade others, use non-challenging and positive thoughts with the
person you are trying to persuade.
4. Sharing a Story (कहानी साझा करना) – The sharing of an anecdote or a story
is a great persuasive technique. Almost everyone like to hear a story.
Stories can be used to get a supervisor to listen to your ideas, a
customer to try a new product or service, or a co-worker to tackle more
challenging assignments.
5. Help the other person feel important (सामने िािे को महत्व दे ना) – One
way of doing this by asking for their opinions, seeking their advice,
getting their points of view, and making them a part of the group.
6. Reward the positive and ignore the negative(सकारात्मक को पुरस्कृत करें
नकारात्मक को अनदे िा करें ) – When someone says something positive about
your work or work habits, respond warmly.
7. Gossip(गपशप)– This is a very powerful channel of communication in any
organisation. Gossip surfaces when people are curious about a situation
and the facts are not available.

6. Barriers of Communication (संवाद कौशल की बाधाएाँ )

Some of the most common communication barriers are –

• Noise
• Inappropriate medium
• Language differences
• Poor listening skills
• Distractions
• Lack of sensitivity to receiver
• Assumptions
• Insufficient knowledge of subject
• Emotional interference
• Lack of interest
• Information overload
• Conflicting messages

6.1 Psychological Barriers (मनोवैज्ञाननक)

There are various mental and psychological issues that may be barriers to
effective communication. Some people have stage fear, speech disorders,
आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल
phobia, depression etc. All these conditions are very difficult to manage
sometimes and will most certainly limit the ease of communication.
6.2 Emotional Barriers (भावनात्मक)
The emotional IQ of a person determines the ease and comfort with which
they can communicate. A person who is emotionally mature will be able to
communicate effectively. On the other hand, people who let their emotions
take over will face certain difficulties. Emotions like anger, frustration, humour,
can blur the decision-making capacities of a person and thus limit the
effectiveness of their communication.

6.3 Physical Barriers (भौनतक)

They are the most obvious barriers to effective communication. These barriers
are mostly easily removable in principle at least. They include barriers like
noise, closed doors, faulty equipment used for communication, closed cabins,
etc. Sometimes, in a large office, the physical separation between
various employees combined with faulty equipment may result in severe
barriers to effective communication.

6.4 Cultural Barriers (सांस्कृनतक)

Different cultures have a different meaning for several basic values of society.
Dressing, Religions or lack of them, food, drinks, pets, and the general
behaviour will change drastically from one culture to another.

6.5 Organisational Structure Barriers(संगिं नात्मकसंरचना)

As we saw there are many methods of communication at an organizational
level. Each of these methods has its own problems and constraints that may
become barriers to effective communication. Most of these barriers arise
because of misinformation or lack of appropriate transparency available to the

6.6 Attitude Barriers(मनोवृनि)

आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल
Certain people like to be left alone. They are the introverts or just people who
are not very social. Others like to be social or sometimes extra clingy! Both
these cases could become a barrier to communication. Some people have
attitude issues, like huge ego and inconsiderate behaviours.

6.7 Perception Barriers (अनुभूनत)

Different people perceive the same things differently. This is a fact which we
must consider during the communication process. Knowledge of the
perception levels of the audience is crucial to effective communication. All the
messages or communique must be easy and clear.

6.8 Technological Barriers & Socio-religious Barriers (तकनीकी, सामावजक-


Other barriers include the technological barriers. The technology is developing

fast and as a result, it becomes difficult to keep up with the newest
developments. Hence sometimes the technological advance may become a
barrier. In addition to this, the cost of technology is sometimes very high.
Most of the organizations will not be able to afford a decent tech for the
purpose of communication. Hence, this becomes a very crucial barrier. Other
barriers are socio-religious barriers. In a patriarchal society, a woman or a
transgender may face many difficulties and barriers while communicating.

6.9 How to Overcome Barriers? (बाधाओं को कैसे दू र करें ?)

o Connect with audience (श्रोता से जुडें)
o Use simple language (सरल भाषा का प्रयोग करें )
o Develop Cultural sensitivity (सांस्कृनतक संवेदनशीलता नवकनसत करना)
o Create understanding (समझ पैदा करना)
o Seek participation(भागीदारीलें)
o Effective questioning (प्रभावी पूछताछ)
o Summarizing (सारांश)
o Vary voice intonations (स्वर में उतार चढाव)
आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल
7. Remarkable Facts
LSRW, Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, Body Language,
Communication Openers and Barriers to Effective Communication

8. Summary
The skill of Effective Communication is a necessity for an entrepreneur. It is
important to understand the four aspects of communication skills:
Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. An entrepreneur must also be
aware of the significance of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication which
involves important elements like body language. Good conversation
openers can be used to hold the interest of others in a conversation. There
are also various barriers that may hamper effective communication such as
noise, language difference, lack of interest etc.

9. References
• How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
• Louder Than Words by Joe Navarro

10.Extended Learning:

11.Assessment Test: Session 1 - Effective Communication

1. Communication is a part of _________skill.

a. Soft
b. Hard
c. Rough
d. Short

2 Our dress code is an example of _____________communication.

a. verbal
b. non-verbal
c. written
d. spoken
आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल
3 ________________communication include voice, body language, facial
expressions etc.
a. Letter
b. Notice
c. Verbal
d. Non-verbal

4 Reading comprehension means understanding a _________text.

a. Oral
b. Written
c. Usual
d. Audio
5 The message may be misinterpreted because of___________.
a. Noise
b. Distractions
c. Distortions
d. Barriers

6 ________________skill is needed to speak and write properly

a. Communication
b. Management
c. ICT
d. Writing

7 Which of the following skills are essential for effective communication?

a. Reading
b. Writing
c. Listening
d. All of the above

8 We always use a ___________at the end of a question.

a. Question mark
b. Comma
c. Semi-colon
d. Exclamation

9 Pictures, slides, film fall under______

a. Report
b. Body language
आर.सी.वी.पी. नरोन्हा प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधकीय अकादमी
मध्य प्रदे श भोपाल
c. Audio-visual communication
d. Visual

10 Communication is a ___________exchange of information.

a. Two-way
b. One-way
c. No-way
d. Three-way


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