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Plan of Action Drop Shipping Violation

Root Cause

 August 29th my store received a drop shipping violation Amazon Drop Shipping policy As a new seller I was unaware
and explained what could have caused the violation and did a verbal plan of action.
 Drop shipping method was used to fulfill the demand of orders especially when
inventory was low.
 My team noted in the seller notes the supplier that was used to purchase the products
as well as in the SKU of the product.
 Third party sellers also did not put my company name items as requested. Which did not
identify me directly as the seller of record which is completely against the Drop shipping
 Fearing of cancelling orders caused me to outsource to third party sellers to get items
shipped within the shipping time, fulfilling orders with Zoro and HD without
understanding that I was violating your policies in order to satisfy the customers needs
and the demand of the product.
 I unknowingly violated Seller code of conduct and Drop shipping policy and did not
study the policies to ensure that my operating procedures were incompliance.

Corrective Action
 After submitting the verbal plan of action the store was reactivated was put on vacation
mode for almost 72 hours while I did a complete clean up on the listings and eliminated
all third party sellers/suppliers that do not comply with DS policy.
 All accounts from retailers have been permanently closed and will never be used again
to “purchase products from another online retailer and having that retailer ship directly
to customers, if the shipment does not identify you as the seller of record” as stated in
the DS Policy
 I studied the Amazon drop shipping policy along with my team as mentioned in the
verbal plan of action from 29 Aug 2022.
 I have watched the Merchant Fulfilled Shipping (MFN) modules in Seller University along
with my team and will be conducting training on seller university on a weekly basis
 I have made the corrections on the procedures that my team does when fulfilling orders
and to completely avoid “Shipping orders with packing slips, invoices, external
packaging, or other information indicating a seller name” to comply with Amazon Drop
Shipping Policy. (
 I have identified products to completely replace my method of selling to only sell FBA.
 After getting store reinstated the store was put on vacation mode to completely remove
FBM listings.
 All listings from suppliers that do not agree with the terms of identifying my store as the
seller of record were removed immediately.
 All listings on my amazon store will be sourced directly from verified distributers and will
never been shipped from a retailer directly to the customer.
Preventative Measures
 Monitoring account health daily with a better understanding of the account health
metrics based on what has been studied on seller university.
 Identified new topics to learn on Seller University with my team on a weekly basis to
learn and have a better understanding on amazon policies and customer satisfaction.
 I have registered to watch the weekly webinars on seller central with my team and daily
updates as well on seller central
 I will be consistent with learning and training myself on the correct measures of selling
on amazon to always be incompliance.
 I truly apologize for this inconvenience and will do everything possible to never repeat
this mistake again.

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