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1 序言

们通常所指的默示条文(implied terms)了。所谓默示条文,就是订约时双方从来没
上就把此当作是订约双方假设/假定的订约意图(presumed intention)。相对来说合
约中的明示条文显然是双方的真正订约意图(actual intention)。


2 默示条文的性质与分类:

表示了默示条文可分为两种,前一种是法律的默示(implied by law),后一种是事
实的默示(implied in fact)。 Wright 勋爵在 Luxor (Eastbourne) Ltd v. Cooper
(1941) A.C. 108 是这样说:
“The expression ‘implied term’ is used in different senses. Sometimes it
denotes some term which does not depend on the actual intention of the
parties but on a rule of law, such as the terms, warranties or conditions
which, if not a rule of law, such as the terms, warranties or conditions
which, if not expressly excluded, the law imports, as for instance under
the Sale of Goods Act and the Marine Insurance Act. But a case like the
present is different because what it is sought to imply is based on an
intention imputed to the parties from their actual circumstances.”。

在后期的案件,Wright 勋爵的这个分类开始引人注意,Simonds 子爵与 Tucker 勋爵在

Lister v. Romford Ice and Cold Storage Co Ltd (1957) A.C. 555 也有提到。但这
个两分法真正发展起来是在 Liverpool City Council v. Irwin (1977) A.C. 239,在
这个先例中,贵族院的 Cross 勋爵对这两种默示有区分如下:
“When it implies a term in a contract the court is sometimes laying down a
general rule that in all contracts of a certain type—sale of goods, master
and servant, landlord and tenant, and so on—some provision is to be
implied unless the parties have expressly exclude it. In deciding whether
or not to lay down such a prima facie rule the court will naturally ask
itself whether in the general run of such cases the term in question would
be one which it would be reasonable to insert. Sometimes, however, there is
no defined type but what the court is being in effect asked to do is to
rectify a particular—often a very detailed—contract by inserting in it a
term which the parties have not expressed. Here it is not enough for the
court to say that the suggested term is one the presence of which would
make the contract a better or fairer one; it must be able to say that the
insertion of the term is necessary to give—as it is put—business efficacy
to the contract and that if its absence had been pointed out at the time
both parties—assuming them to have been reasonable men—would have agreed
without hesitation to its insertion.”。

2.1 默示类别之一:法律的默示

默示,这默示可来自商业习惯作法/惯例(请看本章第 10 段)、立法或普通法/案例法。
上述 Wright 勋爵的判词中就提到了两个立法,一是《货物销售法》(《Sale of Goods
Act》),另是《海上保险法》(《Marine Insurance Act》)。在 1979 年英国《货物销售
文,即他有权出售该有关货物,货物也没有债务与押记,及买方可宁静地占有该货物 ,
等。这是在第 12 条文,可去部分节录如下:
“12. Implied terms about title, etc.
(1) In a contract of sale, other than one to which subsection (3) below
applies, there is an implied (term) on the part of the seller that in the
case4 of a sale he has a right to sell the goods, and in the case of an
agreement to sell he will have such a right at the time when the property
is to pass.
(2) In a contract of sale, other than one to which subsection (3) below
applies, there is also an implied (term) that –
(a) the goods are free, and will remain free until the time when the
property is to pass, from any charge or encumbrance not disclosed or known
to the buyer before the contract is made, and
(b) the buyer will enjoy quiet possession of the goods except so far as it
may be disturbed by the owner or other person entitled to the benefit of
any charge or encumbrance so disclosed or know…”。

另是针对将来的货物,《货物销售法》之第 14 条文有各种不同的针对。一是默示有关货
物是满意的质量(satisfactory quality)。这是第 14 (2)条文,如下:
“14. Implied terms about quality or fitness

(2) Where the seller sells goods in the course of a business, there is an
implied term that the goods supplied under the contract are of satisfactory

(2A) For the purposes of this Act, goods are of satisfactory quality if
they meet the standard that a reasonable person would regard as
satisfactory, taking account of any description of the goods, the price (if
relevant) and all the other relevant circumstances.

(2B) For the purposes of this Act, the quality of goods includes their
state and condition and the following (among others) are in appropriate
cases aspects of the quality of goods—

(a) fitness for all the purposes for which goods of the kind in question
are commonly supplied,

(b) appearance and finish,

(c) freedom from minor defects,

(d) safety, and

(e) durability.
(2C) The term implied by subsection (2) above does not extend to any matter
making the quality of goods unsatisfactory—

(a) which is specifically dra2wn to the buyer’s attention before the

contract is made,

(b) where the buyer examines the goods before the contract is made, which
that examination ought to reveal, or

(c) in the case of contract for sale by sample, which would have been
apparent on a reasonable examination of the sample.”。

以一些草拟得严谨的标准格式合约,例如 1993 年挪威格式,它是有一条明示条文去针
对卖方不能遗留债务,这是第 9 条文如下:
“9. Encumbrances
The sellers warrant that the Vessel, at the time of delivery, is free from
all charters, encumbrances, mortgages and maritime liens or any other debts
whatsoever. The sellers hereby undertake to indemnify the Buyers against
all consequences of claims made against the Vessel which have been incurred
prior to the time of delivery.”。

在这个情况下,买方很容易就能证明卖方违反了买卖合约的第 9 条明示条文,接下去
有去想到也自然去漏掉如上述的挪威格式第 9 条文可能性就很大了,这正是 Steyn 勋
爵在近期的 Equitable Life Assurance Society v. Hyman (2002) 1 A.C. 408, CA,
HL 所说的“general default”的情况。这一来,难道无辜的买方买下了一艘留有许多
当然,即使是立法的默示条文,如果不是像 1924 年《海牙规则》这样规定不能以明示条

Wright 勋爵提到的另一个立法就是 1906 年《海上保险法》,这里面也是有大量的默示

条 文 。 最 为 人 所 知 的 是 第 17 条 文 说 明 保 险 合 约 是 要 “ 绝 对 善 意 ” ( utmost
goodfaith),再多举一个例子是立法的第 39 条文针对航次保险,受保人的船东有一

任。例如在货物保险,由于这种保险也是受 1906 年《海上保险法》的管辖,就有一条标
准条文可简称为“Seaworthiness Admitted Clause”去放弃这一个默示责任,因为今
天 的 货 方 根 本 管 不 了 船 舶 是 否 适 航 。 例 如 在 1982 年 的 “ 学 会 货 物 条 文
(A)”(Institute Cargo Clauses [A]),就有第 5.2 条文说:
“The underwriters waive any breach of the implied warranties of
seaworthiness of the ship and fitness pf the ship to carry the subject-
matter insured to destination, unless the Assured or their servants are
privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness.”。

除了立法外,普通法也会去增加默示条文。例如 Mahmud v. Bank of Credit and

Commerce International SA (1998) AC 20, HL,贵族院在雇佣合约确认了有一个默
示条文就是双方有一个相互信任的关系(trust of confidence)。例如雇主不应做一

在 Lister v. Romford Ice and Cold Storage Co Ltd (1957) A.C. 555,案情也是涉
及一份雇佣合约中,争议是是否在雇主疏忽情况下雇主要负责赔偿其雇员。Simonds 子
“with a general question, which if not correctly described as a question
of status, yet can only be answered by considering the relation in which
the drivers of motor-vehicles and their employers generally stand to each
other. … If I were to try to apply the familiar tests where the question
is whether a term should be implied in a particular contract in order to
give it what is called business efficacy, I should lose myself in the
attempt to formulate it with the necessary precision. But this is not
conclusive, for as I have said, the solution of the problem does not rest
on the implication of a term in a particular contract but upon more general

况。法律默示也不理会每一个案件不同的事实, 唯一只屈服于明示条文,因为大原则
还是订约自由。这种默示也不追究订约双方的真正或假设订约意图, 甚至是默示最重
楚无误的明示条文去加以否定, 换言之订约自由与双方的订约意愿仍是至高无上的大
原则。这里可去节录《Chitty on Contracts》一书第 29 版第一册 13-003 段如下:
“Terms implied by law. The implication of a term is a matter of law for
the court, and whether or not a term is implied is usually said to depend
upon the intention of the parties as collected from the words of the
agreement and the surrounding circumstances. In many classes of contract,
however, implied terms have become standardized, and it is somewhat
artificial to attribute such terms to the unexpressed intention of the
parties. The court is, in fact, laying down a general rule of law that in
all contracts of a defined type—for example, sale of goods, landlord and
tenant, employment, the carriage of goods by land or sea—certain terms
will be implied, unless the implication of such a term would be contrary to
the express words of the agreement. Such implications do not depend on the
intentions of the parties, actual or presumed, but on more general

另 可 节 录 Diplock 勋 爵 在 Photo Productions Ltd v. Securicor Transport Ltd

(1980) A.C. 827, HL 中强调了“法律默示”对商业合约的重要性,他说:
“A basic principle of the common law of contract, to which there are no
exceptions that are relevant in the instant case, is that parties to a
contract are free to determine for themselves what primary obligations they
will accept. They may state these in express words in the contract itself
and, where they do, the statement is determinative; but in practice a
commercial contract never states all the primary obligations of the parties
in full; many are left to be incorporated by implication of law from the
legal nature of the contract into which the parties are entering. But if
the parties wish to reject or modify primary obligations which would
otherwise be so incorporated, they are fully at liberty to do so by express

在 Ashmore v. Lloyd’s (1992) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 620,高院的 Gatehouse 大法官也

“The third, described as a term ‘implied in law’ does not depend on the
presumed joint intention of the parties, but upon the principle derived, as
the plaintiffs say, from Liverpool City Council v. Irwin [1977] A.C. 239.
Strictly, I think the principle emerged much earlier and Liverpool v. Irwin
is merely an example of its application. It was recognized by Lord Wight in
Luxor (Eastbourne) Ltd. v. Cooper [1941] A.C. 108 at p. 137, and again, in
rather more detail, by Viscount Simonds and Lord Tucker in Lister v.
Romford sup., at pp. 516 and 524; pp. 576 and where the relationship
between the parties is one of a particular type or category but is
‘incomplete’ in that the parties have failed to express a term which the
law will then imply as a necessary term of all contracts within the
category; unless, of course, the parties have expressly excluded it or it
is otherwise inconsistent with the express terms of their contract.”。

示条文。这里会有十分容易分类的合约,例如 FOB 或 CIF 买卖就肯定是受《货物销售法》

确 定 合 约 的 定 性 / 分 类 是 解 释 合 约 的 工 作 : Wong Mee Wan v. Kwan Kin Travel

Service Ltd (1996) 1 W.L.R. 38, 42, PC。在确定合约分类时,可考虑双方之前的交

但看来还是有困难,例如目前在英国法律下电脑软件的买卖是否归 1979 年《货物销售

法》管辖或归 1982 年《货物与服务提供法》管辖还不明朗: St Albans City and
District Council v. International Computers Ltd (1996) 4 All E.R. 481, CA。
(future goods)的合约。Diplock 大法官在 McDougall v. Aeromarine of Emsworth
Ltd (1958) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 345 说:
“… it seems well settled by authority that, although a shipbuilding
contract is, in form, a contract for the construction of the vessel, it is
in law a contract for the sale of goods …”。


2.2 默示类别之二:事实的默示

在 近 期 的 Equitable Life Assurance Society v. Hyman (2002) 1 A.C. 408, CA,

HL,Steyn 勋爵把把事实的默示称为“ad hoc gap fillers”,从“随意”(ad hoc)
区分并给与不同的解释。 由于解释合约条文是一个法律问题:The “Nema” (1982)
A.C. 724,而法律问题在伦敦仲裁是可以去上诉,但由于在“ Nema Guideline”有所
会有成功的希望去取得上诉批文。这就可以得出一个结论就是大部分的“ ad hoc gap

如果有明示约定付钱必须准时在某一天,或马上( immediately)/立即(forthwith)
争议,例如收款人说是在订约后的第二天就应该支付,但付款人说是订约后 50 年才需
不是收款人所说的第二天,更不是付款人所说的 50 年。


在此可去简单介绍英国在这方面的第一个案例 The “Moorcock” (1889) 14 P.D.

是去这样做,即把原来不在合约存在的去加上一条默示条文,其中 Bowen 大法官说:
“Now, an implied warranty, or, as it is called, a covenant in law, as
distinguished from an express contract or express warranty, really is in
all cases founded upon the presumed intention of the parties, and upon
reason. The implication which the law draws from what must obviously have
been the intention of the parties, the law draws with the object of giving
efficacy to the transaction and preventing such a failure of consideration
as cannot have been within the contemplation of either sides; and I believe
if one were to take all the cases, and there are many, of implied
warranties or covenants in law, it will be found that in all of them the
law is raising an implication from the presumed intention of the parties
with the object of giving to the transaction such efficacy as both parties
must have intended that at all events it should have.”。

另一个可去简单介绍的重要先例是 Shirlaw v. Southern Foundries (1926) Ltd

(1939) 2 K.B. 206。此先例是一个公司与其常务董事之间的一个 10 年雇佣合约,签约
数判是这一个 10 年的雇佣合约内有默示条文该公司是不能事后去改变公司章程以影响

去假设他们是有这种意图,所以有 Shirlaw v. Southern Foundries 先例所说的“好
事第三者”(officious bystander)的考验,这是法律的默示不要求的。这些方面在

2.3 其他有关默示条文分类的说法

以上介绍了主要两种的默示条文,但要指出它们之间的区分也不是那么严格与明确的 ,
可 能 法 院 默 示 只 是 “ 一 个 连 续 光 谱 上 的 图 案 ” ( shades on a continuous
spectrum ) , 即 有 重 叠 模 糊 地 带 , 并 不 是 黑 白 分 明 那 么 简 单 。 例 如 在 The
“Moorcock” (1889) 14 PD 64, 68, CA 先 例 , Treitel 教 授 在 《 The Law of
安全?”(undertaken to see that the bottom of the river is reasonably fit,
or at all events that they have taken reasonable care to find out that the
bottom of the river is reasonably fit for the purpose….),Treitel 教授相信

有关默示条文的分类也有其他的说法, 例如 Glanville Williams 教授在“Language

and the Law”(1945) 61 L.Q.R. 71 第 401 页将默示条文分为三种:
(1) 双方订约时可能想到但没有费力去写明的;
(2) 不管订约双方当时有没有想到,如果有人提出,他们会写明的;
(3) 不管订约双方当时有没有想到,也不管他们如果预见到困难会不会写明,只要法
院为了公平或政策或法治的需要(consequence of rules of law),就可以默示。


谱上的图案”(shades on a continuous spectrum),也即是两者有中间难以区分乃
至重叠的模糊地带,这是 Liverpool City Council v. Irwin (1977) A.C. 239 之 253
页 Wilberforce 勋爵的话。他将默示条文分为四大类(但其实只同意有三类),其中第
Denning 勋爵倡导的合理性的默示,第四类就是法律的默示,而它们之间就是一个“连
“To say that the construction of a complete contract out of these elements
involves a process of ‘implication’ may be correct; it would be so if
implication means the supplying of what is not expressed. But there are
varieties of implications which the courts think fit to make and they do
not necessarily involve the same process.

[1] Where there is, on the face of it, a complete, bilateral contract, the
courts are sometimes willing to add terms to it, as implied terms: this is
very common in mercantile contracts where there is an established usage: in
that case the courts are spelling out what both parties know and would, if
asked, unhesitatingly agree to be part of the bargain.

[2] In other cases, where there is an apparently complete bargain, the

courts are willing to add a term on the ground that without it the contract
will not work—this is the case, if not of The Moorcock … it self on its
facts, at least the doctrine of the Court of Appeal, a strict test—though
the degree of strictness seems to vary with the current judicial trend—and
I think that they were right not to accept it as applicable here.

[3] There is a third variety of implication, that which I think Lord

Denning MR favours, or at least did devour in this case, and that is the
implication of reasonable terms. But although I agree with many of his
instances, which in fact fall under one or other of the preceding heads, I
cannot go so far as to endorse his principle; indeed, it seems to me, with
respect, to extend a long, and desirable, way beyond sound authority.

[4] The present case, in my opinion, represents a fourth category, or I

would rather say a fourth shade on a continuous spectrum. The court here is
simply concerned to establish what the contract is, the parties not having
themselves fully stated the terms. In this sense the court is searching for
what must be implied.”。

在 The “Damodar General T.J. Park” (1986) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 68,Steyn 大法官
(go without saying)的默示,他说:
“Sometimes it is said that a term is implied into the contract when in
truth a positive rule of law of contract is applied because of the category
in which a particular contract falls. Another type of implied term is a
term in order to give business efficacy to the contract. The basis of such
an implication is that the contract is unworkable without it. There is,
however, another form of implication…. it is possible to imply a term, if
the court or arbitrator, as the case may be, is satisfied that reasonable
men, faced with the suggested term which ex hypothesi was not expressed in
the contract, would without hesitation say: ‘yes, of course that is so
obvious that it goes without saying.’”。

2.4 清晰分类的困难

1996 年英国仲裁法到国际商务仲裁》一书第十三章 2.1 段有提到,它到底是根据每一个
案 件 不 同 情 况 来 看 的 事 实 的 默 示 还 是 统 一 的 法 律 的 默 示 ? 在 Dolling Baker v.
Merrett (1990) 1 WLR 1205 一案, 上诉庭判由于仲裁的私人性质, 理应有一默示责任
约束仲裁当事方要对仲裁的文件保密。 Parker 大法官在判词中说:
“… As between parties to an arbitration, although the proceedings are
consensual and may thus be regarded as wholly voluntary, their very nature
is such that there must, in my judgment, be some implied obligation on both
parties not to disclose or use for any other purpose any documents prepared
for and used in the arbitration, or disclosed or produced in the course of
the arbitration, or transcripts or notes of the evidence in the arbitration
or the award, and indeed not to disclose in any other way what evidence had
been given by any witness in an arbitration, save with the consent of the
other party, or pursuant to an order or leave of the court. The
qualification is necessary, just as it is in the case of the implied
obligation of secrecy between banker and customer.”

但 Parker 大法官上述的讲话没有清楚说明这保密的默示责任是依事实默示的条文
(implied term in fact)、依习惯默示的条文(implied term by custom)还是由法律默
示的条文(implied term in law), 而只是把它等同银行与客户之间的保密责任(见
Tournier v. National Provincial and Union Bank of England (1924) 1 K.B.
461)。 若该责任属依据事实默示的条文, 则每一案件都必须要考虑事实上是否需要有
此默示条文, 要构成事实上的默示条文要通过两个考验, 第一是从商业意义上看, 默
示引入该条文是否 赋予仲裁条文完整的效力 (give efficacy to the arbitration
clause), 第 二 是 要 达 到 “ 好 事 第 三 者 ” 的 考 验 (the “officious bystander”
test), 即是说, 一好事的旁观者问仲裁条文应否有需要对仲裁保密这默示条文, 当事
双方都异口同声说当然需要, 那么即使仲裁条文没有明言仲裁属机密, 也构成事实上
的默示条文。 若属按习惯而默示的条文, 则要考虑是否去仲裁都有保守秘密这习惯做
法。 若属由法律默示的条文, 有关的默示条文的存在是由于仲裁条文的本质有此必要

在 Hassneh Insurance Co. of Israel and others v. Steuart J. Mew (1993) 2

Lloyd’s Rep 243 一案, 高院 Colman 大法官对 Parker 大法官在 Dolling Baker v.
Merrett (1990) 1 WLR 1205 一案所指的默示责任有以下的看法:
“… Such an obligation can exist only because it is implied in the
agreement to arbitrate and like any other implied term must be capable of
reasonably precise definition. The implication of the term must be based on
custom or business efficacy.
If the parties to an English law contract refer their disputes to
arbitration they are entitled to assume at the least that the hearing will
be conducted in private. That assumption arises from a practice which has
been universal in London for hundreds of years and, I believe, undisputed.
It is a practice which represents an important advantage of arbitration
over the Courts as a means of dispute resolution. The informality attaching
to a hearing held in private and the candour to which it may give rise is
an essential ingredient of arbitration, so essential that if privacy were
denied by an officious bystander, I have no doubt that, in the case of
practically every arbitration agreement, both the parties would object.”

不难看到, Colman 大法官认为这私下开庭, 不许外人旁听是英国仲裁的一贯做法, 而


但在最近的一个上诉庭的权威案件 Ali Shipping Corporation v. Shipyard Trogir

(1998) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 643, Potter 大法官认为这默示条文不是来自习惯上的做法或
商业效力的考虑, 而应属于法律上的默示条文, 从仲裁过程不受公众注目而推断仲裁
“… I consider that the implied term ought properly to be regarded as
attaching as a matter of law. It seems to me that, in holding as a matter
of principle that the obligation of confidentiality (whatever its precise
limits) arises as an essential corollary of the privacy of arbitration
proceedings, the Court is propounding a term which arises “as the nature
of the contract itself implicitly requires”… As Lord Bridge observed in
Scally v. Southern Health Board, [1992] 1 A.C. 294 at p. 307, a clear
distinction is to be drawn –
…. Between the search for an implied term necessary to give
business efficacy to a particular contract and the search, based
on wider considerations, for a term which the law will
necessarily imply as a necessary incident of a definable category
of contractual relationship.
In my view an arbitration clause is a good example of the latter type of
implied term.”

总结上述案例, 英国普通法一直承认仲裁的机密性质, 是源自当事方订定的仲裁条文,

有一个对仲裁保密的默示责任, 而按 Ali Shipping Corporation v. Shipyard Trogir
(1998) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 643 的上诉庭先例, 这默示责任是根据法律默示的条文, 硬性
规定引入于仲裁条文中, 不需像事实默示的条文般, 每次考虑所有事实或当事人在订
约时的意愿(parties’ intention), 决定仲裁保密的默示责任的条文能否通过“发挥
合 约 的 效 力 ” (give efficacy to contract) 及 “ 好 事 第 三 者 ” (the “officious
bystander” test)这两项考验。

3 合理是否足够去默示?

是与订约自由与合约的相互关系(privity of contract)起严重的冲突。法官/仲裁员
意图。正如 Steyn 大法官在 The “Damodar General T.J. Park” (1986) 2 Lloyd’s
Rep. 68 中所说的:
“It is not permissible to imply a term simply because the court considers
it to be reasonable. To do so would amount to be a process of rewriting

除了合理是不足以去默示,另在 Shirlaw v. Southern Foundries (1926) Ltd (1939)

2 K.B. 206,McKinnon 大法官也提到说是法院过多被要求因不肯定与含糊为由来默示
(… a Court is too often invited to do so upon vague and uncertain

或使得双方当事人无所适从。Bingham 大法官在 Philips Electronique Grand Public
S.A. v. British Sky Broadcasting Ltd (1995) E.M.L.R. 472 中在这一点说得很清
“The court’s usual role in contractual interpretation is, by resolving
ambiguities or reconciling apparent inconsistencies, to attribute the true
meaning to the language in which the parties have themselves expressed
their contract. The implication of contract terms involves a different and
altogether more ambitious undertaking: the interpolation of terms to deal
with matters which, ex hypothesi, the parties themselves have made no
provision. It is because the implication of terms is so potentially
intrusive that the law imposes strict constraints on the excise of this
extraordinary power … ”。


先 是 Scrutton 大 法 官 在 Reigate v. Union Manufacturing Co (Ramsbottom) Ltd

(1918) 1 K.B. 592, CA 说:
“The first thing is to see that the parties have expressed in the
contract; and then an implied term is not to be added because the court
thinks that it would have been reasonable to have inserted it.”。(首先去看

另是 Denning 勋爵在 Shell UK Ltd v. Lostock Garage Ltd (1976) 1 W.L.R. 1187
“Such an imputation is only to be made when it is necessary to imply a
term to give efficacy to the contract and make it a workable agreement in
such manner as the parties would clearly have done if they had applied
their mind to the contingency which has arisen. There are the ‘officious
bystander’ type of case.”。(只应该去默示因为是必须这样做才能给与合约效力

还有 Bingham 大法官在 The “Manifest Lipkowy” (1989) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 138 中

“I take it to be well-established law that a term will be implied only
where it is necessary in a business sense to give efficacy to a contract,
or where the term is one which the parties must obviously have intended.”。

在 Liverpool City Council v. Irwin (1977) A.C. 239,Edmund-Davies 勋爵也有说:

“The touchstone is always necessary and not merely reasonableness。”。

4 是否是必要才能去默示?

事实的默示(implied in fact)。但看来在法律的默示(implied by law),有说法
括“合理的必要”(reasonably necessary)或政策方面的合理,等。举例说,仲裁的
保密是在最近十几年才兴起的说法,在 Dolling Banker v. Merret (1990) 1 W.L.R.
1205 以前并不存在。这是默示条文,即双方不必在仲裁条文去明示规定要保密。从这一

这 方 面 可 去 列 举 一 些 著 名 的 书 籍 中 的 有 关 说 法 , 先 是 在 Lewison 所 著 的 《 The
Interpretation of Contracts》一书 2004 年第三版第 6.19 段对法律默示的要求预计
可能发展趋势是“必要性”要求适用。 在 Atiyah 教授的《An Introduction to the
Law of Contract》一书 1995 年第五版中第 207 页对此的分析是完全的“必要性”要求
“… the difference in opinion between the judges on this point seems,
however, to have been somewhat unreal. For it is evident that the formula
that implications can only be made when necessary is not to be taken too
literally. It is not necessary to have lifts in blocks of flats ten storeys
high (indeed high rise buildings existed long before lifts were invented),
though it would no doubt be exceedingly inconvenient not to have them. So
‘necessary’ really seems to mean ‘reasonably necessary’, and that must
mean, ‘reasonably necessary having regard to the context and the price’.
So in the end there does not seems to be much difference between what is
necessary and what is reasonable.”。(Atiyah 教授认为“必要”不应该太死板。
例如是一个 10 层高的房屋应否去默示有电梯[或对电梯保持良好状态],虽然在电梯没

而 这 个 观 点 也 被 Ewan McKendrick 教 授 在 《 Contract Law—Text, Cases and

Materials》一书中接受,他在分析著名的 Liverpool City Council v. Irwin (1976)
Q.B. 319, CA; (1977) A.C. 239, HL 先例时说到要求可能是这个“合理的必要性”而
非严格的“必要性”,在 385-386 页他说:
“The case is generally regarded as an authority on terms implied by law,
on the basis that the term that … Where then did the decision of the House
of Lords in Liverpool City Council v. Irwin leave the law? In the first
replace it re-affirmed that the test to be applied when deciding whether or
not to imply a term is based on necessity and not simply on reasonableness.
But it left some uncertainty in relation to terms implied in law because
the terms implied into the tenancy contract did not seem to be necessary
ingredient of all contracts of this type. It might have been ‘reasonably
necessary’ but not ‘necessary’. That the test for the implication of
terms as a matter of law might be slightly less stringent than that
applicable to terms implied in fact is evidenced by the fact that Lord
Cross concluded that a term was not to be implied on the basis of the
officious bystander test but that it was nevertheless appropriate to imply
a term as a matter of law into all contracts of this type.”。

而 在 Gerard McMeel 教 授 的 《 The Construction of Contracts—Interpretation,

Implication and Rectification》一书第 10.03 段说虽然有些针对法律默示的判决建
议“必要性”的要求适用,但实际操作中法院还是适用一些较广泛的“合理性”要求 ,
“At bottom the implication of terms in law is a matter of public policy,
and despite occasional judicial statements suggesting that the test is one
of necessity in practice broader standards of reasonableness and an
analysis of competing factors will determine whether or not the courts will
recognize a new implied term in law.”。

Elizabeth Peden 女士则感叹这方面法律缺少学术研究导致了法律的不明确,她在

“Law Quarterly Review”的分析认为法院应考虑许多因素,包括商业惯例、法律(法

上 述 的 说 法 有 一 定 影 响 力 , 近 期 的 Crossly v. Faithful & Gould Holdings Ltd

(2004) EWCA Civ 293 中 Dyson 大法官建议“合理性的问题、公平和政策考虑的冲突与
平 衡 ” ( questions of reasonableness, fairness and balancing of competing
policy considerations”比“必要性”的要求更为重要。
5 案例介绍之 The “Star Texas”(1993) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 445

The “Star Texas”。该先例是涉及了中国外运公司去租了一艘挪威船舶装运一批货物,
“35. Any dispute arising under the charter is to be referred to
arbitration in Beijing or London in defendant’s option.”。



所以,中国外运作为被告就向英国法院提出了根据 1958 年《纽约公约》的中止申请,要


这里要先去提到一个 The “Iran Vojdan” (1984) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 380 的先例,案

律适用。而有 3 套法律可供选择,一是伊朗法(该船舶是伊朗旗),二是德国法(有关
无效或以前认为是正确的履行现在变得不正确。这是英国法院认为无法接受, Bingham
“As a matter of English law, it is, I think, clear and not disputed that
this clause in the bill of lading is bad insofar as it envisages what may
be called a ‘floating proper law’. … The proper law is something so
fundamental to questions relating to the formation, validity,
interpretation and performance of a contract that it must, in my judgment,
be built into the fabric of the contract from the start and cannot float in
an indeterminate way until finally determined at the option of one party.
As I say, it is, as I understand, common ground that as a matter of English
law effect cannot be given to that part of this clause. That is, however,
the limit of the common ground.”。

以在 The “Star Texas”案例,由于租约内没有明示管辖法律条文,挪威船东其中一

仲裁庭去找出根据合约最密切关系的法律为准, 不会令合约无法产生效用或不可行。
这里不妨去节录 Steyn 大法官所说的:
“It is necessary to pause to consider what kind of implication is under
consideration, I have not understood Mr. Rix(挪威船东大律师) to submit that
it can be inferred that the Norwegain charterers and the Chinese owners had
an actual common intention to select a floating proper law. That is not
surprising: one would not expect it to be a subject of conversation among
shipping people in the suburbs of Oslo and Beijing, It would in my
respectful view be preposterous to imagine that those parties would have
considered such an obscure concept. How is the matter then to be
approached? Our law recognizes a distinction between what Professor Treitel
(The Law of Contract, 8th Ed., 185-194) has described as terms implied in
fact and terms implied by law. In Scally v. Southern Health and Social
Services Board, [1991] 3 W.L.R. 778 the House of Lords recognized this
distinction. Lord Bridge in the only speech in the case explained (at p.
A clear distinction is drawn in the speeches of Viscount Simonds in Lister
v. Romford Ice and Cold Storage Co. Ltd. [1957] A.C. 555 and Lord
Wilberforce in Liverpool City Council v. Irwin [1977] A.C. 239 between the
search for an implied term necessary to give business efficacy to a
particular contract and the search, based on wider considerations, for a
term which the law will imply as a necessary incident of a definable
category of contractual relationship …
I understood Mr. Rix to argue in favour of the first kind of implication,
i.e. a term implied in fact. If that were correct, the simple answer is
that the arbitration agreement is entirely workable without the
implication. The implication is not necessary.

For these reasons I would reject the submission that the arbitration
agreement is invalid on the ground that it contains a floating applicable
law (by implication).”。

6 默示条文与证据

如可以接受有关语境(factual matrix)的证据。另是在涉及商业习惯做法/惯例的默
示,也可去接受这方面的证据,正如 Parke B 在 Hutton v. Warren (1836) 1 M & W
466, 150 E.R. 517 中所说的:
“It has long been settled that in commercial transactions, extrinsic
evidence of custom and usage is admissible to annex incidents to written
contracts in matters with respect to which they are silent. The same rule
has been applied to contracts in other transactions of life, in which known
usages have been established and prevailed; and this has been done upon the
principle of presumption that, in such transactions, the parties did not
mean to express in writing the whole of the contract by which they intended
to be bound, but a contract with reference to those known usage.”。

Evidence Rule”。虽然法律在这一方面已经在放宽(毕竟在双方谈判中有许多是有关
语境[factual matrix]),但还是没有明确地去推翻这一条证据规则。当然这只是指双

这一方面的说法,可去节录 Gerard Mcmeel 教授的《the Construction of Contracts

—Interpretation, Implication and Rectification》一书有关内容如下:
“Evidence that the parties rejected a particular draft provision
Where the prior negotiations of the parties evidence the consideration by
both of a particular draft term or proposed formulation of a provision
which is then rejected the courts will consider such material. In effect
the rejection of a particular term or formulation should preclude any later
argument that a term should be implied akin to the discarded provision.

In Codelfa Construciton Prop Ltd v. State Rail Authority of New South Wales
(1982) 149 C.L.R. 337, Mason J tentatively suggested that this might be the

There may perhaps be one situation in which evidence of the actual

intention of the parties should be allowed to prevail over their presumed
intention. If it transpires that the parties have refused to include in
their contract a provision which would give effect to the presumed
intention of persons in their position it may be proper to receive evidence
of that refusal. After all, the court is interpreting the contract which
the parties have made and in that exercise the court takes into account
what reasonable men in that situation would have intended to convey by
words of the contract a meaning which the parties have united in rejecting?
It is possible that evidence of mutual intention, if amounting to
concurrence, is receivable so as to negative an inference sought to be
drawn for the surrounding circumstances.”。

7 默示条文与合约变更(rectification)之间的关系

其实在合约的默示条文与变更之间的关系密切,两者都是为了找出合约的意 图和目的,
在 Liverpool City Council v. Irwin (1977) A.C. 239 中 Cross 勋爵说:
“Sometimes, however, there is no question of laying down any prima facie
rule applicable to all cases of defined type but what the court is being in
effect asked to do is to rectify a particular—often very detailed—
contract by inserting in it a term which the parties have not expressed.”。


设订约意图(presumed intention)的肯定而变更是对双方实际订约意图( actual

在 Codelfa Construction Prop Ltd v. State Rail Authority of New South Wales
(1982) 149 C.L.R. 337,Mason 大法官评论如下:
“The implication of a term is to be compared, and at the same time
contrasted, with rectification of a contract. In each case the problem is
caused by a deficiency in the expression of the contractual agreement. A
term which should have been included has been omitted. The difference is
that with rectification the term which has been omitted and should have
been included was actually agreed upon; with implication the term is one
which it is presumed that the parties would have agreed upon had they
turned their minds to it—it is not a term that they have actually agreed
upon. Thus, in the case of the implied term the deficiency in the
expression of the consensual agreement is caused by the failure of the
parties to direct their minds to a particular eventuality and to make
explicit provision for it. Rectification ensures that the contract gives
effect to the parties’ actual intention; the implication of a term is
designed to give effect to the parties’ presumed intention.”。
8 默示条文和完整合约条文(entire agreement clause)的关系

示 条 文 就 已 经 包 罗 万 有 , 不 再 存 在 有 其 他 的 陈 述 ( representation ) 、 保 证
(warranty)、附带协议(collateral agreement)等的争议(不管是否存在)。主要

在 Exxonmobil Sales and Supply Corp v. Texaco Ltd (2003) EWCH 1964 (Comm);
(2004) 1 All E.R. (Comm) 435,合约有一完整合约条文说明合约:“ contains the
entire agreement of the parties … and there is no other promise,
representation, warranty, usage or course of dealing affecting it.”。

Nigel Teare 大法官判是这完整合约条文可以排除有关商业习惯做法/惯例(custom or

“It seems to me arguable that where it is necessary to imply a term in
order to make the express terms word such an implied term may not be
excluded by the entire agreement clause because it could not be said that
such a term is to be found in the document or documents forming part of the
contract. The same cannot be said of an implied term based on custom or

这里的完整合约条文用字通常不足够来排除不同种类的法律默示,比方说是 1906 年

9 默示条文通常需要满足的 5 个条件


对上述条件的最清楚的表达可见 Simon 勋爵在 B.P. Refinery (Westernport) Pty Ltd

v. Shire of Hastings (1978) 52 A.L.J.R. 20 的话:
“In their [sc their Lordships’] view, for a term to be implied, the
following conditions (which may overlap) must be satisfied: (1) it must be
reasonable and equitable; (2) it must be necessary to give business
efficacy to the contract, so that no term will be implied if the contract
is effective without it; (3) it must be so obvious that ‘it goes without
saying’; (4) it must be capable of clear expression; (5) it must not
contradict any express term of the contract.”。

上述 Simon 勋爵的话看起来,这些条件是渐进的,例如默示条文首先要合理与能够被

9.1 条件一:默示的条文一定要合理。


有关被默示条文必须客观合理可见 Reid 勋爵在 Young and Marten Ltd v. McManus

Childs Ltd (1969) 1 A.C. 454 中说的:
“No warranty ought to be implied in a contract unless it is in all the
circumstances reasonable.”。

示就会有合理时间(reasonable time)履约的默示,还是合约价格没有明示而要以合
理价格(quantum meruit price)的默示。

9.2 条件二:必须是合约有商业效力所必要。

这 个 也 就 是 默 示 条 文 最 主 要 的 条 件 , 即 “ 必 要 性 ” 的 要 求 , 正 如 Steyn 勋 爵 在
Equitable Life Assurance Society v. Hyman (2002) 1 A.C. 408 一案中所说的:
“The legal test of the implication of such a term is a standard of strict

“ 商 业 效 力 ” ( business efficacy ) 一 词 应 该 是 来 自 Bowen 大 法 官 The

“Moorcock” (1889) 14 P.D. 64 的判决,案情是码头租给船东使用,有默示条文是
“In business transactions such as this, what the law desires to effect by
the implication is to give such business efficacy to the transaction as
must have been intended at all events by both parties who are businessmen

关 于 这 个 条 件 或 考 验 的 评 论 , 可 见 Scrutton 大 法 官 在 Reigate v. Union

Manufacturing Co (1918) 1 K.B. 592 所说的:
“A term can only be implied if it is necessary in a business sense to give
efficacy to the contract; that is, if it is such a term that it can be
confidently said that if at the time the contract was being negotiated
someone had said to the parties ‘What will happen in such a case?’, they
would have replied: ‘Of course, so and so will happen; we did not trouble
to say that; it is too clear.’”。

从上述 Scrutton 大法官的话中可看出,要去默示一条条文似乎要同时满足“商业效


9.3 条件三:必须在订约时可以去假设双方会理所当然或异口同声地同意这个说法

上 述 先 例 最 后 一 句 也 就 是 “ 好 事 第 三 者 ” 考 验 , 但 “ 好 事 第 三 者 ” ( officious
bystander)正 式登场 是在 Shirlaw v. Southern Foundries (1926) Ltd (1939) 2
K.B. 206, CA。此先例是一个公司与其常务董事之间的一个 10 年合约,签约三年后公
一个 10 年的雇佣合约内有默示条文该公司是不能事后去改变公司章程以影响或改变该
合约。McKinnon 大法官提出这个“好事第三者”的考验并说:
“Prima Facie that which in any contract is left to be implied and need not
be expressed is something so obvious that it goes without saying; so that,
if, while the parties were making their bargain, an officious bystander
were to suggest some express provision for it in their agreement, they
would testily suppress him with a common ‘Oh, of course’.”。


9.3.1 对“好事第三者”考验的批评 批评之一:问题怎样设计会影响答案

意好事第三者的问题很大程度是依据问的是什么问题。好像 The “Moorcock” (1889)
14 P.D. 64 先例,假设的问题如果是有一位第三者去问订约双方:“码头所有人了解
导致 船舶搁浅会受损,码头所有人是否保证这一方面的安全?”( undertaken to
see that the bottom of the river is reasonably fit, or at all events that
they have taken reasonable care to find out that the bottom of the river is
reasonably fit for the purpose….),Treitel 教授就已经相信订约双方不会是异
同意。估计最有可能是会发生好像在 Bank of Nova Scotia v. Hellenic Mutual War
Risks Association (Bermuda) Ltd (1990) 1 Q.B. 818, CA 先例,得到的答案会是

的一方当事人先去提出建议。 批评之二:问题越复杂就越难假设订约双方会简单地同意

官/仲裁员去作出默示。在 Ashmore v. Lloyd’s (1992) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 620,案情
是涉及了英国劳合社在 80 年代所出的经济问题,即许多加入劳合社作为会员面对大量
第 一 个 问 题 是 :“… if at the [ 劳 合 社 ] meeting to admit a new Member, an
officious bystander had interrupted the proceedings and said, ‘You
Lloyd’s are asking this applicant underwriting member to engage in a high
risk business and, in effect, entrust his entire personal fortune to an
underwriting agent approved by you with whom he is not to interfere, and
whom you know he relies on and is by the system you impose forced to rely
on: [Question] what if something professionally discreditable is or becomes
known to Lloyd’s about the underwriting agent which might prejudice the
member’s underwriting interests, other than matters which in Lloyd’s
reasonably opinion are not capable of being seriously prejudicial to the
member’s underwriting interests, would you Lloyd’s be obliged to take
reasonable steps to alert the applicant, if thought necessary, in
confidence, and tell the underwriting agent within a reasonable time
thereafter what you have done?

第 二 个 问 题 是 :“Alternatively, the question (within the same introduction)

would be … what if something professionally discreditable is or becomes
known to Lloyd’s about the underwriting agent, in the following
(a) any disciplinary measures concluded against the underwriting agent or
any of its officers or employees;
(b) the findings of an investigation resulting in any such disciplinary
measures; or
(c) an embargo imposed by Lloyd’s on new Names joining the syndicate or
syndicates of the underwriting agent due to a lack of confidence in the
abilities of the underwriting agent or its staff,
which might prejudice the members’ underwriting interests, other than
matters which in Lloyd’s reasonable opinion are not capable of being
seriously prejudicial to the members’ underwriting interests, would you
Lloyd’s be obliged to take reasonable steps to alert the applicant, if
thought necessary, in confidence, and tell the underwriting agent within a
reasonable time thereafter what you have done?”

Gatehouse 大法官认为问题太过复杂,就算双方能马上回答,答案也不会是一个简单的
“To start with, I find it impossible to contemplate an officious bystander
at the [劳合社] being capable of thing up sp complex a question; one which
has taken a term of skilled lawyers so long and so many attempts to
formulate. Even if he could, the answer of both parties would certainly not
be, ‘Oh, of course! That is something that is so obvious that it goes
without saying’.

The more complicated the question, the less obvious it becomes.
In summary, the original way in which the implied ‘duty to alert’ was
pleaded was too wide to be reasonable, let alone a matter of necessary.
This was recognized by the Plaintiffs’ Counsel and successive attempts
were made to overcome these difficulties. These inevitably made the term
progressively more complex and less likely to satisfy the simple officious
bystander test. There is no possibility of both parties answering the
question posed (assuming the bystander could construct it) with an
immediate, ‘Yes of course, that is so obvious that it goes without
saying”。 批评之三:问题可否一直问下去

又另一个批评可见是 Aicken 大法官在 Codelfa Construction Pty Ltd v. State Rail

Authority of New South Wales (1982) 149 C.L.R. 337 所说的,问题是此好事第三



1)Hoffmann 勋爵也在“The Intolerable Wrestle with Words and Meaning”(1998)

55 SALJ 656 对其有评论如下:
“The trouble with this vivid bit of pantomime is that it puts at the
forefront of the judicial mind the actual parties, in all their
unreasonableness, and invites the submission by counsel that his or her
client would obviously not have said ‘of course’ to any such thing.”。

2) 在 Spring v. National Amalgamated Stevedores and Docker Society (1956) 1

W.L.R. 585 产生了问题是法院的问题看来的答案就只有一个,如果换种方式问可能有

3)在 Little v. Courage Ltd (1994) 70 P. & C.R. 469, CA,上诉庭觉得订约双方


验,即“商业效力”(business efficacy)需要默示来令合约能够运行。特别是现在
有说法去放宽,例如在 Equitable Life Assurance Society v. Hyman (2002) 1 A.C.
408,Steyn 勋爵指默示实质是为了给与双方合理期望效果:“ The implication is
essential to give effect to the reasonable expectations of the parties.”。
看来他的侧重点已经不在默示条文去填补这个合约漏洞(ad hoc gap filler)而让合
默示的“必要性”是否要同时通过 “商业效力”与“好事第三者”两个考验,或只要

9.3.2 默示条文是否要同时满足“商业效力”与“好事第三者”两个考验?

( business efficacy ) 的 考 验 , 而 另 一 个 就 是 “ 好 事 第 三 者 ” ( officious
bystander ) 的 考 验 。 在 Bank of Nava Scotia v. Hellenic Mutual War Risks
Association (Bermuda) Ltd (1990) 1 Q.B. 818, CA,上诉庭判“好事第三者”与

去 默 示 。 在 Associated Japanese Bank (International) Ltd v. Credit du Nord
S.A. (1989) 1 W.L.R. 255, Steyn 勋爵对这两种默示的情况有更详细的分析说:
“In the present contract such a condition may only be held to be implied
if one of two applicable tests is satisfied. The first is that such an
implication is necessary to give business efficacy to the relevant contract
… In other words, the criterion is whether the implication is necessary to
render the contract … workable. That is usually described as the Moorcock
test…. But there is another type of implication, which seems more
appropriate in the present context. It is possible to imply a term if the
court is satisfied that reasonable men, faced with the suggested term which
was ex hopothesi not expressed in the contract, would without hesitation
say: yes, of course, that is ‘so obvious that it goes without saying’….
Although broader in scope than the Moorcock test, it is nevertheless a
stringent test, and it will only be permissible to hold that an implication
has been established on this basis in comparatively rare cases …”。
还有 Bingham 大法官在 The “Manifest Lipkowy” (1989) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 138 中
“I take it to be well-established law that a term will be implied only
where it is necessary in a business sense to give efficacy to a contract,
or where the term is one which the parties must obviously have intended.”。

另在 Ashmore v. Corporation of Lloyd’s (No.2) (1992) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 620,

高院的 Gatehouse 大法官明确了这是两种不同的考验,虽然它们经常会重叠。而有不少
“The first two tests (这就是指‘商业效力’的第一个考验与‘好事第三者’的第
二个考验) will often overlap and, indeed, have in the past been regarded as
single test embodying both aspects. See, for example, Lord Tucker’s speech
in Lister at page 594. but they are in fact distinct tests with the result
that a term may sometimes be implied on the basis of one but not the other.
A striking example is the decision of Mr. Justice Steyn in (The “Damodar
General T.J. Park” [1986] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 68).
Whichever of the … tests the Court is considering, implication is a matter
of necessity, and the necessity test is a stringent one.”。

9.4 条件四:默示条文必须能够清楚地表达出来

上会是订约双方可被假设去异口同声地同意与 接受了: R. v. Paddington and St
Marylebone Rent Tribunal Ex p. Bedrock Investments Ltd (1974) K.B. 984。 在
Shell UK Ltd v. Lostock Garage Ltd (1976) 1 W.L.R. 1187,就是由于默示条文过
于 含 糊 而 不 能 清 楚 表 达 被 拒 绝 。 另 在 Sethia (K.C.) (1944) Ltd v. Partabmull
Rameshwar (1950) 1 All E.R. 51 先例,Jenkins 大法官也有类似说法。

越 大 , 越 不 明 显 是 理 所 当 然 : Trollope & Colls Ltd v. North Western
Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board (1973) 1 W.L.R. 601。

类 似 在 Philips Electronique Grand Public S.A. v. British Sky Broadcasting

Ltd (1995) E.M.L.R. 472,Bingham 大法官也认为要默示一条文,需要只有一个可能
个笔者熟悉的海事案件:The “Badagry” (1985) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 395。案情是有关
一个 8 年的期租,显然租金相比出事的时候市场高的多。所以,想象得到船东会是千方
百计保持这个值钱的期租合约,因为出事到租约期届满还有 4 年之久,船舶出事是该
被接受为推定全损,而船东递交给保险人的弃船通知( notice of abandonment)是在
1977 年 10 月 13 日。没有争议的是在该天之后,由于 The “Badagry”已经确定是全损,
船东能够这样做是因为租约有一条第 33 条文给与他这个选择权,条文如下:
“Owners have the option to substitute the vessel with a similar vessel
type/size during the period of this charter-party.”。

另一条十分有关的条文是 3(d),它针对了船舶如果发生推定全损,租金停付,说:
“… If the vessel should become a constructive total loss hire shall cease
at the time of the casualty resulting in such loss…”。

权指定替代船舶。首先是在 9 月 28 日(火灾是早一天发生)船东就心感不妙,马上给
拒绝,因为她并非是与 The “Badagry”同类型。看来,船东有困难去找一艘同类型的
船舶,直到 10 月 17 日,船东再给承租人通知说是以另一艘名为“Bonny”的船舶作为
替代船舶。同时并把船舶动向去告诉承租人,指船舶将在 12 月 1 日才估计能抵达里约
热内卢。问题是,到了 10 月 17 日,这已经是船舶明确了是推定全损之后,更不用说是
在火灾发生的 9 月 27 日后不久,就已经是全损,只不过确定需要多几天。这一来,船
东行使选择权不论是在 9 月 28 日或 10 月 17 日,照理由说租约应该受阻,而第 33 条文

但船东还是提出了几方面的争辩,例如是因为租约有了第 33 条文,所以可去排除受阻
的说法。但法院不同意这个说法,上诉庭的 Lloyd 大法官认为“替代”一般的解释是你
“You cannot substitute A for B when B does not exist. Substitution implies
a continuing original. If the original has ceased to exit, it is no longer
possible to substitute.”。

只去说另一个有关默示条文的争辩是租约既然有第 3(d)条文说明租金在推定全损事故
后停付,如果船东可以在 2、3 个月后以“Bonny”作为替代船舶,租金怎么计算,如何
重新开始(迟至 12 月 1 日或较早的合理时间内去替代),在哪里交船给承租人(船东
是说“Bonny”在里约热内卢交船,但到了 12 月 1 日承租人几乎肯定不会是有货在那
里待装)等?注意是这些问题全部没有在第 3(d)条文有针对,变了在船舶全损后租金
租约内其他条文例如第 11 条的“相等距离条文”,说明船舶怎样在停租后可去重新起

并不困难。但上诉庭认为去默示会是不能清楚表达,因为有太多不同的可能性。 Sir
John Megaw 大法官说:
“If the parties, by the words used in cl. 33 read in the context of the
other contractual provisions, did indeed intend to give the owners the
option to substitute a vessel after an actual or constructive total loss of
the vessel named in the charter-party, they have left a gap in the express
provisions by failing to provide, in cl. 3(d) or cl. 33 or anywhere else,
for the resumption of hire. That is not a gap which could properly be
filled by any implication of terms. The carious wide-ranging possibilities
contemplated by the arguments before us as to the time and place when and
where the substitution would properly be put into effect show that there
can be no confidence as to the missing terms which the parties would, as
reasonable, sensible shipowners and charterers, have agreed, if it had
occurred to them that the time charter, on its true construction with cl.
33 included, contemplated the possibility of a resumption of hire after it
had once ceased under cl. 3(d). This, I believe, conforms with the view
taken by the learned Judge-Arbitrator.”。

Lloyd 大法官也有说:
“Before a term can be implied in a commercial contract, it must not only
be necessary that a term should be implied in order to give the contract
business efficacy; but the term to be implied must also be capable of being
defined with reasonable precision. Since it is impossible to say with any
precision at all what term should be implied in the case of a total loss, I
am driven to the conclusion that the parties never did intend cl. 33 to
apply to such a case.”。

9.5 条件五:默示条文不能与明示条文起冲突,即明示超越默示。


有关这个条件,可见 Evershed 大法官在 Lynch v. Thorne (1956) 1 W.L.R. 303 中所

“… a term prima facie to be implied must, according to well established
principle, always yield to the express letter of the bargain.”。

另有 Steyn 勋爵在 Equitable Life Assurance Society v. Hyman (2002) 1 A.C. 408
“This principle is sparingly and cautiously used and may never be employed
to imply a term in conflict with the express terms of the text.”。

Broome v. Pardess Co-operative Society of Orange Growers (Est. 1900) Ltd
(1940) 1 All E.R. 603,Mackinnon 大法官说:
“Where the parties have made an express provision as regards some matter
with regard to the contract, it is, and must be, extremely difficult for
either of them to say in regard to that subject-matter, as to which there
is an express provision, that there is also an implied provision or
condition in the contract.”。

就这个条件更详尽的评论可见 Parker 大法官在 Tamplin (F.A.) Steamship Co Ltd v.

Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Products Co Ltd (1916) 2 A.C. 387 所说的:
“It is, of course, impossible to imply in a contract any term or condition
inconsistent with its express provisions, or with the intention of the
parties as gathered from those provisions. The first thing, therefore, in
every case is to compare the term or condition which it is sought to imply
with the express provisions of the contract, and with the intention of the
parties as gathered from those provisions, and ascertain whether there is
any inconsistency.”。

是双方谈判结果的全面体现的话,这种有了真正意图的可能性就越加明显:Duke of
Westminster v. Guild (1985) Q.B. 688 ; Broome v. Pardess Co-operative
Society of Orange Growers (Est. 1900) Ltd (1940) 1 All E.R. 603 ; Philips
Electronique Grand Public S.A. v. British Sky Broadcasting Ltd (1995)
E.M.L.R. 472, CA。

另 Mason 大法官在 Codelfa Construction Pty Ltd v. State Rail Authority of New
South Wales (1982) 149 C.L.R. 337 曾说:
“For obvious reasons the courts are slow to imply a term. In many cases,
what the parties have actually agreed upon represents the totality of their
willingness to agree; each may be prepared to take his chance in relation
to an eventuality for which no provision is made. The more detailed and
comprehensive the contract the less ground there is for supposing that the
parties have failed to address their minds to the question at issue.”。

Liverpool City Council v. Irwin (1977) A.C. 239。

另一个情况就是如果订约双方在合约谈判中明确去拒绝或删除部分内容, 会否对默示
条文有影响呢?这里以前会有争议,因为有“口头证据原则“( Parol Evidence
见 Gerard McMeel 教 授 的 《 the Construction of Contracts—Interpretation,
Implication and Rectification》一书第 11.25 段如下:
“Where the prior negotiations of the parties evidence the consideration by
both of a particular draft term or proposed formulation of a provision
which is then rejected the courts will consider such material. In effect
the rejection of a particular term of formulation should preclude any later
argument that a term should be implied akin to the discarded provision.”。

另在澳大利亚的 Codelfa Construction Prop Ltd v. State Rail Authority of New

South Wales (1982) 149 C.L.R. 337 先例,Mason 大法官将双方删除部分条文和默示
“There may perhaps be one situation in which evidence of the actual
intention of the parties should be allowed to prevail over their presumed
intention. If it transpires that the parties have refused to include in
their contract a provision which would give effect to the presumed
intention of persons in their position it may be proper to receive evidence
of that refusal. After all, the court is interpreting the contract which
the parties have made and in that exercise the court takes into account
what reasonable men in that situation would have intended to convey by the
words chosen. But is it right to carry that exercise to the point of
placing on the words of the contract a meaning which the parties have
united in rejecting? It is possible that evidence of mutual intention, if
amounting to concurrence, is receivable so as to negative an inference
sought to be drawn for the surrounding circumstances.”。

10 商业习惯做法/惯例的默示

习惯做法/惯例是语境[factual matrix]的一部分),(二)是去增加默示条文。

样的结论,所以必须去严格对待。 这可见 Produce Oil Brokers Co Ltd v. Olympia
Oil and Cake Ltd (1917) 1 K.B. 320 先例所说的:
“The contract construed without the custom will be different from what it
is if construed with the custom, and in that sense every admission of
custom varies the written contract.”。

举例在 Smith v. Wilson (1832) 3 B & Ad 728, 涉及的是合约明示了价格是“60 英

镑每一千只兔子”。但法院接受在有关地方 Suffolk 的习惯是把“一千”(thousand)
视为 1,200。

另一个例子是 The Eurus (1998) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 351 先例, 案情涉及一艘油轮去尼

日利亚装 32,000 吨原油。 船舶是估计在 1992 年 1 月 31 日凌晨抵达装港并可去递交通
知书。 但早在 1 月 23 日,承租人知道 2 月份的油价比 1 月份的油价低,所以需要取得
2 月份的提单。 承租人命令船长不要在 1 月 31 日 1100 时之前递交通知书给发货人/炼
油厂。 承租人这个命令在接下去几天不停被重复, 可见是一件十分重要的事。 船舶
在 1 月 31 日 0030 时抵达装港并马上挂靠装货泊位并在 0636 时开始装货。 但船长的确
是到了 1100 时才递交通知书。 承租人发觉后想尽办法去减低装货速度, 最后货物是
在 2 月 1 日之 0130 时装完。 从这些事实看来,船长可去签发 2 月份的提单应该是理所
当然,但承租人与船东都不知道在尼日利亚的习惯是要到了 2 月 1 日之 0800 时后装完
原油才会去签发 2 月份的提单, 在这个时间之前仍是去签发 1 月份的提单。 结果这
就带来了差价达 700,000 美元的争议。而法院也接受了尼日利亚港口的这一个商业习惯。
10.1 能够被接受为商业习惯做法/惯例的条件


这方面权威的说法可去节录 Fox-Bourne v. Vernon & Co. Ltd. (1894) 10 T.L.R.

647 的 : “ … a uniform practice so well defined and recognised that
contracting parties must be assumed to have had it in their minds when they

10.1.1 条件之一:肯定

关 于 商 业 惯 例 的 确 定 性 的 要 求 可 见 Mance 大 法 官 在 Roar Marine v. Bimeh Iran

Insurance (1998) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 423, QBD 中所说的:
“For there to be any relevance in custom or practice, whether in a strict
or informal sense, it must be possible to identify the particular custom or
practice with certainty.”。

承保的百分比。 该船舶主机的曲轴发生损坏/破裂而需要修理。该船壳保险虽然是涉及
多家保险公司,但带头的是劳合社一个保险小组(Syndicate 724)。修理后该带头保
公 司 拒 付 , 虽 然 保 单 有 一 条 文 说 明 是 跟 从 带 头 保 险 人 ( follow the leader
“It is agreed with or without previous notice to follow leading British
underwriters in regard to … settlements in respect of claims …[the follow
the leader clause].”。

务 律 师 Dowling 先 生 去 与 几 位 保 险 公 司 与 劳 合 社 人 士 查 问 后 作 出 了 一 个 宣 誓 书
“4. Most parties stated that they considered an obligation to follow an
obligation to follow only in relation to legitimate claims. They were
adamant that co-insurers would not pay a claim if they had serious doubts
as to the validity of the claim, and that in practice in such a situation
assureds, through their brokers, habitually treat the co-insurers as
entitled to proof of the validity of the claim, independent of the
leader’s decision on it. I was advised that the only situation in which
the decision of a leader underwriter would be treated as final and binding
was where urgent temporary repairs were carried out. On the other hand,
some stated that it was their view that an obligation to follow was a
strict obligation which applied in all circumstances.

5. I was advised that it was not unusual for following underwriters to

demand further evidence, information or documents relating to a claim in
order to satisfy themselves that the claim was validly made. When such a
demand is made, the follower is invariably given the further information
and documents requested and makes his own decision as to settlement. The
following underwriter will, of course, be under considerable commercial
pressure to settle a claim which has been settled by a lead underwriter, so
as to avoid gaining a reputation as a difficult underwriter. Nevertheless
the advice I received was that, in a case where there was a genuine concern
as to the legitimacy of a claim, the follower would refuse to follow.

6. Additionally, it was maintained that, in order for a leader

underwriter’s evaluation of a claim to be considered satisfactory, the
leader would have to have made a proper investigation of the claim in which
all contemporaneous records and documents relating to the claim were
examined and the claim itself was supposed by expert advise. It was not
considered acceptable for a leader underwriter simply to rely on an
adjustment document. Any refusal or prevarication on the part of an insured
to produce documents and evidence would be viewed with a good deal of
suspicion and would increase the likelihood of the follower refusing to

这一个宣誓书的证据大受 Mance 大法官的批评,并指出即使是接受 Dowling 先生的说

法,他自己也承认在第 4 段是伦敦市场在这一方面没有一个肯定的习惯做法,只不过
人的做法是如 Dowling 先生所讲,这也不足够构成习惯做法可令保单的“follow the
leader clause”去根据他们的做法作出与字面相异的解释。Mance 大法官是这样说:
“Here, Mr. Dowling himself acknowledges at the end of par. 4 (and in the
comment made through Counsel about ‘both sides of the debate’) that there
is no such certain or identifiable custom or practice. If 60, 70, 80 or
even 90 per cent. of the market behave in one way, but 40, 30,20 or only 10
per cent. of the market behave in another, there is still no reason to
assume that any particular contract is to be read in the way in which the
former group behaves, rather than the latter. Even in a case (unlike the
present, in my view) where the wording of a particular clause could,
respectably, be interpreted in alternative ways, the proper interpretation
cannot be determined by majority vote. The mere fact that the behaviour or
attitude of one group of market practitioners may have been tolerated does
not mean that it is right, particularly when there is a significant, even
though minority, group viewing the position and acting differently.

In all these circumstances, the contention that there is any legally

binding custom or practice which could affect the construction of the
present ‘follow the leader’ clause is hopeless. The contention that there
is any relevant market behavious or attitude which could in any way shape
the proper construction is equally untenable.”。

再去举另外一个有关石油买卖的先例: The “Mathraki”(1990) 2 Lloyd’s Rep.

84。案情是有关装在 The “Mathraki”的一批北海石油,它涉及了 31 个买卖合约链,
其中夹在当中的是该先例的原告(Vitol)与被告(Phibro Energy 瑞士)。他们之间
根据标准条文 Inco Term 1980 有条文要求原告作为卖方给买方最少 3 个工作天的指定
通 知 : “ Sellers to give to buyers minimum 3 working days’ notice of
nomination together with vessels demurrage rates”。

Vitol 在 1987 年 11 月 10 日(周二)之 1658 时(伦敦时间)一收到上一个卖方(Marc

Rich)的指定通知后,就马上转给下一个买方 Phibro Energy,后者是在同一天的
1830 时(瑞士时间)收到该电传。但后者随即拒绝该通知,认为是已经太晚,并非是
最少 3 个工作天。至于他为什么这样做,其中一个很大可能就是市场下跌。但如果该指
定通知是把 11 月 10 日也算作一天,因为作出通知的时候还没有过子夜,其实算到最
后交货日子是足 3 个工作天,Phibro Energy 无权去拒绝。但 Phibro Energy 声称指定
通知是在第二天的 11 月 11 日上午 9 时才收到,从该天起算 3 个工作天就不足了, 令
Phibro Energy 有权拒绝。
照说,根据明确的先例是一天的部分也算是一天(the rule that part of a day is
to be treated as a day)。这可去看《装卸时间与滞期费》一书第十二章第 3 段, 特
别是 Devlin 勋爵在 Vancouver Strikes Cases (1963) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 12 的说法中
就包括了上一句话。所以,光看 Inco Term 1980 有关条文的写法,Phibro Energy 应该
是无权拒绝该买卖合约,因为 11 月 10 日也算是一天,子夜还没有过。但 Phibro
Energy 说是在该北海石油的市场有一个习惯做法是在任何一个工作天,只去算到 1700
些证据是在市场中通常有指定通知晚过 1700 时,毕竟这是一个涉及广泛地区的石油商

这一来,Evans 大法官判是有太多与太不肯定的不同意见,无法显示有一个习惯性的做
“The mere existence of these divergent opinions enabled the plaintiffs to
submit that there could not be, given the difference of opinion among
independent expert witnesses, any such uniform practice or usage of the
trade as could give rise to the alleged implied terms.”。

10.1.2 条件之二:出名


关 于 商 业 惯 例 的 知 名 度 的 要 求 可 见 Ungoed-Thomas 大 法 官 在 Cunliffe-Owen v.
Teather & Greenwood (1967) 1 W.L.R. 1421 中所说的:
“The practice that has to be established consists of a continuity of acts,
and those acts have to be established by persons familiar with them,
although, as is accepted before me, they may be sufficiently established by
such persons without a detailed recital of instances. Practice is not a
matter of opinion, of even the most highly qualified expert, as to what it
is desirable that the practice should be. However, evidence of those versed
in a market—so it seems to me—may be admissible and valuable in
identifying those features of any transaction that attract usage and in
discounting other features which for such purpose are merely incidental;
and if there is conflict of evidence about this, it is subject to being
resolved like other conflicts of evidence. Arrangements or compromises to
the same effect as the alleged usage do not establish usage; they
contradict it. They may be the precursors of usage; but usage presupposes
that arrangements and compromises are no longer required. It is, in my
view, clearly not necessary that a practice should be challenged and
enforced before it can become a usage, as, otherwise, a practice so
obviously universally accepted and acted upon as not to be challenged could
never be a usage. However, enforcement would be valuable and might be
conclusive in establishing usage. What is necessary is that for a practice
to be a recognized usage it should be established as a practice having
binding effect.”。

10.1.3 条件之三:合理

大原则与相比订约双方已经同意了的明示条文。以下去探讨。 基本法律大原则或规则下不合理

在 Anglo-African Merchants Ltd v. Baylay (1970) 1 Q.B. 311, QBD 与 North and
South Trust Co v. Berkeley (1971) 1 W.L.R. 470, CA。案情有关劳合社市场的经纪
一些有关的报告例如是检查报告(survey report)。在有关的两个先例,经纪人拒绝
的习惯做法被判是不合理,与代理人的基本法律(law of agency)大原则背道而驰,
例如在同一时间去为两个有利益冲突的雇主服务。 Megaw 大法官在 Anglo-African
Merchants Ltd v. Baylay 说:
“Even if it were established to be a practice well known to persons
seeking insurance—not merely to insurers and brokers—I should hold the
view, in conformity with the passage which I have cited from Bowstead (这是
一本权威书籍有关代理人法律), that a custom will not be upheld by the courts
of this country if it contradicts the vital principle that an agent may not
at the same time serve two masters—two principals—in actual or potential
opposition to one another: unless, he has the explicit, informed, consent
of both principals.”。
在后一个先例,Donaldson 大法官同意 Megaw 大法官的说法,认为这种商业做法“完全
不合理”(wholly unreasonable),不能成为商业习惯做法/惯例。

另一个先例是 London Export Corp Ltd v. Jubilee Coffee Roasting Co Ltd (1958)
1 Lloyd’s Rep. 197,是有关一个商会仲裁(Incorporated Oil Sea Association)
的惯例。 该商会仲裁是有 2 个层面,先是由 2 位当事人委任的仲裁员审理,他们如果
所以,高院与上诉庭判是该商会仲裁的这种习惯做法不合理。 合约明示条文或架构下不合理

这在 Humfrey v. Dale (1917) 1 K.B. 320, DC 中有说明要此商业习惯做法/惯例当作

“To fall within the exception, therefore of repugnancy, the incident must
be such as if expressed in the written contract would make it insensible or

为了更好表达,笔者又是要去比较详尽地介绍一个先例,这是 Kum and Another v.

Wah Tat Bank Ltd. (1971) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 439。这一个先例是对提单的课题有认识
签发),银行就在新加坡法院向船东起诉,指称船东侵占了他的货物( conversion of
goods),这一个案例最终上诉去到英国枢密院。 其中的一个争议是沙捞越往返新加坡
权凭证(document of title)。但这在高院被拒绝,说:
“… no amount of customs as that described in this case can change the
character of this document so as to confer any additional rights and thus
make the mate’s receipt equivalent to documents of title. A local custom
however strong can never achieved this effect.”。

沙捞越去新加坡所运载的货物有 90-95%是只签发大副收据,而新加坡去沙捞越是大约
有什么不合理,可以把大副收据视为是物权凭证(document of title),毕竟这只是
一份文件的称呼而已。Devlin 勋爵认为商业人士可以有自由喜欢怎样做,没有要求他
“The function of commercial law is to allow, so fat as it can, commercial
men to do business in the way in which they want do it and not to require
them to stick to forms that they may think to be outmoded. The common law
is not bureaucratic.”。

转让”(non-negotiable)一词,Devlin 勋爵认为这样一来,商业习惯做法/惯例就必
“There are well established rules of construction which permit the Court
to disregard printed words when they are inconsistent with written words or
with the paramount object which the document appears from its language to
be designed to achieve. But these rules can be used only when there is
conflict between one part of the document and another or between the effect
of a part and the effect of the whole. They are rules for reconciling
different expressions in or of the document itself. They cannot be used to
introduce into the document, either by implication or by force of custom,
what is outside it. The rule is plain and clear that inconsistency with the
document defeats the custom. If this document had ‘Negotiable’ printed in
the right hand corner and ‘not negotiable’ in the left, the argument
could begin. But if the right-hand corner is blank, custom cannot be used
to fill it. Whichever way the argument for the respondents is put, it
amounts in the end to a submission that the force of custom should expel
from the document words that are on it: this is not permissible by law.”。

10.2 商业习惯做法/惯例订约方知道或不知道的后果

悉仍是要受其约束,这可见 Ungoed-Thomas 大法官在 Cunliffe-Owen v. Teather &
Greenwood (1967) 1 W.L.R. 1421 中所说的:
“A party to a contract is bound by usages applicable to it as certain,
notorious and reasonable, although not known to him. If the practice,
though certain and notorious is unreasonable, it of course follows that it
cannot constitute a usage which the court will enforce as a usage.
Nevertheless if a party knows of such a practice and agrees to it, then
though unreasonable, he is bound by it …”。


& Co v. Collyear (1881) 16 Ch D 718, Ch D。

11 默示条文例子一:造船合约的还款担保

得银行的同意去作出还款担保(refund guarantee)。这不光指中国进出口银行,也包
括了其他中国的主要商业银行。 这还款担保是去担保买方在造船期间分期付款但最终
“Effective date of contract”的条文,文字上说明是如果船厂无法在某一个期限

去脱身或再加价。于是对买方傻乎乎地说:“你除非再加 500 万美元的造船价格,否则
我不申请还款担保让造船合约中断。”这方面的法律默示可节录 Atkinson 勋爵在 New
Zealand Shipping Co. Ltd. v. Societe des Ateliers et Chantiers de France
“It the … contract shall be void on the happening of an event which one
or either of them can by his own act or omission bring about, then the
party, who by his own act or omission brings that event about, cannot be
permitted either to insist upon the stipulation himself or to compel the
other party, who is blameless, to insist upon it, because to permit the
blameable party to do either would be to permit him to take advantage of
his own wrong …”。

约中断后再接触买方试图另去订一个新的造船合约,只是造船价格要抬高 500 万美元

取得,但在造船合约内的有关条文去写成为一个绝对/严格的担保,即把如果在 30 天
取不到还款担保而造成自己毁约,被西方船东索赔约 8,000 万美元之巨(损失这么大
说是再也不需要默示条文的存在。因为已经将这 30 天的期限删除,剩下的就是取得还

12 默示条文例子二:履约需要对方先给通知


钱,但在合约另一针对付款办法的明示条文中,针对收款人的银行只是说明“ to be

这一个默示条文,很早的一个先例就已经有说明:Vyse v. Wakefield (1840) 5 M. &

W. 442,内中说道:
“Where a party stipulates to a certain thing in a certain specific event
which may become known to him, or with which he can make himself
acquainted, he is not entitled to any notice, unless he stipulates for it;
but where it is to do a thing which lies within the peculiar knowledge of
the opposite party, then notice ought to be given him.”。

在这一个默示条文下就可以带出了在国际货物买卖与程租合约下的派船一方(FOB 买卖
即使抵达与否可以看得见或查得到,货方也没办法知道船舶真正的状况是否已经备妥 ,

前的 10 天或 7 天不等,这就需要明示条文了。因为这种通知恐怕难以达到“必要性”
的要求,例如缺少了这种通知合约就会没有商业效力与不能运行, 所以不会去默示。

13 默示条文例子三:双方必需给与协助/合作

去作出一个默示条文,除非合约已经有明示条文针对。 这方面在大陆法系由“善意”
(good faith)的理论去针对,在英国法律就是默示的说法了。

以法律也不容易管。这可见 Devlin 大法官在 Mona Oil Equipment & Supply Co Ltd v.
Rhodesia Railways Ltd (1949) 2 All E.R. 1014 所说的:
“It is, no doubt, true that every business contract depends for its smooth
working on co-operation, but in the ordinary business contract, apart, of
course, from express terms, the law can enforce co-operation only in a
limited degree—to the extent that it is necessary to make the contract
workable. For any higher degree of co-operation the parties must rely on
the desire that both of them usually have that the business should get

承租人要求上船检查, 而这并非是该租约下必要的检查例如是装粮前美国农业部
[USDA] 的 船 舱 检 查 ) , 或 是 做 合 约 不 要 求 或 与 合 约 不 符 的 事 情 ( 可 见 North Sea
Energy Holdings N.V. v. Petroleum Authority of Thailand [1999] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 483),等等。也会是表面看来有一些要求并非是不合理。去提出要求本身是没有
方无需去合作,甚至不应该去合作。 这里可去节录 Hirst 大法官在 Siporex Trade
S.A. v. Banque Indosuez (1986) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 146 所说如下:
“I do not for a moment doubt that in the would of everyday commerce such
co-operation frequently occurs, nor do I doubt that it is highly desirable,
especially where important matter are left outstanding. But proof of mere
normality of practice, or even of a high degree of desirability, falls far
short of establishing the existence of a contractual duty owed by the buyer
to be implied as a contractual term. See Liverpool City Council v. Irwin,
[1977] A.C.
239—a case which is particularly helpful in the present context as showing
that the stringent business efficacy test applies even where the Court is
being asked to insert implied terms in an incomplete contract…”。

有关订约双方有 协助 / 合作 责任 的默示 早在 Mackay v. Dick (1881) 6 App. Cas.

251,Blackburn 大法官已说:
“… where in a written contract it appears that both parties have agreed
that something shall be done, which cannot be effectually done unless both
parties concur in doing it, the construction of the contract is that each
agrees to do all that is necessary to be done on his part for the carrying
out of that thing, though there may be no express words to that effect.”。


现在去举一些案例,先是有关油脂的一个 CIF 买卖,名为 Siporex Trade S.A. v.

Banque Indosuez (1986) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 146。案情简单的介绍是由于买方没有准时
方去完成信用证的条文与解决问题,因为在该案例中的买卖合约有许多不明朗的地方 ,
法,并提供专家意见。但 Hirst 大法官拒绝去默示卖方需要协助买方去开出信用证,认
“In my judgment, under the normal well established principles of letters
of credit, it is for the buyer to establish the letter of credit as
required by the contract. If the contract terms are themselves incomplete,
and unresolvable by reference to custom, the supposed duty to cooperate
would in effect be no more than an agreement to agree, which is not a
workable contractual term. Moreover, the scope of the proposed duty in any
given case would be impossible to define with the degree of precision
necessary for a workable term.

In these circumstances Mr. Hallgarten(买方大律师)’s proposed implied term

fails the business efficacy test and I am not prepared to hold that there
is any legal duty imposed on the seller to cooperate with the buyer. A
fortiori there is in my judgment no similar duty as between the plaintiffs
and the defendant bank, between whom the only contractual relationship is
that created by the performance bond.”。

第 4 段有大量提到,包括像:

-- The “Aello” (1960) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 623 先例中,船舶抵达布伊诺斯艾利斯装


-- 同样的道理在 The “Atlantic Sunbeam” (1973) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 483,船舶是

去加尔各答港卸货,又是需要一份文件名为“jetty challan”才进得了港口并能够递
交通知书。但这一份文件是收货人的责任向港口当局去取得, 船东自己做不来。法院又
是判承租人有这个默示责任去以合理快速(reasonable despatch)取得这份文件。

-- 承租人也要去在合理时间内指定第一个卸港让船舶可去抵达卸货:The “Timna”
(1970) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 409。
这 是 在 Ogmore Steamship Co Ltd v. H Borner & Co Ltd (1901) 6 CC 104 中 ,
Gorell Barnes 大法官说的:
“It is the ordinary and natural implication that neither party should
prevent the other from performing that part of the contract which falls to
be performed by that other; and if the charterers by themselves, or by
their agents acting within the scope of their authority, have placed
impediments in the way of the shipowner bringing their vessel into dock,
the charterers ought to be responsible for the delay so caused, as if the
vessel had in fact arrived in dock.”。

输问题。例如在 The “World Navigator” (1991) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 23,涉及是一个
FOB 买卖合约。这一来,就是买方派船,但买方派的船舶 The “World Navigator”去
会要承担滞期费或滞期损失外,更会造成付运的延误。在该先例,高院的 Philips 大法
“… the evidence demonstrated that World Navigator could not berth without
the co-operation of the sellers in providing appropriate loading
documentation and it was common ground that it was necessary to imply into
the f.o.b. contract a term requiring the sellers to provide that co-
operation; there was an implied obligation on the sellers to act with
reasonable dispatch and in accordance with ordinary practice in doing those
acts which were necessary to enable the buyers to present their vessel for
loading at the berth; if availability of goods sold was necessary to enable
the buyers’ vessel to berth there was an absolute obligation on the
sellers to have the goods available when the vessel arrived provided 15
days’ notice had been given; it might be that this obligation could be
extended to cover the procurement of documentation if this was something
solely within the control of the sellers;”。

“… there was an obligation to do all that was necessary to enable the
vessel to berth on the expiry of the 15 days’ notice; it was probably
impossible and undesirable to define the precise ambit of the obligation
for in all cases what was to be implied would or might be dependent both on
the terms of the contract and the surrounding circumstances.”。

14 默示条文例子四:经纪人的佣金合约

明 示 条 文 说 明 , 法 律 也 会 去 默 示 : Alpha Trading Ltd v. Dunnshaw-Patten Ltd.
(1981) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 122。事实上还有更早的先例,主要是适用在保障房屋买卖的
经纪人。例如在 Luxor (Eastbourne) Ltd. v. Cooper (1941) A.C. 108,贵族院的
Wright 勋爵说:
“The vendor is then no longer free to dispose of his property. Though the
sale is not completed the property in equity has passed from him to the
purchaser. If he refuses to complete he would be guilty of a breach of
agreement vis-à-vis the purchaser. I think, as at present advised, that it
ought then to be held that he is also in breach of his contract with the
commission agent, that is, of some term which can properly be implied.”。


“Where an agent is promised a commission only if he brings about the sale
which he is endeavouring to effect there is no room for an implied term
that the principal will not dispose of the property himself or through
other channels or otherwise act so as to prevent the agent earning his

部分佣金。有关先例是一个 18 个月的租约,约定给船舶经纪人的佣金在租金支付后才
付。4 个月后船东把船舶卖给承租人,租约也随之取消。判是船东没有违反任何默示条
文:French (L.) and co Ltd v. Leeston Shipping Co Ltd (1922) 1 A.C. 451。
在 The “Manifest Lipkowy” (1989) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 139,案情又涉及了另一种情
常不支付佣金。Bingham 大法官是这样说:
“… it was well established law that a term would be implied only where it
was necessary to give business efficacy to a contract or where the term was
one which the parties must obviously have intended; there was nothing in
the agreement to suggest that the parties intended the plaintiffs to be
remunerated if there were never, because of the defendants’ default, any
sale proceedings from which the commission could be deducted; the contract
as made was wholly workable without the implied term and the appeal would
be dismissed.”。

15 默示条文例子五:合约期限的默示


这 方 面 可 见 Buckley 大 法 官 在 Re Spenborough Urban District Council’s

Agreement (1968) CH. 139 所说的:
“Authority establishes that, where an agreement does not in terms confer
on the parties or one of them a power to determine the agreement, whether
such a power should be inferred is a question of construction of the
agreement to be determined in accordance with the ordinary principle
applicable to such a question. …An agreement which is silent about
determination will not be determinable unless the facts of the case, such
as the subject matter of the agreement, the nature of the contract or the
circumstances in which the agreement was made, support a finding that the
parties intended it to be determinable, but there is in my judgment, no
presumption one way or the other.”。
可 先 去 介 绍 Staffordshire Area Health Authority v. South Staffordshire
Waterworks Co (1978) 1 W.L.R. 1387 先例,它涉及了一个供水合约,由供水商与一
家医院在 1929 年订立,说明“今后所有时间”(at all times hereafter)由前者供
水给后者,而费用是每 1,000 加仑 7 便士。这到了 1971 年,食水的价格已经上涨到每
1,000 加仑 55 便士。这一来,供水商就给了医院一个 6 个月的合约终止通知。在高院,
先是判“今后所有时间”应被解释为“永久”(forever or in perpetuity), 供水
Goff 大法官认为即使合约期限有明示为“今后所有时间”,合理解释可以是“今后所
有时间只要本合约继续存在”( at all times hereafter during the subsistence
of this agreement)。另是也可以去默示该合约没有清楚或不去说明期限,就有权去

在 1927 年同意以一个固定价格为一个当地政府提供电力。由于通货膨胀与耗电量大增,
到了 1995 年左右,当地政府每年支付的电费只是 16,639 新西兰元但根据市场价格,
是应该支付 204,529 新西兰元。这一来,在 1995 年 2 月 28 日,电力公司向地方政府作
出了 15 个月的通知要终止合约。

该合约内写明有关合约期限是与 Staffordshire Area Health Authority v. South

Staffordshire Waterworks Co 一致的“for all time thereafter”,却被判是合约
不 能 以 合 理 通 知 来 终 止 : Gore District Council v. Power Co Ltd (1996) 1
N.Z.L.R. 58。

新 西 兰 法 院 也 有 仔 细 考 虑 过 Staffordshire Area Health Authority v. South

Staffordshire Waterworks Co 这个先例,并对两个案件的不同作出了区分。笔者看来
“The words of the agreement are clear. It is difficult to imagine a
clearer way a drafter could impose a permanent obligation than to say "the
provisions of this Deed shall be binding on [the parties] for all time
hereafter". Had the parties wished to make the agreement determinable on
reasonable notice, it is safe to assume that they would have said so.”。


案例 1:一家石油公司和当地政府订约,由此石油公司负责当地一切公共照明,从 9 月
1 日开始,直到来年的 5 月 1 日, “每年有效”。 判是合约可通过合理通知来终止:
Credition Gas Co v. Crediton Urban District Council (1928) 1 Ch. 17。

案例 2:一家公司与另一家公司订约,给与后者生产弹射座椅的授权,而回报是后者支
付前者专利使用费。合约没有关于如何终止的说明。McNair 大法官判是可以合理通知来
终止:Martin-Baker Aircraft Co Ltd v. Canadian Flight Equipment Ltd (1955)
2 Q.B. 556。

案例 3:两家公司订约同意相互之间不顾用对方 5 年内雇佣过的人,合约本身没有规定
期 限 , 判 是 可 以 12 个 月 的 通 知 来 终 止 : Kores Manufacturing Co Ltd v. Kolok
Manufacturing Co Ltd (1957) 1 W.L.R. 1012。

法—从 1996 年英国仲裁法到国际商务仲裁》一书第十一章第 9.1 段所介绍的例子,该
的“合作协议”(joint venture contract)中没有订下合作的年限或/与双方如何可
合约年限,美方便可以算出 50-100 年的利润损失。说真的,这样订合约可真是儿戏。

笔者曾经说过,在被中国公司委任为法律顾问后,很快就想出了 10 个以上的应对方法。
其中一个有效且成功击退美国公司索赔的就是《仲裁法—从 1996 年英国仲裁法到国际
术。这一来,总不会 50 年或 100 年一直要学下去。笔者会争辩长则 3 年,短则 1 年也就
限为 1 年左右,而不是美国公司根据 50 年损失计算出来的 4 亿美元,这损失可就大大

情况。 但在一般订得好一点的合约,总会有或长或短的合约期限的明示条文,而明示
也必须去依照,因为这是双方表达出来的真正意图。例如在 Harbinger UK Ltd v. GEI
Information Services Ltd (2000) 1 All E.R. (Comm) 166,一个软件供应合约写明
是“永久”(in perpetuity),判是合约不能以合理通知来终止,只能自己终止(例


案 例 1 : 在 Kirklees Metropolitan Borough Council v. Yorkshire Woolen

District Transport Co Ltd (1978) 77 L.G.R. 448,两家当地权力机构与一家公司
签订 99 年的交通服务合约。作为回报此公司将给与两机构一个利润的百分比。公司的继

案例 2:在 Re Berker Sportscraft Ltd’s Agreements (1947) 177 L.T. 420,判是


的船舶租约约定的租约期是“直至船舶拆废铁之前的所有时间”(until the vessel
is scrapped)。之后,又是换汤不换药地出现了争议,就是航运市场高涨,而双方约
Staffordshire Area Health Authority v. South Staffordshire Waterworks Co
(1978) 1 W.L.R. 1387 先例。拆船的决定会发生在几种情况,最主要当然是船龄太大 ,
须安装一些昂贵的设备或改装,否则不准营运,这种情况在 80 年代发生很多,大多在
油轮与化学品船舶。第三种情况可能就是涉及该争议即船龄不算太大,例如只有 8、9 年,
舶,直到船龄达到 15 或 20 年才准拆废铁。笔者没有见过类似的先例,毕竟这样去约定
高租金,或把租约期从“直至船舶拆废铁之前的所有时间”改为是 3 年 5 年不等。总而

16 默示条文例子六:履行时间的默示


16.1 装卸货物时间的明示或默示条文

这可见在 Hick v. Raymond & Reid (1893) A.C. 22 这个案例,它是有关提单没有提

时间就是违约了。其中 Watson 勋爵说:
“When the language of a contract does not expressly, or by necessary
implication, fix any time for the performance of a contractual obligation,
the law implies that it shall be performed within a reasonable time. The
rule is general application, and is not confined to contracts for the
carriage of goods by sea. In the case of other contracts the condition of
reasonable time has been frequently interpreted; and has invariably been
held to mean that the party upon whom it is incumbent duly fulfils his
obligation, notwithstanding protracted delay, so long as such delay is
attributable to causes beyond his control, and he has neither acted
negligently nor unreasonably.”。

除卸货外,对装货的时间也是有一样的道理:Carlton Steamship Co Ltd v. Castle

Mail Packets Co Ltd (1898) A.C. 486。

二种就是没有约定任何固定的装卸时间(unfixed laytime),这一来没有明示条文,

16.2 付款限期的明示与默示条文

是要经过一个昂贵与缓慢的仲裁过程。 加上即使违反了支付的合理时间,法律的救济

16.3 买方开信用证限期的明示与默示条文


卖合约达成后的 7 天或 14 天内不等,反正有一个清楚明确的期限。当然,也会去以其
他的明示条文约定,例如在 Etablissements Chaimbaux SARL v. Harbormaster Ltd.
(1955) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 303 中约定是“马上开信用证”(open immediately),这
被解释为“that means that the buyer must have such time as is needed by a
person of reasonable diligence to get that credit established.”。(一个合理

期限了。这在 CIF 买卖合约,一般总会有一段付运期,如 4 月 1 日至 5 月 15 日。这一来,
& Co SpA v. Thurmann –Nielsent (1951) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 328。

时 间 , 如 安 心 去 租 船 : Sinason-Teicher v. Oilcakes and Oilseeds Trading Co.
(1954) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 327,虽然该案例针对银行担保,但大精神、大原则与信用证

如果 CIF 合约不是一段付运期,而是一个付运日子,这也有判决说是在该日子前合理
时间信用证已应去开妥:Plasticmoda SpA v. Davidsons (Mancester) Ltd. (1952)
1 Lloyd’s Rep. 527。

如果是在 FOB 合约,是由买方派船,所以曾有买方争辩只需在派船前开出信用证就行

了。但在 Ian Stach Ltd. v. Baker Bosly Ltd. (1958) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 127,该案
例的付运期是 1956 年 8 月/9 月,Diplock 大法官说买方应在 1956 年 8 月 1 日前开出信
用证,以便卖方安心,毕竟还会另有分卖方(end-seller)。Diplock 大法官说:
“It seems to me that, in a case of this kind and in the case of an
ordinary f.o.b. contract financed by a confirmed banker’s credit, the
prima facie rule is that the credit must be opened at latest (and that is
as far as I need go for the purpose of this case) by the earliest shipping
date. In that way, one gets certainty into what is very common commercial
contract and in any other way one can, I think, only get a position in
which neither buyer nor seller knows what his rights are until all the
facts have been ascertained, and one, and possibly two or three, Courts
have directed their minds to the question whether in all the circumstances
that was a reasonable time.”。

17 默示条文例子七:关于价格的默示

根据双方已经达成的合约条文与当时的环境去默示该合约的价格为合理价格。 这方面
可见 Denning 勋爵(那时仍是大法官)在 British Bank for Foreign Trade Ltd v.
Novinex Ltd (1949) 1 K.B. 623 中所说的(这原则或说法被上诉庭肯定):
“The principle to be deduced from the cases is that if there is an
essential term which has yet to be agreed and there is no express or
implied provision for its solution, the result in point of law is that
there is no binding contract. In seeing whether there is an implied
provision for its solution, however, there is a difference between an
arrangement which is wholly executory on both sides and one which has been
executed on one side or the other. In the ordinary way, if there is an
arrangement to supply goods at a price ‘to be agreed’ or to perform
service on terms ‘to be agreed’, then although, while the matter is still
executory, there may be no binding contract, nevertheless, if it is
executed on one side, that is, if the one does his part without having come
to an agreement as to the price or the terms, then the law will say that
there is necessarily implied, from the conduct of the parties, a contract
that, in default of agreement, a reasonable sum is to be paid.”。

另在 Sykes (Wessex) Ltd v. Fine Fare Ltd (1967) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 53 中 Denning
“In a commercial agreement the further the parties have gone with their
contract, the more ready are the Courts to imply an reasonable term so as
to give effect to their intentions. When much has been done, the Courts
will do their best not to destroy the bargain. When nothing has been done,
it is easier to say that there is no agreement between the parties because
the essential terms have not been agreed. But when an agreement has been
acted upon and the parties, as here, have been put to great expense in
implementing it, we ought to imply all reasonable terms so as to avoid any

在这方面先介绍一个权威先例 Foley v. Classique Coaches Ltd (1934) 2 K.B. 1,

双方在一个汽油供应合约中写明“价格待定”(at a price to be agreed),汽油随

另一个有关的先例是 Voest Alpine Intertrading GmbH v. Chevron International

Oil Co Ltd (1987) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 547,是有关原油买卖的合约链约定价格调整根

稍后约定(premium to be arranged)。这也不影响已经有了有效的保单,只是保费是

18 默示条文例子八:履行合约标准的默示
物买卖,本章 2.1 段已经介绍过各种默示条文,包括像卖方有权出售该有关货物,货

for the purpose)。在服务性合约,会有默示条文是服务方提供的服务是有合理的小
职责(due diligence)。

针 对 商 品 要 合 理 符 合 其 用 途 , 早 在 Francis v. Cockrell (1870) L.R. 5 Q.B.

501,Kelly C.B.就说:
“I do not hesitate to say that I am clearly of opinion, as a general
proposition of law, that when one man engages with another to supply him
with a particular article or thing, to be applied to a certain use or
purpose, in consideration of a pecuniary payment, he enters into an implied
contract that the article or thing shall be reasonably fit for the purpose
for which it is to be used and to which it is to be applied.”。

在提供工作的合约与材料供应合约,也有默示是工作要有 良好的工艺(good and

workmanlike),材料的质量要良好(good and proper materials ):Stewart v.
Ravell’s Garage (1952) 2 Q.B. 545 。 另 在 Miller v. Cannon Hill Estate Ltd
(1931) 2 K.B. 113,案情是有关房屋买卖,而卖方也是该房屋的建造商。法院判卖方
没有房屋要适合人的居住的这个默示条文了:Hart v. Windsor (1844) 12 M. & W.
68 ; Sleafer v. Lambeth Borough Council (1960) 1 Q.B. 43 ; Duke of
Westminster v. Guild (1985) Q.B. 688(实质上没有备妥);Edler v. Auerbach
(1950) 1 K.B. 359;Hill v. Harris (1965) 2 Q.B. 601(法律上没有备妥)。

预期的结果,只会默示他要有合理的小心与技术(reasonable care and skill)。例
服务的人士也保证不了一定有满意的结果。在 Thake v. Maurice (1986) 1 All E.R.
497, CA,上诉庭只认同医生有合理的小心与技术的服务标准,但不保证什么,因为动
的手术结果无法预测,而且人体状况各异。Nourse 大法官说:“general knowledge
in medical science all things, or nearly all things, are uncertain.”。如果
医疗是不肯定,法律结果就更加不肯定了, 没有理由要代表律师去保证诉讼的结果。

这 一 个 判 法 与 Eyre v. Measday (1986) 1 All E.R. 488 一 致 , 这 与 Thake v.

Maurice (1986) 1 All E.R. 497, CA 两个先例都是有关绝育手术。 在后一个先例,
是一个女士做了之后怀孕,而根据医学上的统计,绝育手术的确是没有办法 100%保险,
而只能去到 99%。法院判:
“Counsel for the plaintiff ( 怀 孕 女 士 的 大 律 师 ) , in the light of the
passage in cross-examination which I have just read and in the light of all
the other background of the case to which I have referred, submitted that
if someone had said to the parties, 'Is it intended that the defendant (被
告 的 医 生 )should warrant that the operation will render the plaintiff
absolutely sterile?', the answer of both parties must have been, 'Yes.'
This, he submitted, is really the only possible inference from what had
been said on both sides in the defendant's consulting rooms. He
particularly drew attention to the question that he had put to the
defendant, 'Would it have been reasonable for her to have gone away from
your consulting rooms thinking that she would be sterilised and that would
be the end of the matter?', To which the defendant had replied, 'Yes, it
would.' Counsel for the plaintiff submitted that the defendant himself was
thus acknowledging that the reasonable inference would have been as he

Applying The Moorcock principles, I think there is no doubt that the

plaintiff would have been entitled reasonably to assume that the defendant
was warranting that the operation would be performed with reasonable care
and skill. That, I think, would have been the inevitable inference to be
drawn, from an objective standpoint, from the relevant discussion between
the parties. The contract did, in my opinion, include an implied warranty
of that nature. However, that inference on its own does not enable the
plaintiff to succeed in the present case. She has to go further. She has to
suggest, and it is suggested on her behalf, that the defendant, by
necessary implication, committed himself to an unqualified guarantee as to
the success of the particular operation proposed, in achieving its purpose
of sterilising her, even though he were to exercise all due care and skill
in performing it. The suggestion is that the guarantee went beyond due care
and skill and extended to an unqualified warranty that the plaintiff would
be absolutely sterile.

On the facts of the present case, I do not think that any intelligent lay
bystander (let alone another medical man), on hearing the discussion which
took place between the defendant and the other two parties, could have
reasonably drawn the inference that the defendant was intending to give any
warranty of this nature. It is true that in cross-examination he admitted
that it would have been reasonable for the plaintiff to have gone away from
his consulting rooms thinking that she would be sterilised. He did not,
however, admit that it would have been reasonable for her to have left his
consulting rooms thinking that he had given her a guarantee that after the
operation she would be absolutely sterile; this, I think, is the really
relevant point. She has to say that this would have been the reasonable
inference from what he said to her and from what she and her husband said
to him. But, in my opinion, in the absence of any express warranty, the
court should be slow to imply against a medical man an unqualified warranty
as to the results of an intended operation, for the very simple reason
that, objectively speaking, it is most unlikely that a responsible medical
man would intend to give a warranty of this nature. Of course, objectively
speaking, it is likely that he would give a guarantee that he would do what
he had undertaken to do with reasonable care and skill but it is quite
another matter to say that he has committed himself to the extent suggested
in the present case.”。

但注意在一些例外情况也会有默示条文是专业人士的服务会要求达致预期效果。 在
Greaves & Co (Contractors) Ltd v. Baynham Meikle (1975) 1 W.L.R. 1095 先例,
了设计并没有达至预期效果的另一个默示责任。但可去节录 Denning 勋爵曾提到达至预
“Apply this to the employment of a professional man. The law does not usually imply a
warranty that he will achieve the desired result, but only a term that he will use reasonable
care and skill. The surgeon does not warrant that he will cure the patient. Nor does the
solicitor warrant that he will win the case. But, when a dentist agrees to make a set of false
teeth for a patient, there is an implied warranty that they will fit his gums: see Samuels v
Davis (1943) 1 K.B. 527.
What then is the position when an architect or an engineer is employed to design a house or a
bridge? Is he under an implied warranty that, if the work is carried out to his design, it will be
reasonably fit for the purpose? Or is he only under a duty to use reasonable care and skill?
This question may require to be answered some day as matter of law. But in the present case I
do not think we need answer it. For the evidence shows that both parties were of one mind on
the matter. Their common intention was that the engineer should design a warehouse which
would be fit for the purpose for which it was required. That common intention gives rise to a
term implied in fact.”。

19 默示条文例子九:其他

这里可以去介绍一个重要的贵族院先例,它是 Liverpool City Council v. Irwin

(1977) A.C. 239,HL。案情是有关一个英国利物浦的一些高层住房之房屋委员会与住
么承诺/责任。贵族院最后去挑出了 7 个默示责任,去增加在房屋委员会的头上,如下:
“(1) an implied letting giving the tenant the right of exclusive
(2) an implied covenant of quiet enjoyment;
(3) an implied easement for tenants and their licensees to use the stairs;
(4) a right in the nature of an easement to use the lifts;
(5) an easement to use the rubbish chutes;
(6) an obligation on the landlord to exercise reasonable care to keep in
reasonable repair and usability the common parts (including the lifts and
(7) where the nature of the structure required artificial light an
obligation to take reasonable care to maintain adequate lighting.”。

贵族院强调去默示这一连串的责任,主要是出于必要性。Wilberforce 勋爵说:
“In my opinion such obligation should be read into the contract as the
nature of the contract itself implicitly requires, no more, no less: a test
in other words, of necessity.”。

20 默示合约(implied contract)

的条文(essential terms),而同意的形式是可以通过文书、口头或行为达成。有关合
完整。这方 面可节录 Aotearoa International Ltd v. Scanmcarrie A/S (1985) 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 419 中 Roskill 勋爵所说的:
“… the first question must always be whether any legally binding contract
has been made, for until that issue is decided a court cannot properly
decide what extra terms, if any, must be implied into what is ex hypothesi
a legally binding bargain work. It is not correct in principle, in order to
determine whether there is a legally binding bargain, to add to those terms
which alone the parties have expressed, further implied terms upon which
they have not expressly agreed and then by adding the express terms and the
implied terms together thereby create what would not otherwise be a legally
binding bargain.”。

下才可去默示一个合约。这方面大道理是一样,即首要条件是必要( necessity)这样
做,与有“商业效力”(business efficacy),这两样本来就是同一码事。Bingham
大法官在一个著名的提单先例 The “Aramis” (1989) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 213 CA 说:
“These cases may be said to decide no more than that whether a contract is
to be implied is a question of fact and that a contract will only be
implied where it is necessary to do so … Whether on such facts … a
contract may be implied must be considered in the light of ordinary
contractual principles.

Most contracts are, of course, made expressly, whether orally or in

writing. But here, on the evidence, nothing was said, nothing was written.
So regard must be paid to the conduct of the parties alone. The questions
to be answered are, I think, twofold:
(1) Whether the conduct of the bill of lading holder in presenting the bill
of lading to the ship’s agent would be reasonably understood by the agents
(or the shipowner) as an offer to enter into a contract on the bill of
lading terms. (2) Whether the conduct of the ship’s agent in accepting the
bill or the conduct of the master in agreeing to give delivery or in giving
delivery would be reasonably understood by the bill of lading holder as an
acceptance of his offer.

I do not think it is enough for the party seeking the implication of a

contract to obtain ‘it might’ as an answer to these questions, for it
would, in my view, be contrary to principle to countenance the implication
of a contract from conduct if the conduct relied upon is no more consistent
with an intention to contract than with an intention not to contract. It
must, surely, be necessary to identify conduct referable to contract
contended for or, at the very least, conduct inconsistent with there being
no contract made between the parties to the effect contended for. Put
another way, I think it must be fatal to the implication of a contract if
the parties would or might have acted exactly as they did in the absence of
a contract.

If this approach is correct, I think it is impossible to imply a contract

on the bare facts of this case. Nothing that the shipowners or the bill of
lading holders did need have been different had their intention been not to
make a contract on the bill of lading terms. Their business relationship
was entirely efficacious without the implication of any contract between
them. Although the bill of lading holders had no title to any part of any
undivided bulk cargo they had a perfectly good right to demand delivery and
the shipowners had no right to refuse or to impose conditions.”。

或滞期费的索赔,等。 他们之间的合约关系最终还是要靠立法去解决,硬把他们拖在
一起,这英国的立法先是 1855 年的《提单法》,后来是 1992 年的《海上货物运输法》。但
合约的说法。即使在 1855 年立法之后,由于适用的情况比较局限,还是不断有一些案
件不能适用该立法而要继续以普通法的默示合约去解释。希望是到了 1992 年的立法后,
“12.2.3 提单的对策之三:Brandt v. Liverpool 的默示合约
国合约法》一书的第十章§7 段有详论,无法在此重复,但大原则/大道理是完全相通

在著名的 Brandt v. Liverpool (1924)1 K.B. 575 先例,涉及‘锌粉’( zinc


抗议下支付了 748 英镑的款项,另一是因货物延误抵达而货价大跌导致的损失。

当时,已有针对提单的立法(1855 年的提单法),但它不适用在银行以承押人身份去

11.2.1 与 小段。当然在本案的 Brandt v. Liverpool,是银行想以提单合约
(I)这 748 英镑不属与侵权有关的损失。
8.2.4 小段。

上诉庭在 Brandt v. Liverpool 先例判是双方在交货时另有一个默示合约,这不光是

银行支付了这 748 英镑,本身就是约因。换言之在该先例,原告银行可以提单合约起诉。

这默示合约的说法在以 后好几个案例也有涉及,如: The ‘Dona Mari’ (1973)

Lloyd’s Rep. 366 ; The ‘Elli 2’ (1985) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 107 ; The
‘Aramis’ (1989) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 213 等。

但看来,这说法/论点有点不稳定,也颇牵强,正如英国 Law Commission No. 196 报

告 之 2.12 小 段 说 的 ‘ often involved an element of fiction, even detective

所以,May 大法官在 The ‘Elli 2’曾说:‘… I agree that the boundaries of

the doctrine are not clear1. I would not expect them to be so. As the
question whether or not any such contract is to be implied is one of fact,
its answer must depend on the circumstances of each particular case2--and
the different sets of facts which arise for consideration in these cases
are legion3. However, I also agree that no such contract should be implied
on the facts of any given case unless it is necessary to do so4: necessary,
that is to say, in order to give business reality to a transaction and to
create enforceable obligations between parties who are dealing with one
another in circumstances in which one would expect that business reality
and those enforceable obligations to exist5…’。

在 The ‘Aramis’,法官对 Brandt v. Liverpool 的说法作出了颇局限的解释,判是

成不了默示合约。Bingham 大法官说:

‘…it would, in my view, be contrary to principle to countenance the

implication of a contract from conduct if the conduct relied upon is no
more consistent with an intention to contract than with an intention not to
contract. It must, surely, be necessary to identify conduct referable to
contract contended for or, at the very least, conduct inconsistent with
there being no contract made between the parties to the effect contended
for. Put another way, I think it must be fatal to the implication of a
contract if the parties would or might have acted exactly as they did in
the absence of a contract.’(Bingham 大法官认为双方如果没有过什么特别的言论

我(May 大法官)同意这说法/论点的范围并不明确,也无法去明确。

看来,Brandt v. Liverpool 先例解决不了多少问题,仍须去另去立法,在全面考虑后

of contract)的羁绊,能把提单这运输合约的所有权利与责任从原订约方(发货人)
与抗辩(反索赔)也以提单条款为准,货损货差方面的责任与赔偿也去适用海牙 /海

一个默示的合约, 虽然在这种情况会有其他的说法去解释一个合约关系, 如双方以
行动的形式达成合约。这里的先例可举 G Percy Trientham Ltd v. Archital Luxfer
Ltd. (1993) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 25, CA,案情是有关一个岸上的承建商与分承建商,
议,但认为通过双方的履行而有一个合约, 这估计可以把它说成是默示合约或双方以

另举一个更明确的默示合约先例的例子,是双方事前从来没有接触过,这是 Brown &

Davis v. Galbraith (1972) 1 W.L.R. 997。案情是有关一位车主在出了车祸后,需要
并要求修完后给保险公司发票,但需要去扣除 25 英镑由车主自负的修理费(这应该是
免赔额), 修理厂应直接向车主收取。但在修理完毕之后,保险公司还没有作出支付
与修理厂之间的明示修理合约要去支付除了 25 英镑外所有的修理费用, 另有一个默
示合约是在车主与修理厂之间。但在这一个默示合约,车主所要支付的只是 25 英镑。

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