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1) Choose the same four doctors you promote NAOS products in the field mentioned in

worksheets A & B.

2) Write down names of the doctors you are promoting in name column.

3) In the light of your studying the adoption styles of doctors (at least three different styles), tick

on which relevant quadrant you might locate them,

4) Name at least three implications of that on your sales strategy with each doctor that you can

that might help you improve prescriptions on the long term.

5) Upload your file (in the same format) with answers on the NAOS learning platform using the

worksheet upload section.

Scoring guide:

- Total Grade: 24 marks

- You gain two points for each adequate implication that are aligned with the doctor’s adoption

NAME I EA EM LM LA Implications on my
sales approach
1. Dr. F ☒ - Schedule a high
frequency of visits: in
person, virtual,
samples/material drops
and emails
- Make sure to invite to
conferences, congress
- Don’t rush to see about
new product launch
- Low on the list for round
table discussions
2. Dr. G ☒ - Schedule a high
frequency of visits: in
person, virtual,
samples/material drops
and emails
- Make sure to invite to
conferences, congress
- Don’t rush to see about
new product launch
- Low on the list for round
table discussions
3. Dr. Z ☒ - Schedule a high
frequency of visits: in
person, virtual,
samples/material drops
and emails
- Make sure to invite to
conferences, congress
- Make sure to visit about
new product launch after
I’ve seen my innovators
and early adopters
- Low on the list for round
table discussions
4. Dr. C ☒ - Schedule a medium
frequency of visits: in
person, virtual,
samples/material drops
and emails
- Invite to conference and
congress if
available/room if
EM/LM can’t come
- Make sure to plan visit
right away for new
product launch
- Invite first to round table

Medical Visit Ecosystem Program

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