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The Environment

1. environment – животна средина 2. garbage – ѓубре/отпад 3. waste – отпад

4. litter – отпад 5. dustbin – корпа за отпадоци 6. pollution – загадување
7.( in ) danger –( во) опасност 8. Mother Earth – Мајката Земја 9. planet – планета
10. air – воздух 11. water – вода 12. land – копно
13. trees – дрвја 14. plants – растенија 15. animals – животни
16. birds – птици 17. polluted - загаден 18. clean - чист
19. dirty - валкан 20. plastic - пластичен 21. natural - природен
22. healthy - здрав 23. green - зелен 24. safe - безбеден
25. to plant - сади 26. a seed - семе 27. to save – зачувува / штеди
28. to pollute - загадува 29. rubbish - ѓубре 30. climate change – климатски промени
31. go green – биди зелен 32. eco – friendly – не е штетно за животната 33. nature - lover – љубител на природата
34. air pollution – загадување на воздухот 35. effect - ефект 36. smoke - чад
37. pollutant - загадувач 38. water pollution – загадување на водата 39. chemicals - хемикалии
40. global warming – глобално затоплување 41. ecosystems - екосистем 42. atmosphere - атмосфера
43. fossil fuel – фосилни горива 44. organic food – органска храна 45. healthy diet – здрава исхрана
46. to litter – прави ѓубре 47. to pick up - крева 48. trash bin – корпа за отпадоци
49. collect rainwater – собира дождовница 50. running water – протечна вода 51. food chain – синџир на исхрана
52. climate - клима 53. ecology - екологија 54. energy - енергија
55. ozone layer – озонска обвивка 56. poison - отров 57. protection - заштита
58. recycling - рециклирање 59. wind energy – енергија од ветрот 60. alternative sources of energy –
алтернативни извори на енергија
I. Use the words: plants, water, polluted, planet, birds, green, II. Complete the sentences with: atmosphere, eco – friendly,
litter, environment, safe, garbage in the sentences: plastic, global warming, air pollution, go green,
ecosystems, pollutants, effects, organic food
1. People and animals drink w____________________. 1. I use only …………………………products. I want to save the
2. Earth is a p____________________. planet.
3. Animals, people, plants are our e____________________. 2. Smoke from factories and cars causes …………………………
4. Parks are full of g____________________ grass. 3. Fossil fuels, smoke and fertilizers are ………………………….
5. P____________________ give us food. They pollute the planet.
6. Put g_______________________ in a dustbin. 4. Ocean …………………………. consists of coral reefs, fish,
7. People need clean environment to be crabs, turtles, sharks and dolphins.
s____________________. 5. The air surrounding the planet Earth is called
8. People drop l____________________ on the streets and in the ………………………….
parks. 6. Food that is produced without artificial fertilizers is
9. B____________________ live in the trees. ………………………….
10. Big cities are p ____________________. 7. ………………………… increases the temperature on Earth.
8. High temperatures and floods are the ………………………….
of global warming.
9. ………………………… and save your town.
10. Plastic bottles, broken toys and plastic bags form the
………………………… waste on Earth.
Read the text and answer the questions:
What is environment?
Environment consists of air, water and land. It consists of everything we see around, like trees, plants, flowers, animals, birds and also people.
People like mother, neighbors, friends, are all a part of the environment. Animals like pet dogs and cats are also a part of the environment. The fish
in the pond are also found in the environment. Trees with birds, butterflies on red roses, green grass below and the blue sky above all make the
Environment satisfies all our needs. It provides us with air that we breathe, water that we drink, food that we eat and clothes that cover our
bodies. We live in this place. We are a part of this environment. This environment belongs to all of us.
Let us help to keep the environment clean. How? Never throw any garbage on the ground. Always throw waste and garbage in a dustbin. Water
the plants every day. They give us food. Don’t spit on the streets or in the parks. Spit in trashcans.
Now we know that our environment is very important and we are all part of this environment.

I. Are the sentences true or false?

1. Environment is everything we see around. T/F
2. Air water and land are part of our environment. T/F
3. Trees plants and animals aren’t part of our environment. T/F
4. Mother, neighbors, friend are people. T/F
5. We should throw garbage on the ground. T/F
6. People should spit in the parks. T/F
7. Plants give us food. T/F
Climate change
Climate change or global warming is when our planet is heating up. The Earth warms fast. This affects people and wildlife around the globe.
Unfortunately, higher temperatures don’t mean that we’ll get nicer weather. The changing climate is actually making our weather more extreme and
unpredictable. As temperatures rise, some areas will get wetter. Lots of animals (and humans!) are not able to adapt to their changing climate.
Нови зборови
climate change – климатски промени , global warming – глобалоно затоплување, heat up – се загрева, warm - топло, affect – влијае на,
wildlife – див свет, around the globe – од цел свет, nice - убаво, changing – што се менува, actually - всушност, more – по/повеќе, extreme -
екстремно, unpredictable - непредвидливо, rise – се покачува, area - област, wet - влажно, adapt – се приспособува.

Now answer the questions:

1. What is climate change?
2. What is affected by global warming?
3. Do higher temperatures always mean nicer weather?
4. What does changing climate do to our weather?
5. Why is changing climate a problem for the animals and the humans?
Water pollution
Today we will learn about water pollution. Clean water is mandatory for life. When water gets polluted it becomes unhealthy. For everyone water
pollution has become an increasing problem on our Earth which is affecting human and animal lives. Water pollution occurs when chemicals, waste
or other particles cause a body of water to become harmful to everybody. Let’s see the causes of water pollution:
Natural causes – sometimes volcanoes, animal waste, algae and silt from floods cause water pollution.
Human causes –some human causes for water pollution are: sewage, fertilizers and pesticides from farms, waste from factories and construction
Acid rain – acid rain can turn lakes acidic and it kills fish and other animals.
Oil spillage – oil spills generally happen in the ocean and causes many devastating effects to animals, plants and humans.
Let’s see some effects of water pollution.
Death of aquatic animals
It kills organisms like fish, crabs, birds and dolphins that depend on these water bodies.
Disruption of food chains
Pollutants are eaten by small animals. These animals are consumed by fish and others and the food chain continues to be disrupted at all the
Drinking polluted water can cause serious health problems.
Let’s see some steps to control water pollution. Always look for the correct waste bin for throwing waste. Save water. Close the tap when not in
use. Don’t throw waste, chemicals, soils and medicines in the sink drain. Do not overuse pesticides and fertilizers. Try planting more and more
trees. Now you know a lot about water pollution.
(Видеото можете да го најдете на youtube под наслов: Water pollution | Water Contamination | Video for kids
v=Om42Lppkd9w )

Нови зборови:
mandatory - задолжително, unhealthy - нездраво, increasing – во пораст / зголемено, affect – влијание/влијае , occur – се случува, chemicals
- хемикалии, particles - честички, a body of water – количество вода, harmful - штетно, cause – причина / причинува, natural causes –
природни причинители, human causes – човечки фактор, acid rain – кисел дожд,
oil spillage – истекување на нафта, algae - алги, silt – тиња, sewage - канализација, fertilizer - ѓубриво, pesticide - пестициди, construction site
- градилиште, acidic - кисел, devastating – разорувачки, effect – последици / ефект, aquatic - воден,
crab - рак, depend on – зависи од, disruption – прекин/нарушување, food chain – синџир на исхрана,
consumed - конзумиран, disease - болест, tap - чешма, soil – почва/земја, medicine - лек, drain - одвод,
overuse – прекумерна употреба

1. What happens when water gets polluted?

2. Which natural activities pollute the water?
3. Which human activities pollute the water?
4. What are some of the effects of water pollution?
5. What steps can you take to control water pollution?

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