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Environmental Modeling Using Satellite

Imaging and Dataset Re processing

Moses Eterigho Emetere
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Studies in Big Data 54

Moses Eterigho Emetere

Modeling Using
Satellite Imaging
and Dataset
Studies in Big Data

Volume 54

Series editor
Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
The series “Studies in Big Data” (SBD) publishes new developments and advances
in the various areas of Big Data—quickly and with a high quality. The intent is to
cover the theory, research, development, and applications of Big Data, as embedded
in the fields of engineering, computer science, physics, economics and life sciences.
The books of the series refer to the analysis and understanding of large, complex,
and/or distributed data sets generated from recent digital sources coming from
sensors or other physical instruments as well as simulations, crowd sourcing, social
networks or other internet transactions, such as emails or video click streams and
others. The series contains monographs, lecture notes and edited volumes in Big
Data spanning the areas of computational intelligence including neural networks,
evolutionary computation, soft computing, fuzzy systems, as well as artificial
intelligence, data mining, modern statistics and operations research, as well as
self-organizing systems. Of particular value to both the contributors and the
readership are the short publication timeframe and the world-wide distribution,
which enable both wide and rapid dissemination of research output.
** Indexing: The books of this series are submitted to ISI Web of Science,
DBLP, Ulrichs, MathSciNet, Current Mathematical Publications, Mathematical
Reviews, Zentralblatt Math: MetaPress and Springerlink.

More information about this series at

Moses Eterigho Emetere

Environmental Modeling
Using Satellite Imaging
and Dataset Re-processing

Moses Eterigho Emetere
Department of Physics
Covenant University
Ota, Nigeria

ISSN 2197-6503 ISSN 2197-6511 (electronic)

Studies in Big Data
ISBN 978-3-030-13404-4 ISBN 978-3-030-13405-1 (eBook)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2019931821

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

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This work is dedicated to the memory of my
father—Christopher Ukoko Emetere

Despite the awareness of the “Big data” concept, more than 90% of information are
discarded due to limited storage system and incompetent analytic techniques. Till
date, only few information can be extracted from large imaging dataset. This
challenge is considered to be very pertinent in environmental modeling. This book
illustrates unique techniques for re-processing images to extract numerical infor-
mation that can be used to quantify observables. Hence, experiments or procedures
that yield large images can be statistically or parametrically examined—through the
use of open-source libraries. New techniques for re-processing image and manage
“big data” was propounded using open-source libraries/packages. Therefore, “big
data” in the form of images or ASCII dataset can be comparatively analyzed along
same defined procedures or standards.
The purpose of writing this book is to solve the challenges of discarding dataset
or images which are relevant directly or indirectly to the research. The procedure of
dataset screening leads to the discard of over 90% of the original dataset or images
generated in experiments or survey. If the images or dataset are generated under
same principles or conditions, then each measurement maybe a narrative of the
actual scenario. The dataset that was used for illustration purpose was obtained
from satellite sources. The types of dataset were satellite images of aerosol optical
depth (AOD) at 500 and 550 nm, aerosol optical depth pixel count (AODPC), dust
aerosol column optical depth (DACOD) at 550 nm, and aerosol absorption optical
depth (AAOD) at 388 nm. A large dataset pull in the form of images or ASCII
dataset for AOD (at 440, 555, 670, and 865 nm) over 170 locations were analyzed.
Thirteen years’ dataset was considered for each of the locations. The statistical
analysis of satellite images was illustrated for studying large volume of images. The
modalities for planning a computational or mathematical model and its corre-
sponding results were highlighted and interpreted.
This book solves the problem of discarding measurements based on its volume
and unquantifiable nature of the dataset. This book is recommended for research
assistants, professionals in the fields of Environmental Sciences, Civil Engineering,
Chemical Engineering, Environmental Chemistry, Atmospheric Physics, Space
Physics, Environmental Biology, and Communication/Electrical Engineering.

viii Preface

Also, this book is specifically recommended for research interns and scientists in
communication and satellite industries; research interns and scientists in environ-
mental monitoring centers/institutes; and research assistants working on “Image
processing” and “big data” in environmental studies.

Ota, Nigeria Moses Eterigho Emetere


1 Introduction to Environmental Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 General Outline of Environmental Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Dimensions of Environmental Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Aerosol Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.1 Advection-Dispersion Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.2 Aerosol Optical Depth: Satellite Retrieval Model . . . . . . . . 12
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . 15
2 Introduction to Computational Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1 General Outline of Computational Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2 Open Source Scientific Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.3 Open-Source Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3 An Overview of Theoretical Dynamics of Air Pollution . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.1 Limitation to Outdoor Air Pollution Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.2 Dynamics of Large-Scale Air Pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4 Image Re-processing of Satellite Imageries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.1 Image Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.2 Implication of Computational Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4.3 Planning the Code Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4.4 Planning a Computational and Mathematical Model Design
Insights into ‘Big Data’ Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
4.5 Macro to Determine the Difference of Images by Pixel . . . . . . . . . 137
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

x Contents

5 Big Data and Further Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

5.1 Description of Data Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
5.2 Data Analysis: Relevant Connection to Imagery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
5.3 Data Analysis: General Comments on Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
5.4 Designing the Code to Analyze Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
5.4.1 Macro One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
5.4.2 Macro Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Appendix B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Chapter 1
Introduction to Environmental Modelling

Many scholars have defined environmental modelling according to their disciplinary

inclination. For example, DBW (2018) defines environmental modelling as “the
application of multidisciplinary knowledge to explain, explore and predict the Earth’s
response to environmental change, both natural and human-induced”. Wiki (2018)
defined environmental modelling as “the creation and use of mathematical models
of the environment. It is generally done either for pure research purposes, or inform
decision making and policy”. FES (2018) defined environmental modelling as the
“modelling of natural processes associated with inanimate nature, such as hydrolog-
ical and hydraulic modelling, modelling of chemical processes and processes in the
atmosphere”. Hauduc et al. (2015) defines environmental modelling as the process
of accounting “for multiple variables and multiple objectives in systems with many
processes occurring at different time scales”. Delft3D (2018) define environmental
modelling as the model that “is based on the transport of substances using the so-
called advection-diffusion equation”. FA (2018) defines environmental modeling as
a model that “focus on only noise or emission outputs that presents a need to better
consider noise, air quality, fuel burn, and greenhouse gas emissions interdependen-
cies and their costs and benefits”. EVO (2018) define environmental modelling as
a model “that enable raw data to be transformed into useful information, through
synthesis, simulation and prediction”. Wiki (2018) defines environmental modelling
as the “the process of using computer algorithms to predict the distribution of species
in geographic space on the basis of a mathematical representation of their known
distribution in environmental space”.
In my own words, environmental modelling is building or developing efficient
working systems (which may be in form of computational or mathematical or sta-
tistical or spatial application) to estimate, evaluate or mimic a real environmental
situation with the aim to showing adequate understanding of the concept; manip-
ulating or optimizing known parameters; and proffering sound solution(s) that can
assist decision making process(es). There are different types of environmental models
mentioned in literature. Figure 1.1 describes the pictorial concept of environmental
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 1
M. E. Emetere, Environmental Modeling Using Satellite Imaging
and Dataset Re-processing, Studies in Big Data 54,
2 1 Introduction to Environmental Modelling

Fig. 1.1 Pictorial description of environmental modelling (Ogola 2007)

In the concept of Ogola (2007) as shown above, environmental modelling is

divided into three subgroups, namely field application, known outcome and pro-
cessing techniques. The ‘field application’ is made-up of water systems, land and
soil, climate, ecosystems and agroforestry. In addition to the ‘field application’,
there exist the renewable energy systems, geo-disciplines and atmospheric systems.
Atmospheric systems are almost synonymous to the climate system, however, the
distinction between these two systems is that atmospheric systems looks at the envi-
ronmental forces that initiates wind systems, rainfall, surface temperature, snow
cover etc. According to Ogola (2007), the ‘known outcome’ includes planning and
management of natural resources, system understanding, forecasting and early warn-
ing, environmental impacts assessment. Lastly, the processing techniques include
simulation, optimization and prediction. In addition to the concept of processing
techniques is model development, model verification and model validation. A typi-
cal model development technique is presented by Logica (2018) in Fig. 1.2.
The quantitative environmental model has been described as a model that focuses
on research, management and decision-making. The Integrated environmental model
is the integration of multiple modeling techniques from different disciplines to solve
environmental problems. Computational environmental model is the use of software
applications for predictive or goal-oriented studies for specific environmental prob-
lems. Spatial environmental model describes an analytical process used to estimate or
evaluate properties of spatial features that are gotten from geographical information
system (GIS) or satellite imagery.
Researcher or modelers’ routine in model formulation or application includes
model calibration, validation, verification and sensitivity analysis. Model calibration
is the process of assigning values to parameters, terms and constants. These values
1 Introduction to Environmental Modelling 3

Fig. 1.2 Model development techniques (Logica 2018)

are used as input in the model to produce numerical output. Model validation is a
process used for showing how the new model meets-up with some known standard.
This standard may be the numerical output or behavioural trend of an existing work.
Model verification is a process of proving that the modeling formalism is correct.
This process includes debugging each compartment of the computer program; testing
the mathematical models with live dataset; showing that the program logic is correct;
comparing the sensitivity of the model with an existing model; re-scaling to detect
errors or uncertainties in the model etc. Sensitivity analysis is a process which the
modeler evaluates the responses of the model by considering changes in input param-
eters. Most time, the modeler or researcher develops standards to show that his/her
model could assimilate dataset and comprehend every single detail or modification
to the input parameters. In this chapter, the general outline on environmental models
and few applications were discussed. Lastly, few aerosols model were considered.

1.1 General Outline of Environmental Models

In the general sense of environment model, its scope is quite bogus considering
the multi-disciplinary interpretation of the word ‘environment’. In the field of eco-
nomics, environmental model is referred to as ‘environmental-economic models’
4 1 Introduction to Environmental Modelling

that describes a qualitative or quantitative way of identifying least-cost policies or

policy mixes of reducing environmental hazards. For example, Lanzi (2017) and
OECD (2014) gave clear details on economic consequences of air pollution. Also,
the economic consequences of climate model have been discussed by OECD (2015).
In the field of psychology, environment model relates the behavior that emanates
from changing environment and how that environment affects its inhabitants. Xiang
et al. (2017) conducted a research on psychological and behavioral effects of air pol-
lution, and how these effects are developed under different theoretical framework. It
was argued that psychosomatic status was also responsible for adverse effect of air
From the above, it is quite interesting to note that environmental model is a
multi-disciplinary affair and cannot be hinged mainly on fields of science and engi-
neering. Environmental modelling can be divided into five broad types i.e. hydrol-
ogy, climate, ecological, soil/geological and psychology/economy. The hydrological
environmental models include surface water models, surface water runoffs model,
subsurface water models and coastal models. From literature, surface water model
can be represented mathematically in form of one and two dimensional models. The
one-dimensional surface water models show a derivation that has multiple cross -
sections perpendicular to the anticipated flow path (Zhang et al. 2013; Strong and
Zundel 2014). Also, the one dimensional surface water model is characterized by
the use of step-backwater methodology to determine water surface elevation and
average flow velocity within each cross-section. The two dimensional surface water
model considers the discretization of study location into grids; the determination of
its water surface elevation within each grid element; and the estimation of flow into
each adjacent grid element using finite difference method (Yoshioka et al. 2014).
However, some researchers have adopted other methods for solving the two dimen-
sional surface water model (Bai et al. 2016).
The difference between the one and two dimensional models can be summarized
in the complexity of resolving parameters like flow time, grid elements, design con-
figurations of the model, topography of the study area etc. Hence, the complexity
of the surface water model does not depend on its features (i.e. one or two or three
dimensional model) but on the researcher perception of the model design. The sur-
face water runoffs model is a sub-division of the surface water model. Bhatt and Mall
(2015) related the surface water runoffs to climate change in a simulation model. Like
the surface water models, the subsurface water models are discussed with respect
to its dimensions i.e. 1D, 2D or 3D. One of the famous subsurface water models is
the Hydrus model. The Hydrus model has one (Hydrus-1D), two (Hydrus-2D) and
three dimensional (Hydrus-3D) models. Hydrus 3D model theoretical frameworks
is derived from the Richard’s equation.
The coastal model relates the influence of the marine environment on terrestrial
environment and vice versa. This concept is related to the sea-level rise. The dynam-
ics of sea-level changes is crucial because it has great influence on the terrestrial
environment. Church et al. (2001) propounded that human-induced global warming
is a major cause of the global-mean sea-level rise that leads to an increase in the
global volume of the ocean. Emetere and Akinyemi (2018) reported a computational
1.1 General Outline of Environmental Models 5

environmental model that accurately evaluated the implication of climate change on

the sea level changes in seven stations on the upper Atlantic.
The ecological environmental model is the second largest concept in environmen-
tal research. The sub-division of the ecological model cuts-across the specialized
branches of ecology (Samiksha 2017) namely: habitat ecology, community ecol-
ogy, population ecology, evolutionary ecology, taxonomic ecology, human ecology,
applied ecology, ecosystem dynamics, ecological energetic, ecophysiology, genecol-
ogy, paleoecology, ecogeography, pedology, ethology etc. For example, paleoecol-
ogy is the study of the life of the past ages through the instrumentality of proven
methods as palynology, paleontology, and radioactive dating. Seddon et al. (2013)
summarized past paleoecology study and models in fifty salient perspectives.
The climate environmental model is adjudged the broadest research in environ-
mental studies because it integrates broad topics—ocean, atmosphere, land surface,
space, solar system etc. Among the specialized branches of climate model, the atmo-
spheric researches have attracted more scientific publications in the past five decades.
The quest to explain climate change and its numerous effects on the environment has
increased research prospects in atmospheric studies or research. Also, atmospheric
research is embedded in other specialized branches of climate modelling (Emetere
2014, 2016a, 2017a, b, c; Emetere et al. 2016; Emetere and Akinyemi 2017).
The soil/geological model is a compilation of all interactions below the soil
that affects the terrestrial environment. For example, earthquakes, land-slides, earth
tremor etc. are very vital in environmental modelling. Researchers have shown that
models can be propounded to monitor, estimate and evaluate events below the earth
surface (Gupta and Jangid 2011; Emetere 2017d). Also, some researchers have also
modelled the effects of geological disturbances on the eco-system and atmosphere
(Devine et al. 1984; Akinyemi et al. 2016).
There are many sub-modeling techniques in environmental modelling that help
to understand certain phenomenon. For example, conventional modeling deals with
the process of creating a simplified representation of reality to understand it and
potentially predict and control its future development. Edward et al. (2009) used the
conventional method to investigate carbon dioxide emission in trucks and vehicle.
It was observed that typical van-based vehicle produced 181 g of carbon dioxide
(CO2 ), compared with 4274 g of CO2 for an average trip by car and 1265 g of CO2
for an average bus passenger. Jinduan and Dominic (2018) used the conventional
modelling to investigate the short term water demand using daily water demand,
daily maximum air temperature, and daily total rainfall data from Lexington, Ky., to
develop and test several forecast models. Ghumman et al. (2011) used the conven-
tional model to forecast rainfall run-off in the watershed in Pakistan. It was observed
that conventional model maybe considered as an important alternative to conceptual
models and it can be used when the range of collected dataset is short and of low
Integrated modeling is a sub-modelling technique in environmental modelling and
it refers to combination of a set of interdependent science-based components (mod-
els, data, and assessment methods) to form an appropriate modeling system. Hughes
et al. (2011) used the integrated model to solve ground water problem in Thames.
6 1 Introduction to Environmental Modelling

The two models have been connected using the model linking standard OpenMI. The
OpenMI (Open Modelling Interface) is an open IT standard that facilitates linking
hydrological model with modules. The primary objectives of OpenMI platform are
to develop, maintain and promote the use of multiple models. Johnston et al. (2011)
used the integrated model to predict the state of freshwater ecosystem services within
and across the Albemarle-Pamlico Watershed, North Carolina and Virginia (USA).
The integrated model is made up of five environmental models that are linked within
the Framework to provide multimedia simulation capabilities. The models are: the
Soil Water Assessment Tool (that predicts watershed runoff); the Watershed Mercury
Model (that simulates mercury runoff and loading to streams); the Water quality Anal-
ysis and Simulation Program (that predicts water quality within the stream channel);
the Habitat Suitability Index model (that predicts physicochemical habitat quality
for individual fish species); and the Bioaccumulation and Aquatic System Simulator
(that predicts fish growth and production, as well as exposure and bioaccumulation
of toxic substances).
Integrated assessment modeling is a sub-modeling technique in environmental
modelling that considers an analytical approach to integrate knowledge from a variety
of disciplinary sources to describe the cause-effect relationships by studying the
relevant interactions and cross-linkages. Rotmans and van Asselt (2001) used the
integrated assessment modelling to examine the history, general features, classes
of models, strengths and weaknesses, and the dilemmas or challenges researcher
encounter. However, there are uncertainties associated to the integrated model. This
includes erroneous knowledge or data, inherent variability (Cullen and Frey 1999).
Matott et al. (2009) reported that the total uncertainty of a given quantity may be
characterized in one of four ways: purely irreducible (i.e. the quantity varies and the
associated population has been completely sampled without error); partly reducible
and partly irreducible (i.e. the quantity varies and the associated population has been
partially sampled or sampled with error); purely reducible (i.e. the quantity does not
vary but has been sampled with error); and certain (i.e. the quantity does not vary
and has been sampled without error).
Probabilistic model (statistical or stochastic models) is referred as a sub- mod-
elling technique that utilize the entire range of input data to develop a probability
distribution of model output rather than a single point value. Sun et al. (2014) used the
probabilistic model to predict the flow of four engineered nanomaterials (nano-TiO2 ,
nano-ZnO, nano-Ag and CNT) to the environment and to quantify their amounts in
(temporary) sinks such as the in-use stock and (“final”) environmental sinks such as
soil and sediment.
The model life-cycle is defined as one of the key concepts of systems engineering
that generally consists of a series of stages regulated by a set of management decisions
to estimate the maturity of the system to transcend from one stage to another. A
pictorial definition of model life-cycle is shown in Fig. 1.3.
1.2 Dimensions of Environmental Models 7

Fig. 1.3 Pictorial overview of model life-cycle

1.2 Dimensions of Environmental Models

Hämäläinen (2015) introduced the concept of behavioural issues in environmental

modelling. This includes the salient issues that prompts a modeler or researcher to
make decision on: the choice of method for his/her model; the choice of model to
examine; the choice of approach in solving problems; the choice of whom to cite; the
choice of whom to critic; the choice of research modalities; the mode of explaining
model; the choice of whom to collaborate with. As much as it is good to conceive a
model, it is essentially paramount for researcher to consider how to develop a model,
test-run a model, validate a model, and expand model application. It is also good
to understand the reality of the risk of making choices in environmental modeling.
For example, Montibeller and von Winterfeldt (2015) highlighted a list of cognitive
and motivational biases in decision making. Cognitive biases are systematic patterns
of deviating from norm or rationality in judgment. This includes anchoring certain
bias, equalizing bias, gain-loss bias, myopic problem representation, splitting biases,
proxy bias, range insensitive bias and scaling. According to Hämäläinen (2015),
the main goal of considering behavioral issues in environmental modelling is to
improve the understanding of decision processes and to produce better outcomes
(like predictions, decisions and policies) to avoid ‘Hammer and Nail’ syndrome in
upcoming modelers. ‘Hammer and Nail’ syndrome is when a modeler or researcher
uses only a single modelling tool to solve all kinds of problem. This challenge may
emanate from some scientists who are clamoring for expertise in the use of a single
tool. This kind of cognitive bias is called anchoring. In environmental modelling,
veracity in understanding many tools is very important as it gives the modeler new
perspectives to attain high level accuracy.
Generally, in scientific discuss, the ‘Bandwagon effect’ bias is very common. This
kind of cognitive bias is sometimes referred to ‘herds thinking’ where there is the
8 1 Introduction to Environmental Modelling

tendency to do (or believe) things because many other people do (or believe) the same.
The recent trends in environmental modelling are worrisome because ‘Bandwagon
effect’ is massively crumbling the possibility of creating new perspectives in a given
field. Some ‘old school’ researchers (i.e. those who believe strictly on a concept) are
forcibly rejecting opposing scientific hypothesis that seem to negate their believes on
the validity of certain scientific postulations. This challenge leads to the question—is
there a perfect model? Sterman (2002) answer to the question clearly shows that there
is no perfect model, however, the usefulness of a model is a function of its perceived
Another common type of bias environmental researcher face is the ‘Bias blind
spot’. Victims of this kind of bias see their self as less biased than other people.
This challenge has created wide disparity amongst scientists as it has played down
on superior facts and upheld superior complexes. The beauty of knowledge is that
we all cannot see from the same vintage point. While some observer can effortlessly
explain their own side of a matter (may be due to less complexity of the observables),
other observer may have difficulty to comprehend the complexities of observables.
Some literatures in environmental studies are offensive because the writer castigates
so many research works without a substantial evidence to support their claims.
The ‘Continued influence effect’ is a known cognitive bias in environmental mod-
elling that creates a virtuous cycle for a long period of time. This type of bias occurs
when there is the tendency to believe previously learned misinformation even after it
has been corrected. A typical example is the application or functionality of the general
circulation models (GCMs). Wilby et al. (2002) argued that GCMs are restricted in
their usefulness for local impact studies by their coarse spatial resolution (typically
of the order 50,000 km2 ) and unable to resolve important sub-grid scale features
such as clouds and topography. However, Min-Seop and In-Sik (2018) has success-
fully resolved the sub-grid scale challenge by considering a three-dimensional cloud
resolving model simulation to estimate the appropriate ratios of the sub-grid scale
vertical transport to the total vertical transport of moist static energy for different
horizontal resolutions in the cumulus base mass flux. The identification of an error
in an existing model and the perceived solution to the problem are very important in
environmental modelling. Hence, beginners in environmental modelling should con-
sciously avoid this pit-fall because it would make the modeler or researcher exhaust
much energy to accomplish any meaningful task.
The opposite of the ‘Continued influence effect’ bias is the ‘Irrational escalation’.
This bias occurs when people justify increased investment in a decision, based on the
cumulative prior investment, despite new evidence suggesting that the decision was
probably wrong. This kind of bias is common where there is the ‘herds thinking’.
Unfortunately, research institutions are more culpable to exhibit this type of bias.
Many upcoming modeler sometimes face the challenge to have this bias based on
their perception of the name of the research institute.
Most upcoming modeler have the ‘Ostrich effect’ bias. This bias entails the victim
tendency to ignore obvious (negative) facts in the formulation or modification of a
model. The antidote to this bias is consulting many literatures before conceiving the
parametric concept of the model.
1.2 Dimensions of Environmental Models 9

As discussed earlier, the ultimate objective of an environmental model is its rele-

vance or applicability for policy making, software development etc. In recent research
work, modeler or researcher are expected to show the application of their model, its
reproducibility, relevance, accuracy etc. Some modeler may go an extra mile in
expanding the scope of their environmental model to other branches of environmen-
tal studies. For example, the thermographic model has been proven to show great
success in interpreting meteorological imbalances (Emetere 2014). This effect was
applied to explain the thermal distribution during volcanic eruption (Emetere 2017d).
Lastly, the knowledge that was gain from the thermal properties sub-surface elements
led to the extensive use of the model to detect hydrocarbon entrapment in the earth
surface (Emetere et al. 2017a).
The advance stage of model application is the adoption of the model in regula-
tory development such as setting standards, or enforce regulatory requirements. For
example, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has adopted AERMOD appli-
cation software for setting standards for air pollution dispersion from point sources.
AERMOD modeling system includes extensive documentation, model code, user’s
guide, supporting documents, and evaluating databases, all of which are available
on the web site of the EPA Support Center for Regulatory Atmospheric Modeling
(NRC 2007).
In like manner, SUTRA (saturated–unsaturated transport) and SUTRA−1 models
are used as standards for evaluating the accuracy of hydrologic and hydrogeochem-
ical processes i.e. movements of pollutants and water (Bobba et al. 2000). SUTRA
was developed in 1984 by United States Geological Survey (USGS). It is a three-
dimensional groundwater model that simulates solute transport (i.e. salt water) or
temperature in a subsurface environment.
The selection of models as standards sometime may not be hinged on only its
accuracy. Sometimes, the selection of models is often based on familiarity. Hence, the
criteria for universal acceptance of any model may be the versatility of the inventor or
modeler to arose wider usage of the model. This may be the reason why institutional
based models are promoted than individual models.

1.3 Aerosol Models

The main focus of this book is to discuss the dynamics of environmental modelling
with emphasis on re-processing of satellite imageries of atmospheric aerosol distri-
bution. The definition and sub-division of atmospheric aerosol model is still unclear
because its concept is very broad—considering the factors that triggers its distribu-
tion, dispersion and particulate life-time. Hence, authors define the types of aerosol
models according to their research objectives. For example, Shettle and Fenn (1979)
listed the types of aerosols model as rural aerosol model, urban aerosol model, mar-
itime aerosol model, tropospheric aerosol model and fog model. In this section,
aerosol models will be discussed based on its basic properties.
10 1 Introduction to Environmental Modelling

Fig. 1.4 Basics of advection-dispersion models (Stockie 2011)

1.3.1 Advection-Dispersion Models

Advection-dispersion models are mostly developed on regional scale. This is because

regional meteorology differs from one geographical location to another. The basics
of advection-dispersion models is shown in Fig. 1.4. Till date, it is still a huge
task—integrating regional models into a complex global scale. One of the reason is
that most regional advection-dispersion models are contested based on its theoretical
soundness and computational validity. Zhang et al. (2014) investigated the global
atmospheric aerosol transport model using 3D advection-diffusion equations that
was an extension of the 2D advection-diffusion equation:

∂c ∂c ∂c ∂c ∂ 2c ∂ 2c ∂ 2c
+ ux + uy + uz  kx 2 + ky 2 + kz 2 + λc (1.1)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z

where c is contaminant concentration; t is time; ux , uy , uz represent wind speed in

the three directions x, y, z respectively; kx , ky , kz represent turbulent diffusivity in
three directions; λ is the climatic factor, which can be its emission source, chemical
conversion, dry deposition and wet scavenging.
The Euler finite difference method for numerical simulation which has a horizontal
resolution 4° × 5° and a vertical direction (divided into 11 sub-layers) was used to
resolve Eq. (1.1). The model was queried because the application of the model was
based on laboratory framework only.
1.3 Aerosol Models 11

Fig. 1.5 Basics of box

models (Guwahati 2014)

Holmes and Morawska (2006) developed dispersion model whose principles was
based on the box model (BM). The BM operates on the principle of conservation of
mass. The box model is familiar in atmospheric research. Choo-in (2001) applied the
box model to estimate the pollutants in a street tunnel in Thailand. The box model
works perfectly when the air mass is well mixed and concentrations are uniform
throughout. When the box is not defined, pollutants are formed within the box only;
hence, the information on the local concentrations of the pollutants is considered as
negligible. The basics of the box-model is shown in Fig. 1.5.
The Gaussian model (GM) is the most popular model used in atmospheric disper-
sion modeling. Gaussian or plume models operate based on the Gaussian distribution
of the 2D or 3D concentration of the plume under steady state conditions. The Gaus-
sian distribution of the plume is under certain influences like turbulent reflection from
the surface of the earth, dimension of transport, boundary layer (especially when the
mixing height is low), stability classes or travel time from plume sources.
Ahmada (2011) worked on the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants using
two dimensional advection diffusion equations. He started with the generalized
advection-diffusion equation given below

∂C ∂ 2C ∂C
μ 2 −u (1.2)
∂t ∂x ∂x
and obtained the two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation given as
∂C ∂ C ∂ 2C ∂C ∂C f
−μ + +u +v + C  (1.3)
∂t ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂x ∂y H
12 1 Introduction to Environmental Modelling

where C is the concentration of pollutants, H is the depth occupied by pollutants, u

is the wind velocity or drift velocity, f is the power of the source,  is the pollutant
chemical activity coefficient of pollutants and μ is the horizontal diffusion coeffi-
cients. The boundary conditions used were the zero Dirichlet boundary condition,
Neumann boundary condition and periodic boundary condition. The finite differ-
ence approach was adopted in order to obtain the numerical solutions of Eq. (1.3).
The solutions for first order forward difference, first order backward difference, first
order central difference, second order central difference, central differences for two
dimensional functions of the Crank-Nicolson method were determined. The model
propounded has three external parameters, namely the pollutant diffusion coefficient
μ, the drift velocity of air u and the pollutant chemical activity coefficient  .
Thongmoon et al. (2007) worked on the numerical solution of a 3D advection-
dispersion model for pollutant transport-using the forward in time and centre in space
(FTCS) finite difference method. The paper is an extension of the Choo-in (2001)
box model with a different dimensionality.

∂C ∂C ∂C ∂ 2C ∂ 2C ∂ 2C
+u +v  D h 2 + D h 2 + Dv 2 (1.4)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂z

where u and v are constant wind speeds in the x and y-directions respectively. Dh
and Dv are constant dispersion coefficients in the x and z-directions respectively.
Benson et al. (2000) worked on the application of a fractional advection-dispersion
equation (FADE). They used fractional derivatives to study the scaling behavior of
plumes that undergo Levy motion. This scaling behavior is in time and space of
the heavy tailed motion (Daitche and Tamas 2014). However, the second-order dis-
persion arises for a thin tailed motion. Under this condition, very large motions are
completely ruled out. Contrary to the thin tailed motion, the fractional advection-
dispersion equation considers a very large transition of particles which arise from
high heterogeneity (Benson et al. 2000). The FADE is effective (when the scaled
α-stable density is known) to predict distances of particles in closed forms and their
concentrations versus time. FADE have been found to be accurate in a laboratory set-
tings. However, its accuracy under geographical uncertainties has not been resolved.

1.3.2 Aerosol Optical Depth: Satellite Retrieval Model

The AOD is a vital parameter that applies to determining air quality that affects:
environment and life-forms; monitoring volcanic and biomass pollution; forecasting
and now-casting earth radiation budget and climate change; estimating variability of
aerosols and its size distribution in the atmosphere. The greater the magnitude of the
AOD at specified wavelengths, the lesser the chances of light at that wavelength to
reach the Earth’s surface. Aerosol optical depth is the measurement of transparency
of the atmosphere. When AOD is less than 0.1 and 1.0, it indicates a crystal clear
1.3 Aerosol Models 13

sky and very hazy conditions, respectively. AOD measures the amount of light lost
due to the presence of aerosols or aerosols distributed on a vertical path through the
The sun photometer measures the AOD using the Beer-Lambert-Bouguer law
where the voltage (V) is directly proportional to the spectral irradiance (I) measured
by the sun photometer. The mathematical expression for the Beer-Lambert-Bouguer
law (Faccani et al. 2009; He et al. 2012) is given:

V (λ)  Vo (λ)d 2 exp(−τ (λ)tot × m) (1.5)

where τ (λ)tot is the total optical depth, and m is the optical air mass, Vo is the
extraterrestrial voltage, V is the digital voltage measured at wavelength λ, d is the
ratio of the average to the actual Earth-Sun distance. The Beer-Lambert-Bouguer
equation (He et al. 2012) could also be modified as
I n RVo3 − I n(V − Vdar k ) − a R ppo m
τa  (1.6)
where τa is the aerosol optical depth, Vo is the calibration constant for the sun pho-
tometer, R is the Earth-Sun distance, d is the day of the year, V and Vdark are the
sunlight and dark voltages from the sun photometer respectively, a R is the contribu-
tion of optical thickness of molecular (Rayleigh) scattering of light in the atmosphere,
p is the station pressure, po is standard sea level atmospheric pressure, m is the relative
air mass and written as m  sin(θ) 1
, θ is the solar elevation angle.
The measurement of AOD is complex because aerosol is not solely responsible
for the scattering or absorption of light. Other atmospheric constituents, for example,
methane, ozone, nitrogen oxides, carbon (IV) oxide, water vapour scatter or absorb
light, hence their joint AOD can be calculated as shown mathematically below (Liu
et al. 2011):

τ (λ)aer osol  τ (λ)tot − τ (λ)water − τ (λ) Rayleigh − τ (λ) O3

− τ (λ) N O2 − τ (λ)C O2 − τ (λ)C H 4 (1.7)

where τ (λ) Rayleigh is the optical depth of the Rayleigh scattering. Spectral aerosol
optical depths at wavelength 440–870 nm are typically used to estimate the size
distribution of aerosols. The size distributions of aerosols are better described by the
Angstrom parameter (α) which can be calculated using two or more wavelengths.
The most popular mathematical representation (Liu et al. 2011) of α is given as

d I n τa
α− (1.8)
d In λ
14 1 Introduction to Environmental Modelling

where τa is the aerosol optical depth, α is the Angstrom parameter and λ is the
wavelength. When α is equal or greater than 2, a fine mode aerosol is dominant.
When α is near zero, the coarse mode aerosol is dominant.
AOD can be measured using either ground (sun photometer) or remotely sensed
techniques. AERONET is known for harnessing ground measurements. It gives qual-
ity data on all aerosol column properties. However, it has a major limitation of few
sites in developing and under-developed regions. The principle of remotely sensed
technique is based on the ability of satellite to capture particulates in the atmo-
sphere through the reflection and absorption of visible and infrared light. Remote
sensing technique is available on some sites. For example, Aura/OMI are used to
obtain aerosol optical depth at ground pixel resolution of 0.25° latitude/longitude
grid and 1° latitude/longitude grid resolution; Meteor-3, TOMS and NIMBUS 7 are
used to obtain aerosol optical depth at ground pixel resolution of 1° × 1.25° lati-
tude/longitude grid resolution. Other satellite sites for obtaining AOD are Moderate
Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Advanced Very High Resolution
Radiometer (AVHRR), MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS), Polar-
ization and Directionality of the Earth’s Reflectances (POLDER) over ocean and
Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR), Advanced Along Track Scanning
Radiometer (AATSR), Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), Ozone Mon-
itoring Instrument (OMI), MODIS, Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), TIROS
Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) over land (NOAA 2015).
The main importance of the AOD is to determine the aerosol size distribution. In
this study, the aerosol size distribution was obtained using the Multi-angle Imaging
SpectroRadiometer (MISR). The MISR was launched in 1999 to measure the inten-
sity of solar radiation reflected by the planetary surface and atmosphere. It operates
at various directions, that is, nine different angles (70.5°, 60°, 45.6°, 26.1°, 0°, 26.1°,
45.6°, 60°, 20.5°) and gathers data in four different spectral bands (blue, green, red,
and near-infrared) of the solar spectrum. The blue band is at wavelength 443 nm,
the green band is at wavelength 555 nm, the red band wavelength 670 nm and the
infrared band is at wavelength 865 nm. MISR acquire images at two different lev-
els of spatial resolution; local and global mode. It gathers data at the local mode at
275 m pixel size and 1.1 km at the global mode. Typically, the blue band is to analyse
coastal and aerosol studies. Blue band is higher at regions of increasing vegetation.
The scope of the blue band may include ice, snow, soil or water. The blue band can
therefore be divided into continental model blue band, desert model blue band, urban
model blue band, biomass burning model blue band. The green band is to analyse
Bathymetric mapping and estimating peak vegetation. The red band analyses the
variable vegetation slopes and the infrared band analyses the biomass content and
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Chapter 2
Introduction to Computational

Computational techniques are fast, easier, reliable and efficient way or method for
solving mathematical, scientific, engineering, geometrical, geographical and statis-
tical problems via the aid of computers. Hence, the processes of resolving problems
in computational technique are most time step-wise. The step-wise procedure may
entail the use of iterative, looping, stereotyped or modified processes which are
incomparably less stressful than solving problems-manually. Sometimes, compu-
tational techniques may also focus on resolving computation challenges or issues
through the use of algorithm, codes or command-line. Computational technique may
contain several parameters or variables that characterize the system or model being
studied. The inter-dependency of the variables is tested with the system in form of
simulation or animation to observe how the changes in one or more parameters affect
the outcomes. The results of the simulations, animation or arrays of numbers are used
to make predictions about what will happen in the real system that is being studied
in response to changing conditions.
Due to the adoption of computers into everyday task, computational techniques
are redefined in various disciplines to accommodate specific challenges and how they
can be resolved. Fortunately, computational technique encourages multi-tasking and
interdisciplinary research. Since computational technique is used to study a wide
range of complex systems, its importance in environmental disciplines is to aid the
interpretation of field measurements with the main focus of protecting life, prop-
erty, and crops. Also, power-generating companies that rely on solar, wind or hydro
sources make use of computational techniques to optimize energy production when
extreme climate shifts are expected. In this case, engineers, scientists and environ-
mentalist are combining computational and meteorological dataset to address the
challenge of understanding, characterizing, and predicting complex environmental
systems. The most difficult task in computational techniques is understanding the
computer programming language. A programming language is a formal language
that highlights sets of instructions for execution. programming language is grouped
by types namely Array languages, Assembly languages, Authoring languages, Con-
straint programming languages, Command line interface languages, Compiled lan-
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 19
M. E. Emetere, Environmental Modeling Using Satellite Imaging
and Dataset Re-processing, Studies in Big Data 54,
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
And then first the political tension within the Faustian world-
consciousness discharged itself. For the Greeks, Hellas was and
remained the important part of the earth’s surface, but with the
discovery of America West-Europe became a province in a gigantic
whole. Thenceforward the history of the Western Culture has a
planetary character.
Every Culture possesses a proper conception of home and
fatherland, which is hard to comprehend, scarcely to be expressed in
words, full of dark metaphysical relations, but nevertheless
unmistakable in its tendency. The Classical home-feeling which tied
the individual corporally and Euclidean-ly to the Polis[420] is the very
antithesis of that enigmatic “Heimweh” of the Northerner which has
something musical, soaring and unearthly in it. Classical man felt as
“Home” just what he could see from the Acropolis of his native city.
Where the horizon of Athens ended, the alien, the hostile, the
“fatherland” of another began. Even the Roman of late Republican
times understood by “patria” nothing but Urbs Roma, not even
Latium, still less Italy. The Classical world, as it matured, dissolved
itself into a large number of point-patriæ, and the need of bodily
separation between them took the form of hatreds far more intense
than any hatred that there was of the Barbarian. And it is therefore
the most convincing of all evidences of the victory of the Magian
world-feeling that Caracalla[421] in 212 A.D. granted Roman citizenship
to all provincials. For this grant simply abolished the ancient,
statuesque, idea of the citizen. There was now a Realm and
consequently a new kind of membership. The Roman notion of an
army, too, underwent a significant change. In genuinely Classical
times there had been no Roman Army in the sense in which we
speak of the Prussian Army, but only “armies,” that is, definite
formations (as we say) created as corps, limited and visibly present
bodies, by the appointment of a Legatus to command—an exercitus
Scipionis, Crassi for instance—but never an exercitus Romanus. It
was Caracalla, the same who abolished the idea of “civis Romanus”
by decree and wiped out the Roman civic deities by making all alien
deities equivalent to them, who created the un-Classical and Magian
idea of an Imperial Army, something manifested in the separate
legions. These now meant something, whereas in Classical times
they meant nothing, but simply were. The old “fides exercituum” is
replaced by “fides exercitus” in the inscriptions and, instead of
individual bodily-conceived deities special to each legion and ritually
honoured by its Legatus, we have a spiritual principle common to all.
So also, and in the same sense, the "fatherland"-feeling undergoes a
change of meaning for Eastern men—and not merely Christians—in
Imperial times. Apollinian man, so long as he retained any effective
remnant at all of his proper world-feeling, regarded “home” in the
genuinely corporeal sense as the ground on which his city was built
—a conception that recalls the “unity of place” of Attic tragedy and
statuary. But to Magian man, to Christians, Persians, Jews,
“Greeks,”[422] Manichæans, Nestorians and Mohammedans, it means
nothing that has any connexion with geographical actualities. And for
ourselves it means an impalpable unity of nature, speech, climate,
habits and history—not earth but “country,” not point-like presence
but historic past and future, not a unit made up of men, houses and
gods but an idea, the idea that takes shape in the restless
wanderings, the deep loneliness, and that ancient German impulse
towards the South which has been the ruin of our best, from the
Saxon Emperors to Hölderlin and Nietzsche.
The bent of the Faustian Culture, therefore, was overpoweringly
towards extension, political, economic or spiritual. It overrode all
geographical-material bounds. It sought—without any practical
object, merely for the Symbol’s own sake—to reach North Pole and
South Pole. It ended by transforming the entire surface of the globe
into a single colonial and economic system. Every thinker from
Meister Eckhardt to Kant willed to subject the “phenomenal” world to
the asserted domination of the cognizing ego, and every leader from
Otto the Great to Napoleon did it. The genuine object of their
ambitions was the boundless, alike for the great Franks and
Hohenstaufen with their world-monarchies, for Gregory VII and
Innocent III, for the Spanish Habsburgs “on whose empire the sun
never set,” and for the Imperialism of to-day on behalf of which the
World-War was fought and will continue to be fought for many a long
day. Classical man, for inward reasons, could not be a conqueror,
notwithstanding Alexander’s romantic expedition—for we can discern
enough of the inner hesitations and unwillingnesses of his
companions not to need to explain it as an “exception proving the
rule.”[423] The never-stilled desire to be liberated from the binding
element, to range far and free, which is the essence of the fancy-
creatures of the North—the dwarfs, elves and imps—is utterly
unknown to the Dryads and Oreads of Greece. Greek daughter-cities
were planted by the hundred along the rim of the Mediterranean, but
not one of them made the slightest real attempt to conquer and
penetrate the hinterlands. To settle far from the coast would have
meant to lose sight of “home,” while to settle in loneliness—the ideal
life of the trapper and prairie-man of America as it had been of
Icelandic saga-heroes long before—was something entirely beyond
the possibilities of Classical mankind. Dramas like that of the
emigration to America—man by man, each on his own account,
driven by deep promptings to loneliness—or the Spanish Conquest,
or the Californian gold-rush, dramas of uncontrollable longings for
freedom, solitude, immense independence, and of giantlike contempt
of all limitations whatsoever upon the home-feeling—these dramas
are Faustian and only Faustian. No other Culture, not even the
Chinese, knows them.
The Hellenic emigrant, on the contrary, clung as a child clings to
its mother’s lap. To make a new city out of the old one, exactly like it,
with the same fellow citizens, the same gods, the same customs,
with the linking sea never out of sight, and there to pursue in the
Agora the familiar life of the ζῷον πολιτικόν—this was the limit of
change of scene for the Apollinian life. To us, for whom freedom of
movement (if not always as a practical, yet in any case as an ideal,
right) is indispensable, such a limit would have been the most crying
of all slaveries. It is from the Classical point of view that the oft-
misunderstood expansion of Rome must be looked at. It was
anything rather than an extension of the fatherland; it confined itself
exactly within fields that had already been taken up by other culture-
men whom they dispossessed. Never was there a hint of dynamic
world-schemes of the Hohenstaufen or Habsburg stamp, or of an
imperialism comparable with that of our own times. The Romans
made no attempt to penetrate the interior of Africa. Their later wars
were waged only for the preservation of what they already
possessed, not for the sake of ambition nor under a significant
stimulus from within. They could give up Germany and Mesopotamia
without regret.
If, in fine, we look at it all together—the expansion of the
Copernican world-picture into that aspect of stellar space that we
possess to-day; the development of Columbus’s discovery into a
worldwide command of the earth’s surface by the West; the
perspective of oil-painting and of tragedy-scene; the sublimed home-
feeling; the passion of our Civilization for swift transit, the conquest
of the air, the exploration of the Polar regions and the climbing of
almost impossible mountain-peaks—we see, emerging everywhere
the prime-symbol of the Faustian soul, Limitless Space. And those
specially (in form, uniquely) Western creations of the soul-myth
called “Will,” “Force” and “Deed” must be regarded as derivatives of
this prime-symbol.

We are now at last in a position to approach the phenomenon of

Morale,[424] the intellectual interpretation of Life by itself, to ascend
the height from which it is possible to survey the widest and gravest
of all the fields of human thought. At the same time, we shall need
for this survey an objectivity such as no one has as yet set himself
seriously to gain. Whatever we may take Morale to be, it is no part of
Morale to provide its own analysis; and we shall get to grips with the
problem, not by considering what should be our acts and aims and
standards, but only by diagnosing the Western feeling in the very
form of the enunciation.
In this matter of morale, Western mankind, without exception, is
under the influence of an immense optical illusion. Everyone
demands something of the rest. We say “thou shalt” in the conviction
that so-and-so in fact will, can and must be changed or fashioned or
arranged conformably to the order, and our belief both in the efficacy
of, and in our title to give, such orders is unshakable. That, and
nothing short of it, is, for us, morale. In the ethics of the West
everything is direction, claim to power, will to affect the distant. Here
Luther is completely at one with Nietzsche, Popes with Darwinians,
Socialists with Jesuits; for one and all, the beginning of morale is a
claim to general and permanent validity. It is a necessity of the
Faustian soul that this should be so. He who thinks or teaches
“otherwise” is sinful, a backslider, a foe, and he is fought down
without mercy. You “shall,” the State “shall,” society “shall”—this form
of morale is to us self-evident; it represents the only real meaning
that we can attach to the word. But it was not so either in the
Classical, or in India, or in China. Buddha, for instance, gives a
pattern to take or to leave, and Epicurus offers counsel. Both
undeniably are forms of high morale, and neither contains the will-
What we have entirely failed to observe is the peculiarity of moral
dynamic. If we allow that Socialism (in the ethical, not the economic,
sense) is that world-feeling which seeks to carry out its own views on
behalf of all, then we are all without exception, willingly or no,
wittingly or no, Socialists. Even Nietzsche, that most passionate
opponent of “herd morale,” was perfectly incapable of limiting his
zeal to himself in the Classical way. He thought only of “mankind,”
and he attacked everyone who differed from himself. Epicurus, on
the contrary, was heartily indifferent to others’ opinions and acts and
never wasted one thought on the “transformation” of mankind. He
and his friends were content that they were as they were and not
otherwise. The Classical ideal was indifference (ἀπάθεια) to the
course of the world—the very thing which it is the whole business of
Faustian mankind to master—and an important element both of Stoic
and of Epicurean philosophy was the recognition of a category of
things neither preferred nor rejected[425] (ἀδιάφορα). In Hellas there
was a pantheon of morales as there was of deities, as the peaceful
coexistence of Epicureans, Cynics and Stoics shows, but the
Nietzschean Zarathustra—though professedly standing beyond good
and evil—breathes from end to end the pain of seeing men to be
other than as he would have them be, and the deep and utterly un-
Classical desire to devote a life to their reformation—his own sense
of the word, naturally, being the only one. It is just this, the general
transvaluation, that makes ethical monotheism and—using the word
in a novel and deep sense—socialism. All world-improvers are
Socialists. And consequently there are no Classical world-improvers.
The moral imperative as the form of morale is Faustian and only
Faustian. It is wholly without importance that Schopenhauer denies
theoretically the will to live, or that Nietzsche will have it affirmed—
these are superficial differences, indicative of personal tastes and
temperaments. The important thing, that which makes
Schopenhauer the progenitor of ethical modernity, is that he too feels
the whole world as Will, as movement, force, direction. This basic
feeling is not merely the foundation of our ethics, it is itself our whole
ethics, and the rest are bye-blows. That which we call not merely
activity but action[426] is a historical conception through-and-through,
saturated with directional energy. It is the proof of being, the
dedication of being, in that sort of man whose ego possesses the
tendency to Future, who feels the momentary present not as
saturated being but as epoch, as turning-point, in a great complex of
becoming—and, moreover, feels it so of both his personal life and of
the life of history as a whole. Strength and distinctness of this
consciousness are the marks of higher Faustian man, but it is not
wholly absent in the most insignificant of the breed, and it
distinguishes his smallest acts from those of any and every Classical
man. It is the distinction between character and attitude, between
conscious becoming and simple accepted statuesque becomeness,
between will and suffering in tragedy.
In the world as seen by the Faustian’s eyes, everything is motion
with an aim. He himself lives only under that condition, for to him life
means struggling, overcoming, winning through. The struggle for
existence as ideal form of existence is implicit even in the Gothic age
(of the architecture of which it is visibly the foundation) and the 19th
Century has not invented it but merely put it into mechanical-
utilitarian form. In the Apollinian world there is no such directional
motion—the purposeless and aimless see-saw of Heraclitus’s
“becoming” (ἡ ὁδὸς ἄνω κάτω) is irrelevant here—no
“Protestantism,” no “Sturm und Drang,” no ethical, intellectual or
artistic “revolution” to fight and destroy the existent. The Ionic and
Corinthian styles appear by the side of the Doric without setting up
any claim to sole and general validity, but the Renaissance expelled
the Gothic and Classicism expelled the Baroque styles, and the
history of every European literature is filled with battles over form-
problems. Even our monasticism, with its Templars, Franciscans,
Dominicans and the rest, takes shape as an order-movement, in
sharp contrast to the “askesis” of the Early-Christian hermit.
To go back upon this basic form of his existence, let alone
transform it, is entirely beyond the power of Faustian man. It is
presupposed even in efforts to resist it. One fights against
“advanced” ideas, but all the time he looks on his fight itself as an
advance. Another agitates for a “reversal,” but what he intends is in
fact a continuance of development. “Immoral” is only a new kind of
“moral” and sets up the same claim to primacy. The will-to-power is
intolerant—all that is Faustian wills to reign alone. The Apollinian
feeling, on the contrary, with its world of coexistent individual things,
is tolerant as a matter of course. But, if toleration is in keeping with
will-less Ataraxia, it is for the Western world with its oneness of
infinite soul-space and the singleness of its fabric of tensions the
sign either of self-deception or of fading-out. The Enlightenment of
the 18th Century was tolerant towards—that is, careless of—
differences between the various Christian creeds, but in respect of
its own relation to the Church as a whole, it was anything but tolerant
as soon as the power to be otherwise came to it. The Faustian
instinct, active, strong-willed, as vertical in tendency as its own
Gothic cathedrals, as upstanding as its own “ego habeo factum,”
looking into distance and Future, demands toleration—that is, room,
space—for its proper activity, but only for that. Consider, for instance,
how much of it the city democracy is prepared to accord to the
Church in respect of the latter’s management of religious powers,
while claiming for itself unlimited freedom to exercise its own and
adjusting the “common” law to conform thereto whenever it can.
Every “movement” means to win, while every Classical “attitude” only
wants to be and troubles itself little about the Ethos of the neighbour.
To fight for or against the trend of the times, to promote Reform or
Reaction, construction, reconstruction or destruction—all this is as
un-Classical as it is un-Indian. It is the old antithesis of Sophoclean
and Shakespearian tragedy, the tragedy of the man who only wants
to exist and that of the man who wants to win.
It is quite wrong to bind up Christianity with the moral imperative. It
was not Christianity that transformed Faustian man, but Faustian
man who transformed Christianity—and he not only made it a new
religion but also gave it a new moral direction. The “it” became “I,”
the passion-charged centre of the world, the foundation of the great
Sacrament of personal contrition. Will-to-power even in ethics, the
passionate striving to set up a proper morale as a universal truth,
and to enforce it upon humanity, to reinterpret or overcome or
destroy everything otherwise constituted—nothing is more
characteristically our own than this is. And in virtue of it the Gothic
springtime proceeded to a profound—and never yet appreciated—
inward transformation of the morale of Jesus. A quiet spiritual morale
welling from Magian feeling—a morale or conduct recommended as
potent for salvation, a morale the knowledge of which was
communicated as a special act of grace[427]—was recast as a morale
of imperative command.[428]
Every ethical system, whether it be of religious or of philosophical
origin, has associations with the great arts and especially with that of
architecture. It is in fact a structure of propositions of causal
character. Every truth that is intended for practical application is
propounded with a “because” and a “therefore.” There is
mathematical logic in them—in Buddha’s “Four Truths” as in Kant’s
“Critique of Practical Reason”[429] and in every popular catechism.
What is not in these doctrines of acquired truth is the uncritical logic
of the blood, which generates and matures those conduct-standards
(Sitten) of social classes and of practical men (e.g., the chivalry-
obligations in the time of the Crusades) that we only consciously
realize when someone infringes them. A systematic morale is, as it
were, an Ornament, and it manifests itself not only in precepts but
also in the style of drama and even in the choice of art-motives. The
Meander, for example, is a Stoic motive. The Doric column is the
very embodiment of the Antique life-ideal. And just because it was
so, it was the one Classical “order” which the Baroque style
necessarily and frankly excluded; indeed, even Renaissance art was
warned off it by some very deep spiritual instinct. Similarly with the
transformation of the Magian dome into the Russian roof-cupola,[430]
the Chinese landscape-architecture of devious paths, the Gothic
cathedral-tower. Each is an image of the particular and unique
morale which arose out of the waking-consciousness of the Culture.


The old riddles and perplexities now resolve themselves. There

are as many morales as there are Cultures, no more and no fewer.
Just as every painter and every musician has something in him
which, by force of inward necessity, never emerges into
consciousness but dominates a priori the form-language of his work
and differentiates that work from the work of every other Culture, so
every conception of Life held by a Culture-man possesses a priori (in
the very strictest Kantian sense of the phrase) a constitution that is
deeper than all momentary judgments and strivings and impresses
the style of these with the hall-mark of the particular Culture. The
individual may act morally or immorally, may do “good” or “evil” with
respect to the primary feeling of his Culture, but the theory of his
actions is not a result but a datum. Each Culture possesses its own
standards, the validity of which begins and ends with it. There is no
general morale of humanity.
It follows that there is not and cannot be any true “conversion” in
the deeper sense. Conscious behaviour of any kind that rests upon
convictions is a primary phenomenon, the basic tendency of an
existence developed into a “timeless truth.” It matters little what
words or pictures are employed to express it, whether it appears as
the predication of a deity or as the issue of philosophic meditation,
as proposition or as symbol, as proclamation of proper or confutation
of alien convictions. It is enough that it is there. It can be wakened
and it can be put theoretically in the form of doctrine, it can change
or improve its intellectual vehicle but it cannot be begotten. Just as
we are incapable of altering our world-feeling—so incapable that
even in trying to alter it we have to follow the old lines and confirm
instead of overthrowing it—so also we are powerless to alter the
ethical basis of our waking being. A certain verbal distinction has
sometimes been drawn between ethics the science and morale the
duty, but, as we understand it, the point of duty does not arise. We
are no more capable of converting a man to a morale alien to his
being than the Renaissance was capable of reviving the Classical or
of making anything but a Southernized Gothic, an anti-Gothic, out of
Apollinian motives. We may talk to-day of transvaluing all our values;
we may, as Megalopolitans, “go back to” Buddhism or Paganism or a
romantic Catholicism; we may champion as Anarchists an
individualist or as Socialists a collectivist ethic—but in spite of all we
do, will and feel the same. A conversion to Theosophy or
Freethinking or one of the present-day transitions from a supposed
Christianity to a supposed Atheism (or vice versa) is an alteration of
words and notions, of the religious or intellectual surface, no more.
None of our “movements” have changed man.
A strict morphology of all the morales is a task for the future. Here,
too, Nietzsche has taken the first and essential step towards the new
standpoint. But he has failed to observe his own condition that the
thinker shall place himself “beyond good and evil.” He tried to be at
once sceptic and prophet, moral critic and moral gospeller. It cannot
be done. One cannot be a first-class psychologist as long as one is
still a Romantic. And so here, as in all his crucial penetrations, he got
as far as the door—and stood outside it. And so far, no one has done
any better. We have been blind and uncomprehending before the
immense wealth that there is in the moral as in other form-
languages. Even the sceptic has not understood his task; at bottom
he, like others, sets up his own notion of morale, drawn from his
particular disposition and private taste, as standard by which to
measure others. The modern revolutionaires—Stirner, Ibsen,
Strindberg, Shaw—are just the same; they have only managed to
hide the facts (from themselves as well as from others) behind new
formulæ and catchwords.
But a morale, like a sculpture, a music, a painting-art, is a self-
contained form-world expressing a life-feeling; it is a datum,
fundamentally unalterable, an inward necessity. It is ever true within
its historical circle, ever untrue outside it. As we have seen already,
what his several works are to the poet or musician or painter, that
its several art-genera are for the higher individual that we call the
Culture, viz., organic units; and that oil-painting as a whole, act-
sculpture as a whole and contrapuntal music as a whole, and
rhymed lyric and so on are all epoch-making, and as such take rank
as major symbols of Life. In the history of the Culture as in that of the
individual existence, we are dealing with the actualization of the
possible; it is the story of an inner spirituality becoming the style of a
world. By the side of these great form-units, which grow and fulfil
themselves and close down within a predeterminate series of human
generations, which endure for a few centuries and pass irrevocably
into death, we see the group of Faustian morals and the sum of
Apollinian morals also as individuals of the higher order. That they
are, is Destiny. They are data, and revelation (or scientific insight, as
the case may be) only put them into shape for the consciousness.
There is something, hardly to be described, that assembles all the
theories from Hesiod and Sophocles to Plato and the Stoa and
opposes them collectively to all that was taught from Francis of
Assisi and Abelard to Ibsen and Nietzsche, and even the morale of
Jesus is only the noblest expression of a general morale that was
put into other forms by Marcion and Mani, by Philo and Plotinus, by
Epictetus, Augustine and Proclus. All Classical ethic is an ethic of
attitude, all Western an ethic of deed. And, likewise, the sum of all
Indian and the sum of all Chinese systems forms each a world of its


Every Classical ethic that we know or can conceive of constitutes

man an individual static entity, a body among bodies, and all
Western valuations relate to him as a centre of effect in an infinite
generality. Ethical Socialism is neither more nor less than the
sentiment of action-at-a-distance, the moral pathos of the third
dimension; and the root-feeling of Care—care for those who are with
us, and for those who are to follow—is its emblem in the sky.
Consequently there is for us something socialistic in the aspect of
the Egyptian Culture, while the opposite tendency to immobile
attitude, to non-desire, to static self-containedness of the individual,
recalls the Indian ethic and the man formed by it. The seated
Buddha-statue (“looking at its navel”) and Zeno’s Ataraxia are not
altogether alien to one another. The ethical ideal of Classical man
was that which is led up to in his tragedy, and revealed in its
Katharsis. This in its last depths means the purgation of the
Apollinian soul from its burden of what is not Apollinian, not free from
the elements of distance and direction, and to understand it we have
to recognize that Stoicism is simply the mature form of it. That which
the drama effected in a solemn hour, the Stoa wished to spread over
the whole field of life; viz., statuesque steadiness and will-less ethos.
Now, is not this conception of κάθαρσις closely akin to the Buddhist
ideal of Nirvana, which as a formula is no doubt very “late” but as an
essence is thoroughly Indian and traceable even from Vedic times?
And does not this kinship bring ideal Classical man and ideal Indian
man very close to one another and separate them both from that
man whose ethic is manifested in the Shakespearian tragedy of
dynamic evolution and catastrophe? When one thinks of it, there is
nothing preposterous in the idea of Socrates, Epicurus, and
especially Diogenes, sitting by the Ganges, whereas Diogenes in a
Western megalopolis would be an unimportant fool. Nor, on the other
hand, is Frederick William I of Prussia, the prototype of the Socialist
in the grand sense, unthinkable in the polity of the Nile, whereas in
Periclean Athens he is impossible.
Had Nietzsche regarded his own times with fewer prejudices and
less disposition to romantic championship of certain ethical
creations, he would have perceived that a specifically Christian
morale of compassion in his sense does not exist on West-European
soil. We must not let the words of humane formulæ mislead us as to
their real significance. Between the morale that one has and the
morale that one thinks one has, there is a relation which is very
obscure and very unsteady, and it is just here that an incorruptible
psychology would be invaluable. Compassion is a dangerous word,
and neither Nietzsche himself—for all his maestria—nor anyone else
has yet investigated the meaning—conceptual and effective—of the
word at different times. The Christian morale of Origen’s time was
quite different from the Christian morale of St. Francis’s. This is not
the place to enquire what Faustian compassion—sacrifice or
ebullience or again race-instinct in a chivalrous society[432]—means
as against the fatalistic Magian-Christian kind, how far it is to be
conceived as action-at-a-distance and practical dynamic, or (from
another angle) as a proud soul’s demand upon itself, or again as the
utterance of an imperious distance-feeling. A fixed stock of ethical
phrases, such as we have possessed since the Renaissance, has to
cover a multitude of different ideas and a still greater multitude of
different meanings. When a mankind so historically and
retrospectively disposed as we are accepts the superficial as the real
sense, and regards ideals as subject-matter for mere knowing, it is
really evidencing its veneration for the past—in this particular
instance, for religious tradition. The text of a conviction is never a
test of its reality, for man is rarely conscious of his own beliefs.
Catchwords and doctrines are always more or less popular and
external as compared with deep spiritual actualities. Our theoretical
reverence for the propositions of the New Testament is in fact of the
same order as the theoretical reverence of the Renaissance and of
Classicism for antique art; the one has no more transformed the
spirit of men than the other has transformed the spirit of works. The
oft-quoted cases of the Mendicant Orders, the Moravians and the
Salvation Army prove by their very rarity, and even more by the
slightness of the effects that they have been able to produce, that
they are exceptions in a quite different generality—namely, the
Faustian-Christian morale. That morale will not indeed be found
formulated, either by Luther or by the Council of Trent, but all
Christians of the great style—Innocent III and Calvin, Loyola and
Savonarola, Pascal and St. Theresa—have had it in them, even in
unconscious contradiction to their own formal teachings.
We have only to compare the purely Western conception of the
manly virtue that is designated by Nietzsche’s “moralinfrei” virtù, the
grandezza of Spanish and the grandeur of French Baroque, with that
very feminine ἀρετή of the Hellenic ideal, of which the practical
application is presented to us as capacity for enjoyment (ἡδονή),
placidity of disposition (γαλήνη, ἀπάθεια), absence of wants and
demands, and, above all, the so typical ἀταραξία. What Nietzsche
called the Blond Beast and conceived to be embodied in the type of
Renaissance Man that he so overvalued (for it is really only a jackal
counterfeit of the great Hohenstaufen Germans) is the utter
antithesis to the type that is presented in every Classical ethic
without exception and embodied in every Classical man of worth.
The Faustian Culture has produced a long series of granite-men, the
Classical never a one. For Pericles and Themistocles were soft
natures in tune with Attic καλοκἀγαθία, and Alexander was a
Romantic who never woke up, Cæsar a shrewd reckoner. Hannibal,
the alien, was the only “Mann” amongst them all. The men of the
early time, as Homer presents them to our judgment—the
Odysseuses and Ajaxes—would have cut a queer figure among the
chevaliers of the Crusades. Very feminine natures, too, are capable
of brutality—a rebound-brutality of their own—and Greek cruelty was
of this kind. But in the North the great Saxon, Franconian and
Hohenstaufen emperors appear on the very threshold of the Culture,
surrounded by giant-men like Henry the Lion and Gregory VII. Then
come the men of the Renaissance, of the struggle of the two Roses,
of the Huguenot Wars, the Spanish Conquistadores, the Prussian
electors and kings, Napoleon, Bismarck, Rhodes. What other Culture
has exhibited the like of these? Where in all Hellenic history is so
powerful a scene as that of 1176—the Battle of Legnano as
foreground, the suddenly-disclosed strife of the great Hohenstaufen
and the great Welf as background? The heroes of the Great
Migrations, the Spanish chivalry, Prussian discipline, Napoleonic
energy—how much of the Classical is there in these men and
things? And where, on the heights of Faustian morale, from the
Crusades to the World War, do we find anything of the “slave-
morale,” the meek resignation, the deaconess’s Caritas?[433] Only in
pious and honoured words, nowhere else. The type of the very
priesthood is Faustian; think of those magnificent bishops of the old
German empire who on horseback led their flocks into the wild
battle,[434] or those Popes who could force submission on a Henry IV
and a Frederick II, of the Teutonic Knights in the Ostmark, of Luther’s
challenge in which the old Northern heathendom rose up against old
Roman, of the great Cardinals (Richelieu, Mazarin, Fleury) who
shaped France. That is Faustian morale, and one must be blind
indeed if one does not see it efficient in the whole field of West-
European history. And it is only through such grand instances of
worldly passion which express the consciousness of a mission that
we are able to understand those of grand spiritual passion, of the
upright and forthright Caritas which nothing can resist, the dynamic
charity that is so utterly unlike Classical moderation and Early-
Christian mildness. There is a hardness in the sort of com-passion
that was practised by the German mystics, the German and Spanish
military Orders, the French and English Calvinists. In the Russian,
the Raskolnikov, type of charity a soul melts into the fraternity of
souls, in the Faustian it arises out of it. Here too “ego habeo factum”
is the formula. Personal charity is the justification before God of the
Person, the individual.
This is the reason why "compassion"-morale, in the everyday
sense, always respected by us so far as words go, and sometimes
hoped for by the thinker, is never actualized. Kant rejected it with
decision, and in fact it is in profound contradiction with the
Categorical Imperative, which sees the meaning of Life to lie in
actions and not in surrender to soft opinions. Nietzsche’s “slave-
morale” is a phantom, his master-morale is a reality. It does not
require formulation to be effective—it is there, and has been from of
old. Take away his romantic Borgia-mask and his nebulous vision of
supermen, and what is left of his man is Faustian man himself, as he
is to-day and as he was even in saga-days, the type of an energetic,
imperative and dynamic Culture. However it may have been in the
Classical world, our great well-doers are the great doers whose
forethought and care affects millions, the great statesmen and
organizers. "A higher sort of men, who thanks to their
preponderance of will, knowledge, wealth and influence make use of
democratic Europe as their aptest and most mobile tool, in order to
bring into their own hands the destinies of the Earth and as artists to
shape ‘man’ himself. Enough—the time is coming when men will
unlearn and relearn the art of politics." So Nietzsche delivered
himself in one of the unpublished drafts that are so much more
concrete than the finished works. “We must either breed political
capacities, or else be ruined by the democracy that has been forced
upon us by the failure of the older alternatives,”[435] says Shaw in
Man and Superman. Limited though his philosophic horizon is in
general, Shaw has the advantage over Nietzsche of more practical
schooling and less ideology, and the figure of the multimillionaire
Undershaft in Major Barbara translates the Superman-ideal into the
unromantic language of the modern age (which in truth is its real
source for Nietzsche also, though it reached him indirectly through
Malthus and Darwin). It is these fact-men of the grand style who are
the representatives to-day of the Will-to-Power over other men’s
destinies and therefore of the Faustian ethic generally. Men of this
sort do not broadcast their millions to dreamers, “artists,” weaklings
and “down-and-outs” to satisfy a boundless benevolence; they
employ them for those who like themselves count as material for the
Future. They pursue a purpose with them. They make a centre of
force for the existence of generations which outlives the single lives.
The mere money, too, can develop ideas and make history, and
Rhodes—precursor of a type that will be significant indeed in the
21st Century—provided, in disposing of his possessions by will, that
it should do so. It is a shallow judgment, and one incapable of
inwardly understanding history, that cannot distinguish the literary
chatter of popular social-moralists and humanity-apostles from the
deep ethical instincts of the West-European Civilization.
Socialism—in its highest and not its street-corner sense—is, like
every other Faustian ideal, exclusive. It owes its popularity only to
the fact that it is completely misunderstood even by its exponents,
who present it as a sum of rights instead of as one of duties, an
abolition instead of an intensification of the Kantian imperative, a
slackening instead of a tautening of directional energy. The trivial
and superficial tendency towards ideals of “welfare,” “freedom,”
“humanity,” the doctrine of the “greatest happiness of the greatest
number,” are mere negations of the Faustian ethic—a very different
matter from the tendency of Epicureanism towards the ideal of
“happiness,” for the condition of happiness was the actual sum and
substance of the Classical ethic. Here precisely is an instance of
sentiments, to all outward appearance much the same, but meaning
in the one case everything and in the other nothing. From this point
of view, we might describe the content of the Classical ethic as
philanthropy, a boon conferred by the individual upon himself, his
soma. The view has Aristotle on its side, for it is exactly in this sense
that he uses the word φιλάνθρωπος, which the best heads of the
Classicist period, above all Lessing, found so puzzling. Aristotle
describes the effect of the Attic tragedy on the Attic spectator as
philanthropic. Its Peripeteia relieves him from compassion with
himself. A sort of theory of master-morale and slave-morale existed
also in the early Hellenism, in Callicles for example—naturally, under
strictly corporeal-Euclidean postulates. The ideal of the first class is
Alcibiades. He did exactly what at the moment seemed to him best
for his own person, and he is felt to be, and admired as, the type of
Classical Kalokagathia. But Protagoras is still more distinct, with his
famous proposition—essentially ethical in intention—that man (each
man for himself) is the measure of things. That is master-morale in a
statuesque soul.

When Nietzsche wrote down the phrase “transvaluation of all
values” for the first time, the spiritual movement of the centuries in
which we are living found at last its formula. Transvaluation of all
values is the most fundamental character of every civilization. For it
is the beginning of a Civilization that it remoulds all the forms of the
Culture that went before, understands them otherwise, practises
them in a different way. It begets no more, but only reinterprets, and
herein lies the negativeness common to all periods of this character.
It assumes that the genuine act of creation has already occurred,
and merely enters upon an inheritance of big actualities. In the Late-
Classical, we find the event taking place inside Hellenistic-Roman
Stoicism, that is, the long death-struggle of the Apollinian soul. In the
interval from Socrates—who was the spiritual father of the Stoa and
in whom the first signs of inward impoverishment and city-
intellectualism became visible—to Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius,
every existence-ideal of the old Classical underwent transvaluation.
In the case of India, the transvaluation of Brahman life was complete
by the time of King Asoka (250 B.C.), as we can see by comparing
the parts of the Vedanta put into writing before and after Buddha.
And ourselves? Even now the ethical socialism of the Faustian soul,
its fundamental ethic, as we have seen, is being worked upon by the
process of transvaluation as that soul is walled up in the stone of the
great cities. Rousseau is the ancestor of this socialism; he stands,
like Socrates and Buddha, as the representative spokesman of a
great Civilization. Rousseau’s rejection of all great Culture-forms and
all significant conventions, his famous “Return to the state of
Nature,” his practical rationalism, are unmistakable evidences. Each
of the three buried a millennium of spiritual depth. Each proclaimed
his gospel to mankind, but it was to the mankind of the city
intelligentsia, which was tired of the town and the Late Culture, and
whose “pure” (i.e., soulless) reason longed to be free from them and
their authoritative form and their hardness, from the symbolism with
which it was no longer in living communion and which therefore it
detested. The Culture was annihilated by discussion. If we pass in
review the great 19th-Century names with which we associate the
march of this great drama—Schopenhauer, Hebbel, Wagner,
Nietzsche, Ibsen, Strindberg—we comprehend in a glance that

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