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Yesterday, July 23 2009, Penang witnessed some incidents which

clearly gave the lie to the claim by the Malaysian authorities

that the 1malaysia concept is supported wholeheartedly by all
strata of society in the country.

A group of disaffected BN politicians and their minions went

to the Komtar complex and started a disturbance right in the
area facing Jalan Ria. This area houses a bank, a post office
and several goldsmith shops and is in front of the Prangin
Mall shopping centre. A lot of visitors and tourists normally
pass through this area and the disturbance was totally uncalled
for. At the time of the 'incident' the morning crowd was mostly
composed of tourists or bank and government employees.

The BN politicians or ruffians shouted and shoved and some of

them threw punches at one or two people. The behaviour of these
people clearly was to send a message to everyone, including
the tourists and visitors that there was actually no government
at all in Penang and anyone could simply do anything they liked.

Moreover, these ruffians from the BN were out to prove that they
were above the law and the police in Penang were subservient to
them, or at the very least, their masters at the BN group HQ.

However, the Penang police finally got to subdue the lawlessness

and ruffianly behaviour and took them away. There was a large
crowd of people at the police station at Jalan Patani in the
afternoon. People were milling around inside and outside the
compound of the police station on the exit to Jalan Dato Kramat.

Again, Jalan Dato Kramat is a very busy section leading to the

town centre and naturally this kind of situation would only
project the picture that there was little or no authority on
the island. People could generally do what they liked and act
as they pleased. 1malaysia ?

The PM should go to Penang and enquire how could a situation

like yesterday came to take place. 1malaysia ?? Looks more like
Penang (and the rest of the country) could go the way of either
Sri Lanka or Pakistan or even Iraq in the next ten years. Nothing
really that could remotely resemble even any little thing connected
to the 1malaysia concept.

Or is it that the 1malaysia concept is like a bag of hot air made

to give BN politicians a temporary feel-good feeling, much like
what a heroin addict gets after a direct vein shot and nothing more.

In that case, the people, especially the people of Penang are being
clearly led by the nose, or by the noose strung around the nostrils.
No wonder the people of Penang rejected all the corrupt BN clowns
last March '08.

The government owes the people an explanation; How come the media
and the Information Ministry keep churning out non-stop singing and
praising of the 1malaysia concept while on the ground, BN goons
and political apparatchiks go round pumping their fists ???

Does all that represent the real or true meaning of the 1malaysia
concept ? ? The government must now give a clear answer !! No
ambiguity should be accepted or tolerated.

The people do not want the so-called 1malaysia concept to carry

multiple meanings. Neither do they want different people to give
different interpretations. The people definitely do not want to
return to the days of the previous failed administration where
diverse groups of people and politicians took on self-appointed
role(s) of guiding lights for the nation.

The people are beginning to feel confused by the 1malaysia concept.

Does this concept resemble the 'civilisation' concept of the not-
so-recent past ??? The 'civilisation' concept that allowed people
to organise street marches hurling abuse and threats and giving
away free kicks and punches ???

The scene yesterday in Penang suspiciously showed that the 1malaysia

concept was not very much different from the now very discredited
civilisation concept. In fact, it looked very much as if the 1malaysia
concept is nothing more than a recycled version of the earlier one.

The conclusion for the people is that the 1malaysia concept is just
one of them recycled garbage. Seeing what took place yesterday in
Penang, especially on Jalan Ria and Jalan Dato Kramat, only helped
to reinforce that view.

Perhaps it is time for the authorities to stop all the sloganeering

and bullshitting and instead do some real work. After all, the
fat wages and salaries are being paid via money collected from
the people !!!! Stop wasting time and precious money !!!!

Stop boasting to the foreign press that the country is a model for
this and that. Yesterday did not give any impression that Malaysia
was any kind of any model at all. Wake up and smell the reality.

The BN should cut to the chase and tackle all the problems faced
by the nation and not continue trying to raise a fake feel-good
atmosphere all round. It will not work. The country right now has
to grapple with so many serious problems. Just name anything bad
and we have it right now. Human trafficking, bribery, syndicates
dealing in smuggling and counterfeiting, drug labs, murders and
homicides, vice rings, carjacking, kidnapping, shortages of sugar,
fluor, price hikes, fare increases, A H1N1, and a thousand other
more ailments and issues. The BN government must wake up now.

Before it is too late and the country starts to walk down the same
road as Colombo, Islamabad or Baghdad. Do not let the innocent
suffer. Please !! Please do not let the innocent suffer.

Forget 1malaysia. Do the elbow grease instead.

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