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T dhnat baze Shteti Qarku Rrethi Targat e automjeteve Popullsia Kodi postar Shqipria Qarku i Beratit Rrethi i Beratit BR 69,000 banor 5001-5006 [1]

Prefiksi telefonik Aeroporti Nn Tereza Faqja zyrtare Kryetari Partia udhheqse Vendasit Zakonisht N ver

+355 (0) 32 km nga Berati Bashkia e Beratit Politika Fadil Nasufi Partia Socialiste T tjera Beratas Zona kohore ZKEQ (UTC+1) OVEQ (UTC+2) Portali Berati

Berati sht qytet me rreth 65.000 banor dhe njra nga dy bashkit eRrethit t Beratit q bn pjes n Qarkun e Beratit. Trojet e Beratit, sipas arkeologve kan qen t banuara nga njerz t civilizuar q nga shekulli VII para ers son.

1 Gjeografia

o o o

1.1 Relievi 1.2 Lumenjt 1.3 Klima

2 Historia

o o

2.1 Muzakajt 2.2 Pas trmetit

3 Kultura

3.1 Qytet muze

4 Politika

o o

4.1 Ndarja Administrative 4.2 Kryetar t Bashkis

5 Turizmi 6 Transporti 7 Personalitete 8 Lidhje t jashtme 9 Referencat 10 Shiko dhe ktu

Qyteti i Beratit sht ngritur fillimisht si kshtjell, mbi kodrn shkmbore me lartsi 187 m mbi nivelin e detit, n krahun e djatht t lumit Osum, para se ky t dal n fushn e Myzeqes, m e madhja e Shqipris. Rrethi i Beratit shtrihet n Krahinn Malore Qendrore e pjesrisht n Ultsirn Jugperndimore t Shqipris, n koordinatat: gjersi gjeografike: Veri 40 grad 52'24; Jug 40 grad 29'30 (qyteti 40 grad 41'06); gjatsi gjeografike: Lindje 20 grad 10'51; Perndim 19 grad 44'30 (qyteti 19 grad 56'40). Rrethi mbulon nj siprfaqe prej 953,6 km katror (qyteti 1,6 km katror).

Rrethi i Beratit shtrihet kryesisht n nj territor me reliev malor e kodrinor, me lartsi mesatare mbi nivelin e detit 455 m (qyteti 58 m). Fushat shtrihen n krahun veri-perndimor t rrethit, n luginn e Osumit, derisa ajo bashkohet me fushn e Myzeqes. N mjedisin natyror t Beratit dallohen: zona fushore e kodrinore e Beratit dhe e Kuovs, mali i Tomorit(Lindje, 2417 m) dhe ai i Shpiragut (Perndim, 1218 m) si edhe lugina e Osumit dhe e Tomorics. Zona fushore dhe ajo kodrinore jan baza e zhvillimit t prodhimit bujqsor, ndrsa malet dhe luginat prfaqsojn burime t mdha pyjore, kullosore dhe hidrike, ende t pashfrytzuara si potenciale t rndsishme t zhvillimit ekonomik e mjedisor.

Lumi i Osumit rrjedh prmes qytetit dhe jasht tij, afr Urs Vajgurore, bashkohet me lumin e Devollit; t dy sbashku formojn Semanin(gjatsia e tij brenda rrethit 32 km). Osumi sht pr MUA. Nj nga lumenjt kryesor t vendit. Ai paraqet interes pr bujqsin, energjitikn, hidrogjeologjin, ekologjin dhe urbanistikn. Sipas treguesve hidrologjik, pr nga gjatsia rradhitet i 8-ti, pr nga baseni ujmbledhs i 10-ti, pr nga prurja mesatare vjetore i 11-ti dhe pr nga lartsia mesatare e rrjedhjes i 4-ti. Krijon rrjedhn e tij t plot pran Vithkuqit, vend q merret si pika e fillimit t lumit. N basenin e Osumit veshja bimore (698 km katror ) prbhet nga pisha, bredhi, dushku e shkurre t tjera mesdhetare. N zonn e orovods e Skraparit krijon kanione vertikale shum t bukur, me forma t ndryshme, me thellsi deri 150 m e 15-20 m t gjera. Osumi transporton n Seman 995 milion m kub uj n vit, me prurje mesatare 32,5 m kub /sek (n Berat 25-26,9 m kub /sek). Sasia vjetore e prurjes s ngurt 1,356 milion m kub. Gjatsia e Osumit brenda rrethit sht 51 km.

Klima e rrethit sht tipike mesdhetare, me temperatur mesatare vjetore 15,9 grad C. Temperatura mesatare e muajve m t ftoht sht 7,2 grad C dhe ajo e muajve m t nxeht 28,2 grad C. Temperatura absolute m e ult ka qen 12,2 grad C dhe ajo maksimale 47,1 grad C. Sasia mesatare vjetore e rreshjeve sht 928 mm, kryesisht n muajt e dimrit. Qyteti i Beratit sht i ventiluar mir dhe ajri sht i pastr fal edhe gjelbrimit brenda qytetit dhe n kodrat q e rrethojn. Tokat bujqsore jan kryesisht t hinjta-kafe, me shprndarje: 36% n fush, 38% n zon kodrinore dhe 26% n zon malore.


Berati ne vitin 1830

Hyrja e kalajes t Beratit

Berati u prket qyteteve t rrall ku jeta fillon qysh n lashtsin e thell dhe vazhdon pa u ndrprer deri m sot. Dy ekan guri e datojn fillimin e jets n t para Periudhs s Bronzit (2600-1800 P.Kr.). Dshmit arkeologjike tregojn se n shek. VII-VI P.Kr. Ktu sht zhvilluar nj vendbanim paraqytetar, me punishtet e tij t qeramiks dhe me nj jet shoqrore t diferencuar. N kufijt e legjends dhe t historis, ky vendbanim thuhet t ket qen Orestiada e lasht, i quajtur kshtu ngaq aty banonin nj fis i pellazgve, orestt, i pari i t cilve ishte Oresti, i biri i Agamemnonit. Qyteti i mirfillt u themelua m 313-310 P.Kr. si qytet-kshtjell i Dasaretis, i quajtur Antipatrea nga mbreti Kasandr n kujtim t gjeneralit mkmbs t Leks s Madh. Ky sht emri i par i qytetit. Pas pushtimit romak n shek. II P.Kr. ai u quajt prej tyre Albanorum Oppidum (Fortesa e Arbrve). N shek. V, nn perandorin Bizantine, u prforcua dhe e ndryshoi emrin n Pulheriopolis (Qytet i bukur). I pushtuar nga bullgart n shek. IX, u quajt Belgrad (Qytet i bardh) Berati i sotm.

Nn zotrimin e Muzakajve, n shek. XIII-XIV, qyteti filloi t shtrihej jasht mureve t kshtjells. N kt koh Berati arrin shtrirjen m t madhe territoriale, zhvillohet dhe bhet nj qendr e rndsishme ekonomike, tregtare, administrative e kulturore. N 1417 qyteti pushtohet nga turqit dhe zhvillimi i tij u ul ndjeshm, por nga fillimi i shek. XVI ai e mori veten, pr tu br prsri nj nga qytetet m t mdhenj t Shqipris. N shek. XVII ai vazhdonte t ishte qyteti m i madh i Shqipris, me 500 shtpi t shprndara n 30 lagje dhe me 5

medrese. Berati n kt koh bhet qendra kryesore ekonomike e vendit, me zhvillim t madh t zejtaris e t tregtis. Tani Berati ishte kryeqendra e sanxhakut t Vlors t prbr nga kazat e: Myzeqes, Tomorics, Skraparit, Prmetit, Pogonit, Tepelens e Vlors. N Berat tregtonin mallrat e tyre tregtar t huaj. N shek. XVIII Berati bhet qendr e pashallkut t madh t Ahmet Kurt Pashs. Ali Pash Tepelena e bashkoi at me pashallkun e tij t Janins dhe prforcoi muret e kshtjells. N kt periudh tregtart e mdhenj beratas kishin marrdhnie me Venetikun, Triesten, Raguzn, Ankonn, Korfuzin, Maltn, Aleksandrin, Izmirin, Selanikun, Stambollin, Sofien, Nishin, Belgradin, etj. Berati prdorte dy skela: Vlorn dhe Durrsin. Ai ishte br kshtu kryeqendr e nj sistemi t madh ndrkrahinor. Tregtart beratas kishin agjencit e tyre n Durrs, Vlor, Elbasan, Kor. Tregtart e mdhenj shkodran kishin n Berat agjencin e tyre tregtare.berati vjen nga iliret bir ate qe simbas legjendave filluan ndertimin e kalase per tu mbrojtur nga sulmusit



Berati mori pamjen e sotme n shek. XVIII dhe sidomos n shek. XIX, pas trmetit t vitit 1851. N fund t viteve 30 t shek. XIX Berati kishte 8000 banor dhe si t gjith qytetet e tjer ruante karakterin e ekonomis s vogl zejtare. Tashm ishin shfaqur punishtet e tipit t manifakturave, por ende t paliruara nga normat tradicionale esnafore. Nga mesi i shek. XIX Berati zinte vendin e dyt pas Shkodrs pr fuqin ekonomike t tregtarve t mdhenj, t cilt kishin korrespondent ose agjenci n Durrs e Vlor si edhe n Trieste, Korfuz e Malt. Ekzistonin punishte me 5 deri 10 krah pune dhe disa fabrika t vogla mielli e vaji. N fund t viteve 1800 n qytet kishte 820 punishte zejtare e dyqane, duke qen kshtu qendra m e lulzuar ekonomike, tregtare e kulturore e Shqipris s Jugut. Deri n mes t shek. XX n Berat ekzistonin ende tre tregje t gjer t cilt funksiononin rregullisht do t shtun: Pazari i misrit, Pazari i bulmetit dhe Pazari i gjs s gjall. Tregu kishte 4 qendra kryesore: t opingarve, t mestexhijve, t tabakve dhe t kazanxhijve. Ekzistonte edhe tregu i ri, me 100 dyqane moderne ku prfaqsoheshin t gjitha llojet e tregtive. Pr nga numri i zejtarve Berati ishte n vend t par; ushtroheshin rreth 23 lloj zeje. do zeje sistemohej n nj rrug t cils i jepte emrin. Deri n gjysmn e dyt t shek. XX vazhdonin t ekzistonin rrugt e: kazanxhinjve, bakrxhinjve, xhokaxhinjve, leshpunuesve, rrobaqepsve, kazazve (qndistar), argjendarve, armtarve, opingarve, kujinxhinjve, samarxhinjve, etj.

[redakto]Kultura [redakto]Qytet


N vitin 1961 Berati u shpall zyrtarisht qytet muze. Ai sht qytet muze me pasuri t konsiderueshme monumentesh dhe me vlera t larmishme pr nga gjinit, t cilat prbjn nj dshmi t trashgimis kulturore, historike e artistike, t jets e t puns, t realizuara mjeshtrisht brez pas brezi nga banort e tij. Nga zonifikimi dhe nga prcaktimi i kategoris s monumenteve qyteti ndahet n tri zona : zona muze, zona e mbrojtur dhe zona e lir.

Sot Berati trashgon 210 objekte muzeale, nga t cilat 150 jan objekte n kmb. Prej tyre 60 jan monumente t kategoris s par dhe t tjerat t kategoris s dyt. Midis ktyre vlerave, nga m t spikaturat jan : - Kshtjella, e ndrtuar mbi kodrn shkmbore n form trekndshi, me perimetr t mureve 1440 m, me 24 kulla e me dy porta. Me themelet e saj ilire, e rindrtuar disa her n shekujt VI, XIII, XV dhe XIX ajo sht sot jo vetm nj nga kshtjellat m t mdha t banuara, por edhe nj arkiv i gurt q ofron varietete stilesh dhe kontributesh t epokave t ndryshme : ilire, romako-bizantine, shqiptare e turke. Kshtjella sht pjes e legjends s vjetr e t bukur t Tomorit dhe Shpiragut. - Ura e Gorics, me legjend, e cila rreth viteve 1780 me prkujdesjen e Ahmet Kurt Pashs, nga ur druri n pjesn e siprme, u ndrtua e gjitha prej guri. Ajo u rindrtua prsri duke marr pamjen q ruan sot, me parmak betoni, n vitin 1922 nga bashkia e qytetit. sht 129,3 m e gjat, 5,3 m e gjer, ngrihet 10 m mbi lum dhe ka 7 harqe me hapsira 9 deri 16,7 m. Sot sht n gjendje jo t mir, duke e br urgjente nevojn pr ndrtimin e nj ure tjetr pr kalimin e automjeteve. Riparimi i saj sht i domosdoshm, n mnyr q t ruhet nj nga monumentet e kulturs dhe t arkitekturs s Beratit, njkohsisht nj nga simbolet e tij. - Ndrtesat e kultit. Disa kapitole dhe kolonada dshmojn se n Berat kan ekzistuar kisha paleokristiane t shekujve IVVI (Shn Todri). Ndr kishat m t bukura t ndrtuara n shekujt XIII-XIV jan : Shn Mari Vllaherna, Shn Triadha dhe Shn Mhilli. N Berat ka edhe nj numr ndrtesash t fes islame, me vlera t shquara arkitektonike e artistike, si : teqeja e Helvetive, Xhamia e Beqarve, Xhamia e Plumbit, etj. Kto kisha, xhami dhe ndrtesa t tjera urbane, sidomos ansamblet e lagjeve Mangalem, Kala e Goric, jan perla t arkitekturs mesjetare. Nga prshtypja e veant q t krijon ansambli i Mangalemit, Berati sht quajtur edhe qyteti i nj mbi nj dritareve. - Arti dhe zejet. N Berat sht gjetur nj vepr e rrall, epitafi i Glavinics, nj krijim i mirnjohur i vitit 1373, i qndisur n ar, argjend e mndafsh, q tregon Krishtin e vdekur t kurorzuar, t rrethuar me shkrime greke. Kishat e Beratit jan t zbukuruara me piktura t stilit bizantin e pas-bizantin, t krijuara nga artist t ndryshm t shekujve XII-XIV dhe nga mjeshtrat e shekullit XVI: Onufri dhe biri i tij Nikolla. Katedralja e Shn Maris shquhet pr ikonostasin e saj, t gdhendur n dru t larzuar me ar, nj vepr artistike e cilsis s par. Me nj fanatizm t denj q t quhet i shenjt, n Berat jan ruajtur dshmi dorshkrimore, t cilat dshmojn nivelin veanrisht t lart t kulturs s qytetit. M e rndsishmja nga kto dshmi sht Kodiku i Purpurt (Codex Purpureus Beratinus O) i shekullit VI, i shkruajtur n pergamen t purpurt. Ai sht nj nga katr/gjasht kopjet e vetme t gjetura n t gjith botn. I dyti sht Kodiku i Art (Codex Aureus) i shekullit IX, i shkruajtur n pergamen me shkronja ari. Q t dy kta kodik prmbajn pjes nga ungjijt t shkruajtura n greqishen e vjetr. Kta kodik u rizbuluan n kshtjell n 1972 dhe ruhen sot n Muzeun Historik Kombtar n Tiran.

N malin e Tomorit, qysh nga viti 1996, nj zon prej 4.000 ha sht shpallur Park Kombtar. Pr nga numri i vizitorve ai renditet i dyti n vend, pas Parkut Kombtar t Dajtit.

Artikulli kryesor: Zgjedhjet partiake n Berat.



Rrethi Berat eshte i perbere prej 2 bashki e 10 komuna.


t Bashkis

Ilias Bej Vrioni - 1919, 1921 Yzedin Vrioni - 1922, 1924, 19251928, 1935, 1937 Seit Vrioni - 1922, 1923 Xhevdet Mehqemeja 1924 Dhimitr Tutulani 1925 Neki Starova - 1926, 1929, 1930, 1932 Abdyl Dilaveri 1933-1934 Tef Narai 1935 Zenel Prodani - 1937, 1939, 1943, 1944 Ylli Ruli - 1992-1996 Milika Jaho - 1996 2000 Nikollaq Mata 2000-2003 Fadil Nasufi - 2003 e n vazhdim


Berati me malin Tomor n fund

Pas tronditjes q psoi reputacioni i qytetit n vitin 1997, ka nj rivendosje t imazhit t mir, sidomos kto dytre vitet e fundit, kur jan shtuar ndjeshm flukset e vizitorve nga vendi, nga Kosova e t huaj. Vrehet nj

riaktivizim i traditave m t mira t qytetit kundrejt vizitorve. Tradicionalisht n Berat vizitori ka gjetur mikpritje t veant, prjetimin e nj ambienti t kndshm e shlodhs, rastin q t shijoj nj kuzhin karakteristike tradicionale t kombinuar me at moderne, ku prfshihen ullinjt e famshm, mishi i qengjit dhe ai i gjelit t detit dhe verrat e prodhuara nga vreshtat rreth qytetit. Deg m e zhvilluar e turizmit deri m tani ka qen punime t artizanatit. Artizanati, pr qytetin sht nj vler e trashguar e cila mirmbahet edhe sot n Berat n disa gjini, si: gdhendje ne dru qendistari, punime ne argjend dhe ne metale te tjera, punime ne kashte, gdhendje ne pllaka guri, punime dekorative me gur. Vitet e fundit ka nj rigjallrim t ketyre mjeshtrive. Vizitori mund t gjej n disa dyqane gdhendje me pamje karakteristike t Beratit. Punimet e disa prej mjeshtrave t Beratit jan shprndar edhe jasht vendit. [2] N vitin 1901, Berati ishte qendr sanxhaku e varur nga vilajeti i Janins.[3] Turizmi sht nj ndr drejtimet m premtuese t zhvillimit ekonomik t Beratit. Qyteti trashgon nga e kaluara nj varg t gjat e t pasur vlerash historike, kulturore, etnografike, arkitektonike e t besimeve, t tilla q prbjn nj potencial t konsiderueshm pr turizmin. Me burimet turistike t qytetit sht e mundur q t zhvillohet turizmi familiar dhe ai i organizuar. N disa zona t rrethit (Tomor) mund t zhvillohet turizmi malor me shum aspekte brenda tij, si edhe gjuetia. Tashm vrehet se komuniteti sht ndrgjegjsuar n shkall t ndjeshme pr kto vlera, por akoma nuk jan gjetur rrugt adekuate pr futjen e shpejt n eficienc t ktyre burimeve. Ka shum pr t br n drejtim t restaurimit e ruajtjes s vlerave t trashguara, n sigurimin e infrastrukturs s nevojshme urbane dhe n promovimin turistik t zons. N Sesionin e 32-t t Komitetit t Trashgimis t UNESCO-s t zhvilluar n Kanada m 8 korrik 2008, Berati u regjistrua si sajt i trashgimis botrore, nn kriteret iii dhe iv.

Berati ndodhet 120 km larg kryeqytetit Tiran, 92 km larg Durrsit dhe 85 km larg Vlors. Pozicioni gjeografik sht shum i favorshm pr transportin e tranzitin si edhe pr komunikimin ekonomiko-shoqror me shum rrethe t vendit. Berati me an t largsive 40-50 km komunikon direkt me 6 rrethe t vendit: Lushnje (37 km), Fier (47 km), Memaliaj (41 km), Klcyr (50 km), orovod (50 km), Kuov (16 km)-Elbasan (43 km). I vetmi qytet q i afrohet Beratit pr nga shkalla e komunikimit me t gjith perimetrin e tij sht Elbasani, i cili komunikon direkt me 5 rrethe. Nga analiza t tilla del se Berati sht potencialisht qendra m e madhe e kryqzimit t rrugve dhe kalimeve n territorin e vendit. N Berat mund t kryhet tranziti m i shkurtr t paktn pr e vendit, pr gjith aktivitetin q vjen nga Jugu dhe shkon pr n Lindje e pr n Veri (prmes kryeqytetit). Berati sht ngritur n nj pozicion gjeografik t mrekullueshm klimaterik, me aftsi komunikimi, tranziti, prodhimi e prpunimi q rrall i ka ndonj qytet tjetr. Aktualisht Berati ka vetm nj dalje me rrug kombtare,

at q e lidh me Lushnjen e q prej aty degzohet pr Fier-Vlor e Durrs-Tiran. Lidhjet e tjera jan me rrug dytsore, me parametra teknik t ult e t pamirmbajtura. Ndrtimi i segmenteve t tjer rrugor, sipas studimeve t ndryshme, do t prmirsonte komunikimet me zona t tjera, duke hapur mundsi pr nj zhvillim m t shpejt dhe intensiv t Beratit. Rrjeti rrugor brenda rrethit ka 180 km, nga t cilat 65 km rrug t asfaltuara, 18 km rrug nacionale dhe 113 km rrug rurale. Rrethi kategorizohet ndr ata me 26-50 mjete t transportit rrugor pr 1000 persona.


Bab Dud Karbunara (Jorgji Karbunara) - msues, nnshkrues i Deklarats s Shpalljes s Pavarsis Ilias Bej Vrioni - nnshkrues i Deklarats s Shpalljes s Pavarsis Mehmet Ali Vrioni - politikan, nnkryetar i Lidhjes Shqiptare t Prizrenit Sami Bej Vrioni - nnshkrues i Deklarats s Shpalljes s Pavarsis Taq Tutulani - avokat, nnshkrues i Deklarats s Shpalljes s Pavarsis Vexhi Buharaja - orientalist, prkthyes Shpendi Sollaku No - shkrimtar, poet, prkthyes e veprimtar per mbrojtjen e te Drejtave te Njeriut,lindur ne nje familje beratase.

Berat is a town located in south-central Albania and the capital of both the District of Berat and the larger County of Berat. As of 2009, the town has an estimated population of around 71,000[1] people. In July 2008, the old town (Mangalem district) was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

1 Name 2 Geography 3 History

o o o

3.1 Ancient 3.2 Medieval 3.3 Modern

4 Economy 5 Landmarks

5.1 Sights

6 Climate 7 Twin towns sister cities 8 Notable people 9 Sports 10 See also 11 References 12 External links

[edit]Name The name of the town in Albanian is Berat or Berati, which is derived from the olderBel(i)grad (, meaning "white city" in the South Slavic languages), under which name it was known in Greek, Latin and Slavic documents during the High and Late Middle Ages. That name was rendered as Bellegrada () in Greek. It is believed to have been the site of a Ancient Macedonian stronghold, Antipatreia(Ancient Greek: "city of Antipater") or Antipatrea in Latin, while during the early Byzantine Empire the name of the town was Pulcheriopolis (Greek:, "city of Pulcheria").[2][3] In the Republic of Venice the city was known as Belgrad di Romania, while in the Ottoman Empire it was also known as Belgrad-i Arnavud (Albanian Belgrade) to distinguish it from Belgrade.[2] [edit]Geography

The river Osum, flowing through Berat, with the hill of the citadel on the left

Berat lies on the right bank of the river Osum, a short distance from the point where it is joined by the Molisht river. It has a wealth of beautiful buildings of high architectural and historical interest. The pine forests above the city, on the slopes of the toweringTomorr mountains, provide a backdrop of appropriate grandeur. The Osumi river has cut a 915-metre deep gorge through the limestone rock on the west side of the valley to form a precipitous natural fortress, around which the town was built on several river terraces. According to an Albanian legend, the Tomorr mountain was originally a giant, who fought with another giant, called Shpirag over a young woman. They killed each other and the girl drowned in her tears, which then became the Osum river. Mount Shpirag, named after the second giant, is on the left bank of the gorge, above the district of Gorica. Berat is known to Albanians as The City of a Thousand Windowsa similar epithet to that sometimes applied to Gjirokastra, or The City of Two Thousand Steps. It was proclaimed a 'Museum City' by the dictator Enver Hoxha in June 1961. [edit]History [edit]Ancient

Berat in 1813

The entrance of the citadel of Berat, with the 13th-century Byzantine church of the Holy Trinity

Antipatrea in the antiquity

The earliest recorded inhabitants of the city (6th century BC) were the Greek tribe of the Dassaretae or Dexarioi, the northernmost subgroup of the Chaonians, and the region was known as Dessaretisafter them.[3][4] Modern Berat occupies the site of Antipatreia (Ancient Greek:), which originally was a settlement of the Dexarioi[5] and later aMacedonian stronghold in southernIllyria.[3][6] The founding date is unknown, although if Cassander is the founder it has been suggested that Antipatreia was founded after he took control of the region around 314 BC.[6] In 200 BC it was captured by the Roman legatus Lucius Apustius, who razed the walls and massacred the male population of the city.[7][8] [edit]Medieval

The town became part of the unstable frontier of the Byzantine Empire following the fall of the Roman Empire and, along with much of the rest of the Balkan peninsula, it suffered from repeated invasions by Slavs and it remained it's slavic name Bel-Grad during the First Bulgarian Empire and the Second Bulgarian Empire, it changed it's name in ottoman Berat under the ottoman rule. During the Byzantine period, it was known as Pulcheriopolis. The Bulgarians under Presian I captured the town in the 9th century and renamed it "Beligrad" (White City). It became one of the most important towns in the Bulgarian region Kutmichevitsa. The Bulgarians were driven out in the 11th century but retook the city in 1203 during the rule ofKaloyan. During the 13th century, it fell to Michael I Ducas, the ruler of the Despotate of Epirus. Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos sent letters to the Albanian leaders of Berat andDurrs in 1272 asking them to abandon their alliance with Charles I of Naples, leader of theKingdom of Albania, who had captured and incorporated it at the same period in the Kingdom of Albania.[9][10][11] However, they sent the letters to Charles as a sign of their loyalty.[12] In 1274 Michael VIII recaptured Berat and after being joined by Albanians who supported the Byzantine Empire, marched unsuccessfully against the Angevin capital of Durrs.[13] In 1280-1281 the Sicilian forces under Hugh the Red of Sully laid siege to Berat. In March 1281 a relief force fromConstantinople under the command of Michael Tarchaneiotes was able to drive off the besieging Sicilian army.[14] Later in the 13th century Berat again fell under the control of the Byzantine Empire. In 1335 Albanians from Epirus Nova invaded the area of Berat and appeared in Epirus for the first time,[15][16] while in 1345 the town passed to the Serbs. During the second half of the 14th century the noble Albanian family of Muzaka and became the capital of the Principality of Berat.[17] In 1417 it was captured by the Ottoman Empire, while in 1455 the League of Lezh tried to recapture the city. Although the Albanian forces won a tactical victory, they didn't manage to capture it. [edit]Modern During the 18th century Berat was one the most important Albanian cities of the Ottoman Empire.[18] In the early modern era the city was the capital of the Pashalik of Berat founded by Ahmet Kurt Pasha. Berat was incorporated in the Pashalik of Yanina after Ibrahim Pasha of Berat was defeated by Ali Pasha in 1809. In 1867, Berat became a sanjak in Yannina (Yanya) vilayet.

During the early period of Ottoman rule, Berat fell into severe decline. By the end of the 16th century it had only 710 houses. However it began to recover by the 17th century and became a major craft centre specializing in wood carving. During the 19th century, Berat played an important part in the Albanian national revival. A Greek school was operating in the city already from 1835.[19] It became a major base of support for the League of Prizren, the late 19th century Albanian nationalist alliance, while the city was also represented in the formation of southern branch of the league in Gjirokastr.[20] From October 23 to October 30, 1944, the second session of the Council of National Liberation of Albania was held in Berat, where the National Liberation Movement-controlled Anti-Fascist National Liberation Committee became the Provisional Democratic Government of Albania, with Enver Hoxha as its prime minister and minister of defence.[21] [edit]Economy By the 18th century the economy and society of Berat was closely connected to the city's craft guilds partly related to various tax exemptions that existed since the late Middle Ages. By 1750 there were twenty-two guilds, the most important of which were the tanners', the cobblers' and other leather-working guilds. Other guilds included metalworking, silver-smithing and silk-making ones.[18] [edit]Landmarks

Panorama of Berat from the Castle

Berat Castle is built on a rocky hill on the left bank of the river Osum and is accessible only from the south. After being burned down by the Romans in 200 BC the walls were strengthened in the 5th century under Byzantine Emperor Theodosius II, and were rebuilt during the 6th century under the Emperor Justinian I and again in the 13th century under the Despot of Epirus, Michael Komnenos Doukas, cousin of the Byzantine Emperor. The main entrance, on the north side, is defended by a fortified courtyard and there are three smaller entrances. The fortress of Berat in its present state, even though considerably damaged, remains a magnificent sight. The surface that it encompasses made it possible to house a considerable portion of the town's inhabitants. The buildings inside the fortress were built during the 13th century and because of their characteristic architecture are preserved as cultural monuments. The population of the fortress was Christian, and it had about 20 churches (most built during the 13th century) and only one mosque, for the use of the Muslim garrison, (of which there survives only a few ruins and the base of the minaret). The churches of the fortress have been damaged through the years and only some remain.

Gorica Neighborhood as seen from the Castle

The Church of St. Mary of Blachernae dating from the 13th century, has 16th century mural paintings by Nikoll Onufri, son of the most important post-medieval Albanian painter, Onufri. In a small tree - planted square, on a hillside inside the walls of the fortress, stands the 14th century Church of the Holy Trinity. It is built in the form of a cross and has Byzantine murals. Outside the ramparts is the Church of St. Michael (Shn Mehill), built in the 13th century. This church is reached by a steep but perfectly safe path. Near the entrance, after a guardhouse, is the little Church of St. Theodore (Shen Todher), which have wall paintings by Onufri himself. The most interesting is the cathedral of St. Nicholas, which has been well restored and is now a museum dedicated

to Onufri. Onufri was the greatest of the 16th century painters in Albania. Not only was he a master of the techniques of fresco and icons, but he was the first to introduce a new colour in painting, shiny red, which the French called "Onufri's Red". In addition, Onufri introduced a certain realism and a degree of individuality in facial expression. [22]

Shpiragu Mountain in the distance

The first inscription recording Onufri's name was found in 1951, in the Shelqan church. The Kastoria church has a date July 23, 1547 and a reference to Onufri's origin : I am Onufri, and come from the town of Berat. Onufri's style in painting was inherited by his son, Nikolla (Nicholas), though not so successful as his father. In Onufri's museum can be found works of Onufri, his son, Nikolla and other painters'. There are also numbers of icons and some fine examples of religious silversmith's work (sacred vessels, icon casings, covers of Gospel books, etc.). Berat Gospels, which date from the 4th century, are copies (the originals are preserved in the National Archives in Tirana). The church itself has a magnificent iconostasis of carved wood, with two very fine icons of Christ and the Virgin Mary. The bishop's throne and the pulpit are also of considerable quality. Near the street running down from the fortress is the Bachelors' Mosque (Xhami e Beqareve), built in 1827. This has a handsome portico and an interesting external decoration of flowers, plants, houses, etc. The 'Bachelors' were the young shopassistants (in practice generally unmarried), whom the merchants in Berat used as their own private militia. The King Mosque (Albanian:Xhamia e Mbretit), the oldest in the town built in the reign of Bayazid II (14811512), is notable for its fine ceiling.

One of the dozen Byzantine Churches found inside the Castle

The Lead Mosque (Xhamia e Plumbit), built in 1555 and so called from the covering of its cupola. This mosque is the centre of the town. [23] The Halveti Tekke (Teqe e Helvetive) is thought to have been built in the 15th century. It was rebuilt by Ahmet Kurt Pasha in 1782. It belongs to the Khalwati Sufi order. It is composed of the prayer hall with a square plan, a small ambience for special religious services and a gracious portico in front of the entrance to the prayer hall. In the prayer hall is a mafil carved in wood and decorated. On the eastern side of the prayer hall is the mihrab decorated with stone stalactites. The inner walls have been decorated with eight frescoes, depicting dwelling houses, Muslim religious buildings and landscapes. The walls below the frescoes are covered by holes that improve the acoustics in the prayer hall. The ceiling of the prayer hall is made of wood and is decorated with paintings valued as the most beautiful of the time. The ceiling has been decorated in the Baroque style adopted in Islamic art and is covered with 14 carat gold plates. The inner decorations were carried out by MasterDush Barka. Attached to the prayer hall is a room in which once was the mausoleum of Ahmet Kurt Pasha and his son. The portico of the tekke has five has five stone columns which were taken from the ancient Greek city of Apollonia. Above the main door in the portico is an inscription dedicated to the values of the tekke and to Ahmet Kurt Pasha.[24] Near of tekke is purported to be the grave of Shabbatai Zevi, a Turkish Jew who had been banished to Dulcigno (present day Ulcinj) who created controversy among his followers upon his conversion to Islam. [edit]Sights

Typical side street in Berat.

A closer look at Mangalemi Neighborhood

The town is still renowned for its historic architecture and scenic beauty and is known as the "Town of a Thousand Windows", due to the many large windows of the old decorated houses overlooking the town. It is unclear whether it really means "Thousand" (nj mij) or "One over Another" (nj mbi nj) windows. Indeed, the quarter is built in a very steep place and windows seem to be one over another. Similar views can be seen in Gjirokastr, as well as Catanzaro in Italy, where an Albanian minority once lived. The Citadel overlooks the river and the modern city as well as the old Christian quarter across the river. It is a well preserved area containing narrow streets, Turkish houses and Orthodox churches. Modern Berat consists of three parts divided by the Osum River: Gorica ("little mountain" in Old Church Slavonic), Mangalem and Kalaja, the latter being a residential quarter within the old Byzantine citadel that overlooks the town. The town also has a 15th century mosque and a number of churches of the Albanian Orthodox Church, whose autocephaly was proclaimed there in 1922. Several of the churches house works by the renowned 16th century painter Onufri. [edit]Climate Berat experiences a Mediterranean climate. Due to its location in a rain shadow of Mount Tomorr the summer in Berat is much warmer than the rest of Mediterranean. Berat is the hottest city in Albania[citation needed].
[hide]Climate data for Berat (1991 - 2010) Month Record high C (F) Jan











(81) 15.3 (59.5) 2.1 (35.8) 9 (16) 152 (5.98)

(84) 17.1 (62.8) 4.2 (39.6) 4 (25) 108 (4.25)

(88) 20.2 (68.4) 7.4 (45.3) 1 (30) 97 (3.82)

(100) 25.3 (77.5) 12.5 (54.5) 3 (37) 76 (2.99)

(111) 30.4 (86.7) 17.7 (63.9) 8 (46) 31 (1.22)

(115) 33.4 (92.1) 20.3 (68.5) 14 (57) 4 (0.16)

(117) 33.6 (92.5) 20.0 (68.0) 12 (54) 9 (0.35)

(108) 29.2 (84.6) 16.0 (60.8) 6 (43) 50 (1.97)

(95) 23.1 (73.6) 8.5 (47.3) 0 (32) 95 (3.74)

Average high C (F) Average low C (F) Record low C (F) Precipitation mm (inches)

14.4 (57.9) 2.0 (35.6) 10 (14) 145 (5.71)

Source: METEOALB Weather Station

Berat is a picturesque town located in south-central Albania, and possibly the most beautiful one in the country. This outstanding well-preserved Ottoman city of Berat is perhaps the best in the Balkans with unique lower town and a beautiful Medieval Citadel district on top of the hill. Due to the many large windows of the old decorated houses overlooking the town, Berat is known as "the city of one-thousand windows"and in 1961 is declared as a Museum city. Berat lies on the beautiful slopes of the wild Tomorri Mountain /2416 meters/ where the Castle of the Berat city rises in a predominant hill. Berat lies on the right bank of the Osum River which has cut a 915-metre deep gorge through the limestone rock on the west side of the valley to form a precipitous natural fortress, around which the town was built on several river terraces. The town of Berat is one of the oldest in Albania, with the earliest traces of settlement dating from 2600-1800 BC. The long history of Berat is in fact the history of encounters between different civilizations and people, so this secular and multiethnic structure is one of the main pillars of the Berat's rich cultural heritage. The city of Berat was composed of two fortifications on both sides of the Osum River and is adorned with 40 Byzantine churches and 30 mosques. Berat comprises a wealth of beautiful buildings of high architectural and historical interest. Berat region has 117 monuments of the first category and 460 of the second one, including churches, mosques, buildings, bridges, castles, etc. The old part of the Berat city includes more than 20 preserved Byzantine churches (most built during the 13th century) and only one

mosque for the use of Turkish garrison. Historical part of Berat features a castle, locally known as the Kalaja, most of which was built during reconstruction in the 13th century, carried during the reign of the Epirot despod Michael Angelos Comnenus, although its origins date back to the 4th century BC. The Kalaja citadel area of Berat numbers many Byzantine churches, mainly from the 13th century, several of which contain valuable wall paintings and icons. The Cathedral of the Dormition of the Holy Virgin is situated in a dominant place within the Berat Citadel, between the numerous noble houses and built during the 18th century was the part of the Metropolitan Bishop complex. The Ethnographic Museum of Berat, situated in the 18th century Ottoman house is worth-visiting. The ground floor has displays of traditional clothes and the tools used by silversmiths and weavers, while the upper storey has kitchens, bedrooms and guest rooms decked out in traditional style. Especially interesting is the mafil, a kind of mezzanine looking into the lounge where the women of the house could keep an eye on male guests being entertained (and see when their cups needed to be filled). Construction of the Old Varosh - old Berat town - Mangalem Quarter of Berat began during the 11th-12th centuries. Today most of the Berat houses inside Mangalem Quarter are from the 18th-19th centuries. The Mangalem quarter of Berat has the shape of a pyramid and is famous for its many windows and narrow hidden streets adding attraction and beauty. Similar to Mangalem, Gorica quarter is thought to have started being built during the 11th-12th centuries. Gorica Quarter of Berat is composed of many singlefamily houses which are cultural monuments and by two old Orthodox churches: the Church of Saint Spiridon and the Church of Saint Thomas. A fortress-settlement of the Greek Dassaretae tribe existed in the area as early as the 6th century BC. It was captured by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Livy (31.27.2) describes Antipatrea as a strongly fortified Macedonian city of southern Illyria in a narrow pass that the Romans sacked and burned. The town became part of the unstable frontier of the Byzantine Empire following the fall of the Roman Empire and, along with much of the rest of the Balkan Peninsula, it suffered from repeated invasions of various barbarian" tribes. During the Byzantine period, town was known asPulcheriopolis after the 5th century Byzantine Empress Pulcheria. During its long history Berat was captured by Bulgarians, Byzantines, Sicilians, Serbs to be eventually conquered by Turks in 1450 who ruled over it until 1912 by the name of Arnavud Belgrad. At the end of the 18th through the

beginning of the 19th century Berat became the seat of the Berat Pashalik a Pasha was a governor of a province. The most distinguished Ottoman Pasha was Ahmed Kurt Pasha who undertook much building. After his death the city of Berat was attached to the Ionnian Pashalik, preserving its strategic position of the commercial caravan routes. During World War I the city was occupied by Austria-Hungarian troops, while under the postwar rule of King Zog - 1928 til 1939, Berat prosperred to be one of the most important cultural and economic centers of Albania. During World War II Berat was occupied by the Italians, following their invasion of the country in 1939 and later by the Germans. Berat was a vitally important for the antifascist guerilla was. Since November 1944 Albania started its long communistcontrolled dictatorship of Enver Hoxha and Berat experienced the same.













older Bel(i)grad/meaning "white city" in Slavic or Belgrade/, under which name it was known in Greek, Latin and Slavic documents during the High and Late Middle Ages. In the 17th century Berat was major merchant and craft center of the Ottoman Balkans specializing in wood carving. Above Berat is a mountaintop fortress rebuilt by the Byzantines in the 13th century, with a view over the broad Osum River valley, serpentine river and snow-capped peaks. Inside Berat's walls there are dwelling houses and the "Onufri Museum". Paintings and icons by the outstanding Greek painter Onufri who during the 16th century worked in the regions that presently are on the territory of Greece, Albania and Macedonia, in the frames of the former Ohrid Archbishopric are also exhibited there as well as various liturgical objects. Greek manuscripts on purple parchment written in silver and golden lettera, that are some of the world's most ancient and most remarkable religious manuscripts, the Purple Codex of Berat, dating back to the 6th century AD and the Golden Codex of Berat, from the 9th century, are nowadays kept in Central State Archive in Tirane are written and artifully crafted in Berat. According to the legend of the history of the area, Tomor Mountain was personified by a giant who fought his brother Shpirag /also the personification of a nearby mountain/ for the love of a young woman. Although both were armed and fought valiantly, they both died in the end. The legend continues to explain that the sorrow-filled tears of the woman whose love they sought flowed deep and created the Osum River. The girl is said to have turned into the large stone, upon which the Berat castle was built.

Berat is the hottest city in Albania and much warmer than the rest of Mediterranean. Thanks to its pleasant climate, an abundance of delicious vegetables, fruits and grapes is harvested in Berat and surroundings. Berat Berat is famous for the characteristic Tosk Poliphonic song, where 3 or 4 voices are accompanied by a chorus. This form of Albanian music is widely performed during celebrations in local restaurants and bars. The tremendous old town of Berat was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in July 2008. Outside the city, the countryside features steep and spectacular canyons, fine for hikers and archaeological sites with histories and myths yet to be discovered. Berat is our favorite destination in Albania.


[sigplus] Critical error: Insufficient file system permissions to create the folder root\cache\preview. Hotel Castle Park ofron guida npr qytetin e Beratit (n kala, lagja Gorica,lagjia Mangalem, muzeu i Onufrit dhe muzeu etnografik).Guida mund t bhet n gjuhn shqipe, n gjuhn angleze dhe n gjuhn italiane.Kjo guid kushton 12 / person.

Qyteti I Beratit

Berati sht nj ndr qytetet e rrall, i cili i takon agimit t njerzimit. Nj koh, kur ujrat rridhnin t pakontrolluara dhe shkatrruese, n kt zon u krijua nj masiv shkmbi, i zbuluar nga natyra n saj t ktij lumi, i cili duket t jet vn posarisht pr t

mirpritur nj qytet ku jeta filloi t organizohej pr m shum se 2400 vjet. Ky qytet, rezultat i fantazis s rafinuar, trhoqi poett t shkruajn dhe piktort t pikturojn. Jam Onufri qe vij nga qyteti i shumndritur i Beratit- Onufri Berati sht i bukur , pr t qen prjetsisht i bukur- Shtraus Kto vlera, ky muze dhe qyteti i Beratit nuk ju prket vetm juve por i perket gjith njerzimit - Perez de Kuelar Kshtjell e bukur si kopshtet paraizor qytet i qeshur dhe i iltr i Beratit.Evlia elebiu


Esht monumenti m antik, me nj siprfaqe 9.6 ha, i cili ngrihet n nj kodr prej 187 m, e ribr nga Mhilli I Engjll Komneno e pastaj, n vitin 400 , nga veneciant, ndodhet n pjesn e siprme t qytetit dhe ka mure t larta rrethues t ndara nga 24 kulla t formave dhe dimensioneve t ndryshme, t ndrtuara n periudha t ndryshme. Esht ndrtuar me gur gjigand n form katrori. N periudhn bizantine kshtjella ndodhej n listn e fortifikimeve t Justinianit., muri rrethues rrethon kodrn, e cila dominon qytetin aktual t Beratit dhe ka formn e nj shigjete drejtuar nga veriu, n fakt, m par formonte nj zinxhir me kodrn prball Gorics, e cila sht 6 m m e lart.

Lumi q kish formuar, n kt pik, nj liqen dhe shum larg nj kaskat grrehu pak nga pak shkmbin duke formuar nj gryk t ngusht. Pr kt motiv shpati i ksaj ane sht shum i pjerrt e shkmbor, dhe plot shkmbenj, q vshtrojn drejt qiellit. N pjesn e veriore n t ciln ndodhet porta kryesore, ka qn ndrtuar nj oborr i fortifikuar mir, q sht nj nga ndrtimet e para t ktij lloji t realizuar n mesjet me qllim devijimin e sulmeve direkte.

N pjesn jug-lindore gjendet nj istern uji e ndrtuar mjeshtrisht, q ishte n gjendje t mbante uj t freskt. Pr t siguruar ujin n mesjetn e von, n pjesn jugore u ndrtua nj tynel guri nprmjet t cilit bhej transportimi i ujit nga lumi n kshtjell.. N pjesn m t lart t kshtjells ndodhet gjithashtu nj akropol i rrethuar nga mure, brnda s cils gjnden mbetjet e nj garnizoni ushtarak, mbetjet e sarajeve t pashait dhe t Xhamis s Bardh n periudhn otomane. Kshtjella i ka qndruar besnike planimetris s saj t shekullit IV para Krishtit. Hera hers , sipas teknikave t prdorura, kshtjella u prshtat, e kjo mund t vihet re n kullat e predispozuara pr topa dhe n frengjit pr pushkt, q shfaqen n periudhn e pashallqve t mdha shqiptare, t shekullit XVIIIXIX.Topat gjenden akoma edhe sot prgjat mureve t kshtjells.

Mangalemi Dhe Gorica

Mangalemi dhe Gorica, jan dy lagje t qytetit t Beratit q dallohen pr harmonin me terrenin n t ciln jan ndrtuar, duke shfrytzuar mjeshtrisht gjuhn arkitektonike. Kto lagje s bashku me kshtjelln, akoma t banuara, prbjn tre komplekset m karakteristike t qytetit. Kompleksi i lagjes Mangalem sht gur i muar n artin e ndrtimeve, n t ciln kompozimi harmonik i shtpive ka arritur nj nivel t lart. Ka formn e nj piramide elegante q imiton siluetn e kodrs, n majn e s cils sht ngritur kshtjella. Ky kompozim, kaq i madh n volum aq sa delikat n kompozimin e saj, karakterizohet nga nj transparenc intesive pr shkak t numrit t madh t dritareve, nga e cila merr emrin qyteti i nj mij e nj dritareve. Vizitorit i trheqin vmendjen rrugicat, t cilat edhe pse jan t fshehura kan nj bukuri t jashtzakonshme. Shum intime, me errsirn e tyre kto rrugica duket sikur sfumojn godinat e lagjes. Rrugica si kto nuk mund t harrohen me lehtsi. ________________________________________

Gorica sht lagjja prball Mangalemit q nuk shikon kurr diellin gjat dimrit. Lagjet e tjera t qytetit jan n pjesn e djatht t lumit Osum, ose preth kodrave, konfiguracion, i cili i jep qytetit pamjen e nj amfiteatri. ________________________________________

Ura E Gorics

Ura prej druri, e cila m von n shekullin XVIII u zvendsua nga ajo prej guri, u ndrtua m 1780 nga Ahmet Kurt Pashai dhe u rindrtua m von n vitet 1920-1930. Esht e gjat 129.3 m, e gjer 5.3 m dhe me largsi harqesh prej 9 deri m 16.7 m. Ngrihet 10 m mbi nivelin e lumit dhe sht nj ur e bukur e prbr nga shtat harqe. N brendsi t shtylls s par, deri n kohn e rikonstruksionit, ekzistonte nj zgavr, nj kamare e madhe e mbyllur me zgarr hekuri, n t ciln, sipas legjends, duhej q nj vajz t qendronte e mbyllur, e destinuar me vdekje nga uria si sakrific pr t qetsuar shpirtrat, t cilt kundrshtonin ndrtimin e urs. N nj tjetr shtyll, gjat restaurimit, u gjend nj skulptur prej druri, e cila prfaqsonte kokn e nj gruaje. E ndrtuar mbi nj bazament t fort, e gjith ura sht e veshur plotsisht me gur t gdhendur, t cilat mbahen mes tyre nga ganxha metalike. Ura sht nj ndr mirsit e qytetit, e karakterizuar nga eleganca e gurit t bardh e prdorur pr ndrtim. ________________________________________

Legjenda E Qytetit

Mijra e mijra vjet m par jetonte nj Zan shum e bukur. Nj dit ajo u takua me dy vllezr vigan, Tomorin dhe Shpiragun. Sikurse ndodh shum her ndr legjenda dhe shpesh n t vrtet, t dy vllezrit ran n dashuri me Zann e bukur. Kaq fort ua trazoi zemrat t dy vllezrve dhe kaq thell u hyri grindja pr t, sa q shprtheu lufta vllavrasse. Tomorri, duke patur nj shpat t shklqyeshme, i ra vllait t vet m t vogl brinjve, ndrsa ky i fundit, i armatosur me nj topuz shum t rnd, iu turr me furi duke e goditur sa mundte m fort. Zoti, q shihte do gj, u trishtua dhe u zmrua prej pamjes aq t dhimbshme, grindjes aq t prgjakshme midis vllezrve. Ata duheshin ndshkuar pr kt mnxyr q shkaktuan. Prandaj, Ai i ktheu fajtort n gur dhe i dnoi t mbajn ndr shekuj n trup gjurmt e ktij luftimi t tmerrshm. Q nga ajo koh e lasht e deri sot vllai i madh, Tomori, i tregon diellit hapsirat e veta gropa - gropa dhe plasa t panumrta. Ndrsa, vllait t vogl, Shpiragut, kushdo q kalon n kto treva, i sheh brinjt e coptuara e t thelluara vija-vija. Shkaktarja e ksaj mnxyre, Zana e bukur hirplot, nuk duhej t'i shptonte zmrimit t Zotit, ndaj Ai e ktheu n nj kodrinz shkmbore, mbi t ciln nj dit filluan t vendosen gur mbi gur dhe u ndrtua nj kshtjell e madhe, e bukur, q qendron edhe sot madhshtore mbi qytetin e Beratit. Zana e bukur, q i donte vllezrit, po jo zmrimin e tyre t derdhur mbi njeri-tjetrin, qau e qau pa mas. Ai lum, q tani mban emrin Osum, sipas legjends, nuk sht gj tjetr vese rrkeja e lotve, q lagu gur e shkmb dhe u derdh mes dy vllezrve prej Zans hyjnesh, pr t'u treguar se dhimbja pr kt fatkeqsi asnjher nuk do t'i shter lott. ________________________________________

Kodiket E Beratit

Kodiku i Purpurt i Beratit, nj nga variantet m t vjetra t Testamentit t Ri, sht nj referenc thelbsore e letrsis evangjeliste dhe, m prgjithsisht, e kulturs kristiane. UNESCO i kushton nj vmendje t veant ruajtjes s ksaj trashgimie unikale t zhvillimit t letrsis s vjetr biblike dhe liturgjike prgjat historis botrore. Ja pse Kodikt e Beratit figurojn n regjistrin e veprave m t rndsishme t Njerzimit, t krijuar n kuadrin e programit Kujtesa e Bots. Kshtu shkruan Kochiro Matsuura Drejtor i prgjithshm i Unesco-s n librin Kodikt e Shqipris Drejtoria e Prgjithshme e Arkivave, Tiran2003. Studiuesit e huaj ia kan kushtuar vmendjen kryesore Kodikut t Purpurt t Beratit - Codex Purpureus Beratinus F - i njohur gjersisht me emrin e shkurtr Beratinus. N fakt emrin e Beratit e ka marr si epinom edhe Kodiku i Art i Anthimit, i cili mbi quhet shpesh Beratinus-2. Kjo ka ndodhur jo vetm pr faktin se Beratinus i takonte nj periudhe shum t hershme (i shkruar n kufijt e fundm t paleokrishtrimit); jo vetm sepse pr nj koh t gjat emri i tij sht lidhur e vazhdon t lidhet me emrin e Shn Gjon Gojartit (Joan Chrysostome), njprej protagonistve dhe reformatorve m t mdhenj t historis s krishtrimit t hershm; jo vetm sepse dorshkrime si Beratinus kan mbijetuar n bot m pak se gishtat e dors; por, mbi t gjitha, pr faktin se,

si e ka vn re menurisht P. Batiffol, n tekstin e ktij dorshkrimi ka her pas here shmangie leximi (conflate reading), q lidhen me karakterin jonormativ t ktyre fragmenteve kalimtare. Beratinus mori rndsi botrore si nj dorshkrim i hershm q mund t ndihmonte pr t plotsuar historin e zhvillimit t mendimit ungjillor, nprmjet studimeve t posame t tekstologjis kritike (textual criticism), q mund t thuhet se, n dijen shqiptare, sapo kan filluar. N nj vshtrim m t gjer kto studime do t evidentonin se far ndodhi n procesin e kalimit prej fjals s shenjt tek shkrimet e shenjta, prej predikimit ungjillor gojor tek predikimi kanonik.

Rndsia e Beratinus-it u theksua edhe m nga fakti se n tipologjin e tekstit t tij gjenden gjurm t shkrimeve siriake (t Lindjes) dhe t Perndimit njhersh. Ktij mendimi i jan prmbajtur shum dijetar, prej Batiffol-it deri tek Aleks Buda e m pas Roderic L. Mullen. Kjo e bn at nj prej dorshkrimeve m t rndsishm pr t krahasuar shkollat e shkrimeve ungjillore dhe procesin historik t kanonizimit t shkrimeve t shenjta n prgjithsi. Pr fat t keq, numri i kodikve me njohje ndrkombtare t ruajtur n Shqipri, duke prjashtuar Kodikun e Art t Anthimit (nj dorshkrim i rrall krysografik, n pergamen t purpurt) dhe disa t tjer, me gjith kt vmendje, q e tejkalon interesin e shkencs vendse, sht i kufizuar. T pakt kan qen ata q kan br studime duke pasur njohje t drejtprdrejt pr kodikt. Disa t tjer kan shkruar duke pasur si burim jo vet kodikt, por studimet mbi to. N Shqipri dijetari i par q ka br t ditur ekzistencn e Beratinus-it dhe t disa kodikve t tjer ka qen Ilo Mitk Qafzezi. Ky qe m shum i preokupuar pr Kodikun e Kost Beratit, n t cilin gjendej nj alfabet i panjohur i shqipes me grafema helene, por nuk harroi t prmendte pak m gjersisht vlerat e

thesarit dorshkrimor beratas. Me kt rast ai krijoi edhe neologjizmin shkresdore, pr manuscript - dorshkrim, q nuk pati fat t mbetej n gjuhn aktive. Sot kodikt e famshm ndodhen n museun Historik Kombtar n Tiran.

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