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一.背景: 流变发展线

Against: 不满足于之前新批评的拘泥于形式和文本
New criticism/reader response criticism /poststructuralist.
1. Ignore the world beyond the text and its reader
2. Ignore the historical contexts within which literature work are written and read

Influenced by P383(南大,受到后结构主义思潮和福柯的影响)
Foucault//Marxism//Feminism//Anthropology【跨学科】 (thick description) 【包含很多思想】

时间:20 世纪 70 年代美国末期
正式命名:80 年代初

兴盛于 20 世纪 80 年代,主要目的是重新描述文本与产生文本的文化体系之间的关系。
“一个没有确切指涉的词”(A phrase without adequate referent.)

View of history(龙儿)
1.History becomes texualized:(textual) 历史的文本性)(顺口溜蒙特罗斯;主体是历
【历史没有现场直播! no live show】

过去认为:events of the past//客观事实,实实在在发生的

telling a story about the events of the past: history is always narrated.被记载的
No presentation of dry facts but only interpretation;
the past can never be available to us in pure form.

2. 对历史看法的主观性: Historians’ study of the past is not detached and objective.

(subjective) *(海登怀特 元历史 历史揭示历史 )
【所有人看历史都戴着自己的有色眼镜 wear coloured glasses】
We cannot transcend our own historical situation.
Historians live in a particular time and place, influenced by their particular historical concerns
and their own experience within their own culture, impossibility of objective analysis

3. Historical periods are not unified entities. (nonlinear)不是线性的,不是统一的

【不是统一的大写的历史 HISTORY,而是碎片的小写的历史 histories】
Have a causal relationship, A caused B, B caused C; have the spirit of the age; such as the Age
of Enlightenment; human beings are improving in the course of time, advancing in morality
and culture and technology.
No single history, only discontinuous and contradictory histories. The history is non-
progressive. The idea of uniform and harmonious culture is propagated by the ruling class in
their own interests.

三.历史与文本 [秀阳&妮妮]

1. Literary text V.S. Non-literary text(秀儿)

本或者文献都体现出文本的特性 texuality, 都是互文的关系,对文学研究都有用。P383 南
no stable and fixed history which can be treated as the background against which literature can
be foregrounded.
parallel reading of literary text and non-literary text; given equal weight;
A. 文学,文化与历史的互动观;新历史主义要打破一种将文化认为是一个严密统一的意义

文化的产物,人的命运,不只是由内在意志力决定,文学的文本是精神的 output,


B. 文学文本与非文学文本的共鸣:新历史主义,恢复历史的维度,将历史重新置于历史环

2. Louis A. Montrose: Historicity of the Texts and Textuality of histories (妮儿)


• 文本的历史性:文本是一定社会历史条件下的产物,它不仅能反映历史,也能够
• 历史的文本性:人们需要通过文本来了解历史(文本可以是历史学家编撰的历史

New Historicism aims to unite history and literature, and new historicists regard “historicity”
and “textuality” as the starting point in their theoretical practices. And Louis Montrose gives his
definition of New Historicism which sounds much like a tongue twist. It’s “the historicity of texts
and the texurality of the histories.”
He explains in his essay New Historicism that “By the historicity of texts, I mean to suggest
the historical specificity, the social and material embedding, of all modes of writing---including
not only the texts that critics study but also the texts in which we study them; thus, I also mean to
suggest the historical, social, and material embedding of all modes of reading.”
We can understand the historicity of texts from three perspectives:
① All the texts are socially historic, because they are the products of some specific history,
economy, politics, culture and etc. The texts don’t emerge in a vacuum, so it is necessary to study
the sociality and historicity of the texts when studying literary texts.
② Any interpretation of the text is not purely objective as it is inevitably social and
historic. My understanding is that people who interpret the texts are influenced by the specific
history, politics, culture and so on in which they live, so they bear the traces of their particular
history when interpreting texts, and thus an objective interpretation seems impossible.
③ The text is not merely the “reflection” of history, but as a historical and cultural event, it
has the power to help shape society, so it is an important part of history.
As to the textuality of histories, he says “By the textuality of histories, I mean to suggest, in
the first place, that we can have no access to a full and authentic past, to a material existence that
is unmediated by the textual traces of the society in question; and furthermore, that the survival of
those traces rather than others cannot be assumed to be merely contingent but must rather be
presumed to be at least partially consequent on subtle processes of selective preservation and
effacement---processes like those that have produced the traditional humanities curriculum. In the
second place, those victorious traces of material and ideological struggle are themselves subject to
subsequent mediations when they are construed as the “documents” on which those who profess
the humanities ground their own descriptive and interpretive texts.”
Also, we can try to understand the textuality of histories from two aspects:
① We have to depend on the texts to know the history, otherwise we have no other way.
And the text is not an objective and passive reflection of history, it goes through the process of
selection, effacement and preservation. Just like writers, when they are writing literary works, they
select, revise the materials and finally create the works. The same is true of history.
② The text can serve as a medium for interpretation. When historians write history, they
consult the texts that become the basis of history, the texts thus once again serve as the media of

The historicity of texts and the textuality of histories breaks the binary opposition between
history and literature, it stresses the interrelationship between history and literature.

Greenblatt, Gunn. Redrawing the Boundaries. New York: The Modern Language Association of
America, 1992.

张进. 新历史主义文艺思潮通论. 广州: 暨南大学出版社, 2013.

Society influences the creation of work—work is published—society digests the work and is
changed by it—altered society influences the creation of a new work

四.对格林布拉特的独家专访 (这部分仍然 on the way 哈哈)


The term “culture” has not always been used in literary studies, and indeed the very concept
denoted by the term is fairly recent.文化很少用于文学研究当中。
The ensemble of beliefs and practices that form a given culture function as a pervasive
technology of control, a set of limits within which social behavior must be contained, a repertoire
of models to which individuals must conform. 一个既定文化中的信念和实践对个体具有控制
This is most obvious in the kinds of literature that are explicity engaged in attack and
celebration: satire and panegyric. 社会通过奖惩机制来加强文化的边界性,这在一些文学作品

An awareness of culture as a complex whole can help us to recover that sense by leading us
to reconstruct the boundaries upon whose existence the works were predicated. 通过重建文化的

Eventually, a full cultural analysis will need to push beyond the boundaries of the text, to
establish links between the text and values, institutions, and practices elsewhere in the culture. 通

The world is full of texts, most of which are virtually incomprehensible when they are
removed from their immediate surroundings. To recover the meaning of such texts, to make any
sense of them at all, we need to reconstruct the situation in which they were produced. 世界充满

Cultural analysis then is not by definition an extrinsic analysis, as opposed to an internal

formal analysis of works of art. 文化研究因此从定义上来说并不是与艺术作品内部研究对立

cultural analysis must be opposed on principle to the rigid distinction between that which is
within a text and that which lies outside. 文化研究必须反对文本内部和外部的严格区别。

And if an exploration of a particular culture will lead to a heightened understanding of a work

of literature produced within that culture, so too a careful reading of a work of literature will lead
to a heightened understanding of the culture within which it was produced.如果探究一个特定的

The organization of this volume makes it appear that the analysis of culture is the servant of
literary study, but in a liberal education broadly conceived it is literary study that is the servant of
cultural understanding. 这本书意在表明文化研究是为文学研究服务的,而广义的通识教育则

Art is an important agent then in the transmission of culture. 艺术是传播文化的重要媒介。

if culture functions as a structure of limits, it also functions as the regulator and guarantor of
movement. 如果文化起到限制的作业,那么它也起到变动的调节和保证作用。事实上,如

Obviously, among different cultures there will be a great diversity in the ratio between
mobility and constraint. 不同的文化之间移动性和限制之间的比例不同。没有哪一个文化是

In representing this adjustment as a social, emotional, and intellectual education, these novels
in effect thematize their own place in culture, for works of art are themselves educational tools. 这
化中的地位,因为艺术作品本身就是教育工具。 They do not merely passively reflect the
prevailing ratio of mobility and constraint; they help to shape, articulate, and reproduce it through
their own improvisatory intelligence.他们不仅仅是被动地反映移动性和限制之间的比例,他们

A culture is a particular network of negotiations for the exchange of material goods, ideas,
and – through institutions like enslavement, adoption, or marriage – people.文化是一种特殊的谈

Great writers are precisely masters of these codes, specialists in cultural exchange. The
works they create are structures for the accumulation, transformation, representation, and
communication of social energies and practices. 伟大的作家正是这些准则的大师,文化交流的

In any culture there is a general symbolic economy made up of the myriad signs that excite
human desire, fear, and aggression.在任何一种文化中,总有一种象征性的经济,它是由无数激

The current structure of liberal arts education often places obstacles in the way of such an
analysis by separating the study of history from the study of literature, as if the two were entirely
distinct enterprises, but historians have become increasingly sensitive to the symbolic dimensions
of social practice, while literary critics have in recent years turned with growing interest to the
social and historical dimensions of symbolic practice. 当前通识艺术教育的结构将历史研究与

For great works of art are not neural relay stations in the circulation of cultural materials.
Something happens to objects, beliefs, and practices when they are represented, reimagined, and
performed in literary texts, something often unpredictable and disturbing. That ‘‘something’’ is the
sign both of the power of art and of the embeddedness of culture in the contingencies of history.

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