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Ariel Brown

Kins. 4306

Internship Journal/log

November - November 19
Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Tuesday Nov. 16 9:00am 5:00pm 8.00

Wednesday, 9:00am 5:00pm 8.00

Nov. 17
Thursday, Nov. 9:00am 5:00pm 8.00

Friday, Nov. 19 9:00am 5:00pm 8.00

Weekly Total 32

Total Hours 431

Week 14 Journal
Tuesday –

Today, I came into the office and had a meeting for the LEP project and pain conference

planning with Adrienne and Maria. I then worked on the list of comments to weed out 50

individuals to be part in PFAC. This was time consuming as we were looking at a lot of survey

responses from the entire year in the inpatient department.

Wednesday –

Today, I came into the office and prepared for our meeting with the larger group for the

LEP project. The meeting went okay however, I was a little disappointed because we did not get

the chance to finalize the topic for the research. Today we did HUDDLE which is not what we

normally do on Wednesdays however, the entire team was in the office today, so it was more

beneficial to everyone if we did it today instead of tomorrow. I also turned In some of the PFAC

stuff I was working on so that Maria could review it and finalize the members that we would be

sending off invitations to join us.

Thursday –

Today I went into the office and did the minute for the meetings we had the two days

before. I also assigned agenda items to people and will be following up with them afterwards.

After writing up the minutes I transferred the rest of it to the google docs version and then

forwarded both versions of the file along with the future action items to the entire team. I was

able to have my 1 on 1 with Maria today where we she gave me some professional advice on my

resume which I am thankful for. I also made edits to my resume so that she could look over it for

me once more.
Friday –

Today I came in and did some work at my desk until going downstairs to sit in on the

culture class that Ms. Maria and Ms. Julie were doing. This class was Interesting because they

talked about procedures for the incoming nurses and even though I sat in on this class before I

always learn something new while attending. Today, we also discussed some of the things I

would be working on for next week as well as the future of this project. I enjoyed learning a little

bit more about the project proposal process and about how the project will continue without me.

While I am sad that I am not able to continue with the project I am happy because I was able to

be a big part in getting this off the ground.

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