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Obesity has linked to health conditions including diabetes, dementia, cancer and heart disease


( lower-middle-income countries)

Devasting famine: nạn đói

Push sb into Starvation (n): chết đoí

Nguyên nhân :

+ Thiên tai ( natural disaster/ calamity/ catastrophe/ cataclysm) -> lack of resouces

+ Han han ( drought)

Climate change: -> re-emergence of diseases on a larger scale , esp those with vectore ( mosquitoes and
fleas) -> thrive in warm humid environments

+ Nền kinh tế bị chiến tranh tàn phá ( war –torn economy) ( conflict ( xung đột), civil war ( nội chiến) ,
political instability ( chính trị bất ổn) -> internal / international displacement ( tình trạng phải rời bỏ nơi
mình sống ) + mass migration )( di cư hàng loạt)

Escape poverty: thoat nghoe

Eradicate/ eliminate hunge: xóa đói – giảm nghèo ( alleviate poverty)

Tuy nhiên nhiều người vẫn sống dưới mức nghèo đói ( live below the poverty line/ on the breadline)

Giúp người nghèo thoát nghèo ( lift people out of poverty)

Nguoi giau ( the wealthy, affluent, well-off, better-off) - người nghèo ( the deprived, impoverished,
worst off)

Khoangr cach giau ngheo ( widening gap/ gulf between x and Y) can phai rut ngan ( narrow, shorten,
bridge )

Song ben le xa hoi ( live on the margin of society)

Cô bé bán diêm : tuổi thơ ( deprived childhoood), bố mẹ bỏ nhau ( dysfuntional/ broken family), sống
lang thang ( sleeping rough), là đứa trẻ đường phố ( homeless people, street children), bị bỏ rơi
( neglected child) -> hoàn cảnh gia đình ( family backgrounds) và xã hội ( social contexts) -> breed crimes
( mầm mống tội phạm) nhất là tội phạm thành niên ( juvenile crimes)

Vùng quê nghèo ( poverty-stricken areas) , struggle to live by( chật vật kiếm sống), chi tiêu tằn tiện
( make ends meet) , chỉ đủ ăn ( live from hand to mouth)

Global Hunger : (definitions) : physical discomfort , resulted from chronic food shortage , in severe case :
a life-threatening lack of food

Suffer acute/ chronic Food insecurity / undernourishment >< food security ; đủ ăn ; insufficient intake of
necessary nutrients = inadequate nutrition – nutritionally adequate ( đủ chất) -> undernutrition l
nutrious food

Malnutrition: suy dinh dưỡng gồm 2 loại : thừa chất ( overnutrition) ( dẫn đến overweight/ obese) và
thiếu chất ( stunting/ underweight)

Have/lack access to food

Undernourished / malnourished children

Micronutrient deficiency of: thiếu hụt chất dinh dưỡng -> excessive: dư thừa >< deficient: thiếu hụt

The growth in food availability, along with improved access to food

Agricultural-driven areas


+ Poverty: principal cause of hunger

+ Hunger: a cause of poverty -> cyclical relationship: cause poor health, small body size, low levels of
energy and reductions in mental functioning -> reduce people’s ability to work and learn ->

+ Conflict: affect agriculture production: land is seized, resources are destroyed, violence forces
displacement from home, reduce value of the country’s currency -> drive up food prices; difficult to
deliver humanitarian assistance to adress undernutrition

+ low-tech agricultural practices : a lack of adoptation of productive tech for agriculture

+ land and soil degradation : đất bị thoái hóa ko thể canh tác đc-> affect capacity for food production

VD1: International travel= global tourism is becoming cheaper, and countries are opening their doors to
more and more tourist. Do the advantages of increased tourism outweigh its disadvantages?

Reason for tourism boom / the surge in tourism (overtourism/ mass tourism)

- Supercheap airlines
- Business trends
- Platforms ( Airbnb) have increased the supply for rentable rooms : reduce search friction for
travelers, boost citie’s carrying capicity , bump up rents for existing residents
- Through the early 19th century, travel for personal fullfilment was the provenance of ‘ weathy
nobles and educated professionals ‘ -> commercialized mass tourism developed, growing as the
middle class grew-> they have acquired the means to travel over the past few decades
- Social media
- Low barriers of entry , zero regulation
- The product is perishable – time-based services -> when capacity goes up and demand declines -
> price discounting is the adaptive tactic of choice

Adverse effects of tourism:

- Massive crowds/ influx of / high volumes of tourists/visitors are causing environmental

degradation / destroy the environment
- – make many places dangerous and unmanageable and the immiseration and pricing-out of
- The masses have disrespected, thronged and vandalized wonders natural and fabricated for as
long as they have been visiting them, destroying cultural identities

Beneficial effects of tourism (has its upsides)

- Travelers and their foreign direct investment remain a vital lifeblood for the locals
- More cross-culture exposure / global connection
- (n) democritization ? hopscotching
- In many nations, Tourism is the primary source of foreign exchange, employment and cash


- Impose tourist taxes -> reduce the number of visitors + provide with revenue to improve
infrastructure and defray the damage inevitably caused by tourists
- Roll out regulations ?

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