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Students time management tendency: A case of ELTD student in a

university in Indonesia

Shely Farhatunnisa
Delin Nurfauziyyah
Gita Lestari
Muh. Riwanda Abdul Hak

English Learning Teaching Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, IAIN
Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Time management is a planning process carried out by everyone in carrying out certain tasks so
that the goals that have been designed by someone can succeed and the time used becomes more
effective and productive. It cannot be denied that in reality there are still many people who have
problems managing time, especially as a student who has more activities than ordinary schools
in general. In time management there are 3 categories, namely monochronic, polychronic and
bichronemic. Monochronic is a person who does one task at a time and sticks to the plan.
Polychronic is a person who tends to do tasks simultaneously and change plans abruptly if
necessary while bichronemic is a person who is similar to both categories of time management
(monochronic and polychronic). Then do students have the ability to manage their time well? This
study aims to find out what time management is often used by ELTD students, whether it falls into
the monochronic, polychronic and bichronemic categories. Researchers used a descriptive
qualitative method by using questioners to collect data to be analyzed. The data found in the
results of questioners that have been filled in by respondents show that 11 students belong to the
monochronic category, 2 students belong to the polychronic category and 10 students belong to
the bichronemic category. So, almost all ELTD students belong to the monochronic category
which means a person who does one task at a time and sticks to the plan.

Keyword: time management, monochronic, polychronic, bichronemic


Time management is important for everyone including students. By using time

management, one can organize activities effectively and regularly. So that the time owned is not
wasted. Time management is an activity to manage time properly so that the set life goals are
achieved (Sari, 2017, p. 527). If someone can manage time well, activities will be more organized
and productive.

As a student, you have to be a productive person and use your time well because of course
students have a lot of activities apart from learning. No wonder, if students do not use time
management well. Learning and using time management is important because every student has
different habits. Time management is an art of organizing and scheduling time for the purpose of
producing more effective and productive work. (Saadah, 2019, p. 108). People who are used to
applying time management tend to have clear and organized life goals.

In order to have an organized life as a student, you must be able to familiarize yourself if
all plans are to go well. Time planning is important to do, because almost everyone has problems
with time, such as underestimating time too much. Therefore, it is important to manage time which
of course needs to be accompanied by effort so that one can successfully achieve it. Time
management is an effort which can be done by everyone in managing time as well as possible to
achieve a goal that has been designed so that the efforts made by a person can succeed and provide
benefits for himself (Yuang et al., 2022, p. 62). By applying time management, humans can
manage how humans start the day.

Humans can start the day by thinking about what we will do today or the next day. This is
one of the efforts to familiarize ourselves with time management. However, an effort in doing
time management is not enough for everything to run well. Action and implementation are needed
to be effective and efficient. If the person has implemented the action and implementation, it will
increase the efficiency and productivity that exists in oneself. Time management is the act of
planning and implementing or a certain amount of time used for specific activities, especially to
increasing effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. (Singh & Jain, 2013, p. 2284) by applying
time management helps a person to focus on what he does.

To focus on one thing, one must know which one is the priority to start with. A solid
foundation such as high motivation and interest is needed to achieve a goal. So, one must teach
children from an early age to get used to applying time management. Mechanisms in time
management are procedures that must be carried out from planning to evaluation. (Nurhidayati,
2016, p. 25) By applying time management learning from an early age, a person will get used to
using time regularly.

From an early age, a child must be accustomed to using time according to his schedule in
order to become a disciplined person. If not, as an adult, the child will be overwhelmed in
managing time. One way to manage time properly is to prioritize and set deadlines. Effective time
management is the ability to prioritize, plan, and carry out personal responsibilities for personal
satisfaction (Aeon at al., 2017, p. 97). by learning to apply time management, we can save time
that is wasted.
One way to save time is to plan every task. When someone is confused about where to
start planning, it can start from the priority and the easiest first. Therefore, the special thing in a
plan is time management that can achieve a target from the tasks that are done besides that we
must understand time management (Nurrahmaniah, 2019, p. 251). However, not everyone can
easily manage time, many difficulties are experienced, especially a student.

Students who are not accustomed to using time management will certainly experience
difficulties. Students need to learn and practice saving time and using it properly, effectively and
efficiently. Effective time management does not come out of nowhere, but in order to avoid
working desperately that is already tight, so time management is important to do (Saadah, 2019,
p. 121). The habit of procrastinating in doing work is not good in the development of life, because
it will often delay and there is no purposeful goal.

Often, a student delays doing assignments out of habit. This is an example of undisciplined
action towards oneself, so it needs a deeper understanding in order to appreciate time more.
Someone who does not have an understanding of time tends to have unorganized, inconsistent,
and purposeless activities (Fajhriani, 2020, p. 299). Students also often procrastinate work which
makes them forget so they choose not to do it.

The nature of procrastinating work is one of the causes of neglected tasks. someone who
wastes his time in vain will regret it. Because, time is something precious that we cannot repeat.
When making a series of schedules, it would be better if we write them down in something like a
notebook or cellphone so that they are structured and not forgotten. Students who are able to
manage their time well, can be said to be able to manage themselves well. (Mulyani, 2013, p. 44).
In addition, students are able to divide their study time well.

Do you feel like a person who is able to manage time well? In life, people often feel that
they lack time. In fact, the time everyone has is the same, which is 24 hours. However, sometimes
only a few hours of very effective time that we use. Therefore,”[…] time management is needed
by students to hone their soft skills. The higher the self-efficacy and time management, the lower
the student stress level […]” (Rusdi, 2015, p. 152). If time management is well organized, one
will not worry about not being able to get things done.

Attitude anxiety can occur when someone is afraid of not being able to complete something
according to one's expectations. If confused about where to start to manage time, one can start by
making a to-do list. one can make a to-do list at night before going to bed so that one is not
confused about what to do the next day. Study time management requires skills and ways to
organize study time (Fajhriani, 2020, p. 300). Moreover, education is not good because a few
years ago the world was hit by Covid which could not be avoided so that the learning system and
curriculum had to be changed suddenly.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic entered Indonesia yesterday, a lot of changes have occurred
here, especially in the field of education. An online lecture system was also implemented to reduce
the spread of the virus. Because lectures are conducted at home, many students have difficulty
managing their time between lectures and often get carried away playing cellphones and social
media, then forget about our duties and obligations as students, so that assignments pile up.
Difficulties in time management are felt by students who experience distance learning
complaining of too many tasks and they find it difficult to harmonize with family support and
professional activities (Panigua & Brignardello, 2014, p. 445). So that organized time can create
balance and facilitate all processes of daily activities.

Regular utilization of time can create a good work-life balance and create a professional
life. Especially during the pandemic last year, the teaching and learning process was only done
very briefly, so a lot of time was not used productively. Whereas productive use of time can build
discipline that is able to carry out certain activities on time. (Abdillah et al, 2020 p.71 ). If the use
of one's time management is correct, it will definitely be effective to train someone to become a
disciplined person.

Good time management can make someone have a more disciplined attitude and be able
to get the job done faster. So, this is very necessary especially as a student. Time management can
have a positive effect on academic performance, even as a part-time student. (Andari &
Nugraheni, 2016, p. 8). Another impact can also be felt by students when experiencing a pandemic
last year, if someone can manage time well, then there will be no time wasted. Especially if
someone is an activist student, then the division of college time with other organizational activities
must be adjusted.

It cannot be denied that, the world of lectures is not always about academics, but students
are given the opportunity to be active outside of lectures. Students who are busy as activists, their
time management is more consumed by the organization, so that the time spent on lectures is less
than the time to organize (Baar & Harta, 2016, p. 284). Students must of course be able to
distinguish which ones are top priorities and not, because the difference between school and
college is of course very different, so that their tasks and activities in order to run according to
plan depends on each individual.

Priorities the world of lectures is different from the school period. At this time students
are no longer students who are guided and directed in dealing with a situation. students must be
able to solve everything maturely. Because as students, they will become agents of change who
can provide solutions to problems. Students can apply self-regulated learning in completing the
thesis, high time management must be maintained efficiently and effectively so as not to waste
time in their lives (Mulyani, 2013, p. 47) time management will have a good impact on life,
especially in learning activities and task completion.
As a student, you must have felt confusion in completing assignments and dividing study
time with activities outside of lectures. Of course, it must be organized in order to choose which
work to do first, so as not to do everything suddenly and simultaneously. Students who do time
management well will have good study time management too (Sari, 2017, p. 527). So as a student,
you must be able to choose the oriritas that must be done so that everything is not done in a hurry.

Most students who do procrastination have reasons such as the existence of things that are
more fun and result in work being delayed. One of the biggest factors contributing to
procrastination is the existence of certain ideas about oneself (Niken, 2021, p. 20). Putting off
work can make the time you have so wasted. Tasks that should have been completed this week,
but you keep putting them off until they are never finished.

Humans sometimes prefer to do things that make them happy, rather than doing tasks, plus
if the tasks to be done have piled up because they keep getting postponed. The purpose of
implementing time management is so that we don't get carried away in doing the things we love.
We must also have limits on when we stop and start an activity. Most students are more interested
in things that they think are more fun and provide their own satisfaction. (Mulyani, 2014, p. 35)
One of the duties of an educator is to remind students to keep doing their responsibilities.

It would be nice if an educator should provide knowledge about time management. One
way is to provide rules, where these rules can change the habits of students who have a habit of
being late, such as applying penalties for those who are late or others. By providing this learning,
students will be more disciplined in dividing time besides that students can organize their time
properly. Time management requires prioritization, goal setting, delegation or scheduling in order
to run well. One of the efforts that can be made to improve understanding of time management is
to provide information or information about time management so that time management students
have information about improving time management, time management skills and factors that
influence time management (Nurhidayati, 2016, p. 16). With time management, a job will be
organized and can run well without pressure.

One of the benefits of good time management is getting work done faster and more
organized. People who prefer monochronic time management tend to do one task at a time, have
a strong focus on task development, have difficulty dealing with interruptions, and stick to their
plans and schedules. Time management is the process of exercising control over an amount of
time to perform a specific task. (Neves & Morgado, 2020, p. 446). Indonesians mostly adhere to
the polychronic system, they prefer to work on tasks in the near future.

Someone who adheres to the polychronic system thinks every day that time is something
that can be fixed. Therefore, people who adhere to the polychronic system do their work will not
be maximized because they do the work in a hurry like lightning. People who manage time
polychronically tend to work on tasks simultaneously and often experience difficulties in doing
tasks and often change plans suddenly if needed (Neves & Morgado, 2020, p. 446). Applying
polychronic time management will increase stress, this can occur because a person cannot
maximize time effectively.

Time that cannot be maximized effectively usually occurs because a person does not know
what is a priority and what is not when making a plan. Time management is not just something
that we have to follow continuously. However, we have to develop and improvise in order to get
better. Someone who has good time management, especially students, is expected to be able to
influence and mobilize teachers in improving their professional competence (Al Munawaroh &
Bahri, 2022, p. 240). Applying time management is the same as doing an activity in a focused and
professional manner.

As students who will later become teachers, focus and become professionals in having the
ability to manage time. Good time management allows one to work smarter, not harder and
achieve goals in less time and with less effort, while creating a better work-life balance. Time
management is also important for teachers, teachers are one of the important human resources and
greatly affect the quality of education, besides that a teacher plays an important role that has a
dominant influence in determining the quality of education (Al Munawaroh & Bahri, 2022, p.
240). With the division that has been determined through time management, students will also get
used to living in discipline.

Time management does need to be organized as well as possible so that all activities can
run smoothly. In this study, researchers will analyze how many ELTD students fall into the
monochronic, polychronic and bichronic categories? Furthermore, this study aims to find out how
ELTD students manage their time, whether they fall into the monochronic category, which tends
to do something or activity according to a schedule, or fall into the polychronic category, which
tends to do several tasks at one time and is not structured or even fall into the bichronic category,
namely a person who is similar to both categories of time management (monochronic and


This research is qualitative in nature. This approach is considered suitable because

researchers want to describe the circumstances that will be observed in the field more specifically,
transparently, and in depth. Then one of the reasons for using a qualitative approach is the
researcher's experience where this method can be used to find and understand what is hidden
behind phenomena that are sometimes something that is difficult to understand satisfactorily.

The method used in this research is descriptive, which can produce written or spoken
words from people and observed behavior. The qualitative descriptive method according to (Kim
et al., 2017 p. 24) is an important research method and is very suitable for answering research
questions that focus on questions of who, what, and where events or experiences occur and get
data directly from informants about phenomena that are less understood. The phenomenon
observed is how students manage their time, each of whom comes from a different background.

In this study, the data collection used was a questionnaire. Questionnaire technique is a
data collection technique in the form of a list of questions that are systematically arranged to be
filled in by respondents Rahmadi (2011, p. 85). This questionnaire is intended to see how students
can manage time well with different cultural backgrounds. The questionnaire was adopted from
Ting Toomey and Chung (2012, p. 150) because the book contained a list of questions that were
appropriate and related to the research on time management. The questionnaire was given to
students majoring in ELTD who were in one of the state universities in Indonesia. The reason the
researcher took the ELTD object is because in this Institute students come from different
backgrounds, so the time management process is different, so the researcher is interested in
conducting research by identifying ELTD as an object in order to find out how many students in
the class have monochronic time management (tend to do activities according to plan) or
polychronic (tend to do activities simultaneously / change plans suddenly) or bichronic (people
who are similar to the monochronic and polychronic categories). The questionnaire was
distributed through the WhatsApp platform and sent to student chat groups. The questionnaire
used a closed questionnaire where a questionnaire with answers that have been determined by the
researcher with the aim that the respondent's answers match the needs of the researcher. In the
questionnaire, respondents were given 10 questions and each question contained 4 options,

4 = Strongly agree

3 = Moderately agree

2 = Disagree

1 = Strongly disagree

There are 10 questions asked in this study:

(1) Time is not always under our control.

(2) It is very important for me to keep to a schedule.

(3) I am very relaxed with time.

(4) Meeting deadlines is very important to me.

(5) Unexpected things happen all the time-it just flows.

(6) I get annoyed when people are not on time.

(7) It's okay to be late when you're chatting with someone.

(8) I am very punctual to all my appointments.

(9) I attach more importance to a pleasant communication relationship than time.

(10) I always carry an appointment book with me at all times.

Data analysis was conducted in several stages. First, the number of incoming
questionnaires was counted. This was done to ensure that the incoming data matched the target
that the researcher wanted to achieve. Second, the results of the questionnaires were calculated
per respondent. This is to see the tendency of each respondent towards their ability to manage
time. Third, grouping based on the number of scores obtained into three categories, by summing
up each score with the type of odd or even questions, the sum of the scores from the odd questions
is included in the polychronic category and the number of even scores is included in the
monochronic category. Fourth, comparing the results of the sum score, if the score of odd
questions tends to be greater then it can be stated that the student is in the polychronic category,
but if the score of even questions in the sum is greater then the student is in the monochronic
category, if between the two scores there is only a difference of two then the student is declared
to be in the bichronic category. Fifth, each data that has been grouped according to category,
described and associated with other research related to the theme of this research. Sixth,
concluding the analysis that has been carried out based on the analysis of the entire description of
the findings.


In this study, researchers provided as many as ten questions submitted to respondents and
the data collected through the questionnaire were presented in the data presentation. Data
presentation aims to provide an overview of the results obtained during the research. In the next
section, the findings will be further analyzed and compared with the findings that have been
discussed in the related literature. This discussion will help in gaining a more comprehensive
understanding of the knowledge, explanation of time management and its influence on the students
studied, as well as comparing it with the findings that have been discussed previously in the
scientific literature.

In the world of education, especially lectures, students have many activities both learning
and outside activities such as organizations, student organizations and others. Therefore, students
need good time management so that all activities can be well organized. So, good or bad time
management all arises from the habits of each individual such as if someone often watches good
things or content then unconsciously it will affect the thinking to do good things too, and vice
versa if someone watches things that are not good then it will affect the thinking and habits of
each individual.

The following are the results of research from each respondent who has been grouped
into 3 categories

No. Even number Odd- Note

Responden (Monochronic) numbered (Monochronic/Polychronic/Bichronemic)
1. 1 13 9 Monochronic
2. 2 14 15 Bichronemic
3. 3 19 11 Monochronic
4. 4 14 8 Monochronic
5. 5 19 11 Monochronic
6. 6 14 14 Bichronemic
7. 7 15 12 Monochronic
8. 8 15 14 Bichronemic
9. 9 17 10 Monochronic
10. 10 12 14 Bichronemic
11. 11 15 13 Bichronemic
12. 12 12 10 Bichronemic
13. 13 16 14 Bichronemic
14. 14 11 11 Bichronemic
15. 15 16 14 Monochronic
16. 16 16 13 Monochronic
17. 17 20 5 Monochronic
18. 18 17 12 Monochronic
19. 19 9 11 Polychronic
20. 20 14 15 Bichronemic
21. 21 18 12 Monochronic
22. 22 15 13 Bichronemic
23. 23 9 13 Polychronic

Based on the data obtained from 23 respondents, it can be seen that there are 22
respondents who fall into the monochronic category and there is only 1 respondent who falls
into the polychronic category. This shows that the average of the TBI D class respondents are
monochronic people who tend to do things according to a set schedule and focus on doing one
task at a time which means that the time used is well organized.
The data in this study were taken from 23 respondents, the results showed that there were
11 students who were in the monochronic category, 2 students were in the polychronic category,
and 10 students were in the bichronic category. So it can be said that ELTD students tend to do
activities well and according to plan.

Monochronic time preference

People who have a monochronic category usually divide their time to make a schedule in
order to concentrate on doing one thing at a time. Based on the results of the study, the use of time
management in ELTD students in the monochronic category is 48%, this result shows that almost
half of the respondents who filled out the questionnaire fell into the monochronic category. This
means that students in this faculty use their time well, planned and effectively. In line with the
opinion of Gonnetilleke & Luximon (2009, p. 4) who argued that "[...] people in the monochronic
category have higher performance and work on tasks sequentially where one task must be
completed before starting another task [...]".

If someone has good time management, there are many positive impacts felt as stated by
(Nurrahmaniah, 2019), namely "[...] helping to improve academic achievement by allocating
study time and doing important tasks in this case provides hope that time management will
improve good academic achievement, and can also have a good impact in his daily life, such as
having priorities in learning, reducing delays and mistakes in doing assignments and good
concentration on the campus world so that it can improve the academic achievement of a student.

Another opinion also says that people who can complete work on time are considered to
have lower levels of stress and anxiety than other people (Tinambunan, 2023 p. 30) then the targets
to be achieved can be quickly met. As stated by (Nadhirin, 2020 p. 86), [...] time management
aims to complete the target in accordance with the predetermined time period. So it is necessary
to get used to working with time discipline, in other words, not procrastinating work. This
undisciplined attitude is what makes work accumulate more and more and is not immediately
resolved. So, in this case one's life will be more organized and disciplined.

In good time management tends to achieve higher levels of success, both in terms of
personal and professional achievements. A person will be more productive, avoid procrastination,
set priorities well, and be able to manage time efficiently. This means that good time management
can be a key factor in achieving success. However, while good time management can increase
one's chances of success, there is no absolute guarantee that one will be successful just by having
good time management.

Many factors play a role in achieving success, such as skills, talent, motivation, luck and
social support. Then there are factors that can hinder one's success such as choosing the right
goals, ability to overcome obstacles and challenges, quality of work, interpersonal skills, and
adaptability to change.
Polichronic time preference

People in the polychronic category tend to place less emphasis on adhering to schedules
and deadlines. They are often involved in various activities simultaneously, have a flexible
approach to time, and attach importance to building relationships and social interactions. Based
on the results of research on the use of time management in ELTD students in the polychronic
category is 9%, this means that students in this faculty are concerned with time and are not lacking
in emphasizing adherence to schedules and deadlines. In line with the opinion of Neves &
Morgado (2020) who argued that "[...] People who manage time polychronically tend to work on
tasks simultaneously and often experience difficulties in doing tasks and often change plans
suddenly if needed [...]".

The polychronic category is a habit that has become common in social life. One of the bad
habits possessed by people with the polychronic category is not being on time or commonly
referred to as ngaret. This habit can be found anywhere such as in meetings, tasks, and work.
Referring to the opinion of Douglas in (Parhan et al, 2022) The view of polychronic time can form
a belief in society that time will continue to rotate so that it can be said to be eternal, so the thought
will also arise that things that cannot be done today can be done at another time. So, people who
belong to the polychronic category tend to procrastinate more often, waste time and prioritize
activities that are not important first.

The time management category cannot guarantee one's success. It is possible that
polychronic people can use their time well too. However, their practices are different from those
of monochronic people because they don't think about the time order and procedure of activities.
In accordance with Benabou's opinion taken from (Setiawati et al, 2017) people with polychronic
categories consider time as an inexhaustible resource and consider making interpersonal
relationships with others during activities as important to them as the work they have to complete.
Therefore, they are relaxed with time but still try to pursue their goals by completing many
tasks at one time.

Bichronemic time preference

Bichronemic time refers to a dual perspective of time, which recognizes both objective
and subjective aspects. It emphasizes the balance between following a schedule and a routine. As
a "bichronemic," one may be able to adjust their time management style depending on the situation
or demands at hand. They can choose the approach that best suits the needs of the moment, be it
focusing on one task at a time or doing several tasks simultaneously with an eye on social

The data in this study were taken from 23 respondents, the results showed that there were
10 students who were in the bichronic category. This shows that based on the results of research
on the use of time management in ELTD students who are in the bichronemic category of 43%
and almost equivalent to the monochronic category. This means that bichronemic is in second
place after the monochronic category which is most chosen by ELTD students.

In the future, ELTD students who choose the bichronemic category are likely to choose a
bichronemic approach to time, which means recognizing the importance of balance between the
dimensions of event time and moment time. This suggests an awareness of the values of objective
time measurement and event sequencing, as well as experiencing and being in the moment. Some
reasons why one might choose a bichronemic approach include: (1) Recognizing the importance
of productivity and efficiency: The bichronemic approach allows one to appreciate the value of
events in terms of keeping a schedule and performing tasks efficiently. In the structured world of
work, it is important to adhere to deadlines and carry out tasks effectively. (2) Valuing profound
experience and existence: In a busy and routine-bound life, it is important to recognize and
appreciate precious moments. By choosing bichronemic, one can prioritize the quality of
experiences.(3) Building life balance and satisfaction: By choosing a bichronemic approach, one
can achieve a balance between the demands of chronology and the moments that matter. This can
result in higher life satisfaction, as individuals can feel fulfilled in achieving their scheduled goals
and appreciate the precious moments.


This study found that most of the students in the TBI D class had monochronic time
management tendencies, which means they tend to perform activities according to a
predetermined schedule. Monochronic time management is an approach that focuses on good time
efficiency, punctuality and clear separation between different tasks. Monochronic time
management tendencies can be a valuable quality for university students as it can help them avoid
procrastination and increase efficiency in completing their work. By following a set schedule, they
can allocate the right amount of time to each task, avoid neglected tasks, and maintain their
productivity. So, it is important for students to be able to have good time management so that all
the activities they do on campus and off campus can be carried out according to a predetermined
plan. However, while monochronic time management has its advantages in managing time
efficiently and structurally, it is also important to realize that each individual has different
preferences and styles of time management. Some people may feel more comfortable with a more
flexible and time-adaptive approach. Therefore, it is important to tailor the time management
approach to each individual's needs and preferences. Not all students in TBI D class have
monochronic time management tendencies. Some students in TBI D class have polychronic time
management tendencies, where they prefer to do several tasks at once or jump back and forth
between different tasks. It is known that each individual has different preferences and time
management styles. This study provides insight into the time management behaviour of students
in TBI D class. However, it is important to note that the results of this study may not be
generalizable to the entire student population or other TBI classes.

There are several suggestions that can be made for further research. First, expand the
sample size: Due to the insufficient number of samples in the previous study, it is recommended
to increase the target sample to be surveyed. In this case, researchers can strive to get participation
from more respondents, so that the number of samples analyzed becomes more representative and
can produce stronger findings. Second, combining Questionnaire and Interview Methods, to
validate the findings of the questionnaire method used, future research can add interviews as an
additional method. By conducting in-depth interviews, researchers can gain a deeper
understanding of respondents' perspectives and experiences related to the research topic. Third,
for future research, researchers can expand the scope of the topic under study by paying attention
to factors that affect students' time management, such as stress levels, sleep quality, motivation,
or technology use. By doing so, the research will provide a more comprehensive understanding of
the various factors that influence the way college students manage their time.


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