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Цілі уроку:
1. Практична: удосконалення навичок спілкування, граматичних навичок,
навичок аудіювання, читання та письма; закріплення лексичного матеріалу.
2. Освітня: формування уявлень про види спорту та про спортивне знаряддя;
формувати уявлення про використання слів play, go та do у Present Simple
3. Розвивальна: розвивати мовну здогадку, логічне мислення, уяву, пам'ять.
4. Виховна: прищеплювати любов до спорту, здорового способу життя.
Оснащення: презентація, відео, аудіозапис.
Тип уроку: комбінований.
Перебіг уроку:
I. Організаційний момент
T-Good morning, students.
T-Who is absent today?
T-Today we are going to talk about “My flat”. It is a revision lesson.
T-Open your exercise books and write down the topic of our lesson.
Фонетична зарядка
T- Let's have a phonetic drill. Train our tongues. Repeat after me. Speak as
quickly as you can.
[ɔ:] – ball, basketball, football, volleyball;
[i] – running, boxing, swimming, tennis;
[t] – tennis, basketball, badminton, football.
II. Основна частина
1. Перевірка домашнього завдання
T- It's time to check up your homework. Open your exercise books with
grammar exercises.
2. Практична частина
T-Now look at the blackboard please. Let's read this poem. Then I'll wipe
some words and you will read the poem again.
I go out cycling every day,
I get strong and hard that way,
And I play football at weekends,
With all my other healthy friends.
So we enjoy sport anyway,
We like to do sport every day.
T-Thank you, well done.
T- Look at the monitor. Find six sports in the wordsearch and write them
T-Well done.
3. Фізкультхвилинка
4. Практична частина
T-Let's repeat the Present Simple tense and learn some new information.
T-Look at the monitor. You can see table with words PLAY, GO and DO.
Let's read the words beside them.
T-Now answer my questions and write your answers down.
What kinds of sports do you know?
What games do you like to play?
Do you like to play football?
Do you like to play tennis?
Do you like to do gymnastics?
Do you like to do athletics?
Do you like to go cycling?
Do you like to go swimming?
T-Thank you, well done.
T-Let's sing the song
T- Well done!
T-Now look at the monitor and match kinds of sports and sports equipment.
T-Look at the monitor please and complete this crossword.
T-Thank you for your work! Well done!
III. Заключна частина
1. Оголошення оцінок
T-Your marks are …
2.Домашнє завдання
T-Your hometask is…
T-The lesson is over. Bye!

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