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. -13-4




: 45 .
: Intermediate
: World of sport.
: Extreme sports.
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- Extreme sports ;
- (an essay personal attitude to extreme sports);
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I. (5 ).
1. (3 ). : -.
T: Good morning pupils! I am glad to see you today. I hope you are ready for our today lesson, it
will be interesting journey. Today we are going to discuss our topic about one of the most popular
kind of sports among young people. Look at the pictures on the blackboard and try to predict the
topic of our lesson (HO1).
T: Yes,you are absolutely right! The subject of our discussion is obvious. We are going to speak
about extreme sports. By the end of the lesson you will be able:
- to explain the meaning of some new words related to the topic of the texts which we are going to
read and listen to;
- to express your opinion on the problems related to the topic of the texts, which we are going to
listen to and to read;
- to make up your own dialogues connected with the topic of our lesson with the help of useful
vocabulary and language formulas;
2. (Warming-up) (2). : -.
T: Now Id like you to look at the blackboard. Can you explain the meaning of this proverb: All
sports for all people.(Pierre de Coubertin). Do you agree with it and give your reasons.
II. (37)
1. . Extreme sports (HO2)(14).
Extreme sports (Pre-listening activities)
T: Now youll hear a text Extreme sports. But before listening to the text, I want you to look at
the blackboard and predict what is this text will be about? (HO3)
: --.
T: While listening to the text you might come across some difficult words.I want you to take a look
at the blackboard and try to explain the meaning of these words in English.
T: Now I will give you the handouts, where you can see these words with their definitions. So,
you can check yourself (HO4).
: --.

(While-reading activities) (6).

T: Now lets listen to the text. Your task is to tick off words and expressions which are related to
the text as far as you hear the whole text(HO5).
. . : -.
T: Well done! And now you will listen to the text one more . Your task is to find out appropriate
word according to the text (HO6).
: -.
(Post-listening activities) (4).
T: A nice job! Now lets do another task. For questions 1-5 (HO7), choose the best answer (a, b or
c). Give your arguments together with justifications. You have only 2 minutes.
. : -.
2. (Speaking) (2 ). 3-4 .
: --.
T:OK, guys, youve coped with the task properly. Now, answer the following questions in groups of
a) Are you keen on extreme sports?
b) What makes extreme sports so attractive?
3. . Sport venues (HO8) (21).
(Pre-reading activities) (8).
T: Now you will read a text concerning the places where sports take place. But before reading the
text, I want you to think about what do people experience while doing extreme sport.For example,
what they feel at that moment. You should go to the blackboard and write your ideas to complete a
, ,
: --.
T: Good job! Now try to find the opposite meaning of the highlighted words which are taken from
the text. You provided with two columns. I want you to match the words from the first column with
their antonyms from the second one (HO9). You have 3 minutes to do the task. Then we will check
: -.

(While-reading activities) (10).

T: Now, please, read the text Sport venues to yourselves for 7 minutes. Do your best to ignore
those unfamiliar words which do not prevent you from comprehension of the main facts.While
reading be ready to state whether the sentences which are presented in your hadouts (HO10) are true
or false according to the text. Express your agreement or disagreement with the help of the
following phrases : In my opinion, Perhaps, etc.Read the sentences from the text to support
your answer.
: --.
(Post-reading activities) (3). : -.
T: A good job,guys! Good for you! I see that you get the main idea of the text. I came up with an
interesting exercise for you. Now you should be divided into several groups and we have to roleplay the different situations. For example, imagine that you were offered to choose any kind of
extreme sport.In pairs, discuss which kind of sport it would be and why. You should also use the
word combinations and phrases from your handouts (HO11). You have only 3 minutes. Is the task
clear? Lets start!
III. (3).

1. (Homework) (2).
T: Now listen to your home task for the next time. Your school magazine has asked you to write an
article The most extreme kind of sport in the world. Write your article for the school magazine in
about 120-180 words. Use tips and useful vocabulary from your handouts (HO12).
2. (Summarizing the lesson) (1).
T: Well, our lesson is coming to an end. Im glad that you were rather active today. Did you learn
anything useful and new today? Which tasks did you like most of all? Which of them were
interesting/boring for you? Thank you for active participation at the lesson! Good-bye.


Extreme sports.
Many young people nowadays are totally dedicated to doing extreme sport activity. What makes
extreme sports so attractive? Let's learn the aspect perfectly well and discover the reasons for the
popularity of extreme sports and study the definition Many young people nowadays are totally
dedicated to doing extreme sport activity. What makes extreme sports so attractive? Let's learn the
aspect perfectly well and discover the reasons for the popularity of extreme sports and study the
definition extreme.
If you try to follow the direct meaning of the word extreme you'll have it as something
extraordinary, abnormal and especially complicated. According to this we can state that an extreme
sport is any sport featuring speed, height, danger, a high level of physical energy, highly specialized
equipment, or spectacular aerial tricks. A feature of such activities is their so-called capacity to
induce a so-called adrenaline rush in participants. Another characteristic of activities is that they
tend to be individual rather than team sports. Extreme sports can include both competitive and
noncompetitive activities.
Extreme sport activities are closely connected with lethal risk and great dangers of being badly
injured and hurt. In fact if you think of the idea of sport activity in general, you're likely to confirm
that any kind of sport can lead to death or traumatism. Think of gymnastics, football, figure skating,
However, neither chess nor running, for example, is called extreme sport.
Extreme sports are often associated with young adults wishing to push themselves to the limits of
their physical ability and fear, in turn pushing the boundaries of a particular sport. This youthful
demographic accounts too for extreme sports' frequent association with youth culture, including its
clothing, fashions, and music. Some argue that the distinction between an extreme sport and the
usual one is as much to do with marketing as it is to do with perceptions about levels of danger
involved or the amount of adrenaline generated. Snowboarding thus has a more extreme image than
skiing due to differing marketing strategies and the fact of being a newer sport, even though skiing
is a faster and at least equally dangerous activity. Furthermore a sport like rugby union, though
dangerous and adrenaline-inducing, would not fall into the category of extreme sports due to its
traditional image. Scuba diving is not often categorized as an extreme sport these days, despite the
level of danger and physical exertion, because of its primarily adult demographic. Another example:
compare the perception of demolition derby, not usually thought of as an extreme sport, to that of
BMX racing. Demolition derby has an adult demographic, BMX is a youth sport.
Other explanation can be that the risk connected with usual sports is comparatively small; it doesn't
depend on the peculiarities of sport itself. It's not controlled by a person like all unforeseen
circumstances if a person does extreme sport; he purposely subjects himself to danger, risk and
death. That doesn't mean that a person doing extreme sport wants to die or is consciously expected
to be hurt or injured. He thinks thoroughly about all the necessary equipment and gear and of course
about insurance measures.
What is more, extreme sport intensifies all the human senses: eyesight, hearing, taste, intuition, a
sense of smell, a sense of touch. The result of all training and competitions often depends on the
concentration of all these senses.
Despite the fact that you are a real enthusiast and ready to experience something beyond your mind
be ready to spend quite a lot of money on the gear, which is really expensive. The right kind of

equipment should really serve for protection and defense, that's why the responsibility for this
aspect is taken at the production scale. It's of high quality and of high price as well.
What do people experience while doing extreme sport? The answer is - excitement and complete
feeling of satisfaction.


1. Dedicated (adj) - devoted to a task or purpose
2. Spectacular (adj) - beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way.
3. Capacity (n) - the ability or power to do, experience, or understand something.
4. Lethal (n) -the ability or power to do, experience, or understand something.
5. Injured (adj) -harmed, damaged, or impaired..
6.To confirm (v) to establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed,
suspected, or feared to be the case).

7. Perception (n) -the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses
8. Exertion (n) - physical or mental effort.

9. Demolition derby (n) - a competition in which typically older cars are driven into each other until
only one is left running.

10. Insurance (n) - a thing providing protection against a possible eventuality.

Tick off words and expressions which are related to the text as far as you hear the whole text:

aerial tricks
specialized equipment

Answer key: a), b), d), f), g), h) .

Listen to the text one more time. Your task is to find out appropriate word or phrase
according to the text and fill in the gaps.
1. If you try to follow the direct meaning of the word extreme you'll have it as something
extraordinary, ______ and especially complicated.
2. A feature of such activities is their so-called capacity to induce a so-called________ in
3. Extreme sports can include both _______ and non-competitive activities.
4. He thinks thoroughly about all the necessary equipment and gear and of course about
5. What is more, extreme sport intensifies all the ______ : eyesight, hearing, taste, intuition, a
sense of smell, a sense of touch.
6. According to this we can state that an extreme sport is any sport featuring speed, height,
danger, a high level of physical energy, highly _______ , or spectacular aerial tricks.
7. Extreme sport activities are closely connected with _______ and great dangers of being
badly injured and hurt.

Answer key: 1-abnormal ; 2 adrenaline rush ; 3 -competitive ; 4 insurance measures; 5

human senses; 6 specialized equipment ; 7 lethal risk.
Choose the best answer (a,b or c) for questions 1-6.

1. What does it mean extreme?

a) something abnormal and extraordinary
b) something calm and still
c) something cheap and safe
2. What kind of sport are called extreme ones?
a) golf
b) snowboarding
c) tennis
3. What does not a person experience while doing extreme sport?
a) calmness
b) excitement
c) satisfaction
4. Which human senses extreme sport does not intencify?
a) a sense of smell
b) hearing
c) a sense of humor
5. Extreme sports are often associated with:
a) aged people
b) young adults
c) little children

Answer key: 1-a,2-b,3-a,4-c,5-b.

Sports Venues
A playing field is a field used for playing sports or games. They are generally outdoors, but many
large structures exist to enclose playing fields from bad weather. Generally, playing fields are wide

expanses of grass, dirt or sand without many obstructions. There is a variety of different commonly
used fields, including: American football field, Association football (soccer) pitch (field), Australian
rules football playing field, Baseball field, Cricket field containing the cricket pitch, Lacrosse field,
Rugby league playing field (pitch or paddock), Rugby union playing field (pitch or paddock). In
other sports, the field of play is called a court: basketball court, tennis court, volleyball court.
Some sports take place on the outdoor or indoor tracks, for example cycling. A shooting range or
firing range is a specialized facility designed for firearms practice. A hippodrome was a Greek
stadium for horse racing and chariot racing. Some present-day horse racing tracks are also called
hippodromes, for example the Central Moscow Hippodrome. Water sports are held in swimming
As for winter sports there is also a wide variety of sports venues. Some sporting events are held on
different types of rinks (speed skating, ice hockey, curling), tracks (luge, skeleton, bobsleigh) or on
the natural terrain - smooth or bumpy (mogul, skiing, snowboarding etc.). An ice hockey rink is an
ice rink that is specifically designed for ice hockey, a team sport.
Rink, a Scottish word meaning course, was used as the name of a place where another game,
curling, was played. Early in its history, ice hockey was played mostly on rinks constructed for
curling. The name was retained after hockey-specific facilities were built. As for tracks there are a
total of sixteen tracks in the world, in use for competitions in bobsleigh, luge, and skeleton. All of
the tracks except St. Moritz, Switzerland, which is naturally refrigerated, are constructed of
reinforced concrete and piped with ammonia refrigeration to cool the track down prior to its run.
Match the words from the first column with their antonyms from the second one.
1.Wide - a) decrease
2. team - b) similar
3.reinforce - c) outdoor
4.indoord) limited
5. different - e) bumpy
6. smooth - f) single

Answer key: 1-d, 2-f, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b, 6-e.

True or False.
1. A playing field is a field used for playing sports or games.
2. All sports take place only on the outdoor tracks.
3. A hippodrome was a stadium for pigs.
4. Water sports are held in swimming pools.
5. Bobsleigh is held on rinks.
Answer key: 1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-T, 5-F.
You can use the following word combinations and phrases that are related to the subject of the
dialog: to take place, playing fields, outdoor/indoor tracks, sports venues, extraordinary, physical
energy, specialized equipment, lethal risk,physical ability, human senses, protection and defense.
Opinion articles or letters are written when we want to express our personal opinion on a particular
topic. They should include relevant information to support your opinion, and use an appropriate
style depending on who is going to read the piece of writing. We usually write the opinion letter
using a semi-formal style.
(Paragraph 1)

We present the topic, but do not give our opinion.

Main body
(Paragraph 2)

We give the arguments for the topic together with justifications and examples.

(Paragraph 3)

We give the arguments against the topic.

Note. We start each paragraph with appropriate topic sentence.

(Paragraph 4)

We summarize the main arguments for and against.

Materials used

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