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Chuyên đề bồi dưỡng ngữ pháp môn Tiếng Anh THPT

<A> Important points to remember:
I. Conditional sentences type 1
Câu điều kiện loại 1 diễn tả một điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
(Real in the present/ future)
If clause Main clause
- simple present will
- present perfect shall + bare-infinitive
- present continuous can
EX1 I will saty at home if it rains.
EX2 If she has finished her work, she can go home.
EX3 If father is sleeping, you can go out.
 Câu điều kiện loại 1 với lời yêu cầu hay mệnh lệnh
EX1 If you see Tom at the party tonight, tell him to phone me.
EX2 Don’t talk in class and the teacher won’t punish you.
 Câu điều kiện loại 1 với “should” trong mệnh đề IF hàm ý nghi ngờ, không chắc chắn.
EX1 If anybody should come, please tell him to wait for me.
 Should anybody come, please tell him to wait for me. (lược bỏ IF)
II. Conditional sentences type 2
If clause Main clause
Past simple (V2/ed) would
be  were could + bare-infinitive
- Câu điều kiện loại 2 diễn tả:
 Một điều kiện trái với hiện tại hoặc không thể xảy ra trong tương lai
EX1 If I were you, I would accept his invitation.
EX2 She can’t speak Chinese. If she coul speak Chinses, she would get the job.
 Một tưởng tượng hoặc ước mơ
EX1 If I had more money, I would travel around the world.
EX2 If I were a flower, I would be a sunflower.
III. Conditional sentences type 3

If clause Main clause

Past perfect (had+V3/ed) would
could + have V3/ed
- Câu điều kiện loại 3 diễn tả một sự việc, một điều kiện không có thật trong quá khứ mà chỉ là sự hối
tiếc, một ước muốn thuộc về quá khứ mà thôi.
EX1 The driver wasn’t careful. He had an accident.
 If the driver had been more careful, he wouldn’t have had the accident.
EX2 Tom didn’t go to the party last night.
 If he had gone to the party last night, he could have met the new manager.
IV. Inversion (đảo ngữ) type 2+3
- Ta có thể bỏ “if” nếu dùng hình thức đảo ngữ, đảo ngữ với should/were/had
EX1 If it should be neccssary, I will go.
 Should it be neccssary, I will go.
EX2 If I were rich, I would buy a new car. -1-
Chuyên đề bồi dưỡng ngữ pháp môn Tiếng Anh THPT
 Were I rich, I would buy a new car.
EX3 If you had asked me, I would have told you the answer.
 Had you asked me, I would have told you the answer.
V. Một số từ/ cụm từ có thể thay thế cho IF với nghĩa tương đương: provided that, so (as) long as
(miễn là), in case (trong trường hợp), on conditional that (với điều kiện).
EX1 You can borrow my book provided that you bring it back.
VI. Điều kiện hỗn hợp (2+3)
EX2 If he worked harder at school, he would be a student now.
EX3 If I had taken his advice, I would be rich now.
VII. If … not = unless
Unless (trừ phi) thường được dùng trong câu điều kiện – lúc đó Unless = if … not
EX1 Unless we start at once, we will be late.
 If we don’t start at once we will be late.
EX2 Unless you study hard, you won’t pass the exams.
 If you don’t study hard, You won’t pass the exams.
EX3 We will be late if we don’t hurry
 We will be late unless we hurry.
EX4 If I have time, I’ll help you.
 Unless I have time, I won’t help you.
VIII. Implied condional (điều kiện hiểu ngầm)
Đề bài có: “or, or else, but, without, otherwise, but for, unless” khi viết câu điều kiện chỉ đổi một vế
của câu đề bài.
EX1 Keep silent or you’ll wake the boy up.
 If you don’t keep silent, you’ll wake the boy up.
EX2 Without the air, we would die.
 If there weren’t the air, we would die.
EX3 But for your help, I wouldn’t have been successful.
 If you hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have been successful.

 Cách viết câu điều kiện theo tình huống cho sẵn 
 Chọn loại điều kiện.
 Lấy: Mệnh đề chỉ nguyên nhân thường được bắt đầu bằng “because” làm mệnh đề “if”
 Áp dụng công thức.
 Xác định đổi ra phủ định và ngược lại (loại 2,3)
 Bỏ “because, so therefore, this/that is why, and” (nếu có)


 Khi chuyển sang lời nói gián tiếp, các thì trong câu điều kiện được chuyển đổi theo cách thông
EX1 “If I catch the plane, I’ll be phone home by five.”
 He said that if he caught the plane he would be home by five.
EX2 “If I had any money I’d buy you a drink.”
 She said if she had had/ had any money she would have bought/ would buy me a drink.
EX3 “If she had loved Tom, she wouldn’t have left him.”
 He said that If she had loved Tom she wouldn’t have left him. -2-
Chuyên đề bồi dưỡng ngữ pháp môn Tiếng Anh THPT
 Câu gợi ý, ra lệnh, yêu cầu hay khuyến bảo có mệnh đề if có thể được thuật lại bằng nhiều cách.
EX1 “If you feel ill, why don’t you go to bed?”
 She advised me to go to bed if I felt ill.
 She said that if I felt ill I should got to bed.
 Câu có mệnh đề if + câu hỏi thường được thuật lại với mềnh đề if nằm ở cuối câu.
EX1 “If the door is locked what shall I do?”
 She asked what she should/ was to do if the door was locked.
 Lời khuyên “If I were you I should/ would …” thường được thuật lại bằng
advise + O + inf.
EX1 “If I were you, I’d stop taking tranquillizers,” I said.
 I advised him to stop taking tranquillizers.
 Conditional sentences 1
Khi tường thuật câu điều kiện loại 1, ta đổi thì của động từ theo quy tắc chuyển đổi câu tường thuật.
EX1 he said, “If I catch the plane I’ll be home by five”.
 He said that if he caught the plane he would be home by five.
EX2 ‘If Iyou feel ill”, she said, “you’d better go to bed”.
 She said that if felt ill I’d better/ I should got o bed.
 Conditional sentences 2,3
Khi tường thuật câu điều kiện loại 2, 3 thì của động từ không đổi.
EX1 “If I had a permit I could get a job”, he said (type2)
 He said that if ha had a permit he could get a job.
EX2 “If she had loved Tom”, he said, “she wouldn’t have left him”. (type3)
 He said that if she had loved Tom she wouldn’t have left him.

 Conditional in reported speech

1.“If you pass your test, I will buy you a car”, he said
=> He told me if I passed my test, he would buy me a car.
2.“If I were King you would be Queen”, he said to his wife.
=> He told his wife if he were King, she would be Queen.
3.“If I’d had my mobile yesterday, I could have contacted you.” Matthew said.
=> Matthew told me if he had had my mobile the day before, he could have contacted me.
1. Conditional type 1: we apply all the necessary changes as usual : changes of verb tenses, pronouns,
adverbs of time and place
2. Conditional type 2 and 3 : we don’t change the verb tenses, but we follow the rules to change
pronouns, adverbs of time and place.

Đáp án:
01. B; 02. C; 03. B; 04. B; 05. C; 06. B; 07. C; 08. A; 09. B; 10. C; 11. A; 12. C; 13. B; 14. B; 15. A; 16.
B; 17. D; 18. D; 19. B; 20. D; 21. A; 22. C; 23. B; 24. B; 25. D; 26. C; 27. B; 28. C; 29. C; 30. D; 31. B;
32. B; 33. B; 34. B; 35. D; 36. B; 37. D; 38. C; 39. B; -3-
Chuyên đề bồi dưỡng ngữ pháp môn Tiếng Anh THPT
A. 26. were (was) C. 51. C
1. stopped 27. addressed 1. B 52. B
2. smoke/will object 28. should have informed 2. A 53. A
3. wouldn’t your 29. would have gone 3. A 54. D
parent be 30. had seen 4. B 55. A
4. would have/hadn’t 31. had seen 5. D 56. B
spent 32. had 6. A 57. D
5. worked/would 33. would become 7. B 58. A
finish 34. had 8. C 59. B
6. had/would use 35. hadn’t bought 9. A 60. B
7. would take B. 10. B 61 B
8. won’t let 1. She’d live in London if she knew someone 11. A 62. B
9. didn’t smoke there. 12. B 63. A
10. gave/would you 2. I’d live in the country if I could find a job 13. C 64. B
do there. 14.D 65. C
11. freezes 3. If I had a spare ticket, I’d take you to the 15. D 66. B
12. would have concert. 16.C 67. D
warned 4. If the schoolchildren watered some seeds, they 17.C 68.C
13. sees would grow. 18. B 69. A
14. resigned 5. If they understood the problem, they’d find 19. A 70. D
15. would have the solution. 20. B 71. D
written 6. If he didn’t sit around too much, he’d be fit. 21. B 72. C
16. see 7. If Carol hadn’t been studying, she’d have 22. A 73. D
17. turn answered the phone. 23. B 74. C
18. wouldn’t leave 8. If Rita had got some sleep last night, she 24. C 75. D
19. would you say wouldn’t be exhausted today. 25.B 76. A
20. get 9. If she weren’t/wasn’t too thin, she wouldn’t 26. B 77. B
21. weren’t (wasn’t) feel cold so much. 27. A 78. C
22. were (was) 10. If he polished his shoes, he’d look smart. 28. C 79. D
23. would be 11. If he could park near his office, he’d come by 29. B 80. A
24. listened car. 30. C 81. C
25. wouldn’t be 12. If my house were/was guarded by two big 31. C 82. C
dogs, it’d be broken into every night. 32. A 83. B
13. If the flats were clearly numbered, it’d be 33. B 84. D
easy/wouldn’t be difficult to find 34. A 85. B
someone/anyone. 35. A D.
14. If I knew her e-mail address, I could tell you. 36. C 86. A. (would)
15. If she didn’t work in the evening, she’d have 37. B 87. C. (had)
time to play with her children. 38. D 88. B (hadn’t)
16. They’d be upset if I told them what happened. 39. A 89. D (won’t)
17. If I were/was tall enough, I would join the 40. C 90. C (will)
basketball team. 41. C 91. C. (wouldn’t have
18. If he saw the signal, he’d stop his car. 42. D broken)
19. If Peter prepared his lessons well, he wouldn’t 43. D 92. C. (hadn’t been)
get bad marks/would get good marks. 44. B 93. D (could build)
20. If Mary had enough money, she’d buy a new 45. C 94. A (have been able)
car. 46. C 95. B. (had known)
21. If you don’t go right now, you’ll be late for 47. B 96. C (had given)
the train. 48. D 97. C (would)
22. If he had enough qualifications, he’d apply for 49. B 98. A. (had sent)
the job. 50. A 99. B (have ordered)
23. If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late for the exam. 100. C (had)
24. If you often talked to them, they’d understand
you. -4-
Chuyên đề bồi dưỡng ngữ pháp môn Tiếng Anh THPT
25. If you spoke English naturally, they’d
understand you. -5-

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