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Giáo viên hướng dẫn : Phạm Thị Phương Liên

Nhóm thực hiện : Nhóm 1
Mã lớp học phần : 232_ENTI1011_07

Hà Nội,ngày 02 tháng 3 năm 2024


Topic: How to manage the time
Group: 1 Class: 232_ENTI1011_07
Teacher: Phạm Thị Phương Liên

STT Họ và tên Mã sinh viên Nhận xét Điểm
1 Nguyễn Phúc Anh 22D112012 Làm bài tốt, đúng hạn,
tương đối tích cực trong
bài thảo luận
2 Lê Việt Anh 22D112004 Làm bài đúng hạn, điều
hành nhóm tốt
3 Đỗ Thị Ánh 22D112024 Làm bài tốt, đúng hạn, tích
cực trong quá trình thảo
4 Trần Thị Hải Anh 22D112020 Làm bài tốt, đúng hạn, tích
cực trong quá trình thảo
5 Nguyễn Ngọc Anh 22D112011 Làm bài tốt, đúng hạn, tích
cực trong quá trình thảo
6 Trần Công Bình 22D112027 Làm bài tốt, đúng hạn, tích
cực trong quá trình thảo

I . The rise of online shopping PHÚC ANH

1.1. Origin:

The start of the internet

Commercialization and Expansion of the Internet

The invention of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 and the
subsequent development of user-friendly web browsers like Netscape Navigator in the 1990s
made accessing and navigating the internet significantly easier. This opened doors for the
general public to engage with the vast information and resources available online.
Emergence of Commercial Internet Service Providers (ISPs): Prior to the 1990s, public
access to the internet was limited. However, the launch of commercial ISPs like America
Online (AOL) in 1995 changed the game. This allowed individuals and businesses to
subscribe to internet access, significantly broadening the user base and fueling further

The commercialization of the internet paved the way for the emergence of online
shopping platforms like Amazon and eBay in the 1990s. This revolutionized retail by
enabling consumers to purchase goods directly from sellers online, transforming traditional
shopping habits and creating new business models.

Appearance of many online shopping platform

Although considered to be one of the first e-commerce platforms ever existed, the
Boston Computer Exchange (1982) came too early, before the internet was fully available
for the public, it never left a mark on the industry.

Only when Amazon dawns the highest position of the game, online shopping truly
make its impact on the industry. Established in 1994 by Jeff Bezos, started as a book trading
platform, the company slowly but surely claim it’s hold on the e-commerce market. Now,
the company is the largest platform, offering a wide variety of products, ranging from
household items to even vehicles and multiple types of services,their business model mostly
focus on retail. is the company's flagship online retail platform, offering a vast
selection of products across various categories, including books, electronics, apparel, home
goods, and groceries. It operates in several countries and offers various fulfillment options
for fast deliveries.

Another major player in this field is Alibaba. Founded in 1999 by Jack Ma, Alibaba
has grown into a global tech giant with a significant presence in over 200 countries and
regions. Alibaba has revolutionized e-commerce in China and significantly impacted global
trade. It has facilitated the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by
providing them with access to a wider international market. Considered to be the largest
B2B (business to business) platform, It offers a vast array of products from various
categories, facilitating international trade and supply chain management.

1.2. The development of online shopping culture in Viet Nam

Development of shopping platforms in Vietnam.

The Rise of Shopee in Vietnam: A Summary

Shopee has become a dominant force in Vietnam's e-commerce landscape, experiencing a

remarkable rise in recent years. Here's a breakdown of the key factors contributing to its

Strategic Entry and Understanding:

Market Entry Timing: Shopee entered the Vietnamese market in 2016, at a time when
smartphone penetration was rapidly increasing and internet access was becoming more
affordable. This perfect timing allowed them to capture a growing audience ready to
embrace online shopping.

Localization: Shopee understood the importance of catering to the local Vietnamese market.
They offered a user-friendly interface in Vietnamese, integrated popular local payment
methods, and partnered with local businesses and logistics providers.


E-commerce Growth: Shopee's rise has significantly contributed to the overall growth of e-
commerce in Vietnam, making it a convenient and popular shopping option for many
Vietnamese consumers.

Competition: Shopee's presence has spurred competition in the Vietnamese e-commerce

market, leading to better deals, wider product selections, and improved customer service
across platforms.

Entrepreneurship: Shopee has facilitated the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) by providing them with a platform to reach a wider customer base online.

Overall, Shopee's strategic approach, user-centric focus, and effective marketing have
propelled them to become a dominant player in Vietnam's e-commerce market.

TikTok Shop in Vietnam: A Rising E-commerce Star

TikTok Shop, the e-commerce arm of the popular social media platform TikTok, has
emerged as a significant player in Vietnam's burgeoning online shopping scene. Here's a
glimpse into its rise and potential:

Rapid Growth:

Launched in Vietnam in 2022, TikTok Shop has witnessed impressive growth in a short
period. It has become a major competitor to established e-commerce platforms like Shopee
and Lazada.

This rapid rise can be attributed to the enormous user base of TikTok in Vietnam,
particularly among younger demographics. Additionally, the platform leverages the power
of short-form video content to showcase products in an engaging and interactive way.

Unique Selling Points:

Social Commerce Integration: TikTok Shop seamlessly integrates e-commerce

functionalities within the social media experience. Users can discover products through in-
feed videos with embedded purchase buttons, facilitating impulse buying.

Influencer Marketing Powerhouse: Leveraging the vast network of TikTok creators, brands
and businesses can partner with influencers to promote products directly through engaging
content, driving sales and brand awareness.

Live Streaming Potential: Live streaming features allow real-time interaction between sellers
and potential customers, fostering trust and promoting products in a dynamic way.

Overall, TikTok Shop in Vietnam presents a promising future for e-commerce. Its innovative
approach, combined with the immense popularity of the social media platform, has the
potential to disrupt the online shopping landscape.

The expansive nature of Vietnam’s economic power and the people’s increasing spending

Vietnam's economic power has been on a remarkable expansion in recent years, leading to a
rise in the spending capability of its people. Let's delve into the factors behind this growth
and its impact:

Vietnam's Economic Expansion:

Manufacturing Hub: Vietnam has become a major manufacturing hub in Southeast Asia,
attracting foreign investment with its skilled workforce, competitive labor costs, and trade
agreements. This has boosted exports and economic activity.

Tourism Boom: Vietnam's tourism industry has witnessed significant growth, fueled by its
beautiful landscapes, rich culture, and affordable travel options. This surge in tourism
generates revenue and creates jobs.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Vietnam has actively attracted FDI, particularly in
technology, manufacturing, and infrastructure sectors. This inflow of capital fuels business
growth and job creation.

Political Stability: Vietnam's stable political environment fosters investor confidence and
encourages long-term business planning, contributing to economic growth.

Impact on Spending Capability:

Rising Wages: As Vietnam's economy expands, wages are steadily increasing, particularly in
manufacturing and urban areas. This puts more money in people's pockets, allowing them to
spend more on discretionary items.

Growing Middle Class: The rise in disposable income has fostered a growing middle class, a
segment with a higher propensity to spend on various goods and services.

Increased Urbanization: Rapid urbanization is creating a demand for modern amenities and a
shift towards a consumption-driven lifestyle, further boosting spending.

E-commerce Growth: The rise of e-commerce platforms like Shopee and Lazada provides
convenient access to a wider variety of goods, fueling online spending.

I . The rise of online shopping

1.1. Origin:

The start of the internet

Commercialization and Expansion of the Internet

The invention of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 and the
subsequent development of user-friendly web browsers like Netscape Navigator in the 1990s
made accessing and navigating the internet significantly easier. This opened doors for the
general public to engage with the vast information and resources available online.
Emergence of Commercial Internet Service Providers (ISPs): Prior to the 1990s, public
access to the internet was limited. However, the launch of commercial ISPs like America
Online (AOL) in 1995 changed the game. This allowed individuals and businesses to
subscribe to internet access, significantly broadening the user base and fueling further

The commercialization of the internet paved the way for the emergence of online
shopping platforms like Amazon and eBay in the 1990s. This revolutionized retail by
enabling consumers to purchase goods directly from sellers online, transforming traditional
shopping habits and creating new business models.

Appearance of many online shopping platform

Although considered to be one of the first e-commerce platforms ever existed, the
Boston Computer Exchange (1982) came too early, before the internet was fully available
for the public, it never left a mark on the industry.

Only when Amazon dawns the highest position of the game, online shopping truly
make its impact on the industry. Established in 1994 by Jeff Bezos, started as a book trading
platform, the company slowly but surely claim it’s hold on the e-commerce market. Now,
the company is the largest platform, offering a wide variety of products, ranging from
household items to even vehicles and multiple types of services,their business model mostly
focus on retail. is the company's flagship online retail platform, offering a vast
selection of products across various categories, including books, electronics, apparel, home
goods, and groceries. It operates in several countries and offers various fulfillment options
for fast deliveries.

Another major player in this field is Alibaba. Founded in 1999 by Jack Ma, Alibaba
has grown into a global tech giant with a significant presence in over 200 countries and
regions. Alibaba has revolutionized e-commerce in China and significantly impacted global
trade. It has facilitated the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by
providing them with access to a wider international market. Considered to be the largest
B2B (business to business) platform, It offers a vast array of products from various
categories, facilitating international trade and supply chain management.

II. The development of online shopping culture in Viet Nam

Development of shopping platforms in Vietnam.

The Rise of Shopee in Vietnam: A Summary

Shopee has become a dominant force in Vietnam's e-commerce landscape, experiencing a

remarkable rise in recent years. Here's a breakdown of the key factors contributing to its

Strategic Entry and Understanding:

Market Entry Timing: Shopee entered the Vietnamese market in 2016, at a time when
smartphone penetration was rapidly increasing and internet access was becoming more
affordable. This perfect timing allowed them to capture a growing audience ready to
embrace online shopping.

Localization: Shopee understood the importance of catering to the local Vietnamese market.
They offered a user-friendly interface in Vietnamese, integrated popular local payment
methods, and partnered with local businesses and logistics providers.


E-commerce Growth: Shopee's rise has significantly contributed to the overall growth of e-
commerce in Vietnam, making it a convenient and popular shopping option for many
Vietnamese consumers.

Competition: Shopee's presence has spurred competition in the Vietnamese e-commerce

market, leading to better deals, wider product selections, and improved customer service
across platforms.

Entrepreneurship: Shopee has facilitated the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) by providing them with a platform to reach a wider customer base online.

Overall, Shopee's strategic approach, user-centric focus, and effective marketing have
propelled them to become a dominant player in Vietnam's e-commerce market.

TikTok Shop in Vietnam: A Rising E-commerce Star

TikTok Shop, the e-commerce arm of the popular social media platform TikTok, has
emerged as a significant player in Vietnam's burgeoning online shopping scene. Here's a
glimpse into its rise and potential:

Rapid Growth:

Launched in Vietnam in 2022, TikTok Shop has witnessed impressive growth in a short
period. It has become a major competitor to established e-commerce platforms like Shopee
and Lazada.

Overall, TikTok Shop in Vietnam presents a promising future for e-commerce. Its innovative
approach, combined with the immense popularity of the social media platform, has the
potential to disrupt the online shopping landscape.

Vietnam's economic power has been on a remarkable expansion in recent years, leading to a
rise in the spending capability of its people. Let's delve into the factors behind this growth
and its impact.

Impact on Spending Capability:

Rising Wages: As Vietnam's economy expands, wages are steadily increasing, particularly in
manufacturing and urban areas. This puts more money in people's pockets, allowing them to
spend more on discretionary items.

Growing Middle Class: The rise in disposable income has fostered a growing middle class, a
segment with a higher propensity to spend on various goods and services.

Increased Urbanization: Rapid urbanization is creating a demand for modern amenities and a
shift towards a consumption-driven lifestyle, further boosting spending.

E-commerce Growth: The rise of e-commerce platforms like Shopee and Lazada provides
convenient access to a wider variety of goods, fueling online spending.

III. Social and economics benefits - companies, society.

Online shopping opens up opportunities to reach a large and potential number of customers,
not limited by geography. They can promote and reach buyers all over the world through
online channels. In addition, online sales also help save operating costs, without needing to
rent space and staff as much as when doing business with a traditional store model.

Flexible about time and space.

Regardless of time or location, online business allows you to surf the Web, find customers,
advertise and interact with them without having to go to a store. From the comfort of your
home, you can sell without being limited by traditional store hours or shopping mall
restrictions. Flexibility in time and space is one of the main advantages of selling online.

Unlimited scope of business

Selling online provides a sense of security as you relieve yourself of the burden of finding
and renting a suitable physical space as well as the constant worry of meeting monthly
housing costs. Plus, your business isn't limited to a specific location with a limited customer
base. If your brand is strong enough to surpass your competitors, your business network can
expand globally.

Unlimited scope of business

Save time, the buying and selling process goes quickly

For those who are busy and don't have much time to shop. This is considered the advantage
of online selling. Customers can sit at home and choose their favorite item by clicking the
mouse. It takes them only 10 to 25 minutes to find the item they need. After that, staff will
quickly deliver the goods to your location.

Low operating and business costs

Starting an online sales business has become incredibly easy. All you need is a device with
Internet access. No need to worry about renting a surface, staff, operating maintenance costs
(electricity, water, etc.),... helps significantly reduce costs and investment.

Increase brand recognition in users' eyes

The strong development of social networks today helps companies increase their network
coverage like never before. At the same time, it helps to orient the brand very quickly thanks
to its strong spread speed. This is also the advantage of selling online.

n addition, e-commerce platforms help buyers and sellers widely expose Vietnamese people
to other cultures around the world through trade. Contribute to stimulating natural growth for
the country's economy: create new jobs, higher demand meets higher productivity from

IV. Negative impacts.

Excessive shopping can negatively impact individuals in several ways. Firstly, it can
lead to an unnecessary waste of money, potentially causing financial strain and impacting
long-term goals. This financial burden can then have a psychological impact, leading to
stress, anxiety, and even feelings of shame or guilt. Furthermore, extensive shopping can
contribute to the creation of unsustainable lifestyles, where a constant need for new items
becomes normalized. This not only impacts personal well-being but also contributes to
environmental issues. Additionally, the ease of online shopping can lead to purchases from
unreliable sources, potentially receiving poor-quality products or even encountering scams.
In some cases, personal data leaks can occur during online transactions, causing further
security concerns and potential identity theft.

V.Social and economical impacts

Uncontrolled production may cause an excess amount of merch without demands to


After the Covid - 19 pandemic, the e-commerce industry is gradually becoming popular in
the Vietnamese market with a series of e-commerce trading platforms such as: Tiki,
Shopper, Lazada, Tiktok,... Leading to an increasing proportion of people participating in
online shopping. And to meet such a large amount of demand requires a large amount of
supply from businesses. However, the production of large quantities of goods that are not
strictly controlled will cause a surplus of goods

Excess production of goods will cause businesses to have a lot of capital tied up in
inventory, making it difficult to change product lines according to tastes and scientific and
technological advances, thereby increasing the risk of goods obsolescence. These will be
goods and products that cannot keep up with the needs and demands of customers and the
market, lagging behind compared to current products.

Not only that, overproduction also leads to an increase in many costs for businesses such as:
storage costs, energy costs, preservation costs, human resources costs, administrative costs,
equipment costs. , financial costs etc

- Summarize the positive and negative impacts of online shopping and provide useful online
shopping solutions, etc.

Online shopping has become increasingly popular, offering both advantages and
disadvantages. On the positive side, it provides convenience and wider selection, allowing
you to shop from the comfort of your home with access to a vast array of products, often at
competitive prices. Additionally, online platforms facilitate comparison shopping, enabling
you to compare features and prices easily before making a purchase. However, drawbacks
also exist. The inability to physically examine products can lead to quality concerns or
inaccurate sizing. Furthermore, the ease and accessibility of online shopping can lead to
impulsive buying and potential overspending.

To navigate online shopping effectively, it's crucial to research and choose reputable
retailers with clear return policies. Utilize customer reviews to gain insights into product
quality and sizing. Additionally, set a budget and stick to it, avoiding impulse purchases.
Embrace the convenience of online shopping while remaining mindful of potential pitfalls
for a safe and satisfying experience.


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