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Кафедра „ Іноземні мови ”


Методична розробка

Спеціальності: 7.100312 „Експлуатація суднових енергетичних установок”

7.090509 „Суднові енергетичні установки та устаткування”
Одеса - 2009

Методичну розробку підготувала Галятова Валентина Миколаївна – старший

викладач кафедри „Іноземні мови” Одеського національного морського університету.

Методична розробка ухвалена кафедрою „Іноземні мови” ОНМУ

02 вересня 2009 року (протокол №1).

Методична розробка складається з дев'яти глав, вісім з яких включають у себе

адаптовані науково-технічні тексти для вивчаючого читання, лексико-граматичні
вправи з розвитку навичок та вмінь усної та письмової мови; дев'ята глава - додаткові
тексти для перевірки одержаних знань та закріплення здобутих вмінь та навичок на
початковому етапі навчання мові спеціальності. Методична розробка включає англо-
російський словник.
Метою методичної розробки є введення до мови спеціальності на основі
відпрацювання лексико-граматичних структур англійської мови; накопичення
мінімуму термінології для читання спеціальної літератури та усного мовлення;
здобуття навичок читання за спеціальністю для наступної практичної роботи.

Unit I
The Main Parts of a Diesel Engine

The main parts of a diesel engine are: the cylinder, the piston, the connecting rod, the
crankshaft, valves or ports, the fuel pump and the nozzle.
In the cylinder the piston moves up and down and makes strokes. The piston is
connected to a mechanism which controls its motion and is called a crank mechanism. The
crank mechanism consists of a shaft which turns or revolves in bearings and has a crank
which turns in a circle when the shaft revolves, and a connecting rod which connects the
crank to the piston. Through the intake valves or ports air is delivered into the cylinder. A
spray nozzle or a fuel injector delivers fuel oil. It is injected in the form of a finely divided
spray by a pump which is called a fuel injection pump.


diesel engine д.в.с.

cylinder, n цилиндр
piston, n поршень
crank, n мотыль, кривошип
crankshaft, n коленчатый вал
crank mechanism кривошипный механизм
shaft, n вал
connect, v соединять
connecting rod шатун
fuel oil топливо
fuel pump топливный насос
intake valve впускной клапан
port, n окно
nozzle, n сопло
inject, v впрыскивать
injection, n впрыскивание, распыление
injector, n форсунка
stroke, n ход, такт /поршня/
move, v двигаться
motion, n движение
bearing, n подшипник
consist of, v состоять из
revolve, v вращать/ся/
rotate, v вращать/ся/
deliver, v подавать /топливо/
spray, n, v струя; разбрызгивать,
divide, v размельчать, делить


I. Complete the following sentences:

1. 1. In the cylinder the piston ....
2. 2. Air is delivered into the cylinder through ....
3. 3. Fuel oil is delivered into the cylinder by .....
4. 4. Fuel oil is injected through ....
5. 5. The crank mechanism consists of ....
6. 6. The connecting rod transmits the motion of the piston to the ....
7. 7. The crank mechanism controls ....
8. 8. The connecting rod connects ....

II. Replace the underlined verbs by the verbs given below:

1. 1. The piston moves up and down in the cylinder.
2. 2. The crank mechanism has a shaft, a crank, a connecting rod.
3. 3. The fuel injector delivers the fuel oil into the cylinder.
4. 4. The shaft revolves in bearings.
5. 5. The crank turns in a circle while the shaft rotates.
(consist of, go, inject, rotate, turn).

III. Answer the following questions:

1. 1. What are the main parts of a diesel?
2. 2. What are the working parts in a diesel?
3. 3. What does the crank mechanism consist of?
4. 4. What does the crank mechanism control?
5. 5. Where does the piston move up and down?
6. 6. What does the connecting rod connect?
7. 7. What is air delivered into the cylinder through?
8. 8. What is fuel oil delivered through?

IV. Put questions to the following sentences:

1. 1. The air is compressed to a high pressure by the piston.
2. 2. The piston is connected to a crank mechanism.
3. 3. Air is delivered into the cylinder through the intake valve.
4. 4. Fuel oil is delivered by a pump.
5. 5. Fuel is delivered into the cylinder through the fuel nozzle.
6. 6. This pump is called a fuel injection pump.
7. 7. A crank mechanism controls the motion of the piston.
8. 8. A crank mechanism consists of a shaft, a crank and a connecting rod.
9. 9. A connecting rod connects the crank and the piston.
10. 10. A fuel injector delivers fuel oil.
11. 11. The piston moves up and down in the cylinder.
12. 12. A shaft turns in bearings.

Grammar: Passive Voice

1 .The piston is connected to the crank mechanism.
2. The intake and the exhaust valves are located in the cylinder head.


I. Change the sentences according to the model:

Model: The fuel pump injects finely divided fuel into the cylinder.
Finely divided fuel is injected into the cylinder by the fuel pump.

1. 1. The fuel injector delivers oil.

2. 2. The crank mechanism controls the work of the piston.
3. 3. The pump compresses oil.
4. 4. A cylinder head closes the top end of the cylinder.
5. 5. The hot gases press the piston downward.
6. 6. The frame and the bedplate hold the cylinder, the crankshaft and main bearings
7. 7. The piston covers ports when it is at the top dead centre.
8. 8. The connecting rod connects the piston and the crank.
9. 9. The connecting rod transmits the motion of the piston to the crankshaft.
10. 10. We call it a fuel injection pump.

II. Fill up the blanks with the verbs in the Passive:

1. 1. The piston .... to a crank mechanism.
2. 2. Fuel oil .... by a pump.
3. 3. Fuel oil .... into the cylinder through the fuel nozzle.
4. 4. Air ....into the cylinder through the intake valve.
5. 5. The intake and the exhaust valves .... in the cylinder head.
6. 6. The burnt gases .... through the exhaust valves.

III. Translate into English:

1. 1. Поршень движется вверх и вниз.
2. 2. Поршень делает такты.
3. 3. Поршень движется в цилиндре.
4. 4. Поршень соединяется с кривошипным механизмом.
5. 5. Кривошипный механизм состоит из вала, кривошипа и шатуна.
6. 6. Вал вращается в подшипниках.
7. 7. Кривошип поворачивается.
8. 8. Шатун соединяет кривошип и поршень.
9. 9. Кривошипный механизм контролирует движение поршня.
10. 10. Воздух подается в цилиндр.
11. 11. Форсунка подает топливо в цилиндр.
12. 12. Топливо подается в форме хорошо распыленной струи.

Unit II
What Work the Parts of an Engine Perform

Now when we know the main parts of an engine we must learn what work each diesel
part performs.
The heart of an engine is the cylinder where the fuel is burnt and the power is
developed. The cylinder head closes the top end of the cylinder to make space where the air
is compressed and the gases are confined while they are burning and expanding.
The piston moves up and down in a cylinder. It compresses the air charge. When the
gases are burning and expanding the piston receives the pressure of the gases. The
connecting rod transmits the motion of the piston to the crankshaft. The main bearings
support the crankshaft and permit it to rotate. Valves or ports admit air and discharge the
burnt or exhaust gases. The frame and the bedplate are used to hold the cylinder, the
crankshaft and main bearings together.
The fuel injection pump is used to deliver fuel into the cylinder and the fuel injection
nozzle is used to divide the fuel into a fine spray as it enters the cylinder.


perform, v выполнять
charge, n,v заряд; заряжать, загружать
discharge, v выпускать
expand, v расширять/ся/
develop, v развивать, вырабатывать
receive, v
get. v
spray, v, n распылять; струя
as (зд.) когда
enter, v поступать в
permit, v разрешать
pressure, n давление
cylinder head крышка цилиндра
confine, v ограничивать
transmit, v передавать
support, v поддерживать
exhaust gases отработавшие газы
frame, n рама
bedplate, n станина
admit, v впускать /топливо, воздух/
compress, v сжимать

I. Complete the following sentences:

1. 1. In the cylinder the fuel is burnt and the power ....
2. 2. When the gases are burning and expanding, the piston ....
3. 3. Intake valves or ports are used ....
4. 4. The frame and the bedplate hold....
5. 5. The motion of the piston is transmitted by ....
2. 7. The fuel injection nozzle divides the fuel into ....
3. 8. The fuel injection pump is used ....

II Make up 6 sentences using the verbs:

Move, transmit, deliver, rotate, is used, is connected.
III. Answer the following questions:
1. 1. Where is the fuel burnt?
2. 2. What is developed in the cylinder while the fuel is burning?
3. 3. What does the cylinder head close the cylinder for?
4. 4. What does the piston compress?
5. 5. When does the piston receive the pressure of the gases?
6. 6. What does the connecting rod transmit the motion of the piston to?
7. 7. What are the frame and the bedplate used for?

IV. Put questions to the following sentences:

1. 1. The fuel is burnt in the cylinder.
2. 2. The power is developed in the cylinder.
3. 3. The cylinder head closes the top end of the cylinder.
4. 4. The motion of the piston is transmitted by the connecting rod.
5. 5. The fuel injection pump is used to deliver the fuel into the cylinder.
6. 6. The frame and the bedplate support all the parts of an engine.

Model: What is the cylinder head used for?

It is used to close the top end of the cylinder.
Ask and answer similar questions about:
1. 1) an intake valve;
2. 2) an exhaust valve;
3. 3) a fuel injection pump;
4. 4) a fuel injection nozzle;
5. 5) a piston.

V. Translate into English:

1. 1. Мы знаем основные части двигателя.
2. 2. Каждая часть двигателя выполняет работу.
3. 3. Цилиндр – сердце двигателя.
4. 4. Топливо сжигается в цилиндре.
5. 5. Крышка закрывает верхнюю часть цилиндра.
6. 6. Воздух сжимается.
7. 7. Газы ограничиваются в этом пространстве.
8. 8. Газы горят, расширяются.
9. 9. Поршень двигается вверх и вниз в цилиндре.
10. 10. Поршень сжимает воздушный заряд.
11. 11. Поршень получает давление газов.
12. 12. Шатун передает движение поршня коленвалу.
13. 13. Рамовые подшипники поддерживают коленвал.
14. 14. Они позволяют коленвалу вращаться.
15. 15. Клапана или окна впускают воздух.
16. 16. Они выпускают сгоревшие или отработанные газы.
17. 17. Рама и станина удерживают цилиндр, коленвал и рамовые подшипники.
18. 18. Топливный насос подает топливо в цилиндр.
19. 19. Топливная форсунка распыляет топливо.
20. 20. Топливо поступает в цилиндр.

Grammar: The Infinitive

/Обстоятельство цели/

1. To deliver fuel into the cylinder we must use the fuel injection pump.
2. Valves or ports are used to admit air into the cylinder.


I. Fill up the blanks with the necessary Infinitives:

1. 1. In the cylinder the piston moves up and down .... strokes.
2. 2. .... fuel into the cylinder the fuel pump is used.
3. 3. The fuel nozzle is used .... the fuel into a fine spray as it enters the cylinder.
4. 4. .... the main parts of an engine together the frame and the bedplate are used.
5. 5. .... the air into the cylinder we use intake valves or ports.
(to make, to divide, to deliver, to admit, to hold)

II. Change sentences according to the model:

Active Passive

The piston compresses the air charge. The air charge is compressed by the piston.

1. 1. The cylinder head closes the top end of the cylinder.

2. 2. The connecting rod transmits the motion of the piston.
3. 3. The frame and the bedplate hold the main parts of an engine together.
4. 4. A spray nozzle delivers fuel.
5. 5. Fuel injection pump compresses fuel oil.
6. 6. Valves or ports discharge the burnt gases.
7. 7. Intake valves admit air.

Unit III

How a Diesel Engine Works

In the engines of four-stroke cycle there are four working strokes occupying two
complete revolutions of the crankshaft. These four strokes are:
The Intake Stroke. The piston is at the top of the cylinder (top dead centre t.d.c.)
being ready to take in a charge of air. The inlet valve is opened, the exhaust valve is closed.
The crankshaft is turning. Turning to the right and down, the shaft pulls down the
connecting rod and the rod pulls down the piston.
The piston goes down and takes in air into the cylinder through the intake valve. When
the piston comes to the bottom of its stroke (bottom dead centre - b.d.c.), the intake valve
closes. The cylinder is now full of fresh air.
The Compression Stroke. During this stroke the crankshaft is turning to the left and
upward. And the connecting rod pushes the piston upward. The piston moves upward
compressing the air charge. Since all valves are closed, the air doesn't escape. The air charge
is forced into a smaller space. This increases the pressure of the air and its temperature.
When the piston comes to the top centre, the air occupies only 1/16 of its original space and
its temperature rises to 1,000°F.
The Power Stroke. Now fuel oil is sprayed through the fuel injector into the hot
compressed air. The air is so hot that it automatically ignites the oil. The oil burns producing
more heat and pressure. This pressure pushes the piston down on the power stroke. The
piston goes down. The motion of the piston is transmitted by the connecting rod to the
crank. The force on the crank makes the crankshaft turn. Before the piston comes to the
bottom centre, the exhaust valve is opened. The burnt gases begin to escape through the
exhaust valve. This is the end of the power stroke.
The Exhaust Stroke. The cylinder is still full of burnt gases. When the piston rises it
pushes out the remaining gases through the exhaust valve. When the piston is at the top
center all the burnt gases are exhausted from the cylinder. The exhaust stroke is completed
and the engine is ready to begin another cycle.


top dead centre (t.d.c.) верхнее крайнее положение

(верхняя мертвая точка)
bottom dead centre (b.d.c.) нижнее крайнее положение
(нижняя мертвая точка)
working stroke рабочий ход
intake stroke такт впуска
compression stroke такт сжатия
power stroke такт горения-расширения
(рабочий такт, ход)
exhaust stroke такт выпуска
occupy, v занимать
charge, n, v заряд; заряжать
revolution, n оборот
pull, v тянуть, тащить
down = downward, prep вниз
up = upward, prep вверх
reach, v достигать
space, n пространство
rise (rose, risen), v поднимать(ся)
complete, v, adj завершать, (зд.) полный
make, v (зд.) заставлять
heat, n, v тепло; нагревать
remain, v оставаться
increase, v увеличивать
original, adj первоначальный
ignite, v зажигать(ся)
produce, v производить
force, n сила; нагнетать
draw in (drew, drawn), v всасывать
push, v толкать
oil, n (зд.) топливо
still (зд.) все еще


I. Answer the following questions:

1. 1. How many working strokes are there in a four-cycle engine?
2. 2. What is the first stroke called?
3. 3. Where is the piston at the beginning of the intake stroke?
4. 4. What valve is opened (is closed) during the intake stroke?
5. 5. When does the piston compress the air charge?
6. 6. When are the intake and the exhaust valves closed?
7. 7. When is fuel delivered into the cylinder?
8. 8. Why does fuel ignite automatically?
9. 9. When do the burnt gases escape from the cylinder?
10. 10. When does the temperature of the air increase?

II. Replace the underlined words by their synonyms:

1. 1. During the compression stroke the piston moves upward compressing the air
2. 2. The burnt gases escape from the cylinder through the exhaust valve.
3. 3. Fuel oil is sprayed through the fuel injector.
4. 4. The burnt gases leave the cylinder through the exhaust valve.
5. 5. During the intake stroke the cylinder is ready to take in a charge of air.
6. 6. When the piston rises it pushes out the remaining gases.

III. Put questions to the following sentences:

1. 1. Four working strokes occupy two revolutions of the crankshaft.
2. 2. During the compression stroke the piston compresses the air charge.
3. 3. The burning process produces heat
4. 4. The burnt gases escape from the cylinder through the exhaust valve.
5. 5. Fuel oil is sprayed through the fuel injector into the hot compressed air.
6. 6. The motion of the piston is transmitted by the connecting rod to the crank.

IV. Translate into English:

1. 1. В этих двигателях - четыре рабочих такта поршня.
2. 2. Четыре рабочих такта поршня занимают два полных оборота коленвала.
3. 3. Рабочие такты: такт впуска, сжатия, горения-расширения (рабочий ход),
такт выпуска.
4. 4. Во время такта впуска поршень находится в верхней мертвой точке.
5. 5. Впускной клапан открывается.
6. 6. Выпускной клапан закрыт.
7. 7. Коленвал начинает поворачиваться.
8. 8. Поршень движется вниз.
9. 9. Воздух втягивается через впускной клапан в цилиндр.
10. 10. Когда поршень подходит к нижней мертвой точке, впускной клапан
11. 11. Цилиндр наполнен свежим воздухом.
12. 12. Во время такта сжатия поршень движется вверх.
13. 13. Поршень сжимает воздушный заряд.
14. 14. Все клапана закрыты.
15. 15. Давление и температура воздуха увеличивается.
16. 16. Начинается рабочий ход.
17. 17. Топливо подается через форсунку в горячий, сжатый воздух.
18. 18. Топливо зажигается.
19. 19. Температура и давление в цилиндре увеличивается.
20. 20. Поршень под давлением движется вниз.
21. 21. Движение поршня передается шатуном на мотыль.
22. 22. Он заставляет коленвал поворачиваться.
23. 23. Открывается выпускной клапан.
24. 24. Отработанные газы выходят через выпускной клапан.
25. 25. Во время такта выпуска поршень поднимается.
26. 26. Поршень выталкивает оставшиеся газы.
27. 27. Когда поршень находится в верхней мертвой точке, все газы выходят из
28. 28. Такт выпуска закончен.
29. 29. Двигатель готов начинать следующий такт.

V. Give a short characteristic of:

the intake stroke,
the compression stroke,
the power stroke,
the exhaust stroke.

Grammar: The Present Participle

l. The piston is connected to a mechanism controlling its motion.
2. Moving upward the piston pushes out the remaining gases through the
exhaust valve.


I. Find all sentences with the Present Participle in the text.

II. Replace the subordinate clauses by the Participle Constructions:

Model 1: There are four working strokes which occupy two complete revolutions of the
There are four working strokes occupying two complete revolutions of the

1. 1. The piston is connected to a mechanism which controls its motion.

2. 2. The pressure which forces on the top of the piston pushes it down on the power
3. 3. A two-cycle engine uses a blower which takes in air from the atmosphere and
delivers it to an air chamber.
4. 4. The gases which expand gradually lose pressure and become cool.

Model 2: When the piston moves upward it compresses the air charge.
Moving upward the piston compresses the air charge.

1. 1. When the shaft turns to the right and down it pulls down the connecting rod and
the rod pulls down the piston.
2. 2. When the piston goes down it takes in air into the cylinder.
3. 3. As the piston is at the top centre it is ready to take in a charge of air.
4. 4. As the air is very hot it automatically ignites the oil.

Unit IV

The Work of a Two-Stroke Engine

A two-stroke cycle is completed in two strokes: the compression and the power strokes,
or one revolution of the crankshaft, while a four-stroke cycle has two revolutions. The
operations to remove the burnt gases and to fill the cylinder with a fresh charge of air in a
two-stroke engine are performed near the bottom dead centre by means of a separate air
pump or a blower, which takes in air from the atmosphere and delivers it into an air
There are two exhaust valves in the cylinder head of a two-stroke engine instead of one
intake and one exhaust valves as it is in a four-cycle engine. To deliver air into the cylinder
a row of holes or ports is cut in the cylinder wall. These intake ports are closed by the piston
when it is at the top of its stroke but they are opened when the piston is near the bottom of
its stroke. The ports are connected to the blower outlet by the air chamber. When the piston
is at the bottom of its stroke the intake ports and the exhaust valves are open. A slightly
compressed air enters the cylinder through the intake ports and pushes out the burnt gases,
left from the previous cycle through the exhaust valves.
When the piston is about a quarter of the way up, the exhaust valves and the intake
ports are closed. The exhaust gases are blown out. Now the cylinder is full of fresh air. The
rest of the upward stroke is a compression stroke which compresses the air into a small
space at the top.
Before the piston reaches its top dead centre the fuel nozzle delivers a spray of fuel into
the chamber full of hot compressed air. Ignition and expansion take place as in a four-cycle
engine, and the piston goes down on its power stroke. When the piston is about three
quarters of the way down, the exhaust valves open and the burnt gases begin to escape. As
the piston continues to go down it opens the intake ports and fresh air is blown into the
This air, which has a slightly higher pressure than the hot gases in the cylinder, pumps
out the hot gases through the valves. This operation is called scavenging. The air which is
admitted is called scavenge air and the ports through which the scavenge air is admitted are
called scavenge ports.
After the operation of scavenging, the cylinder is full of fresh air, the piston is at the
bottom dead center and the cycle is completed, all in one revolution. The compression and
the power strokes of a two-cycle engine are not much different from the strokes of a four-
cycle engine. The exhaust and intake actions take place nearly together and in a much
shorter time.
In a two-cycle engine the piston cannot push the exhaust gases out, they are blown out
by the air under pressure. Air is not admitted into the cylinder by the piston, it is forced in.


instead of, prep вместо

row, n ряд
hole, n отверстие
by means of при помощи, посредством
scavenge, v продувать
scavenging продувка
remove, v отводить, удалять
blower, n воздуходувка
blower outlet отверстие воздуходувки
slightly, adv слегка
blow out выталкивать
in order to для того, чтобы
force in, v нагнетать
fill with, v наполнять
chamber, n камера


I. Complete the following sentences:

1. 1. A two-stroke cycle is completed ...
2. 2. Air is delivered into the cylinder during ...
3. 3. In order to deliver air into the cylinder ports are ...
4. 4. The exhaust valves are located in ...
5. 5. The ports are closed when ...
6. 6. The ports are connected to the blower outlet by ....
7. 7. The burnt gases begin to escape when ...
8. 8. The cylinder is full of fresh air when ...
9. 9. The exhaust gases begin to escape when ...
10. 10. When the piston goes down it opens the intake ports and fresh air...
11. 11. The air with a slightly higher pressure than the pressure of the hot gases in the
cylinder pumps out ...

II. Answer the following questions:

1. 1. How many strokes does a two-cycle engine perform?
2. 2. What are they called?
3. 3. During what stroke is air delivered into the cylinder?
4. 4. How is air delivered into the cylinder?
5. 5. What is air delivered through?
6. 6. Where are the intake ports located?
7. 7. What are ports cut for in the cylinder wall?
8. 8. When are the ports closed (opened)?
9. 9. What are the ports connected to the blower outlet by?
10. 10. How are the burnt gases pushed out of the cylinder?
11. 11. When do the exhaust gases begin to escape?
12. 12. What do they escape through?
13. 13. What air is called scavenge air?

III. Put all possible questions to the following sentences:

1. 1. An air pump is used to fill the cylinder with a fresh charge of air.
2. 2. A two-stroke engine completes the cycle in two strokes.
3. 3. To deliver air into the cylinder a row of ports is cut in the cylinder wall.
4. 4. The exhaust gases begin to escape from the cylinder.
5. 5. A connecting rod transmits the motion of the piston to the crankshaft.

IV. Speak about:

the construction of a two-stroke engine,
the compression stroke,
the power stroke.

V. Translate into English:

1. 1. Двухтактный цикл завершается за два такта или один оборот коленвала.
2. 2. У четырехтактного двигателя четыре такта.
3. 3. Отдельный воздушный насос забирает воздух из атмосферы.
4. 4. Воздушный насос подает воздух в воздушную камеру.
5. 5. В двухтактном двигателе два выпускных клапана в крышке цилиндра.
6. 6. В четырехтактном двигателе один выпускной и один впускной клапан.
7. 7. В двухтактном двигателе есть окна в цилиндрах для подачи воздуха.
8. 8. Окна соединены с воздушной камерой.
9. 9. Воздух поступает в цилиндр через впускные окна и выталкивает
сгоревшие газы через выпускные клапана.
10.10. Цилиндр наполнен свежим воздухом.
11.11. Топливо подается в камеру, наполненную горячим сжатым воздухом.
12.12. Зажигание и расширение происходит как в четырехтактном двигателе.
13.13. Открываются выпускные клапана.
14.14. Сгоревшие газы начинают выходить.
15.15. Свежий воздух впускается в цилиндр.
16.16. Впускаемый воздух называется продувочным воздухом.
17.17. Окна, через которые впускается продувочный воздух, называются
продувочными окнами.
1. 18. В двухтактном двигателе поршень не может выталкивать отработанные
2. 19. Сгоревшие газы выдуваются воздухом под давлением.
3. 20. Воздух не всасывается поршнем в цилиндр, он нагнетается.
Grammar: The Infinitive
/Функции в предложении/

1. Подлежащее:
To work by the method of a two-stroke operation is the advantage of a two-cycle
2. Именная часть сказуемого:
The idea of a two-cycle engine is to complete the cycle in only two strokes.

3. Обстоятельство цели:
To fill the cylinder with a fresh charge of air an air pump is used.
4. Определение:
The piston to move in a cylinder compresses the air charge and receives the
pressure of the gases when they are burning and expanding.


I. Find the sentences with the Infinitives in the text. Define the functions of the Infinitives.

II. Insert the necessary Infinitives and define their functions:

1. 1. ... air into the cylinder a row of holes is cut in the cylinder wall.
2. 2. The two-cycle engine is used ... the cycle in two strokes of the piston.
3. 3. When the exhaust valves are opened the exhaust gases begin ... from the
4. 4. The holes or ports ... in the cylinder wall deliver air into the cylinder.
5. 5. The air ... a higher pressure pushes the hot gases through the valves.
6. 6. The function of the fresh air is ... the hot gases through the valves.
7. 7. ... gases from the cylinder there are exhaust valves in the cylinder head.

Unit V


The principle of supercharging is in supplying more air to the combustion chamber

than the atmospheric pressure permits.
When more air and fuel burn in the cylinder, more power is received from the engine.
By fitting a special device the necessary amount of air is supplied into the cylinder.
This device is called a supercharger. A supercharger is an air pump that takes air out of the
surrounding atmosphere, compresses it to a higher pressure and delivers it to the inlet valve
or port of an engine.
Thus, we get an engine of greater power for the same dimensions and almost the same
Experiments show that by supercharging a diesel the power output is increased from 20
to 80 per cent over the normal rating. In order to increase the air pressure in a four-stroke
engine, the air charge is pushed in by higher pressure, produced by a separate air pump or a
supercharger. When a supercharger is applied to a four-stroke engine, the main change
required in the engine design, is a change in the timing of the intake and exhaust valves. The
two valves are designed to be opened simultaneously from about 80 to 160 degrees. The
selection depends upon the normal engine speed.
A two-stroke engine usually has a blower to obtain scavenge air and its supercharging
is obtained by increasing the amount and pressure of scavenging air. In addition, a slight
change of the exhaust and scavenge timing is made in order to retain more scavenge air at
the beginning of the compression stroke.


supercharger, n нагнетатель, воздуходувка,

supercharging продувка
combustion chamber камера сгорания
permit, v разрешать, допускать
power output выходная мощность
rating мощность
fit, v устанавливать
device, n устройство, прибор
dimension, n размер
weight, n вес
change, v, n изменять; изменение
retain, v удерживать
timing регулировка
slight, adj небольшой, незначительный
in addition в добавление, кроме того
supply, v подавать, обеспечивать
surround, v окружать
require, v требовать
apply, v применять
selection, n выбор (зд. переключение)
simultaneously, adv одновременно
obtain, v получать
depend on, v зависеть от
in order to для того, чтобы
normal, adj нормальный, обычный
same, adj одинаковый
design, v, n конструировать,
предназначать; проект,


I. Complete the following sentences according to the text:

1. 1. The principle of supercharging is in supplying
more air to …
2. 2. The more air and fuel burn in the cylinder, the
more …
3. 3. By using a supercharger, the necessary amount
of air …
4. 4. A supercharger takes air …
5. 5. A supercharger compresses the air to …
6. 6. A supercharger delivers ...
7. 7. A supercharged engine gets greater power for
the same …
8. 8. To increase the air pressure in a four-stroke
engine, the air charge …
9. 9. To obtain scavenge air in a two-stroke engine
10. 10. In a two-stroke engine supercharging is
obtained by ...

II. Replace the underlined words by their synonyms:

1. 1. The more air and oil burn in the cylinder the
more power is obtained from the engine.
2. 2. To increase the air pressure in a four-stroke
engine, the air charge is forced in by a higher pressure generated by a blower.
3. 3. A two-stroke engine has a blower for receiving
scavenge air.
4. 4. A supercharger gets air out of the surrounding
atmosphere, compresses it to a higher pressure and passes it to the valve or port of
an engine.
5. 5. A slight change of the exhaust and scavenge
regulating is made in order to keep more scavenge air at the beginning of the
compression stroke.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. 1. What is the principle of supercharging?
2. 2. What does supercharging increase?
3. 3. How is the power output of a diesel increased?
4. 4. What device is used for supercharging?
5. 5. What is a supercharger?
6. 6. What is the function of a supercharger?
7. 7. What is a blower in a two-stroke engine used for?
8. 8. How is supercharging obtained in a two-stroke engine?

IV. Put all possible questions to the following sentences:

1. 1. Supercharging supplies more air to the combustion chamber.
2. 2. The necessary amount of air is supplied into the cylinder by a supercharger.
3. 3. A supercharger takes in air from the atmosphere.
4. 4. A blower of a two-stroke engine obtains scavenge air.
5. 5. A two-stroke engine has a blower to obtain scavenge air.

V. Give nouns corresponding to the following verbs:

Press, inject, spray, ignite, supercharge, compress, blow, select.

VI. Speak about:

1. 1) a supercharger,
2. 2) supercharging in a two-stroke engine,
3. 3) supercharging in a four-stroke engine.

VII. Translate into English:

1. 1. Продувка двигателя используется для подачи большего количества
воздуха в камеру сгорания.
2. 2. Для продувки двигателя используется специальное устройство.
3. 3. Это устройство называется компрессором (нагнетателем).
4. 4. Он забирает воздух из атмосферы, сжимает его, и подает в двигатель.
5. 5. Мощность двигателя увеличивается продувкой.
6. 6. При использовании нагнетателя в конструкции четырехтактного
двигателя требуется изменение в регулировке клапанов.
7. 7. Впускные и выпускные клапана конструируются для одновременного
открывания от 80 до 1600 градусов.
8. 8. В двухтактном двигателе для получения продувочного воздуха
используется воздуходувка.
9. 9. Продувка достигается увеличением количества и давления продувочного
10.10. Что представляет собой продувка двигателя?
11.11. Что используется для увеличения количества и давления продувочного
12.12. Что представляет собой нагнетатель?
13.13. Какое устройство используется для продувки двухтактного двигателя?
14.14. Каков принцип продувки двигателя?
15.15. Какова функция компрессора?
16.16. Каково назначение продувки?
17.17. Каково изменение в регулировке впускных и выпускных клапанов?

Grammar: The Gerund

1. 1. Supercharging increases the engine power.
1. 2. By compressing the air charge we raise the temperature of the air.
/обстоятельство образа действия/
1. 3. Burning is the process of uniting fuel with oxygen in the air.


I. Substitute the Infinitives by the Gerunds:

Model: A spray nozzle is used to deliver oil in the form of a fine spray into the cylinder.
A spray nozzle is used for delivering oil in the form of a fine spray into the
1. 1. The air charge is compressed to increase the air temperature.
2. 2. The temperature of the air must be high enough to ignite the particles of the
injected fuel.
3. 3. A supercharger is fitted to increase the power of an engine.
4. 4. A two-stroke engine has a blower to obtain scavenge air.
5. 5. The air charge is pushed into the cylinder to increase the air pressure in a four-
stroke engine.
6. 6. The two valves are designed to stay open simultaneously for about 80 to 160
7. 7. A slight change of the exhaust and scavenge timing is made to retain more
scavenge air at the beginning of the compression stroke.

Unit VI
Fuel Injection

The function of the fuel injection mechanism is to put the correct amount of fuel into
the cylinder of the engine at the proper time under the right pressure and to ensure good
mixing the air and the fuel for complete burning.
At present there are three principal methods of mechanical injection:
1. Direct injection or open combustion chamber method.
2. Pre-combustion chamber method.
3. Air turbulence method.
1. During the direct injection method the fuel is injected directly into the combustion
chamber through a spray nozzle and under sufficient pressure. It is done in order to carry the
fuel particles into the mass of the compressed air, the injector being fitted into the cylinder
The loss of heat during the compression is a minimum, the delay combustion period
being short. This method of fuel injection gives better starting from the cold.
2. With a pre-combustion chamber method the cylinder head has a smaller combustion
chamber communicating with the cylinder head through a neck.
The compressed air circulates in this chamber, at a certain moment the fuel being
injected into the chamber. The fuel immediately begins to ignite. The mixture of burning
and unburnt fuel passes from the pre-combustion chamber into the cylinder through the
communicating neck.
3. The air turbulence method is used in several types of engines.
This method provides efficient atomizing and mixing the fuel particles with the air at
the end of the compression stroke. As the volume of the injected fuel is very small in
comparison with the volume of compressed air, the holes in the nozzle must be very fine and
numerous. The pressure required to obtain the necessary penetration of the fuel must be very
high and the sprays must have a sufficient depth of penetration to reach all the compressed
air in the cylinder head.


direct injection method метод прямого впрыска

pre-combustion chamber method метод предкамерного
air turbulence method вихрекамерный метод
sufficient, adj достаточный
particle, n частица
amount, n количество
loss, n потеря
delay combustion period период задержки
smooth, adj плавный
neck, n канал
mixture, n смесь
provide, v
insure, v
atomizing распыление
in comparison with в сравнении с
numerous, adj многочисленный
penetration, n проникновение
depth, n глубина
pass, v проходить


I. Complete the following sentences according to the text:

1. 1. The principal methods of mechanical injection are called ...
2. 2. During the direct injection method the fuel ...
3. 3. The fuel is injected into ...
4. 4. The injector is fitted into ...
5. 5. The direct injection method gives ...
6. 6. The cylinder head is communicated with the combustion chamber through ...
7. 7. The compressed air circulates in ...
8. 8. The fuel immediately ...
9. 9. The air turbulence method provides ...
10. 10. The volume of the injected fuel is ...
11. 11. Therefore the holes in the nozzle must ...
12. 12. The pressure required to obtain the necessary penetration of the fuel ...
II. Answer the following questions:
1. 1. What is the function of the fuel injection mechanism?
2. 2. What is the first method of mechanical injection called?
3. 3. What is the fuel injected into with direct injection?
4. 4. What is the fuel injected into combustion chamber through?
5. 5. Where is the injector fitted?
6. 6. Why is the fuel injected under pressure?
7. 7. What is the advantage of the direct injection method?
8. 8. What is the second method of injection called?
9. 9. What does the cylinder head contain with the second method?
10. 10. Where does the compressed air circulate?
11. 11. When does the fuel begin to ignite?
12. 12. Where does the mixture of burning and unburnt fuel pass from?
13. 13. What does the mixture go into the cylinder through?
14. 14. What does the air turbulence method provide?
15. 15. Why must the holes in the nozzle be very fine and numerous?
III. Put all possible questions to the following sentences:
1. 1. During the direct injection method the fuel is injected directly into the
combustion chamber through a spraying nozzle.
2. 2. The air turbulence method provides efficient atomizing and mixing the fuel
particles with the air.
3. 3. The mixture of burning and unburnt fuel passes from the pre-combustion
chamber into the cylinder through the communicating neck.
IV. Give a short characteristic of:
direct injection method;
pre-combustion chamber method;
air turbulence method.
V. Translate into English:
1. Функция механизма впрыска топлива под давлением - подавать
необходимое количество топлива в цилиндр двигателя в
определенное время.
2. Функция механизма впрыска топлива - обеспечивать
смешивание воздуха и топлива для полного сгорания.
3. Существуют три метода механического впрыска.
4. При методе прямого впрыска топливо под давлением подается
форсункой непосредственно в камеру сгорания.
5. Форсунка устанавливается на крышке цилиндра.
6. Топливо под давлением впрыскивается в сжатый воздух.
7. Потеря тепла во время сжатия воздуха минимальна.
8. Период задержки воспламенения топлива короткий.
9. При методе предкамерного смесеобразования головка цилиндра имеет
небольшую предкамеру воспламенения.
10.Предкамера воспламенения соединена с основной камерой сгорания
11.В определенный момент топливо впрыскивается в предкамеру.
12.Топливо немедленно воспламеняется.
13.Смесь горящего и несгоревшего топлива поступает в цилиндр по
14.В некоторых типах двигателей используется вихрекамерный метод
15.Этот метод обеспечивает хорошее распыление топлива и смешивание
его со сжатым воздухом.
16.Преимуществом двигателя с вихрекамерным методом
смесеобразования является эффективное и полное сгорание
подаваемого топлива.

Grammar: The Absolute Participle Construction

1. Each cylinder is provided with a separate injection pump, an injection pump
delivering fuel under pressure into the cylinder.
2. The delay combustion period being short, the loss of heat during the compression
is a minimum.


I. Translate the given sentences paying attention to the Absolute Participle Construction.
Make up two sentences as in the model.
The injection nozzle has only one hole, the injection pressure being
approximately 1500 lbs per sq. in.
The injection nozzle has only one hole. The injection pressure is approximately
1500 lbs per sq. in.

1. 1. The injection nozzle is that part of the injection system through which the fuel
enters the combustion chamber, the type and the shape of it influencing the
pressure, penetration and mixing of the injected fuel with air.
2. 2. A two-stroke cycle is completed in one revolution of the crankshaft, it requiring
two revolutions.
3. 3. The heart of an engine is the cylinder, the fuel being burnt and the power being
developed in it.
4. 4. Many engines operate on the four-stroke cycle completed in four strokes of the
piston, the engines of two-stroke cycle operating on a cycle completed in two
piston strokes.
5. 5. In a vertical diesel the cylinder stands upright, the piston moving up and down.
6. 6. The two valves in a four-stroke engine are designed to be opened
simultaneously from about 80 to 160 degrees, the selection depending upon the
normal engine speed.
7. 7. The compressed air circulates in the combustion chamber, the fuel being
injected into the chamber at a certain moment.
8. 8. The loss of heat during the compression is a minimum, the delay combustion
period being short.
9. Four-stroke cycle events being completed, the cycle is repeated.
10. Each of the four-stroke cycle events taking place during one stroke of the
piston, the cycle is called a four-stroke cycle.
11. The piston passes bottom dead center, the second or compression stroke
12. A two-stroke engine has two strokes, we avoiding the intake and the exhaust
13. The fuel is badly atomized, some fuel of the oxygen being not utilized.
14. The volume of the injected fuel being very small in comparison with the volume
of the compressed air, the holes in the nozzle must be very fine and numerous.
15. The piston being at the bottom of its stroke, the intake ports and the exhaust
valve are open.
1. 16. The piston being near the top of the compression stroke, the fuel is injected into
the air in the combustion chamber.
Unit VII

Combustion is a chemical reaction in which certain elements of the fuel combine with
oxygen of the air increasing the temperature of the gases. The main combustible elements
are carbon and hydrogen. There are two general methods of burning the fuel in an engine
1. Combustion at constant volume and
2. Combustion at constant pressure.
Combustion at constant volume means that during combustion the volume doesn't
change and that all the heat energy developed by the fuel goes into an increase of the gas
temperature and pressure.
The rate of combustion is so high that the piston has no time to move during
combustion. Such combustion is obtained when the |piston is at the top center.
The advantage of this method is a high thermal efficiency. Its disadvantage is a sudden
increase of pressure and the resulting noisiness of the engine.
During combustion at constant pressure the temperature increases at such a rate that the
pressure increase counteracts the volume increase and the pressure doesn't change. The heat
energy generated by the fuel goes partly into an increase of the gas temperature and partly
into producing outside work.
During combustion at constant pressure the fuel is burnt gradually. The pressure
attained at the end of the compression stroke is maintained during the greater part of the
combustion event. Its advantage is smooth running and a more even torque produced by an
High-speed diesel engines operate on a cycle which is approximately a combination of
the above two methods.


combustion, n горение, сжигание

combustible, adj горючий
during, prep во время
mean, v значить, означать
combine, v соединять/ся/
certain, adj определенный
oxygen, n кислород
carbon, n углерод
hydrogen, n водород
at constant volume при постоянном объеме
at constant pressure при постоянном давлении
rate, n зд. скорость
such, adj такой
obtain, v получать
advantage, n преимущество
disadvantage, n недостаток
thermal efficiency тепловой к.п.д.
sudden, adj внезапный, резкий
noisiness, n шум
counteract, v противодействовать,
influence, n влияние
generate, v образовывать
attain, v достигать
maintain, v поддерживать,
torque, n крутящий момент
even, adj зд. плавный, равномерный
approximately, adv приблизительно
gradually, adv постепенно
smooth, adj плавный, гладкий


I. Complete the following sentences:

1. 1. Combustion is a chemical reaction in which the fuel …
2. 2. The main combustible elements are ...
3. 3. There are two general methods of ...
4. 4. These two methods are ...
5. 5. Combustion at constant volume means that …
6. 6. All the heat energy developed by the fuel goes into ...
7. 7. The rate of combustion ...
8. 8. The piston has no time ...
9. 9. The advantage of this method is ...
10. 10. Its disadvantage …
11. 11. Combustion at constant pressure means …
12. 12. The pressure increase counteracts ...
13. 13. During combustion at constant pressure the pressure …
14. 14. The heat energy generated by the fuel ...

II. Answer the following questions:

1. 1. What is combustion?
2. 2. What does combustion increase?
3. 3. What are the main combustible elements?
4. 4. How many methods of combustion are there?
5. 5. What are they called?
6. 6. What does combustion at constant volume mean?
7. 7. What does the heat energy go into?
8. 8. What is the heat energy developed by?
9. 9. Is the rate of combustion high or low?
10. 10. What is the advantage of combustion at constant volume?
11. 11. What is the disadvantage of this method?
12. 12. During what method does the pressure increase counteract the volume increase?
13. 13. Does the pressure change during combustion at constant pressure?
14. 14. How is the fuel burnt?
15. 15. What pressure is maintained during the greater part of the compression stroke?

III. Put questions to the following sentences:

1. 1. Fuel combines with oxygen of the air.
2. 2. Heat energy developed by the fuel increases the gas temperature and pressure.
3. 3. The rate of combustion is very high.
4. 4. The piston doesn't move.
5. 5. The pressure attained at the end of the compression stroke is maintained during
the greater part of the combustion event.
6. 6. The fuel is ignited by the compressed air.

IV. Give a short characteristic of:

combustion at constant volume,
combustion at constant pressure.

V. Translate into English:

1. Горение – это химическая реакция.

2. Главными горючими элементами топлива являются углерод и
3. Углерод и водород соединяются с кислородом воздуха.
4. Существуют два способа сжигания топлива в цилиндре двигателя.
5. Это – горение при постоянном объеме и горение при постоянном
6. Во время горения при постоянном объеме объем не меняется.
7. Увеличиваются температура и давление.
8. Скорость горения очень высокая.
9. Поршень не движется.
10. Он находится в верхней мертвой точке.
11. Преимуществом этого метода сжигания – высокий тепловой к.п.д.
12. Недостатки его – резкое увеличение давления и шум двигателя.
13. Во время сжигания топлива при постоянном давлении резко
увеличивается температура.
14. Давление не меняется.
15. Во время сжигания при постоянном давлении топливо горит
16. Давление, полученное в такте сжатия, поддерживается во время
17. Преимуществом сжигания топлива при постоянном давлении
является плавная работа двигателя.
18. Двигатель производит равномерный вращающий момент.

Grammar: The Past Participle

1. 1. The heat energy developed by fuel increases the gas temperature and pressure.
2. 2. The fuel is ignited by the compressed air.


I. Find in the text all sentences with Past Participles.

II. Connect the two given sentences into one using the Past Participle:

Model: Fuel generates heat energy. The heat energy is used to increase the temperature
of the gas and to produce outside work.
Fuel generates heat energy used to increase the temperature of the gas and to
produce outside work.

1. 1. A diesel engine uses fuel. Fuel is injected into the cylinder in a finely divided
2. 2. Combustion takes place at such a high rate that the piston doesn't move during
such combustion. Such combustion is obtained when the piston is at the top center.
3. 3. The advantage of this method of fuel combustion is a high thermal efficiency.
High thermal efficiency is received during combustion at constant volume.
4. 4. A two-stroke engine has a blower. A blower is used for obtaining scavenge air.
5. 5. The necessary amount of air is supplied into the cylinder by a special device.
This device is called a supercharger.
6. 6. The piston pushes the gases through the exhaust valve. The exhaust valve is
opened when the piston is at the bottom centre.
7. 7. The advantage of the combustion at constant pressure is smooth running and a
more even torque. Torque is produced by an engine.

III. Insert Present or Past Participle of the verbs given in brackets:

1. 1. All the heat energy ... by the fuel goes into an increase of the gas temperature
and pressure. (to develop)
2. 2. The fuel is burned so that the pressure ... at the end of the compression stroke is
maintained during the greater part of the combustion event. (to attain)
3. 3. The advantage of combustion at constant pressure is a smooth running engine ...
a more even torque of an engine. (to produce)
4. 4. There are four working strokes ... two complete revolutions of the crankshaft.
(to occupy)
5. 5. A ... engine develops 20 per cent more power than an ordinary diesel of the
same type. (to supercharge)
6. 6. The necessary amount of air is supplied into the cylinder by a special device ...
a supercharger. (to call)



The aim of lubrication is to make the rubbing surfaces operate with as little friction as
possible and so reduce wear to a minimum and obtain the maximum power out of the burnt
fuel. Good lubrication is one of the main factors for satisfactory engine work.
Every moving part must be lubricated to ensure a lasting oil film which prevents metal-
to-metal contact. There are three general methods of lubrication:
1. Mechanical force feed lubrication;
2. Circulating lubrication;
3. Splash lubrication.
During mechanical force feed lubrication oil is delivered to all points from one or more
mechanical lubricator units. The number of individual pumps in each unit is determined by
the number of points to be lubricated. At each feed point there is a check valve preventing
oil from draining or blowing back.
The second method of lubrication may be divided into lubrication by gravity and by
pressure circulation. Gravity lubrication is seldom used in modern engines. At present all
engines are lubricated by pressure circulation method. Pressure delivers oil to all bearings
and gears or chain-drivers. From the main bearing the oil passes through holes in the
crankshaft to the connecting rod bearings and through the connecting rod to the wrist pin or
During the splash lubrication method the crankcase is filled with oil. The rotating
cranks dip into the oil and spray it over bearings and cylinder walls. Valves and other parts
are lubricated by hand oiling, but cylinders are sometimes oiled by mechanical lubrication.


prevent, v предотвращать
lubrication, n смазка
ensure, v обеспечивать
film, n пленка
lasting film прочная пленка
metal-to-metal contact сухое трение
mechanical force feed lubrication механическая смазка под
circuiting lubrication циркуляционная смазка
splash lubrication смазка разбрызгиванием
unit, n установка, агрегат
determine, v определять
blow back втягиваться
lubrication by gravity смазка самотеком
gear, n зубчатая передача
chain-driver, n цепная передача
wrist pin, n поршневой палец
crosshead, n крейцкопф
dip, v погружать
crankcase, n картер


I. Complete the sentences according to the text:

1. 1. The aim of lubrication is to make ...
2. 2. Good lubrication is one of the main factors for...
3. 3. Good lubrication reduces ...
4. 4. Every moving part must receive oil to ...
5. 5. The oil film prevents ...
6. 6. The first method of lubrication is called ...
7. 7. During mechanical lubrication the oil is ...
8. 8. The oil is delivered to all points from ...
9. 9. The number of individual pumps in each unit is determined by …
10. 10. There is a check valve at ...
11. 11. A check valve prevents oil from ...
12. 12. The second method of lubrication may be divided into …
13. 13. All modern engines are lubricated by ...
14. 14. From the main bearings the oil passes through holes in the crankshaft to ...
15. 15. Through the connecting rod the oil passes to ...
16. 16. During the splash lubrication method the crankcase is ...
17. 17. The rotating cranks dip into the oil and ...

II. Answer the following questions:

1. 1. What is necessary for good work of an engine?
2. 2. What is lubrication used for?
3. 3. What must lubricating oil ensure?
4. 4. How many methods of lubrication are there?
5. 5. What parts is oil delivered to with mechanical lubrication?
6. 6. What is there at each feed point?
7. 7. What methods is circulating lubrication divided into?
8. 8. Which method are modern engines lubricated by?
9. 9. What parts of a diesel are lubricated by hand oiling?

III. Put all possible questions to each sentence:

1. 1. The check valve prevents oil from draining.
2. 2. Nearly all engines are lubricated by pressure circulating method.
3. 3. Pressure delivers oil to all bearings.
4. 4. Lubrication ensures the rubbing surfaces to operate with little friction.
5. 5. Lubrication reduces wear of the engine parts to a minimum.
IV. Give a short characteristic of:
mechanical force feed lubrication,
circulating lubrication,
splash lubrication.

V. Translate into English:

1. Назначение смазки – уменьшать трение и износ движущихся частей.
2. Смазка необходима для нормальной работы двигателя.
3. Смазка должна обеспечивать прочную масленую пленку.
4. Эта пленка предотвращает сухое трение.
5. Существует несколько методов смазки.
6. Это – механическая смазка под давлением, циркуляционная и смазка
7. При механической смазке под давлением масло подается одним или
несколькими смазчиками (смазочными устройствами).
8. Количество точек для смазки определяет количество насосов у
каждого смазочного устройства.
9. Контрольный клапан предотвращает стекание масла.
10. В настоящее время все двигатели используют циркуляционную
11. Масло подается давлением на все подшипники.
12. С главного подшипника через отверстия в коленвале масло
проходит на подшипник верхней головки шатуна.
13. Через шатун масло проходит к поршневому пальцу или
14. Для клапанов должна использоваться ручная смазка.
15. Масло должно подаваться к двигателю через фильтры тонкой
очистки (a fine filter).
16. Здесь оно может распределяться (to distribute) для смазки всех
подшипников, охлаждения (cooling) поршней, форсунок, привода
(an actuator) выпускных клапанов, систем управления и др.
17. Различные секции системы смазки могут использовать масло при
разных давлениях.
18. Отработавшее масло сливается в поддон картера.
19. Через сетчатые фильтры грубой очистки (a strainer) масло
самотеком поступает в сливную цистерну.
20. Вода должна удаляться из масла.

Grammar: Modal Verbs + Infinitive Passive

1. 1. The second method of lubrication may be divided into lubrication by gravity
and by pressure circulation.
2. 2. Lubrication oil must be received by every moving part to ensure a lasting oil


I. Change from Active into Passive and translate into Russian:

1. 1. A diesel engine must use fuel oil.
2. 2. Pressure must deliver oil to all bearings and gears.
3. 3. A supercharger must compress air to a higher pressure.
4. 4. A cam can open and close the inlet valve mechanically.
5. 5. The crankshaft must return power to the piston.
6. 6. The piston of a two-cycle engine must cover and uncover the ports at certain
7. 7. Marine diesel engines may use sea water, fresh water or lubricating oil for
8. 8. To ensure a uniform turning moment engine constructors must provide a fly-
9. 9. The cams must operate various valves.
Unit IX
Supplementary texts

To be read after texts I and II.

The Main Parts of an Engine and the Work
They Perform

You have learned that the power of a diesel engine originates in the cylinder. Oil fuel is
sprayed into the cylinder by means of the pressure produced by the fuel-injection pump.
There it meets air which was compressed by the piston while the piston was being pushed
upward in the cylinder. The oil burns, producing heat and more pressure. The hot confined
gases press the piston downward with greater force than was used to push it upward. The
piston, in turn, pushes on the connecting rod which connects the piston to the crank on the
crankshaft. The force on the crank makes the crankshaft turn in its bearings, and the rotating
crankshaft supplies power to whatever machinery the engine drives. This is the way in
which the diesel engine changes the heat energy of oil into mechanical power.
Now let’s note what essential parts the engine must have to carry out these operations.
The essential parts and the work that each performs are as follows:
1. A piston is sliding in a cylinder. The piston performs the following work: first, to
compress the air charge, second, to receive the pressure of the gases while they are burning
and expanding.
2. A cylinder head which closes the top end of the cylinder so as to make a confined
space in which to compress the air and to confine the gases while they are burning and
3. Valves or ports to admit the air and to discharge the spent or exhaust gases.
4. Connecting rod to transmit force in either direction from the piston to the crank on
the crankshaft.
5. Crankshaft and the main bearings which support the crankshaft and permit it to
6. A supporting structure to hold the cylinders, crankshaft, and main bearings in firm
relation to each other. This structure is usually made up of two parts, called frame and
7. Fuel-injection pump to force the oil into the cylinder also fuel-injection nozzle to
break up the oil into a fine spray as it enters the cylinder.
8. Camshaft, driven by the crankshaft, to operate the fuel-injection pump and also to
open the valves (in engines which use valves).
9. Flywheel, to store up surplus energy on the power stroke and to return that energy
when the piston is pushed upward on the compression stroke.
10. Governor or throttle, to regulate the amount of fuel supplied at each stroke, and
thus control the engine speed and power.
11. Blower, to force air into the cylinder of two cycle engines.
12. Miscellaneous parts, such as piping to supply air and remove exhaust gases,
lubricating system to lubricate the moving parts, water jacket to cool the cylinder.

originate, v возникать, происходить

by means of, prep посредством
push, v толкать
force, n, v сила, нагнетать
supply, v подавать, снабжать
whatever любой
drive, v приводить в движение,
change, v менять, изменять
carry out, v выполнять
essential, adj существенный
in either direction в любом направлении
support, v поддерживать
permit, v позволять
make up, v составлять
break up, v зд. распылять
camshaft, n кулачковый вал
flywheel, n маховое колесо
store up, v накапливать, аккумулировать
surplus, n излишек
compression stroke такт сжатия
governor, n регулятор
speed, n скорость
blower, n воздуходувка
miscellaneous, adj разнообразный
piping трубопровод
lubricate, v смазывать

To be read after text 3.

Four-Stroke Cycle Events

The cyclic sequence of events in a diesel engine is: 1) filling the engine cylinder with
fresh air; 2) compression of the air charge in order to raise its pressure and temperature to
that necessary to ignite and burn the fuel efficiently; 3) combustion of the fuel and
expansion of the hot gases; and 4) emptying the cylinder of the burned gases by exhausting
them. When these four events are completed, the cycle is repeated. When each of these
events takes place during one stroke of the piston, the cycle is called a four-stroke cycle.
Piston Dead Centre. The positions of the piston when it is nearest to the cylinder head
and farthest away from it are called top and bottom dead center, respectively, or for short,
top and bottom center, indicated t.c. and b.c. The reason for this designation is that at these
positions the connecting rod center-line coincides with the crank-throw center-line and the
piston cannot be moved by gas pressure acting upon its surface. The motive force must
come from the rotating crank acting through the connecting rod.
Main Events. During the first or suction stroke the piston moves downward, pulled by
the connecting rod the lower end of which is moved by the crank. The piston motion creates
a vacuum in the cylinder, and outside air is drawn or sucked into the cylinder through the
intake valve which opens at about the beginning of the suction stroke and stays open until
the piston reaches the lower or bottom center.
When the piston has passed b.c., the second or compression stroke begins. The intake
valve is closed and upward motion of the piston pushed by the crank and the connecting rod
begins to compress the air charge in the cylinder.
Shortly before the piston reaches the top center, t.c., liquid fuel in a finely atomized
spray is admitted into the cylinder containing hot compressed air. The fuel is ignited by the
heat of the air compressed in the cylinder and burns during the first part of the downward
piston stroke. During this downward or third stroke, called working or power stroke, the hot
gases whose pressure was considerably increased by the combustion of fuel charge, force
the piston downward and expand due to the increasing cylinder volume.
Shortly before the piston reaches the bottom center, the exhaust valve opens and the
hot products of the combustion, having a relatively high pressure in spite of the previous
expansion, begin to rush out through the exhaust ports into the outside atmosphere. During
the following fourth or exhaust stroke, the piston moves upward, pushed by the crank and
connecting rod, expelling the remaining products of combustion, until near the top center the
exhaust valve is closed, the intake valve is opened, and the whole cycle starts again. As can
be seen, the four strokes require two engine revolutions. Thus in a four-stroke cycle engine,
one power stroke is obtained for every two engine revolutions, or the number of power
impulses per min. is equal to one half of the rpm of the engine.


cycle, n цикл
cyclic, adj цикличный
sequence, n последовательность
event, n такт (зд.)
raise, v поднять, увеличить
efficiently, adv эффективно
expansion, n расширение
empty, v опустошать
respectively, adv соответственно
designation, n обозначение
reason, n причина
coincide, v совпадать
crank-throw, n радиус мотыля кривошипа
surface, n поверхность
motive force движущая сила
rotate, v вращать
suck, v всасывать
suction, n всасывание
create, v создавать
stay, v оставаться
motion, n движение
liquid, adj жидкий
contain, v содержать
considerably, adv значительно
volume, n объем
relatively, adv относительно
in spite of несмотря на …
previous, adj предыдущий
rush out, v быстро, стремительно
expel, v удалять, вытеснять
require, v требовать
impulse, n импульс
per min в минуту
equal, adj равный
rpm (revolutions per minute) обороты в минуту

To be read after text 4.

Two-Stroke Cycle Events

A two-stroke cycle is completed in two strokes, or one revolution of the crankshaft,

whereas a four-stroke cycle requires two revolutions. The difference between the two-stroke
and four-stroke engines is in the method of removing the burned gases and filling the
cylinder with a fresh charge of air. In a four-stroke engine these operations are performed by
the engine piston during the exhaust and suction strokes. In a two-stroke engine these
operations are performed near the bottom dead center by means of a separate air pump or
The compression, combustion, and expansion events do not differ from those of a four-
stroke engine. The filling of the cylinder, called scavenging, with a fresh charge may be
explained as follows: when the piston has travelled 80 to 85 per cent of its expansion stroke,
exhaust valves are opened; the exhaust gases are released and begin to escape from the
cylinder. The piston continues to move toward the bottom center and soon uncovers ports
through which slightly compressed air begins to enter the cylinder. This air, having a
slightly higher pressure than the hot gases in the cylinder, pumps out the hot gases through
valves. This operation is called scavenging, the air admitted is called scavenge air and the
air admittance ports, scavenge ports. About the time when the piston on its upward stroke
closes ports the exhaust valves are also closed and the compression stroke begins.
The advantage of two-stroke operation is the elimination of one scavenging and one
charging stroke required in four-stroke cycle operation. Thus, the cylinder delivers one
power stroke for every revolution of the engine as compared with one power stroke for
every two revolutions in a four-stroke cycle engine. Theoretically, if all other conditions
such as bore, stroke, speed, and gas pressures are equal, a two-stroke cycle engine should
develop twice the power of a four-stroke cycle engine. This means also that a two-stroke
engine should weigh only one half as much as a four-stroke engine of the same power, and
should produce a more even torque. Practical factors prevent the attainment of these ideal
These advantages are very important in ship installations and, therefore, two-stroke
engines are often used, particularly in larger power units. A disadvantage of two-stroke
operation is the higher working temperatures of the piston and cylinder head due to
combustion occurring every revolution and resulting in distortion of these and related parts.


whereas в то время как

remove, v удалять
differ, v отличаться
fill, v заполнять
release, v выпускать
port, n впускное окно
elimination, n устранение
compare, v сравнивать
mean, v значить
weigh, v весить
even torque равномерный крутящий
prevent, v предотвращать
attainment, n достижение
installation, n установка
particularly, adv особенно
distortion, n деформация

To be read after text 5.

What a Supercharging Is
The more air and fuel we can burn in the cylinders, the more power we can get from
the engine. Air is forced into the cylinder of an ordinary four-cycle engine by the
atmospheric pressure.
Let’s look at the ordinary four-cycle engine. The piston descends on the inlet stroke.
The inlet valve is opened. The air is sucked in. Why is air sucked in? The descending piston
makes a partial vacuum, that is, it lowers the pressure inside the cylinder below that of the
outside atmosphere. The outside pressure pushes air into the cylinder, filling it with air of to,
or near the outside pressure.
To increase the engine’s power more air must be put into the cylinder. For this purpose
a supercharger is used. A supercharger makes the outside pressure higher than atmospheric
and thus forces more air into the cylinder.
A supercharger is simply a kind of air pump that takes air out of the surrounding
atmosphere, compresses it to a higher pressure, and then feeds it to the engine’s inlet valves.
It is called a "supercharger" because it charges the engine with air at a "super" pressure.
Superchargers come in many forms. They are used for two important purposes. The first is
to get more power out of a given engine by feeding it with more air (and more fuel also)
than it would take directly from the atmosphere in normal operation. Thus, we get an engine
of greater power for the same dimensions and almost the same weight. The second purpose
is to restore some of the power which an engine loses when it is taken up to a high altitude
above sea level. So there is less pressure to force air into the cylinder, and the engine
becomes weaker for lack of air. An engine’s power at 8.000 feet above sea level is only 75
per cent of its power at sea level. It’s here where the supercharger comes in. It can increase
the low atmospheric pressure to the sea-level pressure and thus restore most of the lost
power. It can’t restore all the lost power because some of the regained power must be used
to drive the supercharger.

ordinary, adj обычный
descend, v опускать/ся/
lower, v снижать
charge, v заряжать
purpose, n цель
lose (lost, lost), v терять
altitude, n высота
above sea level над уровнем моря
previously, adv ранее
lack, n недостаток
regain, v получить обратно
drive, v приводить в действие
To be read after texts 6 and 7.
Fuel Injection and Combustion

The fuel is delivered into the cylinder either by highly compressed air at a pressure of
about 1,000 lbs per or by the pumps themselves working at from 4,000 to 20,000 lbs
per Before the fuel enters the cylinder it is atomized so that it ignites and burns upon
coming into contact with the hot air.
The air necessary to bring about combustion in four-cycle engines is either drawn
directly from the atmosphere during the intake stroke of the cycle, or supplied to the
cylinder under pressure of about 4 lbs per square inch by pumps. The former are called
atmospherically charged engines and the latter – supercharged engines. Combustion of the
fuel is brought about by the highly compressed air. Approximately 14 pounds of air is
required for the combustion of 1 pound of fuel oil. However, to ensure complete combustion
of the fuel an excess amount of air is always supplied to the cylinders.
The ratio of the amount of air supplied to the quantity of fuel injected during each
power stroke is called the air-fuel ratio and is very important in the operation of any internal
combustion engine. When the engine is operating at light loads there is a very large excess
of air, but even when the engine is overloaded there is an excess of air over the minimum
required for complete combustion.
In order to accomplish complete combustion of the fuel each of the small fuel particles
must be surrounded by sufficient air and the air in the cylinder must be in motion. This is
called turbulence. In the air- injection engine the sprayed air creates the necessary
turbulence in the cylinder. However, in mechanical injection engines some other means
must be provided.
In two-stroke cycle engines the scavenging air may be admitted to the cylinder with a
whirling motion in order to create the necessary turbulence. The following conditions are
necessary for good combustion:
a) The fuel must enter the cylinder at the proper time. That is, the fuel-injection valve
must be opened and closed in correct relation to the position of the piston.
b) The fuel must enter the cylinder in a fine mist or fog. The finer the atomization of
the fuel and the higher the temperature, the sorter is the ignition delay period.
c) The fuel must be mixed intimately with the air which supports its combustion.
d) Sufficient air must be present to ensure complete combustion.
e) The temperature of compression must be sufficient to ignite the fuel.

bring about осуществлять

draw in (drew, drawn) всасывать
the former первый /из двух/
the latter последний /из двух/
excess, n излишек
quantity, n количество
accomplish, v завершать
turbulence, n завихрение
means, n средство
whirling motion вращение, вихревое движение
lbs per фунты на квадратный дюйм
that is то есть
internal combustion engine двигатель внутреннего
air-injection engine двигатель с воздушным
mechanical injection engine двигатель с механическим

English-Russian Vocabulary

above, prep над, свыше
accomplish, v завершать
act, v действовать
addition, n добавление
admit, v впускать, подавать
admittance, n впуск, подача
advantage, n преимущество
aim, n цель
almost, adv почти
altitude, n высота
amount, n количество
apply, v применять
approximately, adv приблизительно, примерно
atmospheric, adj атмосферный
atomization, n распыление
atomize, v распылять
attain, v достигать
attainment, n достижение
avoid, v избегать

badly, adv плохо
bearing, n подшипник
become (became, become), v становиться
bedplate, n станина
below, prep ниже
be ready быть готовым
blow back (blew, blown) втягивать/ся/
blow out выталкивать, выдувать
blower, n воздуходувка
blower outlet выходное отверстие
bore, n внутренний диаметр
bottom dead centre (b.d.c.) нижнее крайнее положение
break up (broke, broken), v распылять
bring about (brought, brought), v осуществлять
burn (burnt, burnt), v гореть, сжигать
burnt gases сгоревшие газы

cam, n кулачек
camshaft, n кулачковый вал
carbon, n углерод
carry out, v выполнять
certain, adj определенный
chain driver, n цепная передача
chamber, n камера
air chamber воздушная камера
combustion chamber камера сгорания
open combustion метод открытой
chamber method камеры сгорания
pre-combustion метод предкамерного
chamber method смесеобразования
change, v, n изменять, изменение
charge, v, n заряжать, заряд
chemical, adj химический
circle, n круг
circulate, v циркулировать
close, v закрывать
coincide, v совпадать
combination, n сочетание, соединение
combine, v соединять/ся/
combustible, adj горючий
combustion, n горение
communicate, v соединять/ся/, связывать/ся/
compare, v сравнивать
in comparison with в сравнении с ...
complete, adj, v полный, законченный;
compress, v сжимать
condition, n условие
confine, v ограничивать
connect, v соединять
considerably, adv значительно
consist of, v состоять из
contact, n контакт, соприкосновение
metal-to-metal contact сухое трение
contain, v содержать
continue, v продолжать
control, v регулировать
cool, v охлаждать
coolant, n охладитель
counteract, v противодействовать,
cover, v закрывать
crank, n кривошип, мотыль
crank mechanism кривошипный механизм
crankshaft, n коленчатый вал
crank-throw радиус мотыля кривошипа
create, v создавать
crosshead, n крейцкопф
cut (cut, cut), v вырезать
cycle, n цикл
cyclic, adj циклический
cylinder, n цилиндр
cylinder head крышка цилиндра

degree, n градус, степень
deliver, v подавать
depend on (upon), v зависеть от
depth, n глубина
descend, v опускаться
design, v, n конструировать,
проект, конструкция
designate, v указывать, обозначать
designation, n указание, маркировка
determine, v определять
develop, v развивать, вырабатывать
device, n прибор, устройство
diesel, n двигатель внутреннего
differ, v отличать (ся)
dimension, n размер
dip, v погружать
directly, adv прямо, непосредственно
disadvantage, n недостаток
discharge, v выпускать
distortion, n деформация
divide, v делить, размельчать
down, prep
downward, prep
drain, v стекать
draw in (drew, drawn), v всасывать
drive (drove, driven), v приводить в движение
due to, prep вследствие, благодаря

each, pron каждый
efficient, adj эффективный
efficiently, adv эффективно
either ... or, pron или... или
elimination, n устранение
empty, v, adj выпускать, выкачивать,
emptying освобождение (цилиндра)
end, n конец
engine, n машина, двигатель
four-cycle engine четырехтактный двигатель
two-cycle engine двухтактный двигатель
ensure, v обеспечить
enter, v входить, поступать
equal, adj равный
escape, v выходить
essential, adj существенный
even, adj равномерный, ровный
event, n такт, ход
excess, n излишек
exhaust, v, n отводить, выпускать;
выпуск, выхлоп
expand, v расширять (ся)
expansion, n расширение
expel, v удалять, вытеснять
experiment, n эксперимент, опыт
explain, v объяснять
extend, v удлинять

far away далеко
feed (fed, fed), v подавать (топливо)
fill, v наполнять
filling наполнение
film, n пленка
lasting oil film прочная масляная пленка
fine, adj тонкий, мелкий
finely divided мелко размельченный
fit, v устанавливать
flywheel, n маховик
follow, v следовать
foot (мн.ч. feet), n фунт
force, n, v сила; подавать под
force in (into), v нагнетать
force on, v давить на
frame, n рама
fresh, adj свежий, пресный (о воде)
friction, n трение
fuel, n топливо
finely divided fuel тонко распыленное
full, adj полный
function, n назначение, функция

gas, n газ
exhaust gases отработавшие газы
gear, n зубчатая передача
generate, v образовывать,
get (got, got), v получать
given (p.p. от give) данный
governor, n регулятор
gradually, adv постепенно

heat, n, v теплота; нагревать
heart, n основная часть (сердце)
hold (held, held), v держать, выдерживать
hole, n отверстие, окно
hot, adj горячий
however, conj однако
hydrogen, n водород

ignite, v зажигать, воспламенять
ignition, n зажигание, воспламенение
immediately, adv немедленно
important, adj важный, значительный
impulse, n импульс
increase, v, n увеличивать, повышать;
увеличение, возрастание
indicate, v обозначать, указывать
in either direction в любом направлении
in firm relation в определенном
отношении (связи)
influence, v, n влиять; влияние
inject, v впрыскивать
injection, n впрыскивание
direct injection method метод прямого впрыска
injector, n форсунка
in order to для того, чтобы
inside, prep внутри
in spite of вместо, несмотря на...
installation, n установка
instead of вместо
intimately, adv хорошо (зд.)

keep (kept, kept), v удерживать
kind, n вид, сорт

lack, n недостаток
lbs per sq. in. (pounds per square inch) фунтов на квадратный
leave (left, left), v покидать, выходить
left, adj левый
liquid, adj. n жидкий; жидкость
load, n груз, нагрузка
locate, v расположить
lose (lost, lost), v терять
loss, n потеря
low, adj низкий
lower, v снижать
lubricate, v смазывать
lubrication, n смазка
lubrication by gravity смазка самотеком
circulating lubrication циркуляционная смазка
mechanical force feed механическая смазка под
lubrication давлением
splash lubrication смазка разбрызгиванием

main, adj основной, главный
maintain, v поддерживать
make (made, made), v делать, производить,
make up, v составлять
mass, n масса
mean (meant, meant), v значить, означать
means, n средство
by means of посредством, при помощи
meet (met, met), v встречать
miscellaneous, adj разнообразный
mist, n туман
mix, v смешивать
mixing смешивание
mixture, n смесь
motion, n движение
motive force движущая сила
move, v двигать/ся/

near, prep около, близко
nearly, adv почти
necessary, adj необходимый
neck, n канал
communicating neck соединительный канал
noisiness, n шум
normal, adj обычный
note, v отметить
nozzle, n сопло
fuel injection nozzle форсунка, сопло
numerous, adj многочисленный
obtain, v получать
occupy, v занимать, охватывать
occur, v происходить, случаться
oil, n масло, жидкая смазка
hand oiling смазка вручную
operate, v работать, приводить в
ordinary, adj обычный
original, adj первоначальный
originate, v возникать, происходить
outside, adj внешний
overload, v перегружать
oxygen, n кислород

partial, adj частичный
particle, n частица
particularly, adv особенно
partly, adv частично
pass, v проходить, передавать
penetration, n проникновение
perform, v выполнять, совершать
period, n период, цикл
delay combustion period период задержки
per min в минуту
permit, v позволять
piping, n трубопровод
piston, n поршень
point, n точка
feed point точка питания
port, n окно, отверстие
air admittance port окно дня впуска воздуха
position, n положение
pound, n фунт
pounds per square inch фунты на квадратный
power, n энергия, мощность
power output выходная мощность
press, v давить
press downward толкать вниз
pressure, n давление
at constant pressure при постоянном давлении
pressure circulation циркуляция под давлением
prevent, v предотвратить,
previous, adj предыдущий
previously, adv ранее
produce, v производить,
product, n продукт
proper, adj правильный, должный
per time своевременно
provide, v обеспечивать, снабжать
pull, v тянуть, тащить
pump, n насос
fuel injection pump топливный насос
pump out, v откачивать
purpose, n цель
push, v толкать

quantity, n количество

raise, v поднимать, повышать
rate, n скорость
rating, n мощность
ratio, n отношение, коэффициент
air-fuel ratio коэффициент избытка
reach, v достигать, доходить
reaction, n реакция
reason, n причина
receive, v получать
regain, v возвращать/ся/
regulate, v регулировать
related parts взаимосвязанные части
relation, n отношение, связь
correct relation полное соответствие
relatively, adv относительно
release, v выпускать
remain, v оставаться
remove, v отводить, удалять
repeat, v повторять
require, v требовать
respectively, adv соответственно
the rest, n остаток
restore, v восстанавливать
result in, v приводить к
result from получаться в результате
retain, v удерживать
retard, v замедлять
revolution, n оборот
revolution per minute (r.p.m.) обороты в минуту
revolve, v вращать/ся/
right, adj правый
rise (rose, risen), v повышаться, подниматься
rod, n стержень, брус
connecting rod шатун
rotate, v поворачивать, вращать/ся/
row, n ряд
rubbing surface трущаяся поверхность
running движение
rush out, v быстро выходить

same, adj одинаковый
satisfactory, adj удовлетворительный
scavenge, v, n продувать; продувка
scavenging продувка
sea water морская вода
seldom, adv редко
selection, n отбор, выбор
separate, adj, v отдельный; разделять
sequence, n последовательность
shaft, n вал
shape, n форма
shortly, adv вскоре
show (showed, shown), v показывать
simply, adv просто
simultaneously, adv одновременно
since так как
slide, v скользить
slight, adj небольшой,
slightly, adv слегка
smooth, adj плавный
space, n пространство
speed, n скорость
spent (p.p от spend) отработанный
spray, n, v струя; разбрызгивать,
starting пуск
stay, v оставаться
still всё ещё
store, v хранить, накапливать
stroke, n ход, такт
compression stroke ход сжатия
exhaust stroke такт впуска
intake stroke такт всасывания
power stroke такт горения
structure, n строение
suck in, v всасывать
suction, n всасывание
sudden, adj внезапный
sufficient, adj достаточный
supply, v обеспечивать, подавать
supercharger, n воздуходувка
supercharging наддув
supper pressure самое высокое давление
support, v поддерживать
surface, n поверхность
surplus, n излишек
surround, v окружать
take in, v всасывать, втягивать
take place происходить
the former первый (из двух)
the latter последний (из двух)
therefore поэтому
thermal efficiency тепловой к.п.д.
throttle, n дроссель
through, prep через
thus, adv таким образом
timing,n регулировка
together, adv вместе
top, n верх
torque, n крутящий момент
transmit, v передавать
travel, v проходить
turbulence, n завихрение
turn, v вращать/ся/,поворачивать/ся/
in turn в свою очередь
turning moment вращающий момент
two-stroke-cycle двухтактный цикл

unburnt несгоревший
uncover, v открывать
under pressure под давлением
uniform, adj равномерный, однородный
unit, n установка, агрегат, единица
unite, v соединять/ся/
until, prep до тех пор, пока не
up, prep вверх
upward, prep вверх
use, v использовать, применять,
usually, adv обычно
upright, adv вертикально
utilize, v использовать, применять
vacuum, n пустота, вакуум
valve, n клапан
check valve невозвратный клапан
exhaust valve выхлопной клапан
inlet valve впускной клапан
various, adj различный
volume, n объём
at constant volume при постоянном объёме

wall, n стена
water jacket водяная рубашка
weak, adj слабый
wear, n износ
weigh, v весить
weight, n вес
whatever любой
whereas в то время, как
while в то время, как
whirling motion вихревое движение
working part рабочая часть
working stroke рабочий ход
wrist pin поршневой палец

Unit I
The Main Parts of a Diesel Engine 3
Grammar: Passive Voice 5
Unit II
What Work the Parts of an Engine Perform 6
Grammar: The Infinitive 8
Unit III
How a Diesel Engine Works 9
Grammar: The Present Participle 12
Unit IV
The Work of a Two-Stroke Engine 13
Grammar: Functions of the Infinitive 16
Unit V
Supercharging 17
Grammar: The Gerund 20
Unit VI
Fuel Injection 21
Grammar: The Absolute Participle Construction 24
Unit VII
Combustion 25
Grammar: The Past Participle 28
Lubrication 30
Grammar: Modal Verbs + Infinitive Passive 33
Unit IX
Supplementary texts
The Main Parts of an Engine and the Work They Perform 34
Four-Stroke Cycle Events 35
Two-Stroke Cycle Events 37
What a Supercharging Is 39
Fuel Injection and Combustion 40
English-Russian Vocabulary 42

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