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Appreciate: trân trọng, Assistance Attach: đính kèm Attachment: tập tin

ghi nhận đính kèm

Approach Attendee Audience Acceptable
Advertise Advertisement Animated: trạng thái Agreement
After-sales service: dịch alternative Anticipate: lường trước Appropriate
vụ hậu mãi
Adaptable Applicant
Bring up: đề cập Bar chart Bicker: cãi nhau Brochure
Beneficial billboard Back down: nhương bộ Bottom line
Compromise: thỏa hiệp Conflicting consider Capital
Compliment: khen ngợi Courtesy: lịch sự Congratulate: chúc Connect: kết nối
Complain about Complaint Concerning Contact
Circulate: chuyển, lưu Convince: thuyết phục Compensate compensation
Candidate Cover letter Curriculum vitae consumption
damage Delegate : đại biểu diagram Dedicated
Deadlock: bế tắc Deal Disagreement Disciplinary: kỷ luật
Etiquette: quy tắc ứng Enclosure: tài liệu đính Enquire about Extraction
xử kèm
Effective Endorse: xác nhận chất Exhibition Eye-catching
Evaluate Evaluation Enthusiastic Essential
Experienced Engage in Entrepreneur Executive summary
Extract: khai thác
Formal Figure Flip chart: bảng kẹp Funds
Follow up
Gossip about: buôn graph Get back to Guarantee
chuyện, chuyện phiếm
Goodwill: thiện chí
hesitate Handout: tài liệu phát Handle
Informative Intense: căng thẳng Impressive Inappropriate
Insight: hiểu biết sâu Informal Illustrate Identify
Inexperienced Industrialization Invest Investment
Imvestor Involve
Jargon: biệt ngữ
Objection Outline Opportunity objective
Long-standing Leaflet Look into Labour force
Marital status: tình Misunderstanding mix-up: lỗi Mutual
trạng hôn nhân
Neutral: trung tính, Negotiate Negotiation
trung lập
24-hour service
Perspective: góc nhìn Promotion: thăng tiến Postpone Prompt
Put off Presentation Persuade Persuasive
Pop-up: quảng cáo ăn Poster Press advert Personnel: phòng nhân
theo sự
Promptly Party Proposal Propose
Practical Primary sector Projection: ước tính
Quotation: bảng báo
Refrain from: kiềm chế Relevant: liên quan Regarding Religion: tôn giáo
Regret Require about Refund Replacement
Reference letter Raise funds
Secondary sector Sector Set up Startup
Start up
Specific: cụ thể Small talk: chuyện xã Signature Spam
subject Section Show Signpost
Sample Slogan Static: ở trạng thái tĩnh Straight away
With reference to: theo With regard to: về, liên Word-of-mouth advert warranty
như quan đến
Win-win: lợi cả 2 bên
Transfer: chuyển cuộc Take note Talk over Target market
Threat TV commercial Terms Trade-off: đánh đổi
Tertiary sector: khu vực Transform into Transformation
dịch vụ
Ultimate: tối ưu, tốt Unacceptable
Viewpoint: góc nhìn Visual Vacancy Venture capital: vốn
đầu tư mạo hiểm
Venture capitalist: nhà
đầu tư mạo hiểm

1. Do you have any idea whether the sales conference will be cancelled due to bad weather?
2. Could you take a message? Please tell her that H from accounting called about Mr.L expense
3. Domestic sales now is making up four times larger than sales, and this number is expected to
rise to 80% at the end of the year.
4. I’m afraid I don’t have those figures off the top of my head, but if you give me your email
address, I can follow up with you later
5. When making small talk with colleagues, you should avoid talking about their age
6. Let me talk with my manager to see what we can offer you to amend the situation. Would it be
alright if I call you back in a few hours with a solutions?
7. Could you please set up a meeting to discuss the advertising campaign for our upcoming skin
care product?
8. I would appreciate it if you could all put your phones on silent, or turn them off for the duration
of this task
9. I would appreciate it if you could take a moment to provide some feeback on the quality of our
10. I would like to give you a brief outline of my presentation so that you can follow my speech
11. You should take a moment to congratulate someone on a promotion and you’ll strengthen your
connection to that person or brighten his day
12. I’m just ringing to discuss the special price on our latest model of printer to prepare for meeting
13. I’m really sorry to hear you are having difficulty with the platform. Can you please give me an
example of what went wrong?
14. Thank you for your patience, mr.H. I am sure Janes will be able to help you resolve the problem.
I’m transferring your call to him now
15. I promise this will not happen again because I’m immediately creating a positive work-life
balance to make sure of it.
16. I regret to inform you that the air fryer with the model number 68H you are interested in is now
unavailable until next week
17. I don’t have any idea how I can receive a replacement for this through delivery broken perfume
18. Would you mind telling me when ip 8 is going to be launched in the retailed stores?
19. Presenters should avoid using too much technical jargon while delivering a speech to business
20. It was nick talking to you about meeting agenda but I should get back to work now.
21. We regret to infrom you that your calim for compensation was denied because the fault was
caused by the forwarders, not the manufacturer
22. The more flexible the business are when advertising their products on e-commerce platforms,
the more increasing their revenue is
23. The company’s revenue for the third quarter is estimated to be two thirds of last year’s total
24. The companies should take advantages of the internet advertisements to reach their customers
because online ads are more beneficial than any others

1.Let’s (A) now look at the next slide which show (B) the key role of manufacturing (C) in economic
development and our business opportunity in (D) Asia.

B => shows

2.In (A) my presentation, I would like introducing (B) you some unique strategies to evaluate (C) the
needs of (D) potential customers.

B => to introduce

3. I’ve divided (A) my presentation in (B) three main parts. First of all, I will give (C) you an overview of
(D) our financial situation.

B => into
4. I’m now approached (A) the end of my presentation. After this talk, I hope that you can have (B) an
overview of (C) economic development and structural changes in (D) East Asia.

A => approaching

5.For those of (A) you which (B) don’t know me, I’m (C) Bob Kay in charge of (D) the software division.

B => who

6.The chart on the following slide shows (A) the role of credit cards in transaction. As you can see, credit
cards are (B) used to complete approximately one five (C) (20.7 percent) of online purchases (D).

C => one fifth

7.The purpose of this meeting is (A) to discuss their new cosmetic products for men. From my point of
view, the problems are (B) in three area (C): supply, distribution and (D) production.

C => areas

8.To illustrate (A) this, let’s (B) have a closer look in (C) the figures on (D) the slide.


9. My presentation will take (A) 50 minutes to cover (B) these issues. Therefore, feel free (C) to ask
questions at some (D) time during my talk.


10.I’ll start off by show (A) you some figures (B) to prove that online banking is mainly used (C) by young
customers (D).


1. Just a short(A) email to let you to know(B) that the invoice hasn’t been paid(C) and we’re going to
have to do(D) something about it soon.

=> B know

2. I really need the info updated(A) our client database, could you please sending(B) me by(C) Friday
12thas I am meeting(D) Fiona.

=> B- send

3. I am sending(A) you the document in(B) an attachment. Contact me(C) if you need further(D) help.

=> B- as

4. Thanks(A) for getting(B) in touch and give(C) me the details on(D) the March sale meeting.

=> C- giving

5. Can(A) you please contact the forwarders to find(B) out what has happened(C) and informed(D) us
=> D- inform

6. We regret telling(A) you that our representative who is coming(B) to visit you tomorrow has been
taken ill. Would it(C) be convenient if we postpone her visit(D) till she’s well?

=> A- to tell

7. For(A) reference to(B) the email yesterday, they will be(C) back on Jan 9th next month, as(D) our

=> A- With

8. If you have more(A) questions, please feel to be free(B) to contact me(C) via phone call or(D) email.

=> B- free

9. I look forward to hear(A) from you, and hope(B) that we will be(C) able to continue doing(D) business
for a long time to come.

=> A- hearing

10. Because of(A) my family and other commitments, I can’t agree to put(B) myself in such a(C)
situation. I would like to apologise about(D) it.

=> D- for


A: Sorry, it’s a worse (A) line. Could (B) you repeat that, please?

B: Certainly. We would like (C) to place an order for (D) 80 laser printers.

A → bad


A: Could you speak on (A), please? I can’t (B) hear you very well.

B: Yes, the line’s (C) awful. Could you send some more brochures (D)?

A → up


A: Could (A) you put me through (B) to Alex Johnson, please.

B: Certainly, please hold on (C) for a moment. I connect (D) you now.

D → am connecting

4:When making small talk with (A) customers, you shouldn’t (B) refrain from (C) talking about their age,
religion or (D) marital status.

B → should
5:According to (A) company regulations, you don’t have to (B) take a telephone call during (C) a meeting
or (D) a video-conference.

B→ must not


A: Congratulations in (A) your promotion. You deserve (B) it.

B: Thank you. It was nice of (C) you to support (D) me.

A→ on


A: It was (A) really nice talking (B) to you. Anyway, I really should get back working (C) now.

B: OK. See you again at (D) lunch.

C → to work


A: Hey, what (A) has your morning been? Mine (B) has been slower than usual.

B: Same here. It’s (C) good that I have time to work (D) through my to-do list though.

A→ how


A: I would like (A) to order 100 extra-large blue T-shirts, 50 small pink ones (B), and 150 caps with (C) our
logo on them.

B: I’m sorry the line is rather worst (D). Could you repeat that, please?

D→ bad


A: Hi, I am just ringing (A) to discuss about (B) the special price on our latest (C) model of printer....

B: Sorry, we are not interested (D) in buying new printers.

B → discuss

If you cannot listen to the presenter clearly, please find the information in the h _ _ _ _ _ _ .


Peter strongly disagrees with Marketing plan, his o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ results from costly expense.


Nowadays, a lot of young people are so interested in running their own business that our startup
conference has at least 3,000 d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

The manager is going to c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this document to all members and require us to send feedback
to him by 8pm tomorrow.


The b_ _ c_ _ _ _ shows the average coffee consumption in America over a period of ten years, from
2006 to 2016.

bar chart

Give “s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _” such as “first”, “second”, and “finally” while you talk so that your listeners can
follow you better.


If you don’t want to use electronic devices in your presentation, a f _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ is a good choice.

flip chart

Based on the f _ _ _ _ _ _ collected, it is clear that the number of unemployed people is increasing in
recent years.


The chairperson uses both words and b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to help the attendees understand thoroughly his
presentation about upcoming marketing campaign.


To i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the our business growth, let’s have a closer look at the graph on the slide.


1. I r_ _ _ _ _ your dissatisfaction and will share your feedback with our leadership team.


2. I am writing to you to e_ _ _ _ _ _ about the details of the monitors you informed us last month, April.


3. It would be great if you could check the logo size and colour on the a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ below this email.


4. This email is to require a full refund and compensation for the d_ _ _ _ _ _ to the computer caused by
delivery company.


5. I have received several letters c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the proposal for a new marketing campaign.

6. Here is my phone number. Do not hesitate to contact us if you require further a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.


7. As we are in the process of deciding on office furniture for our new building, I’d like to receive a p_ _ _
_ _ reply from your company.


8. Customers have sent a number of c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about the lack of parking facilities in our new


9. I think you should write a f_ _ _ _ _ email to Brian, because he is an important client of our company.


10. We a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your recommendation. We will take this into considerations.


1:Let’s go out for a beer! I haven’t congratulated you on being promoted to section manager.

2:Try to be specific when making arrangements on the phone so your partner can get the correct

3:You should not bring up a customer’s marital status as he may feel uncomfortable talking about that

4:Please refrain from using your telephone during the meeting as it may distract other people.

5:Some candidates have no idea about telephone etiquette and never introduce themselves when
calling the HR department.

6:You have to talk to your colleagues and try to see your problem from their viewpoints. Maybe you’ll
understand it more.

7:“Who wants to be a millionaire” game show is not a relevant topic of conversation to Mrs. Jones as
she told me before she never watches TV.

8:I’m connecting you to Mrs. Baker at the customer service department now. She should be able to help

1:Working as a salesperson helps me gain important i_ _ _ _ _ _ into our customers. I understand what
they like or dislike about our product.


2:When dealing with customers’ complaints, you should be polite and show respect. In other words,
you have to listen to their problems with c _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

3:I have worked in the same position for nearly 5 years. I think the boss should give me a p _ __ _ _ _ _ _
by now.


4:You must remember the e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for receiving foreign customers: what you should or should
not do. If they have a bad impression, it may affect the future business.


5:His experience at the foreign helps him to look at the company’s operation from a different p _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ on our operation.


6:Since our meeting is about the new product launch in Japan, Japanese customs and culture should be
a r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ topic of discussion.


7:If possible, I ask all members of our department to refrain from g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about John’s divorce.
He has enough problems to deal with now.


8:The department head has warmly c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all employees on their excellent



9:Before you t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a call, you should make sure to tell the caller who they are going to be
connected to and why.


10:People have very different viewpoints about r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ because it is related to their belief,
therefore it is not a very good topic for making small talk.


1. A lot of cosmetics companies give away free samples so that customers can try the product
before they buy.
2. Advertising companies spend a lot of money on creating clever Slogans that are short and
memorable, such as the message for Nike: 'Just do it'.
3. Companies often invite celebrities to endorse their products’ quality.
4. If news about a product comes to you by word of mouth someone tells you about it rather than
you seeing an advert.
5. The side of roads is the ideal place to put billboards because it has many people passing by. 

1. Press advertisement is less attractive than TV ads because it’s s_ _ _ _ _ while the other one is

2. She was given a bunch of rose essence s_ _ _ _ _ _ to try on herself and give reviews on her own
Youtube channel.


3. It’s very difficult to c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ customers to change their purchasing habit.


4. Joining WTO is an o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for Vietnam to approach the open markets and advertise our
products to the involved countries.


5. Companies prefer b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ located in crowded places like city centres or large intersections,
because more people can see them.


6. Before choosing a certain type of advert, you should i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ your target customers.


7. There will be a big high-tech e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in which you can see many creative devices that haven’t
been launched to the market yet.


8. Vietel has a short but impressive s_ _ _ _ _ which is “Say it your way”.


9. Apple iphone is advertised as the u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ device on the smartphone market.


10. Famous actresses always e_ _ _ _ _ _ many cosmetic brands but rarely use those product


1. Because this faulty product is still under ______, Mr. John doesn’t need to pay for repairs.


2. The shop gives the customer some money back to ______ as an apology for the poor service.


3. I’m sure it’s just some sort of ______over travel arrangements. These things should be resolved by the
end of today.

mix- up
4. In Sweden, _______ might be offered by convenience store, ATM, filling station that are available
anytime and every day.

24-hour service

5. Sabrila is a customer service representative, so her duty is to _______ several enquiries and
complaints from important clients.


6. To have an exact _______ of the effectiveness of the new product, we should give each customer a
feedback form after the seminar.


7. After considering your problem, we offer two _______ for you. Your product will be repaired without
fees or you can get a new one with discount of 20%.


8. If you detect the worn car parts , our company will send you new ______ within five days.


1. Our manager decided to use this advertisement. It is funnier than the one you sent us yesterday.

2. Our ad is more eye-catching than yours, so the chance belongs to us. (eye-catching)

3. They are both Core i5 laptops, but Dell is much cheaper than Apple. (cheap)

4. This air-conditioner was just launched last week. It was Better than I expected. (good)

5. I think that TV advertising is more powerful than print advertising for my product. (powerful)

6. The advertising campaign of company A is more persuasive than that of company B. (persuasive)

7. Leaflets or flyers are more informative than posters or billboards. (informative)

8. Animated commercials are always more attractive than printed adverts. (attractive)

9. This is the worst billboard I have ever seen. There is nothing special about it. (bad)
the b e s t
10. Television is considered as  advertisement method since it gives customers a chance
to see the products clearly. (good)

1. The ___more precise ___ your mailing list or distribution area is, the ___more___ of the target market
you will reach.

2. The ____simpler____ the slogan is, the ____easier____ it is to remember

3. The ___more informative__ a billboard is, the ___less eye-catching___ it is

4. The ___more____ effort we spend on this advertising campaign, the ____more__ profits we will get.
5. Companies are _wiser and wiser_ in choosing advertising types. They must be effective and

6. Word of mouth advertising is getting ___more and more popular____, a lot of companies use it to
broadcast for their products or services
1. I prefer this flyer. It is twice as eye-catching  the last one.
co ld e r
2. The weather is getting colder and  . Our product can keep you warm all the time.
mo s t
3. This is the  shocking advertisement I have ever read.
4. The  you use the phone, the more satisfied you feel.
tha n
5. This tablet is not the most expensive, but it is better  any other ones.
mo re
6. The prices for TV advertising is more and  reasonable, but it is still consider to be the
most effective one.
7. This dye is  most long-lasting on the market. It will simply never wash out!
8. Newspapers are not  effective as posters in getting the attention of people.

1. Using(A) the internet is the cheap(B) and easiest way for you to(C) reach a wide range of(D)
international customers.

B → cheapest

2. Many people assume that leaflets or flyers(A) are the more(B) suitable kind of advertising for(C)
finding part-time workers, but I think that the internet is a(D) better choice.

B→ most

3. If your products need to be displayed in color(A) then glossy advertisements in(B) a magazine can be
ideal(C). Although they are generally expensive(D) than newspaper advertisements.

D→more expensive

4. None can deny that the widespread availability of the internet has resulted in(A) traditional
advertising becoming(B) somewhat less(C) effective as(D) online marketing.

D → than

5. People make decisions of(A) buying cheap items three(B) as fast as(C) they do for(D) high priced

B → three times
6. The clearer(A) the messaging is, the easyer(B) it is for the consumer to make the decision. That’s why
more and more(C) retailers offer their own brand goods in(D) simple designs.

B → the easier

7. How(A) do you let consumers know(B) that your product is much more(C) better than(D) the
competition? Competitive advertising is a bold statement to answer that question.

C → much

8. Many companies prefer to use(A) TV or online advertising because they are more convenient than(B)
printing advertising. However, the cost to use these two kinds of advertising is(C) also much high(D).

D → higher

9. Billboards are more and more(A) eye-catching. They are not too(B) informative, but(C) impressive.
The more(D) recent billboard of Samsung is a very successful one.

D → most

10. A: In your opinion, what is the best(A) smart phone brand?

B: I have tried(B) many smart phone brands, but(C) nothing can be as better(D) as Apple.

D → good
1 I’m afraid there has been some sort of m_ _ - u_. I will take care of this for you at once.

mix- up

2 After listening to customer’s complaint, I will find out the issues and g_ _ b_ _ _ to them via email.

get back

3 Pico electric centre has a good reputation because of excellent a_ _ _ _ - s_ _ _ _ service such as
guarantee policy and return policy.


4 Our projector comes with a 12-month w_ _ _ _ _ _ _.


5 The brand launch event next week will help our company e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ the success of the marketing


6 I can understand the reason for your complaint. It seems that the order was not handled p_ _ _ _ _ _ _.


7 After the regular customer’s call, our business decided to pay him $30,000 as c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for
the damage of his pickup truck.


8 If a product is broken, customers may get a r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

9 There must be some m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I will check with the order agent to see what
happened with your account and your invoice.


10 Busy staff extremely like the convenient stores such as Watson, Circle K that are open all day and all
night. They meet all of the customer’s demand with 24 h_ _ _ s_ _ _ _ _ _.

hour service

1.We have given (A) Alisa a 25% discount (B) for the next shopping at (C) our showroom. I hope she will
(D) satisfied with the outcome.

D=> will be

2.“Could (A) you tell me exactly what happens (B)?” “We tried to view (C) customer records, but (D) the
program crashed.”

B=> happened

3.I get (A) back to you soon, maybe by (B) Thursday. Don’t hesitate (C) to ring again if there are any (D)
more problems.

A=> will get

4.Let’s (A)me apologize for (B) a mistake in your receipt. There (C) seems to be (D) a misunderstanding.

A=> Let

5.I put in (A) the new CD that I bought from your shop to install (B) the software but it didn’t seem to
work.” - “I look into (C) your question and call you back in (D) 2 hours”.

C=>will look into

6.It seems (A) that the order was not handled prompt (B). You will receive (C) a refund for this damaged
(D) treadmill by tomorrow.

B=> promptly

7.I will be (A) sure I can find the solution. Our action plan is (B) to offer (C) two hundred free souvenir
cups for your upcoming (D) event.

A=> am

8.I’d be (A) glad to offer you a 50% discount of electrical devices to making up for (B) this inconvenience.
Thank you for bringing (C) this problem to (D) our attention.

B=> make up for

9.“I could (A) not withdraw cash from (B) the ATM yesterday.”- “First of all, I’m sorry about that. What’s
(C) a difficult situation this puts (D) you in!”

C => What
10.“I apologize (A) for this inconvenience (B). Do you mind if I (C) just went (D) over that again?

D => go

1. What information does the woman need?  => services for hotel
2. How old are facilities of the hotel? => about ten years old
3. How many hotels are there in the hotel chain?  => 11
4. What is the nearest place that Elena can find Sergio? => italy
5. When does the trip to Switzerland begin? => the 30 th of january

6. I was wondering whether I can recieve a discount on occasion of Woman’s day

7. Would you mind telling me when you will deliver the package for me?
8. I would like to know when Iphone 8 is going to be launched in the retail stores
9. Would you mind telling me how I will receive a refund for this faulty treadmill?
10. Do you have any ideas when the parcel will be dispatched to my company?
1. We apologize for the delay in delivering the cabinets.
2. There has been a problem at our supplier’s factory.
3. If this solution does not meet your need, then I can suggest a $50 voucher as an alternative.
4. I would be glad to offer you sincere apology to make up for this inconvenience.
5. Do not hesitate to ring again if there are any more problems.
6. Please accept our sincerest apology for any trouble we have caused you.
7. Maria was wondering if the shipper sent her the wrong product yesterday evening.
8. Could you tell me what time you will deliver the parcel?
9. Josep would like to know how to make a hotel reservation before he travels to Japan.
10. I apologized to the customer because I’m afraid there was some sort of mix-up.
11. Jenifer phoned the shipper because it seems that the order was not handled promptly.
12. Would you mind telling me when I get the replacement for the wrong product?

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