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Lớp Ngoại ngữ Thầy Phú


Câu điều kiện diễn tả ý "nếu… thì…". Câu điều kiện có thể nói về các tình huống có thật (sự thật hiển
nhiên, hành động thường xuyên diễn ra, …), và các tình huống không có thật (tưởng tượng hoặc không
thể xảy ra). Câu điều kiện có 2 mệnh đề: mệnh đề if và mệnh đề chính (mệnh đề kết quả)

Tổng quan về câu điều kiện:

Tình huống Công thức Ví dụ
Có thật trong If + S + V(s/es) (HTĐ), S + will / can / may + Vbare / If I have enough time, I
hiện tại / tương lai câu mệnh lệnh (will) watch TV tonight.
Không có thật trong If + S + V2/ed (QKĐ), S + would / could + Vbare If I had enough time, I
hiện tại / tương lai (be → were) would watch TV now.
If I had had enough
Không có thật If + S + had V3/ed (QKHT), S + would have / could
time, I would have
trong quá khứ have + V3/ed
watched TV yesterday.


Câu điều kiện loại 1 diễn tả điều kiện (sự vật / sự việc, …) có thật trong hiện tại hoặc tương lai
Công thức: If + S + HTĐ, S + HTĐ / will Vbare / modal + Vbare / câu mệnh lệnh
Trong câu điều kiện loại 1, ta dùng thì Hiện
If I don't eat breakfast, I always get hungry during class.
tại đơn ở mệnh đề if
Ở mệnh đề chính, động từ có thể ở thể:
Hiện tại đơn
If I eat breakfast, I don't get hungry during class.
(diễn tả thói quen, tình huống)
Tương lai đơn If I don't eat breakfast tomorrow morning,
(diễn tả sự việc / tình huống trong tương lai) I will get hungry during class.
Hiện tại đơn hoặc Tương lai đơn Water freezes if the temperature reaches 0OC.
(diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên) Water will freezes if the temperature reaches 0OC.
If it rains, we should stay home.
Có thêm modal verb
If it rains, I might decide to stay home.
(should, might, can)
If it rains, we can't go.
Mệnh đề chính có thể là câu mệnh lệnh If anyone calls, please take a message.
Lưu ý: Đôi khi trong mệnh đề if có thể có
should, diễn tả khả năng xảy ra thấp hơn, If anyone should call, please take a message.
nhưng về mặt ý nghĩa vẫn như nhau.

Lớp Ngoại ngữ Thầy Phú


Câu điều kiện loại 2 diễn tả điều kiện (sự vật / sự việc, …) KHÔNG có thật trong hiện tại / tương lai
Công thức: If + S + QKĐ (be → were), S + would / could + Vbare
Thực tế: Actually, I don't teach this class. If I taught this class, I wouldn't give tests.
(Thực ra, tôi không dạy lớp này.) (Nếu tôi dạy lớp này, tôi sẽ không cho bài kiểm tra.)
Trong câu điều kiện loại 2, động từ to be ta dùng If he were here right now, he would help us.
WERE cho tất cả mọi ngôi (thực tế: Actually, he's not here right now.)
If I had enough money, I would buy a car.
Would diễn tả mong muốn / kết quả đoán trước
(Nếu tôi có đủ tiền, tôi sẽ mua một chiếc xe.)
If I had enough money, I could buy a car.
Could diễn tả các sự lựa chọn
(Nếu tôi có đủ tiền, tôi có thể sẽ mua một chiếc xe.)


Câu điều kiện loại 3 diễn tả điều kiện (sự vật / sự việc, …) KHÔNG có thật trong QUÁ KHỨ
Công thức: If + S + had + V3/ed (QKHT), S + would have / could have + V3/ed
Thực tế: Actually, you didn't tell me about it. If you had told me about it, I would have helped you.
(Thực ra, bạn không kể cho tôi về nó.) (Nếu bạn đã kể cho tôi về nó, thì tôi đã giúp bạn rồi.)
Thực tế: Actually, they didn't studied. If they had studied, they would have passed the exam.
(Thực ra, bọn họ không học bài.) (Nếu bọn họ học bài, thì bọn họ đã vượt qua bài KT.)
If I had had enough money, I would have bought a car.
Would diễn tả mong muốn / kết quả đoán trước
(Nếu tôi có đủ tiền, tôi đã mua một chiếc xe.)
If I had had enough money, I could have bought a car.
Could diễn tả các sự lựa chọn
(Nếu tôi có đủ tiền, tôi có thể đã mua một chiếc xe.)


Unless I study harder, I will disappoint my parents.
Unless = if … not: nếu không
= If I don't study harder, I will disappoint my parents.
But for = Without + N: Nếu không
*But for + N, S + would / could + Vbare But for your help, I would fail the test.
→ If it weren’t for + N, S + would/could + → If you didn't help me, I would fail the test.
Vbare (If loại 2) → If it weren't for your help, I would fail the test.
But for your support, she would have given up.
*But for + N, S + would/could + have + V3/ed → If it hadn’t been for your support, she would have
→ If it hadn’t been for + N, S + would/could + given up.
have + V3/ed (If loại 3) → If you hadn’t supported her, she would have given
Otherwise = Or else: Kẻo không, nếu không thì Supposing that, supposed that: giả sử là
Provided that, providing that, as long as, so long as:
In case: Phòng khi
miễn là

Lớp Ngoại ngữ Thầy Phú


It is raining right now, so I won't go out.
→ If it weren't raining right now, I would go out.
Nếu câu gốc là thì tiếp diễn
→ Câu if là thì tiếp diễn tương ứng It was raining yesterday afternoon, so I didn't go out.
→ If it hadn't been raining yesterday afternoon, I would
have gone out.
Trong câu gốc có thể vừa có thì hiện tại I didn't eat breakfast a few hours ago, so I am hungry now.
và quá khứ QK HT
→ Câu điều kiện làm loại 2 / 3 tương ứng → If I had eaten (if loại 3) breakfast a few hours ago, I
(Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp) wouldn't be (if loại 2) hungry now.


1. Vegetarians don't eat meat.
→ If you ________________________________________________________________________
2. People who live in a cold country don't like hot weather.
→ If you ________________________________________________________________________
3. David always spends all of his money.
→ If David has ___________________________________________________________________
4. Unless you study, you won't get good grades.
→ If you ________________________________________________________________________
5. He will kill you, so don't go inside.
→ If you ________________________________________________________________________
6. I will buy you a ticket because you don't have one.
→ If you need ____________________________________________________________________
7. He has to go now. Otherwise, he will be late.
→ If he _________________________________________________________________________
8. Alice may miss this train. But she can get the next one.
→ If Alice ______________________________________________________________________
9. I have a toothache, so I will visit the dentist's.
→ If I have ______________________________________________________________________
10. Unless you exercise a lot, you won't get better at it.
→ If you exercise _________________________________________________________________
1. She cannot cook because she feels very tired today.
→ If she ________________________________________________________________________
2. You cannot understand me because you are a rich man.
→ If you ________________________________________________________________________
3. Tim drinks too much alcohol every day, that’s why he is hospitalized for treatment.
→ If Tim _______________________________________________________________________
4. Kate likes K-pop music, so she spends the money to buy tickets for the concert.
→ If Kate _______________________________________________________________________
5. But for the bad weather, I will go out.
→ If the weather __________________________________________________________________
6. My boss is angry because he's stressed
→ If my boss ____________________________________________________________________

Lớp Ngoại ngữ Thầy Phú

7. I’m not going to buy an iPhone 14 because it’s too expensive.

→ If the iPhone 14 ________________________________________________________________
8. The weather is getting colder, I can’t get up in time.
→ If the weather __________________________________________________________________
9. They don’t tell their mother the truth because she will be sad.
→ If they _______________________________________________________________________
10. I don’t know his address so I can’t send him the wedding invitation.
→ If I __________________________________________________________________________
11. I can’t go to the movies tonight because I have deadlines to meet.
→ If I___________________________________________________________________________
12. Mark is ill, he can’t go skiing with Steve.
→ If Mark ______________________________________________________________________
13. I don't have a pen, so I can't lend it to you.
→ If I __________________________________________________________________________
14. She's shy because she's not a good cook.
→ If she ________________________________________________________________________
1. Peppy didn't have enough meat, so she couldn't cook dinner.
→ If Peppy ______________________________________________________________________
2. I didn't visit my boss because I didn't know she was in the hospital.
→ If I __________________________________________________________________________
3. He got fired because he was too lazy.
→ If he _________________________________________________________________________
4. The schoolchildren sowed some seeds, but they forgot to water them so they didn’t grow.
→ If the schoolchildren ____________________________________________________________
5. He didn't go to a doctor, so the cut on his hand was infected.
→ If he _________________________________________________________________________
6. Because the firefighters were near, the fire didn't spread quickly.
→ If the firefighters _______________________________________________________________
7. But for your negligence, we would have gotten better scores.
→ If you ________________________________________________________________________
→ If it __________________________________________________________________________
8. I stepped on the brakes. Otherwise, I would've hit the little girl.
→ If I __________________________________________________________________________
9. Yesterday was so hot. I wasn't having a good time.
→ If yesterday ___________________________________________________________________
10. She didn't know his email address, so she couldn't give him the information.
→ If she ________________________________________________________________________
1. Rita is exhausted today because she didn’t get any sleep last night.
→ If Rita _______________________________________________________________________
2. I didn’t eat dinner with everyone, so I feel very hungry now.
→ If I __________________________________________________________________________
3. Jack not a good person. He stole his friend's pen yesterday.
→ If Jack _______________________________________________________________________
4. Mary is tired because she slept late last night.
→ If Mary ______________________________________________________________________
5. They went to the beach last year so they don't want to visit it again this year.
→ If they _______________________________________________________________________
6. He isn't tall because he didn't have enough food to eat when he was a child.
→ If he _________________________________________________________________________

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