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If a matrix R satisfies RT R=I , then

a) show that det(R) = ±1

b) Show that det(R) = ±1 if we restrict ourselves to right-handed coordinate systems.


a. Với 2 ma trận A và B ta có
det(AT) = det(A)
det(AB) = det(A).det(B)
Áp dụng công thức trên, ta có
det(RTR) = det(RT).det(R) = det(R).det(R) = [det(R)]2 = det(I) = 1
 det(R) = ±1
b. For a right-handed coordinante system, r1 x r2 = r3.
 r12r23 – r13r22 = r31
-r11r23 + r13r21 = r32
r11r22 – r12r21 = r33
R là ma trận bậc 3

[ ]
r 11 r 12 r 13
det ( R )=det r 21 r 22 r 23 ¿ r 31 ( r 12 r 23−r 13 r 22 )−r 32 (r 11 r 2 3−r 13 r 2 1) +
r 31 r 32 r 33

r 33 (r 11 r 22−r 21 r 12)
= r 31 .r 31 +r 32 . r 32 +r 33 .r 33
¿‖r 3‖ =1

R=R y ,ϑ R x , φ Rz ,θ

20. Show by direct calculation that Rk,θ given by Equation (2.46) is equal to R given by
Equation (2.51) if θ and k are given by Equations (2.52) and (2.53), respectively.


Từ (2.46) ta có

(2.52) θ=120°=

Thay số ta được


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