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Đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS Writing ngày

02.11.2019 (Task 1: Line graph)

Task 1
The chart below shows the amount of oil produced and consumed in China between 1982 and

Answer 1 : Outline
 Grammar: “oil” là danh từ không đếm được. Chúng ta có thể dùng “the amount of oil” hoặc “the
number of (oil) barrels” đều đúng.
 Overview: Chúng ta cần nêu được những đặc điểm chính trong đồ thị.
o (1) Trend (xu hướng): cả “consumption” và “production” đều tăng
o (2) Comparison (so sánh): “consumption” tăng nhanh hơn “production” và vượt lên từ
khoảng năm 1994.
 Body: Chúng ta cần so sánh sự thay đổi qua các mốc thời gian quan trọng
o 1982 (bắt đầu), 1990 (”consumption” bắt đầu tăng mạnh), 1994 (“consumption” vượt
“production”), 2006 (kết thúc)

Answer 1 : IELTS Champion’s model answer (153 words, Band 8.0+)

The line graph compares the daily oil production and consumption balance in China from 1982 to
Overall, during this period, the demand for oil had risen considerably faster than its supply, and oil
consumption had outstripped oil production since around 1994.
In 1982, China produced approximately 2 million barrels each day, slightly more than the amount of
oil consumed. The country had subsequently enjoyed a growing oil surplus until 1990 when
its production capacity reached 3 million barrels, 1 million more than the consumption volume.
However, the next three years saw this surplus gradually narrowing, and in around 1994, the daily
amounts of oil produced and used were equal at roughly 3.1 million barrels. In the next 12 years,
while oil consumption skyrocketed twofold to about 6.2 million barrels in 2006, oil production grew
much more slowly to only around 3.5 million barrels, which could only satisfy nearly half of the

Answer 1 : Vocabulary highlights

 production and consumption balance (phr) = cán cân sản xuất và tiêu thụ
 demand and supply (phr) = nguồn cung và nhu cầu
 subsequently (adv) = sau đó
 surplus (n) = thặng dư >< deficit (n) = thâm hụt
 production capacity (n) = năng lực sản xuất
 twofold (adj/adv) = gấp hai lần
 satisfy the demand for sth (phr) = đáp ứng nhu cầu

Answer 2 : Outline
 Overview: Chúng ta cần nêu được những đặc điểm chính trong đồ thị.
o (1) Trend (xu hướng): cả “consumption” và “production” đều tăng
o (2) Comparison (so sánh): “consumption” tăng nhanh hơn “production” và vượt lên từ
khoảng năm 1994.
 Body: Chúng ta chia biểu đồ thành 2 thời kì chính
o (1) 1982 – 1990: “consumption” thấp hơn “production”
o (2) 1994 – 2006: “consumption” dần vượt xa “production”

Answer 2 : IELTS Champion’s model answer (180 words, Band 8.0+)

The line chart compares the oil consumption and production rates in China from 1982 to 2006.
Overall, during the 25-year period, China witnessed general increases in both demand and
supply of oil, albeit at different rates. As a result, its level of consumption had far exceeded its
production rate since 1994.
In 1982, China consumed approximately 1.8 million oil barrels per day, which was slightly below
its production capacity at around 2 million barrels. In the next eight years, the level of consumption
saw minimal growth, and reached 2 million barrels in 1990. The pattern was slightly different for
the oil production rate which rose by almost 50% to 3 million barrels in 1986 before stalling.
Since 1990, the amount of oil used in China skyrocketed solidly, reaching a record level of more
than 6 million barrels per day in 2006, three times as high as its initial figure. In comparison to
the rising demand, oil supply clearly fell behind with the difference rapidly widening from less than
0.5 million barrels in 1994 to about 3 million barrels in 2006.

Answer 2 : Vocabulary highlights

 oil consumption and production rates (phr) = tốc độ tiêu thụ và sản xuất
 witness (v) = chứng kiến
 albeit (adv) = mặc dù
 minimal growth (phr) = tăng trưởng không đáng kể
 pattern (n) = quy luật
 stall (v) = chững lại
 skyrocket solidly (phr) = tăng nhanh và liên tục
 a record level (phr) = mức kỉ lục

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