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OGL 343

Zoe Brodsky
Maggie Magiera
Rene Garcia
Matt Pietrowski
Jeff Regnell
Keith Hidenfelter

Team Charter

1. Include the goal and mission statement for your team (10 points).

weViro Mission Statement

Providing a network for communities to serve as a platform for environmental concerns, reducing
the impact on the ecological footprint of our communities.

Our Goal

weViro’s goal is to provide and share outreach programs to ensure that our country’s natural
resources are cared for and protected for future generations. By creating engagement and working
with local governments, we can take action to protect and care for the environment around us. By
making and supporting these clean-up groups, we can each do our part to care for our local
treasures. With our shared values of collaboration, integrity, and compassion, we can grow
together for a brighter tomorrow.

Through effective communication, diligent planning, and a shared commitment to excellence, we

will overcome challenges, adapt to evolving circumstances, and deliver a project that showcases
our collective capabilities and contributes to our organization's and community's success. The
values of teamwork, innovation, accountability, and integrity will guide us on this journey,
ensuring success.

2. Include bullet-points regarding duties or tasks for each team member and what they will
contribute in the Final Team Project.


● Team: Contribute and edit the shared document to ensure a complete synopsis.
● Maggie: Defining the public campaign to gain awareness.
● Zoe: Defining the name and background of the company.
● Jeff: Outlining how our team will help the cause.
● Matt: Providing a synopsis of what general subject area our team has decided to address
as part of our campaign (environment) as well as the specific issue.
● Keith: Detailing the type of organization our team decided to be (non-profit).
● Rene: Upload the synopsis as a docx or pdf file: October 5th, 2023.


● Team: Contribute and edit the shared powerpoint to add individual slides and fill out the
shared work cited.
● Maggie: Slides 3 and 7, define how weViro will help the environmental cause.
● Zoe: Slides 1, 2, and 7, Public Awareness Campaign. Creative/Organizational alignment
of PowerPoint.
● Jeff: Slides 3 and 7, define how weViro will help the environmental cause.
● Matt: Slides 2 and 7, What is the issue your organization is concerned with
● Keith: Slides 5 and 7, campaign motto or advertising slogan.
● Rene: Slides 6 and 7, define the target audience.

3. Include some important milestones (i.e. specific due dates) that your team sets for itself of
when certain elements of the project need to be completed prior to the submission date (10

1: Kickoff Due: 9/3/2023

The initial team meeting was held on 9/2/2023, and we concluded that we would be going with
Zoe's great idea in the Environmental direction by creating an app and linked website to connect
and create environmental cleanup groups.

2: Planning Due: 9/16/2023.

Meet with the Team via Zoom to divide up responsibilities.

3: Synopsis Due: 09/29/2023

Develop a synopsis, ensuring it is at least 500 words and includes all the required information.

4: PowerPoint Due: 09/29/2023

Develop PowerPoint.

5: Works Cited Due: 09/29/2023

Create the works cited slid

6: Final Meeting Due: 09/30/2023

Conduct a meeting to review and ensure project expectations are met.

7: Submission Due: 09/30/2023

Submit the final project.

4. What ground rules and norms of behavior will your team set to promote the success of this
team project? Please discuss at least 3 norms of behavior (10 points).

Our team will uphold a culture of open and candid communication throughout the project. We
encourage all members to confidently express their thoughts, address concerns, and provide
updates on progress. With open and honest communication, we will have a better foundation to
work from and can understand the bandwidth of each member. This norm fosters transparency,
minimizes potential misunderstandings, and keeps everyone well-informed about project

Adaptability norms. Team members will be adaptable and flexible, remaining open to change and
adopting new ideas, strategies, and various requirements as the project progresses. Flexibility
allows team members to collaborate in real-time despite time zone differences. Our team will be
adaptable and react swiftly to changing circumstances, urgent tasks, or sudden project
requirements, ensuring a timely response.

Altruistic norms are individual voluntary actions that benefit each Phoenix team member. We
place a strong emphasis on individual accountability and responsibility within our team. Each
team member is expected to take ownership of their assigned tasks and adhere to agreed-upon
deadlines. Our integrity guides us to perform our best both on our team and as individuals. This
norm underscores the importance of personal responsibility in preventing delays and ensuring
that every team member contributes meaningfully to the project's success.

Emotionally intelligent norms. Our team is committed to valuing and respecting our group's wide
array of viewpoints and backgrounds. Acknowledging and cherishing the distinctive perspectives
and experiences of our team members can enhance our capacity for imaginative problem-solving
and the development of innovative solutions. We strive to show compassion to all group members
to foster the best teamwork possible. With collaboration and respect, we can work more
efficiently together. This norm nurtures an inclusive and considerate team environment where
each member feels acknowledged and esteemed.

The roles, responsibilities, and operating rules indicated in this charter will be used as the criteria
to evaluate each team member's performance upon completion of the project, summarized as:
demonstrated timely communication, completed individual and team tasks, demonstrated a sense
of urgency with milestone due dates, and contributed to supporting a positive team dynamic.

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