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The Animals

Гаєнко Олена Вікторівна,

вчитель англійської мови,
Канівської загальноосвітньої
школи І-ІІІ ступенів №3
Канівської міської ради
Черкаської області
Wild Animals
Domestic Animals
Farm Animals
Zoo Animals

a wolf a fox a squirrel a hare a bear

a tiger a deer a hedgehog a lizard a snake

a frog a crocodile a hippo a rhinoceros a giraffe


a pet a hamster chinchilla

a rabbit a parrot fish

a rat
This is
This is duck.
duck. Is
Is aa domestic
domestic bird?
How many
How many ducks
ducks do
do you
you see
see in
in the
the picture?

a goose (geese) a turkey a duck a hen

a chicken a duckling a gosling a cock

a tooth (teeth) ears legs a face

eyes a nose cheeks a mouth

a back a body a tail paws

fur - хутро wings – крила fluffy- пухнастий

claws - кігті a trunk- хобот sharp - гострий

Name the babies

a kitten a puppy a calf

a kid a foal a piglet

a lamb
Match images on the left with their corresponding
images on the right
Find, named and count the animals
Match the animal and its name
Write down the words.
Raeb gofr lurtet
Tac niol flow
Ogd ehra atgo
tepehlan kenmyo erabz
fxo dorilceco riget
usoem ipg maecl
erde ribd sihf
Look at the pictures and the letters. Write the words.

Add one and the same letters to each word.
came... ...ion ca… …iger
bir... ...eer turtle… …agle
fis... ...are fro… ….oat
wol... ...ox mous… …lephant
Feel in the gaps with ‘a’ or ‘an’.

Hello, Znayka!
I have got __ cat. Its name is __ Pussy. It is __
fluffy cat. It likes to sit on __ window-sill. We
are at __ home. I don`t go to __ school.
Have you got a cat or a dog?

Read the text.
Список використаних джерел
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• 1.
• 2.

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