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1. Job
 Job >< Work
Ex: His work involves helping students to find temporary employment during their summer
 Work = activity = làm cái gì trong nghề của mình
 Job = nghề
 Situation
Ex: She often reads newspapers and looks through the situations vacant columns everyday, but
up to now she has not found any job yet.
 Situations which are vacant  Situations vacant
 Situation = job
 Job >< Occupation
Ex: Please write your name, address and occupation.
 Occupation  dùng trong loại giấy tờ, văn bản.  vẫn cần phải có kĩ năng.
 Profession
 Đòi hỏi trình độ chuyên môn
 Employment
Ex: His work involves helping students to find temporary employment during their summer
 Employment = condition of having a job
 Career
 Sự nghiệp = quá trình/giai đoạn làm việc
LÚC THI VÀ LÀM BÀI TẬP: Đề sẽ không kêu phân biệt từng từ mà đề sẽ hỏi về collocations
của các từ đó.
 Career
 Career development/advancement/progression.
 Build a career = xây dựng sự nghiệp.
Pursue a career = theo đuổi sự nghiệp = chưa thật sự đã là một nghề.
 Make a career = theo nghề = đã là một nghề gì đó và quyết tâm làm nghề đó.
Ex: It is not easy to make a career in journalism
 Careers advice/guidance/information/officer/adviser = liên quan đến hướng nghiệp.
 Work
 Voluntary work – Eng/volunteer work – America
 Someone’s daily work
 The work environment
 In work = in employment : đang có công việc
 At work: đang trong giờ làm việc.
Ex: It is important to have a pleasant work environment.
 Work practices
 Backbreaking work (=very tiring)
Hard/heavy/light work
Arduous work (needing lots of effort)
 Tough work = Physically difficult (khó về mặt thể chất)
 Set to/ get (down) to work = start work
 Undertake/take on/assume (voluntary) work: đảm nhiệm công việc
 Employment
 In employment
 Give/offer sb employment
 Get/ find employment
 Job
 On the job = at work.
 A dead-end job: lương rất thấp và không có cơ hội thăng tiến (no change of progression)
 Job satisfaction/job security/job losses/job cuts.
 Demanding job: công việc đòi hỏi độ khó về mặt tinh thần, đầu óc.
2. Vacancy (n)
Vacant (a)
 Vacancy
 Have a vancancy for... : đang tuyển dụng, vị trí nào đó
 Fill a vacancy: tìm người vào vị trí nào đó / phù hợp với vị trí đó.
 Unfilled vacancy: không người nào phù hợp hết.
 Vacant
 (the post = position OR job) fall vacant : công việc đó đang tuyển người.
Ex: The position fell ( = became) vacant when Rodman was promoted.
 Vacant position = vancancy: vị trí còn trống.
3. +Blue-collar = need strengths/physical work
+White-collar = in a bank/an office
+Pink-collar = a very low-paid job, in an office or restaurant; often with females.
+Skilled: trình độ tay nghề, kĩ năng cao
+Semi-skilled: không đòi hỏi trình độ quá cao, vẫn có bằng cấp (vd: những công dân làm
trong dây chuyền sản xuất)
+Unskilled – công việc không cần trình độ học vấn.
(Skilled: quá trình tập luyện đã có >< Skillful: tự nhiên đã có)
4. +Adverse working conditions: làm một sự việc trở nên khó / không thuận lợi.
+Work unsocial hours = Work anti-social hours: làm việc lúc mọi người đang nghỉ.
+RSI = repetitive strain injury : loại chấn thương do các hoạt động công việc lặp đi lặp lại.
+Sick building syndrome: bệnh chóng mặt (chủ yếu trong văn phòng) – hội chứng nhà kín.
5. + a worthwhile job: công việc ổn định, đáp ứng đủ các điều kiện tốt nhất khi làm việc.
+ a steady / stable job: công việc ổn định, lâu dài.
+Job security: the state of having a job that is secure and from which one is unlikely to be
+Welfare: tiền trợ cấp.
+Perk: đãi ngộ/quyền lợi.
+Incentive scheme: kế hoạch khuyến khích/động viên.
+Pension scheme: kế hoạch về quyền lợi hưu trí (người về hưu).
+Promotion: thăng chức.
+Rewards and benefits: phần thưởng và lợi ích.
+Sickness benefits: quyền lợi khi gặp vấn đề về sức khỏe.
+Salary: a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee, usually paid
directy into his or her bank account every month.
+Wage: a particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee,
especially one who does work that needs physical skills or strength, rather than a job
needing a college education.
+Pension: lương hưu.
+Flexible working hours.
“Some people live to work and others work to live. In most cases, this depends on the job they
have and the conditions under which they are employed.”. In your opinion, what are the elements
that make a job worthwhile?
In answering this question, I would like to look first at the elements that combine to make a
job undesirable. By avoiding such factors, potential (1) employees are more likely to find a job
that is more worthwhile, and by doing so, hope to achieve happiness in their work.
First of all, it doesn’t matter if you are an (2) unskilled worker cleaning the floor, a (3) semi-
skilled (4) blue-collar worker on a production line in one of the manufacturing industries, or a (5)
white-collar worker in a bank, shop, or one of the other service industries if you lack (6) job
security, with the knowledge that you might lose your job at any time, you will never feel happy.
Everybody would like a (9) steady job in which he or she is guaranteed work. Nowdays,
however, companies have a high turnover of staff, (10) hiring new staff and (11) firing others on a
weekly basis. Such companies are not popular with their workers. The same can be said of a job in
which you are put under a lot of (12) stress/pressure and worry, a job which is so (13)
demanding that it takes over your life, a job where you work unsocial hours and so never get to
see your family or friends, or a physical job in which you do the same thing everyday and end up
with the industrial disease that is always in the papers nowadays – (15) RSI.
With all these negative factors, it would be difficult to believe that there are any elements
that make a job worthwhile. Money is, of course, the prime motivator, and everybody wants a
good (16) salary. But of course that is not all. The chance of (17) promotion, of being given a
better position in a company, is a motivating factor. Likewise, (18) perks such as a free lunch or a
company car, an (19) incentive scheme to make you work hard such as a regular (20) increment /
raise above the rate of inflation, (21) sickness benefit in case you fall in., and a company (22)
pension scheme so that you have some money when you retire all combine to make a job
worthwhile. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to find all of these. There is, however, an
alternative. Forget the office and the factory floor and become (23) self-employed instead. When
you work for yourself, your future may not be all that secure. However, at least you will be happy.

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