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‫التدرجات السنوية‬

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
‫مديرية التعليم الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي‬ ‫المفتشية العامة للتربية الوطنية‬

‫التد ّرجات السنوية‬

‫المادة‪ :‬لغة إنجليزية‬
‫المستوى‪ :‬السنة الثالثة ثانوي‬
‫الشعب ‪:‬علوم تجريبية‪/‬رياضيات‪/‬تقني رياضي‪/‬تسيير و اقتصاد‬

‫سبتمبر ‪2222‬‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

‫تع ّد التدرجات الس نوية أداة بيداغوجية لتنظمي وضبط معلية بناء املوارد الرضورية وارساهئا وادماهجا وتقوميها من أجل تنصيب الكفاءات‬
‫املس هتدفة يف املناجه التعلميية مع حتديد س بل ومعايري التقومي وطرق املعاجلة‪.‬‬
‫وحىت تس تجيب هذه التدرجات الس نوية خملتلف املس تجدات التنظميية البيداغوجية‪ ،‬فانه يتوجب مراجعهتا وحتييهنا عند الاقتضاء‪.‬‬
‫مضن هذا الس ياق‪ ،‬ويف اطار التحضري للمومس ادلرايس ‪ 2222‬ــ ‪َ ،2222‬وسعيا من وزارة الرتبية الوطنية لضامن جودة التّعلمي وحتسني‬
‫الداء الرتبوي البيداغويج‪،‬واثر اقرار العودة اىل تنظمي المتدرس العادي بعد التنظمي الاس تثنايئ اذلي فرضته الوضاع الصحية جراء وابء‬
‫مس بالدان عىل غرار بدلان العامل‪ ،‬تضع املفتش ية العامة للرتبية الوطنية ابلتنس يق مع مديرية التعلمي الثانوي العام‬ ‫كوفيد ‪ 91‬اذلي ّ‬
‫للس ندات املرجعية املعمتدة‪ ،‬واملعمول هبا يف‬
‫والتكنولويج‪ ،‬بني أيدي املامرسني الرتبويني التدرجات الس نوية للتعلامت كداة معل ممكّةل ّ‬
‫امليدان يف مرحةل التعلمي الثانوي العام والتكنولويج‪ ،‬بغرض تيسري قراءة املهناج وفهمه وتنفيذه‪ ،‬وتوحيد تناول مضامينه كام هو منصوص‬
‫وجتس يدا لهذه املعطيات‪ ،‬نطلب من الساتذة قراءة وفهم مبدأ هذه التدرجات الس نوية من أجل وضعها حزي التنفيذ‪ ،‬كام نطلب من‬
‫الس يدات والسادة املفتشني التدخّل ابس مترار ملرافقة الساتذة لتعديل أو تكييف النشطة اليت يروهنا مناس بة وفق ما تقتضيه الكفاءة‬
‫املس هتدفة‪.‬‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Level: Secondary Education: Year Three (SE3)

Streams: Common streams
Time devoted: 3 Hours a week

At the end of SE3, the learner will be able to produce oral /written messages/texts of descriptive, narrative,
argumentative, expository and prescriptive types of about 20 lines, using written or oral support.

Unit Theme / Topic Time

1. Ill-Gotten Gains Never Prosper Ethics in Business 7weeks / 21hours
2. Safety First Advertising, Consumers and Safety 7weeks / 21hours
3. It’s a Giant Leap for Mankind Astronomy and the Solar System 7 weeks / 21 hours
4. We are a Family Feelings and Emotions 5weeks / 15hours

3 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Methodological note
The educational curricula and their accompanying documents state in their preambles important pedagogical
orientations related to their implementation. However, the adoption by the Ministry of time-bound linear annual
distributions of the programs and the field practices showed their limits. This led to the necessity to provide an
alternative for effective learning by the implementation of learning progressions.
Unlike the yearly distributions, which impose the date, time, the number of sessions in order to respond to the desire
to unify content, the pace of programs’ achievement, deadlines for official exams, the learning progressions focus
on the syllabus implementation methods. The latter take into account the learners’ learning pace, their abilities and
learning autonomy.
In these progressions, the pre-requisites are highlighted in order to draw teachers’ attention to the importance
of the learners’ background knowledge while preparing lessons and help them regulate their teaching.

4 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Guidelines for implementation:

- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites.
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching
Theme and Targeted Assessment and
Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Unit Competency Remediation
Students will be able to : Lexis: related to corruption, fraud and * Interpreting a picture
Ethics in - Interact *discuss and define the counterfeiting (identifying the unethical
Business orally concept of ethics in business Grammar: practice illustrated) 1- Assessment should
*express wishes * Expressing condition using: * Gap-filling ( definition of occur at regular 7
*make a public statement Provided/providing that/as long as lexical items related to fraud intervals during the weeks
- interpret about how to fight *Expressing wish and desire with and corruption sequence and at the
Unit 1: an oral / corruption “wish” , “It’s high time” *Writing a public statement end of the sequence in 21
ILL written *raise awareness about the addition to designated
*Asking for / giving advice/ warning using a spider map hours
GOTTEN message negative effects of exam periods.
using: should, ought to, had better *Answering questions on a
counterfeiting *Present simple and present text
*develop a sense of active continuous passive. about counterfeiting
PROSPER 2-After 3/4 weeks of
-produce citizenship ( the pupil as a *Expressing cause and result using: *Filling in a word map with
oral /written conscious consumer) teaching, provide
because, So, as a result, thus, words related to fraud
messages students with a
* write an opinion article consequently *Writing an opinion article
*debate on the importance of *expressing result using: situation where they
following the outlined
mobilize and
ethics in business “so+ adj +that”, “such+noun/noun procedure in the diagram reinvest what has
* identify and define the phrase+that” provided been learned in the
concept of ethics in other *Expressing obligation and necessity *Expanding notes to make a unit (oral or written).
professional contexts with must/have to speech in favour of ethics in eg: writing a policy
*speak/write about social Morphology: business
auditing in business - Forming nouns by adding suffix “- *Responding to a text on
or group work.
* write a policy statement to ty” and “ity” to adjectives social auditing and ethics in
inform potential fund - Forming opposites by adding business
contributors about an ethical prefixes: “dis-”, “il-”… * Using guidelines contained
investment fund Phonology: in a diagram and a checklist
- Pronouncing words ending in “ics”. of expanding note to write a
- stress shift . policy statement
Example: Writing a charter of ethics in business. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

5 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Guidelines for implementation:

- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites.
- At the beginning of the unit, teachers are requested to check the assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly
Theme and Targeted Assessment and
Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
unit Competency Remediation
* Lexis:
- related to adverts and holidays The tasks should be made
*explore the impact of
Advertising, - Language of persuasion. more communicative
advertising on consumers.
consumers - Interact -opposite items related to providing opportunities 1- Assessment should
and safety orally consumption and safety. for speaking. occur at regular intervals
* make hypotheses
*Grammar: during the sequence and at
about future changes
- may, might, could, can used to - Designing pie charts/ the end of the sequence in
- interpret an express hypotheses. graphs/ posters addition to designated
*raise awareness about safety
oral / written -expressions of certainty &doubt. exam periods 7weeks
and consumption in modern
message -dependent prepositions. - Writing an
Unit 2 : - present simple argumentative speech 21
Safety First
*write an expository article
- gerund 2- After 3/4 weeks of hours
-produce oral -because, since, as, because of, - Prescribing a set of rules teaching, provide
about food safety worry.
/written owing to,… - creating commercials students with a situation
messages -as a result, consequently, - Writing a dialogue on
* Write a consumer’s report where they mobilize and
therefore,… pros and cons of
-reported speech with simple tenses advertising reinvest what has been
*debate issues related to the learned in the unit (oral
effects of advertising on and modals.
people -reporting requests, orders... or written)
-expressions of concession. eg: write an article about
-conditional type 1+unless the pros and cons of
*prepare and deliver an
- Imperative advertising and state your
argumentative speech.
-excessive quantifiers (too many..) personal opinion
* interpret, react to and create *Morphology:
an advert -Forming adjectives with the suffix
* Phonology
* Write a letter of complaint
- Silent letter
Example: Making a survey on the impact of advertising on Algerian consumers. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

6 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Guidelines for implementation:

- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites.
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching
Theme and Targeted Assessment and
Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
unit Competency Remediation
- discuss the importance of *Lexis related to: dimensions, *Brainstorming
satellites for present-day size and weight 1- Assessment should occur
Astronomy societies. *Whole class discussion at regular intervals during the
and the - Interact *Grammar: sequence and at the end of
Solar System orally -Use the metric system. - making suppositions using *Information transfer the sequence in addition to
conditional type 2 OR designated exam periods 7weeks
-Make an oral presentation of a “suppose / what if” *Cohesion (reference) 21hours
- interpret an heavenly body. 2- After 3/4 weeks of
Unit 3 : oral / written - Concession: however, even *Sentence ordering using teaching, provide students
“It’s a Giant message -discover how the universe/ outer though, etc. with a situation where they
Leap for space is organized *cohesive devices to
Mankind” - expressing similarities and express:
mobilize and reinvest what
-produce oral -Compare and contrast differences using: whereas, - Cause/effect has been learned in the
/written while, like, unlike, etc - Purpose unit (oral or written)
messages - make suppositions and set - Contrast
hypotheses. -state and action verbs - Concession Eg: write a newspaper article
about the pros and cons
-make a speech in defence of an *Morphology: *Selecting relevant ideas about the huge budget
opinion. -plural form and drafting devoted to space exploration.
- Word formation
- distinguish between different *Editing
types of reasoning in * Phonology:
argumentative texts pronunciation of final “ed”

- Use deductive and concessive

reasoning to write a short article.

Project Designing an astronomy booklet (a short presentation of the history of space travel, ID cards about two major planets in our solar system, a short
Outcome imaginary dialogue with a famous astronomer). Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

7 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Guidelines for implementation:

-The items in bold refer to pre-requisites.
-At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly

Targeted Assessment and

Theme and Unit Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Competency Remediation
SWABAT: Lexis : related to the theme.
*explore the concepts of Grammar: *Listening to a
Feelings, - Interact love, happiness, friendship , * Present simple lecture about friendship and 1- Assessment should
Emotions , orally generosity ,… *Past simple, past perfect ordering the notes occur at regular intervals
Humour and during the sequence and at 5 weeks
*Enjoy/like/dislike +gerund
related topics *develop understanding of * Re-ordering paragraphs to the end of the sequence in
*I’d rather do…
- interpret the concept of humour. get a coherent public addition to designated
I’d rather do …than…
an oral / statement exam periods 15
I’d prefer …to…
Unit 4 : written *raise awareness about the hours
*Should, ought to, if I were you
message importance of emotions/ *Ordering statements as
*articles: omission before abstract
feelings for the development they occur in an interview 2- After 3/4 weeks of
nouns( love, anger…)
WE ARE A of the individual. with a humourist teaching, , provide
*Quantifiers: a lot of, a great deal
FAMILY -produce of , few, little, all of us… students with a situation
* develop understanding of *Responding to a letter where they mobilize
oral *each other, one another
the expression of feelings Morphology: (writing a letter of advice) and reinvest what has
across different cultures and
messages *forming adjectives from nouns been learned in the unit
societies. * Writing a newspaper
with: -ful , -ic, -ous (oral or written)
*forming nouns with: -ness,-ty article about feelings and
emotions Eg: write a speech to
*Forming verbs with –en promote the values of
*Self + noun / adj *comparing behaviours
and attitudes fair play, tolerance and
-Pronunciation of the final “ed”
-Silent letters
Examples: -design a webpage to establish contact with students of their age
-have a panel discussion on friendship ,love, generosity, selfishness
Project Outcome -write a play involving humour, sarcasm - write a love song/poem
-select one or two characters of friendship and love from a play/ novel/ film and write about them
-create a network of friends through the web -write an essay /a poem on the topic of “Love your country”

8 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
‫مديرية التعليم الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي‬ ‫المفتشية العامة للتربية الوطنية‬

‫التد ّرجات السنوية‬

‫المادة‪:‬لغة إنجليزية‬
‫المستوى‪ :‬السنة الثالثة ثانوي‬
‫الشعبة ‪ :‬آداب وفلسفة ‪ /‬لغات أجنبية‬

‫سبتمبر ‪2222‬‬

‫‪9‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

‫تع ّد التدرجات الس نوية أداة بيداغوجية لتنظمي وضبط معلية بناء املوارد الرضورية وارساهئا وادماهجا وتقوميها من أجل تنصيب الكفاءات املس هتدفة يف‬
‫املناجه التعلميية مع حتديد س بل ومعايري التقومي وطرق املعاجلة‪.‬‬
‫وحىت تس تجيب هذه التدرجات الس نوية خملتلف املس تجدات التنظميية البيداغوجية‪ ،‬فانه يتوجب مراجعهتا وحتييهنا عند الاقتضاء‪.‬‬
‫مضن هذا الس ياق‪ ،‬ويف اطار التحضري للمومس ادلرايس ‪ 2222‬ــ ‪َ ،2222‬وسعيا من وزارة الرتبية الوطنية لضامن جودة التّعلمي وحتسني الداء الرتبوي‬
‫البيداغويج‪ ،‬واثر اقرار العودة اىل تنظمي المتدرس العادي بعد التنظمي الاس تثنايئ اذلي فرضته الوضاع الصحية جراء وابء كوفيد ‪ 91‬اذلي ّ‬
‫مس بالدان‬
‫عىل غرار بدلان العامل‪ ،‬تضع املفتش ية العامة للرتبية الوطنية ابلتنس يق مع مديرية التعلمي الثانوي العام والتكنولويج‪ ،‬بني أيدي املامرسني الرتبويني التدرجات‬
‫للس ندات املرجعية املعمتدة‪ ،‬واملعمول هبا يف امليدان يف مرحةل التعلمي الثانوي العام والتكنولويج‪ ،‬بغرض تيسري قراءة‬ ‫الس نوية للتعلامت كداة معل ممكّةل ّ‬
‫املهناج وفهمه وتنفيذه‪ ،‬وتوحيد تناول مضامينه كام هو منصوص عليه‪.‬‬
‫وجتس يدا لهذه املعطيات‪ ،‬نطلب من الساتذة قراءة وفهم مبدأ هذه التدرجات الس نوية من أجل وضعها حزي التنفيذ‪ ،‬كام نطلب من الس يدات والسادة‬
‫املفتشني التدخّل ابس مترار ملرافقة الساتذة لتعديل أو تكييف النشطة اليت يروهنا مناس بة وفق ما تقتضيه الكفاءة املس هتدفة‪.‬‬

‫‪11‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Level: Secondary Education: Year Three (SE3)

Streams: Literature and Philosophy and Foreign Languages
Time devoted: 4 Hours a week

At the end of SE3, the learner will be able to produce oral / written messages/texts of descriptive, narrative,
argumentative, expository and prescriptive types of about 20 lines, using written or oral support.

Unit Theme / Topic Time

1. Ancient Civilizations Exploring the past 7 weeks / 28 hours
2. Ill-gotten gains never prosper Ethics in Business 7 weeks / 28 hours
3. Schools : Different and Alike Education in the world 7weeks / 28 hours
4. We are a Family Feelings and Emotions 5weeks / 20hours

11 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Methodological note
The educational curricula and their accompanying documents state in their preambles important pedagogical
orientations related to their implementation. However, the adoption by the Ministry of time-bound linear annual
distributions of the programs and the field practices showed their limits. This led to the necessity to provide an
alternative for effective learning by the implementation of learning progressions.
Unlike the yearly distributions, which impose the date, time, the number of sessions in order to respond to the desire
to unify content, the pace of programs’ achievement, deadlines for official exams, the learning progressions focus
on the syllabus implementation methods. The latter take into account the learners’ learning pace, their abilities and
learning autonomy.
In these progressions, the pre-requisites are highlighted in order to draw teachers’ attention to the importance
of the learners’ background knowledge while preparing lessons and help them regulate their teaching.

12 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Guidelines for implementation:

- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites.
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly

Themeand Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Unit Competency Remediation
Students will be able to : Lexis related to : *Reading a map to identify
EXPLORING *identify the five major *the rise and fall of civilizations (verbs) the represented ancient 1-Assessment should
THE PAST ancient civilizations * beliefs and myths. civilizations occur at regular intervals
Grammar: during the sequence and 7
*talk about the rise and fall
- Interact * Past simple / Past perfect ( time *Drawing the wheel of at the end of the weeks
of ancient civilizations
orally conjunctions ) civilizations and ordering sequence in addition to
* describe people’s past *Used to / Had to / Was/were able to … the civilizations designated exam
habits, lifestyles and *Articles: the , a , an , zero a chronologically periods. 28
Unit 1 : - interpret achievements *Quantifiers: Few/little…. hours
an oral / *Speak/write about world *Comparatives and *Gap-filling ( use of verbs
Ancient written heritage sites superlatives of quantifiers related to the rise and fall 2-After 3/4 weeks of
civilizations message *Expressing concession using: though, of civilizations) teaching, provide
*write about the challenges in spite of, but, however…
faced by modern civilization
students with a
*Filling in a spider map
* speak/write about the Morphology: situation where they
about achievements in
-produce contributions of civilizations *Forming opposites of words using mobilize and reinvest
Islamic civilization
oral to the progress of mankind prefixes “de” and “dis” what has been learned
/written -Forming words using suffixes –ic, -
*present a historical account *Completing a network tree in the unit (oral or
messages about the development of a ment, -y , -able, –ed…. written)
about the major threats to
civilization *Forming adjectives (well+ past eg: write about the
our civilization
* recite a version of ancient participle) . contributions of
beliefs and myths using civilizations to the
related vocabulary and the Phonology: growth of man
past simple tense. * Pronunciation of ‘ch’ and final “-ed”
*Stress shift (nouns/verbs)
Project The goal is to explore the rise and collapse of civilisations
Outcome Examples : -draw the wheel of civilisation
-make a timeline from the most ancient civilisations (Chinese, Sumerian, Aztek, Egyptian, etc)to the most modern ones
-display the timeline on a bulletin board

13 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Guidelines for implementation:

- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites.
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching
Theme and Targeted Assessment and
Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Unit Competency Remediation
Students will be able to : Lexis: related to corruption, fraud and * Interpreting a picture
Ethics in *discuss and define the counterfeiting (identifying the unethical
Business - Interact concept of ethics in business Grammar: practice illustrated) 1- Assessment should
orally *express wishes * Expressing condition using: * Gap-filling ( definition of occur at regular 7
*make a public statement Provided/providing that/as long as lexical items related to fraud intervals during the weeks
about how to fight *Expressing wish and desire with and corruption sequence and at the
Unit 1: - interpret corruption “wish” , “It’s high time” *Writing a public statement end of the sequence in 28
ILL an oral / *raise awareness about the addition to designated
*Asking for / giving advice/ warning using a spider map hours
GOTTEN written negative effects of exam periods.
using: should, ought to, had better *Answering questions on a
GAINS message counterfeiting *Present simple and present text
*develop a sense of active continuous passive . about counterfeiting
PROSPER 2-After 3/4 weeks of
citizenship ( the pupil as a *Expressing cause and result using: *Filling in a word map with
-produce conscious consumer) teaching, provide
because, So, as a result, thus, words related to fraud
oral /written * write an opinion article students with a
consequently *Writing an opinion article
messages *debate on the importance of *expressing result using: situation where they
following the outlined
mobilize and
ethics in business “so+ adj +that”, “such+noun/noun procedure in the diagram reinvest what has
* identify and define the phrase+that” provided been learned in the
concept of ethics in other *Expressing obligation and necessity *Expanding notes to make a unit (oral or written).
professional contexts with must/have to speech in favour of ethics in eg: writing a policy
*speak/write about social Morphology: business
auditing in business - Forming nouns by adding suffix “- *Responding to a text on
or group work.
* write a policy statement to ty” and “ity” to adjectives social auditing and ethics in
inform potential fund - Forming opposites by adding business
contributors about an ethical prefixes : “dis-”, “il-”… * Using guidelines contained
investment fund Phonology: in a diagram and a checklist
- Pronouncing words ending in “ics”. of expanding note to write a
- stress shift . policy statement
Example: Writing a charter of ethics in business. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

14 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Guidelines for implementation:

- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites.-
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching according

Theme and Targeted

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Assessment and Remediation Time
Unit Competency
SWBAT : * Lexis related to education
Education in * Discuss issues related to *Grammar: *Speaking/writing
the World: - Interact education and the choice of about one’s ideal 1- Assessment should occur at
careers. *If-conditional: types 1,2,3
Comparing orally school using a spider regular intervals during the
*speak/write about ways to *Expressing warning using “ unless”
Educational map sequence and at the end of the
systems improve our educational *Expressing desire and wish: sequence in addition to designated 7 weeks
system I wish I were/ I had * Designing a home- exam periods
- interpret
*identify the characteristics page for the lycée. 2- After 3/4 weeks of teaching, 28 hours
an oral / *Asking for and giving advice:
Unit 3 : of different educational (describing my school) provide students with a
written should, ought to, If I were you
systems situation where they mobilize
SCHOOLS *compare the different *Expressing obligation : must, have to * Writing a checklist and reinvest what has been
DIFFERENT educational systems in the *Expressing similarities and differences of recommendations learned in the unit (oral or
AND ALIKE world with: like, unlike, whereas,…. for the Baccalaureate written)
* state what educational * Comparatives. examination Eg: write an article to compare
oral /written * Paragraphing ideas
systems have in common at *Reported speech between two different
messages *making an oral
world level Morphology: educational systems in the
* write an expository article summary based on world.
*collocations with “school” and
on the causes and effects of note-taking
examination stress on
* Forming adjectives with suffixes :
*identify the techniques of “ive” and “al”
an oral summary.
*Pronouncing final “s”
The goal is to increase understanding of educational systems in the world
Project Examples :-be involved in a panel discussion
Outcome - make a survey on different systems of education in the same country (eg; USA) ; in countries from northern and southern hemispheres
-write reports comparing different systems in the world
-make “commercial” flyers on this theme

15 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬

Guidelines for implementation:

- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites.
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly
Targeted Assessment and
Theme and Unit Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Competency Remediation
Lexis : related to the theme.
- Interact SWABAT: Grammar: *Listening to a
Feelings, orally * Present simple lecture about friendship 1- Assessment should occur
Emotions , *explore the concepts of *Past simple, past perfect and ordering the notes at regular intervals during
Humour and love, happiness, *Enjoy/like/dislike +gerund the sequence and at the end 5 weeks
related topics - interpret friendship , generosity *I’d rather do… * Re-ordering paragraphs of the sequence in addition
an oral / ,… I’d rather do …than… to get a coherent public to designated exam periods
written I’d prefer …to… statement 20
Unit 4 : message *develop understanding of *Should, ought to, if I were you hours
the concept of humour. *articles: omission before abstract *Ordering statements as 2- After 3/4 weeks of
nouns( love, anger…) they occur in an interview teaching, , provide
WE ARE A -produce *raise awareness about the *Quantifiers: a lot of, a great deal of with a humourist students with a situation
FAMILY oral importance of emotions/ , few, little, some of us , where they mobilize and
feelings for the all of us … *Responding to a letter
/written reinvest what has been
development *each other, one another (writing a letter of advice)
messages learned in the unit (oral
of the individual Morphology:
*forming adjectives from nouns * Writing a newspaper
or written)
with: -ful , -ic, -ous article about feelings and Eg: write a speech to
* develop understanding of
the expression of feelings *forming nouns with: -ness,-ty emotions promote the values of fair
across different cultures *Forming verbs with –en *comparing behaviours play, tolerance and
and societies *self+noun/adj and attitudes respect.
-Pronunciation of the final “ed”
-silent letters
Examples: -design a webpage to establish contact with students of their age
-have a panel discussion on friendship ,love, generosity, selfishness
Project Outcome -write a play involving humour, sarcasm - write a love song/poem
-select one or two characters of friendship and love from a play/ novel/ film and write about them
-create a network of friends through the web -write an essay /a poem on the topic of “Love your country”

16 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

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